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Ch 3 and 4
vocab review
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




He was a priest from San Juan who vowed to overthrow the Spanish regime and began organizing a conspiracy with 20+ Indian towns. He did this because he realized they were not being treated fairly. He led the Pueblo confederacy (capital Santa Fé) and he wanted to completely do away with everything Spanish, along with the taints of baptism. Because of the former wish, Popé was deposed and the Indians wished for the return of the Spanish. Popé was the first person in history to speak out about their lives, saying they were treated unjustly and his claims would be repeated in similar ways, later in history many times.
He was the brother of Powhatan who retained the throne after the former abdicated. He prepared his tribe for an assault on the English and an Uprising began. The attack expanded into a ten year war. After the war, “O” emerged the leader of the Chesapeake Algonquian Confederacy (still independent). He tried one more assault but was crushed by Virginia and “O” was captured and executed.
House of Burgesses
It was the first popularly elected assembly of colonial America. King James I tried to put an end to the assembly but the Virginians refused that and continued meeting to discuss local matters. It was created by the Virginia Company and its first meeting was help in Jamestown Virginia. Although the King converted Virginia into a royal colony, the house still had many representatives of Virginia within it.
Many followed John Calvin. Puritans wished to purify and reform the Church of England from within. They emphasized values like hard work. They were very vocal in criticizing change, saying it was extremely disruptive. They also wanted to revive communities and improve them by placing Christians at their core to monitor others. James I opposed puritans and since they were in parliament, he disbanded it and persecuted them. Puritans decided their only option was to emigrate so they emigrated to Massachusetts (known as the Great Migration) and a group of wealthy Puritans established the MA Bay Co.
Also known as Pilgrims, a group of them founded the first English colony in New England. They believed the Anglican establishment to corrupt, that they had to est. their own ind. Church. William Bradford led the Pilgrims on the Mayflower to N. America to do so.
- Was the Sachmen (leader) of the Wampanoags. When the Pilgrims came to N. America, they almost died, however “M” gave them food and advice in exchange for an alliance against the Narragansett’s. “M” tried to use the colonists but realized they just wanted to expand and he realized how dangerous they were after they slaughtered their rivals.
an Indian who was the interpreter on negotiations btw the pilgrims and the Wampanoags. He learned the language when he had been kidnapped and he was later returned as a guide. Because of his knowledge, he became an advisor to Massasoit.
Thomas Hooker
He was a minister in Cambridge. He disagreed with puritans over the extent of authority and believed the suffrage shouldn’t be restricted to male church members. He founded Hartford and helped write the Fundamental Orders.
The Fundamental Orders
Written by Thomas Hooker and marked the beginning of the colony of CT. They were used as the basis of law for the colony and the main concern of the order was the welfare of the community.
Anne Hutchinson
She led religious social groups that discussed the lack of piety of Boston Ministers. She was called before the General Court and made the mistake of claiming she had a revelation from God. She was excommunicated and she went to RI to create her own community.
King Phillips War
after the Pequot war, many Indians were converted Christians, however many remained Independent. The expansion of Puritans made the go into Indian land. This land dispute caused the Wampanoags to break their alliance with Plymouth. The “W” sent out for an alliance which was viewed as a conspiracy and New York/England attacked. Indians did well at first but they went to the Iroquois for help but they attacked instead and the colonists killed their leader, Metacomet. The war marked the end of org. Indian revolt in New England.
Nathaniel Bacon
Led raids against the Indians and when Virginia gov William Berkley tried to stop the raids, he turned his fury to Jamestown and pillaged it. The revolt abruptly halted when Bacon died.
The werowance or leader of the confederacy of Algonquian tribes. He had mixed feelings about the settlers b/c the Spanish had already brought conflict/disease but he also hoped for trade and support in war. He helped settlers stay alive but they became so dependent on Indian stores, they started to pillage other tribes. “P” decided to starve the colonists but the Virginia Company sent more settlers and “P” accepted a peace treaty. He later abdicated to his brother “O”.
Merchantable Commondities
Tobacco! Tobacco was the most important. The revenue from the tobacco sales produced the 1st returns of the investments of the Virginia Co. The cultivation exhausted soil quickly and b/c of the amount of labor, people got head right grants (people get land but bring workers over at their own cost).
Indentured Servants
In exchange for the cost of their transportation to the new world, men and women were contracted to work. Several were young males who were unskilled (2-7 yrs.) but some were skilled or women and children (work till 21) Masters had to provide adequate care but many did not. If a servant escaped and was captured, it would lengthen their sentence. At the end, they were eligible for freedom dues, something to help the servant get started on their own. Indentured servants were unique to the English.
Mayflower Compact
Was drafted by William Bradford and other separatists. It was the first case of colonial self-Gov. It said all men of the expedition would convene and combine themselves into a civil body politic. It was a type of social contract made to ensure the peace btw the people on the Mayflower.
Massachusetts Bay Company
When the Puritans couldn’t purify the Church of England, they emigrated. Many came to New England where they were issued a royal charter to start the MA Bay Co. It could settle and trade “religiously, peaceably, and civilly,” govern their territory and Indians. They transformed the Co into a civil Gov. It provided the origins for a democratic suffrage and division of legislative authority.
Roger Williams
He believed in religious toleration and separation of church and state, which went against some puritan beliefs. Also believed settlers didn’t have right to just take the land, they should trade for it. The puritans disagreed and banished him so he emigrated to the Narragansett’s colony and est. Providence.
Sir William Penn
Was a Quaker. The Quakers believed in religious toleration and Penn was imprisoned 4x for expressing his views. The king, to settle a debt with Penn’s father, granted Penn territory and he est. Philadelphia. He drafted a frame of gov that guaranteed religious toleration, civil liberties, and elected representation. He had peace with the Indians.
Praying Towns
Were developed by the Puritans to try to convert the local Indians to Christianity. The idea was to have the Indians give up their way of life and adopt the Christian way.
Dominion of New England
When King James II tried to strengthen his control over the colonies, (b/c they were becoming too powerful) he completely abolished the charter govs of the colonies and combined them into the Dominion of……. The governor of the dominion, Edmund Andros, imposed Anglican, violated traditions, and attempted to enforce the navigation acts.
Navigation Acts
Were enforced by Edmund Andros in the DNE. Restricted colonial trade by preventing them from trading directly with any nation other than England.
Task System
b/c many Africans had knowledge of rice cultivation; it gave them tools to bargain with their masters. The system was an agreement where once the slaves finished their jobs, they could hunt, fish or cultivate gardens. Masters complained that they didn’t get the same amount of labor and profit with “tasking” but the American rice hand refused to work otherwise. It gave them a small amount of control over their servitude.
Gang Labor System
is a reference within slavery to a division of labor est. on the plantation. It allowed slaves little to no say over the terms of their servitude. It was more efficient then the task system however, because it was continuous work at the same pace all day without slowing down.
Ottobah Cugoano
was sold into slavery in the mid-18th century. He was bought by an English merchant who took him to England where he was later freed. He soon became an important leader in London’s African Community and their campaign to end slavery.
Royal African Company
A slave trading monopoly based in London that in England, threw open the trade to independent merchants.
Venture Smith
an African who was sold into slavery at a young age. After he grew up, he purchased freedom for himself and his family.
Middle Passage
- The voyage of slave ships. It was the midpoint of a triangle between England, Africa, and America. The slaves were transported via ships and were treated very poorly. The conditions of the slave quarters were unsanitary and uncomfortable, but the desire to pack as many people in as possible, the captains disregarded this. An estimated 1/6 Africans died.
Gun Slave Cycle
Pushed neighboring kingdoms into a destructive arms race. The cycle was when African tribes sold “slaves” or captives from other tribes to white traders in exchange for weapons, they in turn would use them to get more slaves and the cycle would repeat.
Virginia Slave Codes
Officials declared that children inherited the status of their slave mothers. Also added later, baptism could no longer alter conditions of servitude. Masters who beat their slaves were not considered felons. These laws were just there until they were combined into the Virginia Slave Code that modeled for other colonies.
Edward Oglethrope
Was the leader of Georgia which was created by English parliament. He wanted to est. a buffer against Spanish invasion from Florida and create a haven for poor British farmers so they could sell goods in SC. Under “O”, parliament prohibited slavery on Georgia, but neighbors were moving in with their slaves so “O” abandoned his ideas and turned to slavery.
John Woolman
A Quaker whose group voiced the first anti-slavery sentiment in the colonies. He wrote “Considerations on the keeping of Negros” and it pointed out the bible’s claim that all peoples were of one blood. He encouraged people to imagine what it would be like to be an African person. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until after the revolution anti-slavery became more widespread.
Stono Rebellion 1738
a series of violent revolts throughout SC and Georgia. A group of Algonquian Indians sacked the armory in Stono. After arming themselves, they marched toward Florida (freedom). They attracted other slaves and grew to about 100. On their march, they plundered homes and killed 30+ colonists. In a field where they paused to celebrate, they were overtake by the militia and destroyed. It sparked another rebellion later that would be the largest slave rebellion during the colonial period.
The idea of exporting more than importing. The policy was the political control of the economy by the state. Most successful in Great Britain where the monarch and parliament est. uniform monetary system, regulated workers, provide subsidies, and erected tariff barriers. Slavery was considered by some, just another mercantilist policy.
Wool Act of 1699
An attempt made by the parliament of England to heighten taxation and increase control over colonial trade and production. The act prohibited the colonists from exporting wool or goods made from wool to markets outside of the individual colony where it was produced. It forced all wool products to be sold to British markets only.
Hat Act of 1732
another attempt by Great Britain’s parliament to control hat production in the colonies. It placed limits on the exportation and sale of them. The law was made to try and force Americans in the colonies to buy British made goods where they would pay much more for things there.
Iron Act of 1750
it was a legislature measure made by Great Britain’s parliament to restrict manufacturing in colonies and encourage the manufacture of iron goods to take place in Great Britain instead.
The Molasses Act of 1733
was enacted by parliament under pressure from British planters. It heavily taxed imports of molasses and other sugar products bought from other countries. The purpose was to regulate trade by making British products the cheapest of all. It would have caused conflict with colonists if enforcement was harsh, but it was very lax.
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