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Civilisation Américaine
Analysis of text-questions
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards




Instructions for the Virginia Company-1)What do you know about the context?
Virginia Colony: 1rst permanent British Colony on the American Continent. The people who settled the VA Colony: VA Company of London. (the king granted the company a charter)
Instructions for the Virginia Company-2)Who is <>/ the addressee
Settlers (people who go to VA).
Instructions for the Virginia Company-3)Who could be the author (<>)?
He has the knowledge, the power for writing these instructions. Specialists, people who know what should be done. The leaders of VA Company of LONDON. Author sugested: RICHARD HACKLUYT.
Instructions for the Virginia Company-4)What is the purpose of the instructions?
To have rules – regulating everybody’s actions. - Necessity of finding the most fertile place: So potential rivalities + necessity of finding a very safe place. in those years there was a new continent to be discovered, and for this reason many countries wanted new lands. As the King was the most important character in all of this procedure of colony, it was necessary for him to demand someone to write these instructions for the people; for they had to do what was needed to be done.
Instructions for the Virginia Company-5)Which difficulties are foreseen?
in that time there were so many enemies it was essential for the settlers to find the most fertile place, that was the only way they could be safe and could have the potential to fight any rivals. -Potential conflicts with : French, Spaniard, Natives = Battle for the land.
Treaty with the Indians- 1)Research all the names (places and people).
Wampanoag Indians = Samoset, Squanto, Massasoit (Chief, Sachem), Dermer. The Plymouth settlers "Pilgrims"= William BRADFORD was a leader and their chief; Thomas Hunt who sold Squanto as a slave to Spain.
Introduction: Instructions for the Virginia Company
1° Nature of the Document
2° Author
3° Date + Context
4° Addressee
5° Purpose of the Text (problématique) : Elément le plus important de l’introduction.
6° Short summary of the text, using your own words
Nature of the Document: Orders, Instructions, Piece of advice

Author: The Leaders of the VA Company of London. It is aid to be Richard HACKLUYT. It had to be someone with power or who knew what should be done

Date and Context: 1606, The context of this text is comprehensible, because in those years there was a new continent to be discovered, and for this reason many countries wanted new lands. As the King was the most important character in all of this procedure of colony, it was necessary for him to demand someone to write these instructions for the people; for they had to do what was needed to be done. In this document, it is explained why these orders are imperative; for in that time there were so many enemies it was essential for the settlers to find the most fertile place, that was the only way they could be safe and could have the potential to fight any rivals.

Adressee: Future Settlers of VA

Purpose of the text: They must settle near a river: Move fast in case of conflicts Rather far from the sea.
-Potential conflicts with : French, Spaniard, Natives = Battle for the land

Summary: The text mentions other settlers who are in the new continent, and they should protect themselves from the natives and other enemies. What was very clear in these instructions was the way they were supposed to settle in Virginia, and the most important fact was how no matter what they should be in contact with the king, because it was him who made the final decision in everything.
Treaty with the Indians- 2) What do we learn in the text about some of the characters?
We learn that the indian that intervened with the Pilgrims was Samoset who knew a broken english because he had learned with fishermen. Squanto spoke better english but it was because he had been to England and had been captures by Thomas Hunt who had taken him to Spain and sold him as a slave. He was the one who communicated the Pilgrims the terms of the treaty.
Treaty with the Indians- 3) Why mention past events?
Past events are mentions to explain the reason why there was a treaty.
-Indians afraid of the Pilgrims.
-Stealing tools from Pilgrims
-(March 16) Samoset gives information to the Pilgrims; meeting between Samoset and Pilgrims.
-Pilgrims give Samoset gifts.
-The Indians bring back the tools, Samoset and five other Indians.
-Then Samoset comes with Massasoit.
- 1621, treaty between the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims.
- Squanto (special instrument sent from God) stays with the Pilgrims.
Treaty with the Indians- 4)In which colony is the treaty concluded?
In the Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts.
Treaty with the Indians - 5)How many parties are there?
There are two parties: the Indians Wampanoag and the Plymouth Settlers, Pilgrims.
Treaty with the Indians - 6)What are the reactions of each party? Why?
The pilgrims were marveled by the english of the indians and found useful that Squanto stayed with them to help them as a tool of God.
Treaty with the Indians - 7)What changes are said to take place afterwards? Why?
The treaty's condition were:
-That neither he or them should injure/hurt any of their people.
-If any of the indians hurt the colonist, he would punish the offender.
-That is anything was taken away from them, he would return their things and that they should do the same.
-That if there were a war they should help eachother.
-That he would explain this treaty to the other villages and they should compromise.

-That if they would go to them, the indians would leave their bows and arrows.
Introduction: Treaty with the Indians
1° Nature of the Document
2° Author
3° Date + Context
4° Addressee
5° Purpose of the Text (problématique) : Elément le plus important de l’introduction.
6° Short summary of the text, using your own words
Nature of the document: The pact (Offical document) between the Pilgrims (Colony of Plymouth) and the Indians (Wampanoag).

Author: It was a official document signed by two leaders Massasoit (sachem, chief of the wapanoag confederacy) and William Bradford the chief of the Pilgrims who represented King James I. It was Squanto who communicated the terms between the two leaders.

Date and context: 1621, the context is about the terms made between the Pilgrim and the Wampanoag indians for peace in the land.

Addressee: It is an official document, it is not for a specific person, it's for everyone who lived in the land that explains the terms.

Purpose: Peace in the land between colonist and indians.

Summary: The document explains how Samoset and Squanto knew english. There are past events mentioned as for why they are asking for peace between them and Pilgrims. It is said that Samoset went to the Colonist's village around March 16th to speak with them, and so forth afterwards he came with Squanto, Massasoit and 5 other indians to make the pact. The terms are explain, an example of them are:

That neither he or them should injure/hurt any of their people.
-If any of the indians hurt the colonist, he would punish the offender.
-That is anything was taken away from them, he would return their things and that they should do the same.
-That if there were a war they should help eachother.
-That he would explain this treaty to the other villages and they should compromise.

-That if they would go to them, the indians would leave their bows and arrows.
A letter from an Indentured Servant in Virginia- 1) Define <>.
Indentured servant: someone placed under contract to work for a master. They worked usually for a period of seven years, mostly in the 17th century. 85% of the people immigrated in the early 17th century to America, was an indentured servant. They were often victims of religious conflicts, political conflicts or they were kidnapped. It is a kind of servitude but the difference between slaved and indentured servant is the period of work (Lifelong situation VS 7 years)
A letter from an Indentured Servant in Virginia- 2) What do you know about the context in Virginia in 1623? And in England?
Lot of diseases and starvation, late 1606 -1609, around 144 people left England, only 105 arrived in America. In the same years 4/5 of the colonizers died because of those diseases and starvation. In 1609 came 500 additional settlers; but after the first winter in that year only 60 people were alive.

Living conditions: near starvation, so people were stealing from one another, LACK OF FOOD. You can’t trust anyone, absolutely no friend. Frethorne even describes the amount of food “Mouthful” “Loaf for two, loaf for four”.
A letter from an Indentured Servant in Virginia- 3) What does the author say about his living conditions?
Near starvation, so people were stealing from one another. There was no trust between people, absolutly no friend.
A letter from an Indentured Servant in Virginia- 4) Why is the author writing to his parents?
He wants his parents to send him food, asking to come home. BEGGING, PLEADING. “Even the beggars in England have more to eat than him (than the indentured servants). He says that if he goes back to England he will be a beggar, because his parents have given more to a beggar than what is given to him in Virginia.
A letter from an Indentured Servant in Virginia- 5) Why does he compare Virginia to England?
It is better to be a beggar in England, better fed, indentured servants are ready to do anything even lose a limb, be crippled, just so they can go back to England.
A letter from an Indentured Servant in Virginia- 6) Who is MR. JACKSON and why does he mention him?
M. Jackson: was someone who helped M. FRETHORNE, he worked on a boat, probably the captain of a boat. Authority to make a cabin, very good folks, like father and mother “He is doing this so his actual parents can feel guilty”.
Introduction: A letter from a Indentured servant in Virginia
1° Nature of the Document
2° Author
3° Date + Context
4° Addressee
5° Purpose of the Text (problématique) : Elément le plus important de l’introduction.
6° Short summary of the text, using your own words
Nature of Document: A letter
Author: Richard Frethorne (although he may not be the one to actually write it)

Date and Context: 1623, Lot of diseases and starvation, late 1606 -1609, around 144 people left England, only 105 arrived in America. In the same years 4/5 of the colonizers died because of those diseases and starvation. In 1609 came 500 additional settlers; but after the first winter in that year only 60 people were alive. Living conditions: near starvation, so people were stealing from one another, LACK OF FOOD. You can’t trust anyone, absolutely no friend. Frethorne even describes the amount of food “Mouthful” “Loaf for two, loaf for four”.

Addressee: His Parents who were in England

Purpose of the Text: Because of the situation in Virginia, he was asking his parents to take him back or to send him food

Summary: This letter does not only express the suffering of Frethorne, but the situation itself in Virginia at the time. He was able to tell his story in the name of hundreds of anonymous indentured servants. It was not a good time for Virginia for the people were deserate, men would steal from one another and people would cry out that they would give up their limbs, they would give up anything just to go back to England and become beggars, because being a beggar was better than being these servants.
Maryland Toleration Act/Memorial and Remonstrance- - 1)What do you know about Maryland (who settled it? When? Why?)
Maryland founded by GEORGES CALVERT: Lord Baltimore Charter granted by King Charles of England in 1632. Purpose: a colony which could be a refuge for Catholics who were persecuted in England. Because the official religion was ANGLICAN CHURCH, Church Of England.
Maryland Toleration Act/Memorial and Remonstrance- -2)Find out about the situation in Virginia in 1785.
There was a lot going on in Virginia in 1785; Thomas Jefferson's Notes of the State of Virginia. James Madison's Memorial and Remonstrance was written in opposition to the Bill introduced into the General Assembly of Virginia, to a levy a general assessments for the support of teachers religions in Virginia: 1776: Declaration of independence by the 13 colonies, VIRGINIA DECLARATION OF RIGHTS. 1787: US CONSTITUTION 1789: US BILL OF RIGHTS.
Maryland Toleration Act/Memorial and Remonstrance- 3)Define the terms of the title and (granted by? to? why?)
Memorial: a statement of facts addressed to a government and often accompanied by a petition or remonstrance. (A written statement of facts submitted to a government, authority, etc, in conjunction with a petition an informal diplomatic paper.)
Remonstrance: an earnest presentation of reasons for opposition on grievance. the act of remonstrating; protestation; a protest or reproof, a petition presented in protest against something.
Toleration: freedom to hold opinion that differs from the established on prescribed religion of a country. ESTABLISHED RELIGION: The government makes law about religion. WHO are tolerated? Christians, “every person who is Christian”---should not be submitted to any kind of violence because of his faith “any waies of troubled, molested or discountenanced…compelled to the beliefs or exercise” Who grants toleration: Lord Proprietary and the assemblies. WHY? For the better government of the colony: “to preserve mutual love and amity” and “for the more quiet and peaceable government” To avoid violence/conflicts because of religious beliefs, dangerous consequences and enforcing.
Maryland Toleration Act/Memorial and Remonstrance- Who was James Madison?
James Madison, Jr. was an American statesman and political theorist, the fourth President of the United States.James Madison was a vocal opponent of the bill, writing the Memorial and Remonstrance (1785) opposing the proposed tax. He asserted that religion could not be forced on people, and that state support actually corrupted religion. Government properly limited, rather, would promote a civil society in which people of different faiths could maintain their beliefs according to their own consciences. Madison’s side won the debate and Henry’s religious assessments bill did not pass.
Maryland Toleration Act/Memorial and Remonstrance- 5)What is a <>?
Implies the government makes laws about religion, religious tansies and religious assessments.
Maryland Toleration Act/Memorial and Remonstrance- 6)Maryland Toleration Act: analyze the structure of the document.
The first part gives us the reasons/ justification for granting the toleration. (1-4)
(4-11) Actual laws/ law in itself
(11-22) Punishments against infringements made.
Maryland Toleration Act/Memorial and Remonstrance-7)What is the common theme to both documents?
Maryland Toleration Act/Memorial and Remonstrance-8)Do both documents suggest the same answer?
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