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CWC2-Exam 1
Dr. Armstrong--MBI-Spokane
Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards




Father of Humanism
Coined the phrase “Dark Ages”
Studied at the University of Bologna
Founded in 1088
Oldest University in the World
Father was a lawyer who made him study Law
But he loved literature (Especially Latin Lit.).
Became a terrific author and poet.
Loved tourism (per Jacob Burckhardt).
Traveled to see the Latin ruins.
He was a cultural anthropologist of sorts.
Inspired to see what classical Rome was really like
Discovered a bundle of Cicero’s letters and modeled his style after him and after Virgil.
Secreto Mayo (My Secrets).
His book which examines his faith in the form of a dialog with St. Augustine.
Quotes classical authors even more that Srcipture in this work.
Scripture is true, but not the totality of truth. This is the dividing line. The humanist understood the wealth of rationality within humans, seeking to understand general, as well as, special revelation. (For example: reason, tradition and Scripture--Anglican Theology; but Moody would emphasize special rev. more).
Humanists and philosophers for the next 200 years would refer to him as pioneering their way of doing humanist philosophy.
Lorenzo Valla
Lorenzo Valla (1407-1457)
Discovered the fraudulent Donation of Constantine.
Constantine, very near his death was struck by leprosy. Pope Sylvester I healed him. Constantine thus made a massive donation of land to the pope, about half his land.
For several hundred years, the church had turned to this document to justify the Pope’s authority over these lands.
He was the first one to overturn this Document as a fake. Though there had been suspicion of its false nature for a long time
He studied the Latin of the Document to prove that some of the Latin words did not exist at the time it was purported to have been written.
He printed a document against the Donation of Constantine in 1440s, and in 1517 (Same year as 95 Theses), it became more accepted.
Became a textual critic, amending Latin MSS.
Desiderius Erasmus
Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536)
Called the “Prince of Humanists” and “Erasmus of Rotterdam”
He was forced into the Augustinian order because of poverty
He was raised in the church, but loved the life of a student, though he eventually became a priest
Studied at University of Paris and at Deventer.
Born out of wedlock to a priest.
Attended a school in Devanter, Holland, run by the Brethren of the Common Life.
His book: Enchiridion (means “little dagger”)-also called Handbook of a Christian Knight
Luther was a spark, but not the one who laid out all the doctrines.
Printed the first edition of the Greek NT in 1516 in Basil. Served as the basis for many translations in the next few years. Edition of the Textus Receptus. This was just before: 1517--the beginning of Reformation history.
Brethren of the Common Life
Brethren of the Common Life.
Gerhard Groot (1340-1384)
Most popular preacher of his generation in the Netherlands
A Reformed Preacher.
Canon of Utrecht
Founder of the Brethern of the Common.
In this life, they didn’t take vows, but chose to stay. Not being held there
Thomas A Kempis was also bound up in this movement before he became a monk.
Devotio Moderna (Modern Devotion) Movement-came out of this movement.
It was a pursuit of a relationship with God.
A Pietist (though not Pietism) movement.
About Communion with God.
Said: if you have no appetite for the Word of God, you are spiritually sick.
3 Types of Reformers
Men like Erasmus who saw the need for reform, but remained true to the church
Men Like Luther and Calvin: “Magisterial reformers.” They didn’t break with the magistrate, remained true to the secular government. called so because they remained true to secular power.
Radical Reformers: Men who broke both with the institution of the church and the government. Like the Anabaptists.
Early Medieval Universities
University of Bologna-1088-
1st University
Place where it was
Amonitio Generalis in 789--edict every monastery and cathedral should have a school.
The University was different than those cathedral schools. “Universitas” Came to mean the whole guild, whole body, community. In antiquity it meant: community. So it was a community or gild of learners.
University of Paris, 2nd oldest-1150
University of Oxford-1167-3rd oldest.
In 1166, Henry II banned students from studying in Paris, so by 1167, University of Oxford was in place.
They claim to be the oldest university, though very few believe them.
1409-1506- no less than 12 universities came into being. (e.g. U of Prague, U of Vienna, U of Whittenburg, etc.)
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