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Chapter test: 15.1
Chapter 15.1
7th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Alex de Tocqueville
a young French government official from a wealthy family he sailed across the atlantic to study american polotics and prisons. Traveled by steamship down the Ohio river which is the border between ohio and Kentucky. and looked to the Kentucky side (slave state) and saw hard working slaves (little compassion)
In Ohio he saw "feverish activity" - making money, business plans, people trying things etc. (Activity)
"Enervated Whites" (weak, faint, without energy, force, or strength)
How was the north different from the south?
The north had more industry. Their population growth came from immigration • Immigrants and Easterners moved west to build farms in the new states created from the Northwest land
• Many canals and railroads ran east and west which helped the eastern and mid-western states develop strong connections with one another
The north had more factories and industrialization (clothes, cotton, etc.)
• -The North had much more infrastructure (roads, canals, railroads, transportation systems and railways. )
How was the South different from the North?
The south had less industry.
relied on plantation farming
A few rich planters controlled southern society and made large profits from the labor of their slaves. most of this profit came from trading. Planter relied on exports Since the plantations were profitable planters invested in slaves as opposed to industry Only a few wealthy slaveholders, most people were poor farmers who owned no slaves, but put up with slavery so that they wouldn’t be at the bottom of society.
How did the Northerners take a less extreme approach to slavery than the abolitionists?
Abolitionists believed that slavery wasn’t right and should be abolished
How were Northerners racist by current standards?
Many white people refused to go to school, work, or live near black people
How did slaveholders defend slavery?
Claimed that whites were superior to blacks and that slavery helped slaves by introducing them to Christianity and that they provided them with food, shelter, and clothing all throughout their lives.
The Wilmot Proviso: Southerner’s side?
Angry Southerners claimed that the constitution did not give congress the power to ban slavery
Worried that Free states could form a majority in congress and ban slavery altogether
Representative Thomas Cobb from Georgia expressed the Southerners point of view when he responded to Tallmadge, “If you resist the Union will be dissolved you have kindled a fire all the waters of the ocean cannot put out, which seas of blood can only extinguish" -Thomas cobb
Who made the proposal that ranged in Congress?
For months, the nation argued over admitting Missouri as a slave state or Free State. Debate ranged in Congress over a proposal made by James Tallmadge from New York to ban slavery in Missouri
What brought political tension?
Gold brought many people to California
• California had enough people to become a state
• Fighting over weather or not it should be a free state or a slave state
• Southerners wanted California to be split in half (half free and half slave state)
• Northerners wanted California to be an all free state
• It brought lots of tension between the North and South
Why were some Southern people against slavery?
It was an economic threat to them personally because slaves worked for no pay, and free workers were scared that only slaves would be hired
What brought up the new issues between the North and South in 1860?
The outbreak of war in Mexico brought up issues because Northerners thought that Southerners wanted to take land from Mexico to expand slavery.
How did the U.S. try to prevent Southerners from taking land from Mexico to expand slavery?
David Wilmot suggested a bill known as the Wilmot Proviso to outlaw slavery in any land that the U.S. might acquire from Mexico.
What happened with the Wilmot Proviso?
Southerners said that it was unconstitutional Wilmot Proviso divided Congress along regional lines It passed the House of Representatives Southerners prevented it from passing the Senate
What was the free soil party?
It came from the Wilmot Proviso. It was a political party that’s goal was to stop the expansion of slavery. They didn’t want a slave controlled empire because it would stop small businesses because no one would get hired. It made slavery a key issue in national politics so that politicians couldn’t ignore it anymore. It Won ten seats in Congress in the election of 1848
What did Harriet Beecher Stowe do?
Would help slaveholders recapture runaway slaves. Described her feelings about the law. When she heard about the law she could only think, "These men and Christians cannot know what slavery is."Her anger pushed her to write Uncle Tom's Cabin. Book that showed slavery as "brutal and immoral"
What was the fugitive slave act?
It was a law to help slaveowners capture their runaway slaves. Revealed the Missouri Compromise- took it over Stated that Southerners could capture runaway slaves or free African Americans They could even come to the North to take African Americans Northerners had to help capture the runaways by lawNo papers stopped these bounty hunters. Some slavery was brought in the North
Who was Daniel Webster?
He was a senator from Massachuseetes that supported the compromise for the sake of Union
What happened in 1848?
1848-the nations leaders had started to debate on how to deal with slavery in lands gained from the War with Mexico
What threatened the balance?
The suggested addition of new states threatened the balance of Congress between the North and South
What brought people to California?
Discovery of gold in California brought thousands of people there
There would soon be enough people in California for it to apply for statehood
What did most Californians want?
Most Californians wanted the state to be a free state, This would tip the balance of power in favor of the North. Southern people wanted to divide California in half. Making the northern half a free state and the southern half a slave state
What happened in 1849?
President Zachary Taylor proposed that California hand in a plan
For statehood that year without going through the territorial stage
Skipping this stage gave Southern slaveholders a small amount of time to move California with their slaves
March 1850
California applied to be admitted as a free state
With it as a free state slave states would become small in the Senate just as they were in the House
Jefferson Davis- senator from Mississippi- warned "For the first time, we are about permanently to destroy the balance of power between the sections"
Why was the compromise of 1850 so important to the nation?
it maintained the balance of power between free states and slave states
How did the war with mexico make the South fear that the North was a threat to slavery and the Southern way of life?
Northerners in Congress tried to pass the Wilmot Proviso
True of false : The north relied more on exports than the south did?
WHat did Northern whites and southern whites agree on?
That slaves should not be allowed to vote
What was the most important part of the Southern econoemy before 1860?
Cotton growing
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