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Chapter 17
Chapter 17
9th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Daring Spanish fortune hunters searching Americas for gold & precious gems.
Emperor of the Aztecs in the early 1500s.
§ Feared Cortes might by Quetzalcoatl (god who, according to legend, had vanished & would return to reclaim his kingdom) Ù let the Spaniards into Tenochtitlan.
Hernan Cortes
One of the earliest & most successful conquistadors. Conquered the Aztecs.
§ After sinking his own ships, he was committed to war against the Aztecs.
o Outnumbered, but had several advantages: better weapons & technology.
§ Took Montezuma prisoner, but faced revolt by Aztecs. Forced to leave.
§ 1521-Cortes returned w/ huge army & destroyed Tenochtitlan Ù rebuilt as Spanish colony
young Native American woman traveling with Cortes.
§ Spoke the Aztec language Ùbecame Cortes’s invaluable aide.
§ Helped him win allies among the many peoples that feared & hated the Aztecs
Another Spanish adventurer hoping to win large fortune in Americas. Conquered Incas.
§ Landed on coast of Peru in 1532 with small army but superior weapons.
§ Invited Atahualpa to Cajamarca (Incan city) Ù Spaniards charged unsuspecting visitors.
§ After killing Atahualpa, Spaniards were now rulers of Peru.
Incan ruler in 1500s
§ Taken prisoner. Only emperor could command Inca army, so nobody could save him.
§ Offered huge ransom for his release. Once he had paid Pizarro, he was strangled.
Machu Picchu
Great Inca city high in the Andes. Though the Spaniards searched for it, no outside found it until 1911. Incas used it as an administrative center for gov’t officials.
Success of Cortes & Pizarro led other conquistadors to look north of Mexico for opportunities to find gold, spread Christianity, & win glory.
Ponce de Leon
governor of Puerto Rico. Determined to find fountain that according to legend, restored youth to whoever bathed in it. Failed to find Fountain of Youth.
§ 1st landed near St. Augustine Ù Became 1st European to set foot on modern day U.S.
§ Named the land Florida (“full of flowers”).
De Soto
Most eager conquistador. One of Pizarro’s chief officers, obtained great wealth.
§ Used new wealth to finance a well-equipped expedition to search for cities of gold.
§ Landed on coast of Florida. Learnt much about geography of south-eastern U.S.
§ Earned the hatred of Native Americans & failed to find gold.
Royal agents. Noblemen born in Spain. No one born in America could reach high office
§ 1 viceroy in Mexico City ruled Spain’s North American territory = New Spain
§ 1 viceroy in Lima ruled Spain’s South American lands = Peru
Privilege granted by the Council of the Indies to certain settlers
§ Holder of encomienda Ù master of a particular area
§ Could force Native Americans in his lands to work long hours in his fields or silver mines
§ In effect, the Spaniards treated the Native Americans as slaves Ù killed thousands.
Charles V
: Holy Roman emperor & Philip II’s father. Divided his empire in 1556
Philip II
Son of Charles V who ruled from 1556-1598.
§ Made Spain biggest supporters of Catholicism & most dangerous enemy of Protestantism.
§ Philip’s inheritance from Charles V: Spain, its American colonies, duchy of Milan in northern Italy, kingdom of Naples in southern Italy, territory called Franche-Comte on France’s eastern border, & all 17 provinces of the Netherlands.
§ Quickly seized small important kingdom of Portugal when king died w/ no heir.
§ Philip now had both Portugal & its strongholds in Africa, India, & East Indies.
§ Through late 1500s, Spain had by far largest & best-equipped army in Europe
§ Nerve center of Spanish empire was Philip’s palace, the Escorial.
o 2 functions of Escorial-palace & monastery
§ Showed Philip’s 2 main goals: Strengthen monarchy & Catholicism.
Battle of Lepanto
Spanish-Venetian ships met Ottoman (Muslims) fleet in ferocious battle.
§ Crushed the Ottoman navy. Major victory for Christendom.
El Greco
Greek, but major works were all painted in Spain.
§ Painted Catholic saints & martyrs as huge, long-limbed figures
§ Use of deep, vibrant colors heightened drama & religious intensity
§ Saintly figures showed strength of Catholic faith in Spain.
showed pride of Spain’s royal family.
§ Best known for portraits of Spanish kings & princes mounted on stallions
Wrote the 1st modern European novel-Don Quixote de la Mancha.
§ Gentle satire of chivalry.
§ Made clear that age of knights in shining armor had passed. (Feudalism was gone).
Netherlands Revolt
Netherlands revolted in late 1500s b/c ofC difference in culture, customs, & religion from Spain.
Spain held to ways of the Middle Ages: Catholic Church, feudal system, & guild system.
Netherlands: Protestant, no feudal system, capitalism. 1/3 of people were Calvinist.
Duke of Alva
Sent by Philip II to destroy Protestantism in the Netherlands w/ 20,000 soldiers.
§ Executed thousands of suspected heretics.
war raged: Dutch (Protestant) vs. Spaniards (Catholic).
To drive out Spanish, Dutch opened floodgates, destroying their countryside, saved from Spanish.
Dutch Republic
1581-7 northern provinces, led by Holland, united & declared independent.
§ Unique feature: established a republic. Most places in Europe were kingdoms.
§ Each province had elected governor (stadtholder) whose power depended on the active supports of the province’s leading merchants & landholders.
Southern part of Netherlands (Belgium) remained under Spanish control.
Commercial Revolution
system of trade, profit, & investment. Started by Dutch, spread in Europe.
§ Based on capitalism: economic system where people (capitalists) invest large sums of money as capital in business ventures. Goal: gain enough money to pay costs of venture & make profit.
§ Capitalist who made profit reinvested profit in another, larger venture.
§ Dutch replaced the Italians (Florence) as the bankers of Europe.
Dutch East Indies Company
17 of Amsterdam’s wealthiest merchants w/ pooled money
§ Dutch merchants saw the wealth the spice trade in Asia could bring.
§ Had enough capital for a heavily armed fleet superior to Portugal’s (who controlled those routes)
§ Within 20 yrs, Dutch had displaced Portuguese in East Indies, Ceylon, & Cape of Good Hope.
§ Shiploads of pepper, cloves, & nutmeg sold in Amsterdam, brought huge profits
§ Any Dutch citizen could buy share in company & shares could be bought & sold.
Dutch art: during 1600s
became best artists in Europe.
§ Chose domestic, indoor settings for portraits. Loved seeing themselves doing chores.
§ Showed more interest in groups than heroic individuals
§ Frequently painted group portraits of families, civil leaders, military units.
§ Revealed prosperity, civic spirit, & values of new age in Europe.
greatest Dutch painter of period. (1606-1669)
§ Realistically captured moments of drama. “Night Watch”-most famous group painting.
French Religious Wars of the 16th century
Intense hatred between Catholic & Huguenots
§ 2 ambitious French families inflamed these religious hatreds. Each hoped to start own dynasty:
o Bourbons: Family of nobles who had become Protestants (Huguenots)
o Guise: noble family who championed Catholicism.
§ 9 civil wars with large massacre of Huguenots (French Calvinist followers)
§ Spain’s Philip II supported Catholic cause (Guise) & sent army to France for support.
§ French people (Catholic & Prot.estant) were outraged b/c France had just fought Spain.
§ Nationalism began to outweigh religion for some French Catholic leaders = politiques
o Wanted: peace in France, king strong enough to stop wars tearing France apart
o Worked for religious toleration & strong monarchy
Henry IV of Navarre
heir to French throne. Leader of House of Bourbon-Huguenot.
§ W/ support of Protestant & Catholic politiques Ù became 1st Bourbon king of France
§ Many Catholics still opposed him. So, he gave up his religion & became Catholic.
§ Restored monarchy & cared more about welfare of common people than any French king.
Edict of Nantes
Declaration of religious toleration
§ 1598-Henry IV declared that Huguenots could worship in peace.
§ In every district, except for Paris, Huguenots could set up at least one house of worship.
Louis XIII became 2nd Bourbon monarch, but he was incompetent.
Catholic cardinal appointed by Louis XIII in 1624 to be chief minister. Politique.
§ Became virtual ruler of France. Devoted himself to 2 goals:
o Increasing power of Bourbon monarchy
o Making France the strongest state in Europe
§ Saw 3 dangers to French state:
o Independence of Huguenot cities
§ Besieged cities Ù major setback to French Protestantism
o Power of French nobility
§ Ordered to take down their fortified castles
o Encircling armies of the Hapsburgs (Austrian)- Triumphed in Thirty Years’ War
Catholic cardinal appointed by Louis XIII in 1624 to be chief minister. Politique.
§ Became virtual ruler of France. Devoted himself to 2 goals:
o Increasing power of Bourbon monarchy
o Making France the strongest state in Europe
§ Saw 3 dangers to French state:
o Independence of Huguenot cities
§ Besieged cities Ù major setback to French Protestantism
o Power of French nobility
§ Ordered to take down their fortified castles
o Encircling armies of the Hapsburgs (Austrian)- Triumphed in Thirty Years’ War
gov’t agents who collected taxes & administered justice. All came from middle class.
§ Richelieu strengthened their power to weaken the power of the nobility.
§ Extremely loyal to crown Ù no longer needed military & political nobility Ù absolutism
Considered founder of modern philosophy. Studied geometry, optics, astronomy, psychology.
§ Most famous work: Discourse on Method-“seeking truth in sciences”
§ Believed nothing should be accepted on faith. Doubt until proven by reason.
§ 1 thing each person knows for sure is “I think, therefore I am.”
Germany: German princes had settled religious differences by Peace of Augsburg. But tension was rising.
Thirty Years’ War
1618-1648. Ferdinand II’s many enemies united against him.
§ Protestants rioted in Prague (Czech Bohemia) b/c angry at King Ferdinand II
o As Austrian, Ferdinand II aroused Czechs’ national hatred.
o As Catholic, menaced religious freedom of Lutheran German princes
o As Hapsburg, posed threat to Bourbon kings of France.
§ 2 major phases of war: phase of Hapsburg triumphs & phase of Hapsburg defeats
§ Last years of German war were dominated by Cardinal Richelieu
o Didn’t care that Hapsburgs were Catholic like him. Loved France & feared Hapsburgs so brought France into war on Protestant side-1635 Ù victory.
Treaty of Westphalia
Peace treaty. Favored Swedish, French, Protestant enemies of Ferdinand II
§ Major terms:
o France took Alsace along west bank of Rhine River
o Sweden took 2 pieces of northern Germany
o German princes won almost total independence. Didn’t need the approval of emperor.
o Calvinism now = w/ Lutheranism & Catholicism. Calvinist princes in Germany could now dictate religion of state. (Not previously allowed by Peace at Augsburg)
o Dutch Republic (United Provinces) = independent state.
§ Long-term consequences of treaty:
o Germany lost what little unity it once had. 300 states Ù independent
o Holy Roman Empire survived only in name
o As losers of war, Hapsburg states of Austria & Spain declined in power.
o As winner of war, France emerged as Europe’s strongest state.
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