Shared Flashcard Set


Bond Midterm - Red Diamond ?'s
Modern World History
11th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




What factors affect Italy's climate?
The Apennine mountain range affects Italy's climate. THe region on the western side of the mountains is generally warmer and wetter than the region on the eastern side. Italy's long narrow shape also cause it to be cold in the north and semi-tropical in the south.
How did the Etruscans and the Greeks influence the early Romans?
The Etruscan's styles of art and architecture and their written alphabet were adopted by the early Romans. The early Romans also adopted the Greeks standard system of weights, measures, and money.
How did the plebeians win a greater voice in the Roman republic's government?
Since the plebeians were the common people, they made up the majority of Roman population and military. They started out controlling the tribal assembly, one of many groups who would elect magistrates and approve laws. They gained more voice when they gained the right to elect their own officials (tribunes) in 450 BC, who could veto any government action. With their gained voice, they eventually forced the particians to publish a written code.
What were the results of the three Punic Wars?
The Romans won the 1st and 3rd Punic wars against Carthage, first for the control of Sicily. Next, they attempted to defend Roman territory, but failed. Third, they succeeded in taking control of carthage in Northern Africa. This meant more land for Rome because most of the Carthaginians became slaves.
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