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APUSH unit 8
11th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Confederate States

"sinful eleven", "rebs", "sesesh"

(deep south secede before Lincoln's inauguration) 

1. south carolina

2. mississippi

3. florida

4. alabama

5. georgia

6. louisiana

7. texas

(fort sumter- then last 4 secede, mid south)

8. virginia

9. arkansas

10. north carolina

11. tennesee

border states
four slave (missouri, kentucky, maryland, deleware, plus one- west virginia) top southern states that do not secede (on border of union and confed) but are always on verge of doing so. they affect many/all of Lincoln's decision because he wants to please border states so they do not secede- they have lots of power. 
Lincoln's Administration


  • Lincoln's goal is to preserve the union, not slave release. elected twice but killed.
  • first VP is hannibal hamlin, 2nd VP is andrew johnson (democrat and mountain white from tennesee to help get border state votes)
  • state: seward. war: cameron, stanton. treasury: chase.
  • no one in cabinet really likes Lincoln (team of rivals) but he chose them specifically to help get votes



Fort Sumter

april 12, 1861



  • south fires first shots of civil war. 
  • federal fort= military bases that are being taken over by south as they secede
  • now there are only 2 forts left in the union and this one in south carolina is running out of supplies
  • lincoln decides to provision with supplies but not reinforce with weapons
  • south carolina still thinks this decision is unacceptable so they open fire on fort
  • fort sumter surrenders
  • opening shots of civil war made by confed (in long run is good for union)
  • unified northern public opinion



union advantages


  • population= 24 mil (plus 5 mil border)- bigger and more manpower
  • industry= 1st mechanized warfare (factories)
  • transportation (most of railroads so can move people and supplies quicker)
  • liquid capital (lots of cash)
  • control of seas with strong Navy
  • king wheat - British need food more than cotton so they help union not confed
  • Abraham Lincoln


union disadvantages

  • poor military leadership
  • lost beginning battles
  • they are on the offensive- must invade confed, conquer, and drag back to union
  • worse soldiers


confederate advantages



  • superior military leadership
  • won beginning battles
  • defensive war- only need to repel invader so a tie is a win for them
  • better soldiers (due to rural lifestyle)
  • king cotton- england is on verge of joining them for last 2 years of war (their biggest advantage) but then england chooses union so fail
  • superior moral cause (independence)

confederate disadvantages

  • population= 9 mil whites (didnt use 4 mil slaves for fighting)- way smaller so less power
  • industry (no canon factories)
  • transportation (hardly any railroads)
  • almost no cash
  • weak/ no Navy
  • king cotton- britain doesnt need cotton that much
  • confed gov= weak central government


union plan of attack

(offensive campaign- four phases)


phase 1: suffocate

  • union blockade of confed coast via Navy= blocked main ports and would stop foreign ships of high seas to look for contraband= controlled international waters= illegal
  • "ultimate destination" and "continuous voyage"= excuse for legality of blockade. neither england nor france challenged 

phase 2: cut in half

  • focus= capture Mississippi river cuz it would cut geographical area into 2 separate pieces

phase 3: chop to pieces

  • to desolate the confederacy
  • sherman's march to the sea- burned down everything

phase 4: strangle/ decapitate

  • capture richmond (capital)

civil war diplomacy: france

  • nap III moves into mexico
  • 1863 mexico- maximillian (hapsburg of austria). nap says max can be emperor of mexico (cuz he wants to take over mexico)= threat to monroe doctrine which we can now defend but not til after the war
  • luckily issue resolves itself cuz mexico kicks french out

civil war diplomacy: england

  • crisis situation for first 3 years of war (we almost have to fight them too)
  • charles francis adams= US ambassador who keeps peace
  • 1861 trent affair= british mail ship left confed to go to england with with 2 confed diplomats so union ship takes them. lincoln has to apologize for this
  • 1862 alabama incident= commerce raider (attack merchant ships). british built, british manpower, but not british gov. support= confederate officers but brit rowers- union says you cant do that (meant Britain was main naval base of confed)
  • 1863 laird rams= iron ships to replace wooden ships. Brit built these for confed. union protests this so Brit gov. buys the ships so confed gov cant have them

Lincoln "tears" the constitution

  • took unconstitutional action but it was good cuz it ended up saving the union
  • congress wasnt scheduled to meet for 2 months so Lincoln has to do these things even tho they arent w/in his powers (1-3):
  1. ordered the union blockade
  2. increased size of army (called for volunteers)
  3. took $2 mil from US treasury to pay for #1 and #2
  4. suspended the writ of habeus corpus (right to be charged with a crime or let go and then appear before a court) -meant people could just go rot in jail
  5. censured the newspapers (violation of first amendment) 
  6. supervised border state elections- decide whose on the ballad (communism)

union draft laws


  • 2.5 mil soldiers drafted
  • 1st time union has ever drafted- 1863
  • conscription act required all able bodied men ages 18-35 to join
  • substitution provision (way to get out of draft)- could pay $300 for a substitute (only rich could afford this)
  • "bounty jumpers"
  • draft riots- nyc


confederate draft laws

  • 750,000 soldiers (most they ever had)
  • drafted before union
  • 1862- conscription act required all able bodied men between ages 17 and 50, desperate for lots of men
  • exemption provison= owning 20 slaves or more exempted you from draft (favored wealthy)

financing the war: union

  • excise tax- alcohol and tabacco tax is increased (legal cuz these items arent necessary for survival)
  • income tax (temporary)- 1%. 1st time ever happened
  • tariff (Morrill) - tax- raises to 25-30%
  • paper money= greenbacks- first federal paper money! printed 450 mil dollars but causes inflation (inflation rate is 80%)
  • war bonds (most succesful) patriotic citizens did this= loan gov. $ and paid back years later
  • national banking system (banking reform)

financing the war: confederate

  • farm produce tax- 10% tax on food (food is necessary to survive so it was a bad idea)
  • income tax (temporary for war only) also 1%- but less effective in confed cuz states might say no
  • paper money= bluebacks- print a billion dollars in paper and inflation rate is 9000%
  • war bonds (most succesful) jay kookin company (biggest bank) sold these

northern public opinion


  • all republicans support (radical GOP pressed Lincoln on emancipation)
  • democrats split into 3 groups:
  • war democrats also support (general McClellan)
  • peace democrats are against
  • copperheads- opposed war and openly aided confed= traitors (Clement L. Vallandigham of ohio- instead of going to prison he was banished from country but defied that)



eastern campaign:

1st Bull Run Battle



  • july 21, 1861
  • Manassas stream, Virginia
  • scheduled battle
  • union general= McDowell w/ 36,000 troops
  • vs. confed general= Jackson w/ 30,000 troops
  • confed wins
  • nickname = stonewall jackson cuz he rallied his troops and stood still when his army was about to retreat so union scared by jackson retreats= good cuz union lost first battle so its a wakeup call to take this seriously and confed gets cocky so fight less



eastern campaign:

peninsula campaign



  • march-july 1862
  • virginia
  • union general= McClellan (brilliant but cautious) w/ 100,000 troops
  • vs. confed generals= Lee and Jackson w/ 50,000 troops
  • confed wins
  • first union attempt to capture richmond
  • 7 days battle- campaign culmination. lee takes risks. McClellan gives up after 7 days and Lincoln fires him



eastern campaign:

2nd Bull Run



  • august 29-30, 1862
  • virginia
  • union general= Pope
  • vs. confed general= Lee
  • confed wins
  • pope goes back to washington and lee pursues. lee wins and returns to richmond. pope didnt do anything so McClellan is brought back



eastern campaign:




  • sept 17, 1862
  • sharpsburg, maryland (border state)
  • bloodiest single day of war
  • union general= McClellan w/ 75,000 troops
  • vs. confed general= Lee w/ 55,000 troops
  • union wins! first turning point
  • first offensive attack by Lee- invades union hoping that maryland would secede so england would join confed. good plan but fails cuz union soldier finds battle plan so McClellan knows it and ambushes confed
  • McClellan loses 12,000 men and Lee loses 13,000
  • McClellan should have captured Lee but was too scared so fired again
  • a win for union means lincoln can now free slaves= emancipation proclamtion= changes reason for war



eastern campaign:




  • dec 13, 1862
  • virginia, close to richmond
  • union gen= burnside w/ 114,000 troops
  • vs. confed gen= Lee w/ 75,000 troops
  • burnside does frontal full on attack on Lee= suicide mission, mega fail
  • confed wins



eastern campaign:




  • may 2-4, 1863
  • virginia, close to richmond
  • union gen= hooker w/ 134,000 troops
  • vs. confed gen= Lee w/ 60,000 troops
  • confed wins
  • lee splits up his men in half and attacks on 2 sides so it seems like they have more men and is more effectives
  • stonewall jackson accidentally killed here



eastern campaign:




  • july 1-3, 1863
  • bloodiest battle
  • union gen= Meade w/ 92,000 troops
  • vs. confed gen= Lee and Longstreet w/ 76,000 troops
  • union won
  • lee invades and is pursued by union army- inconclusive so win for union
  • lee attempts to dislodge northeast side. inconclusive at end of day 1. 2nd day= come from diff direction- again inconclusive. 3rd day= what to do- lee gives it a try with pickett's charge= fail so confed goes home and meade doesnt stop them! so he is fired
  • so many bodies that town made a cemetary and Lincoln went to memorial service where he gave Gettysburg address= based on declaration- all men created equal



war in west:

tennessee theater



  • feb-april 1862
  • emergence of Ulysses S. Grant as union gen
  • he was an alcoholic so he resigned from army but was allowed to fight in this war when they called for volunteers
  • fort henry
  • fort donelson "unconditional surrender"
  • shilo
  • army and navy used to caputre mississippi river


war in west:

new orleans


  • april 1862
  • mouth of mississippi
  • david farragut and Navy


war in west:



  • jan-july 4, 1863
  • last important fort on mississippi
  • grant vs. pemberton. campaign: 7 months and siege: 7 weeks
  • has to surrender cuz they run out of food


war in west:

conquest of tennessee


  • sep. 1863
  • tennessee= only confed state that is completely captured
  • chattanooga/ Busy RR Junction
  • tennessee conquered and placed under martial law with military governor, Andrew Johnson- who used to be senator from tennessee but never seceded himself. only governor for a year, then VP, then prez
  • gateway to south opened- allow phase 3 of union plan of attack
  • sherman begins famous march to the sea

shermans march to the sea

  • general william tecumseh sherman
  • 60,000 to 100,000 troops
  • scorched earth policy, sherman's hairpins, sherman's donuts
  • violent- total warfare= 1. weaken morale 2. destroy supplies
  • battles: chattanooga (fall 1864), atlanta (sep. 1864), savannah (dec 1864- sends telegram to lincoln saying for xmas, sherman is delivering savanah as a present), columbia (feb 1865), raliegh (april 1865- capital of NC, pretty far north, end of war.)


grant's virginia campaign:

wilderness campaign


  • april-june 1864
  • goal: richmond
  • union gen= grant w/ 100,000 troops
  • vs. confed gen= lee w/ 50,000 troops
  • must go thru wilderness= danger
  • grant knew alot of his men would die but thats what it took to win. fighting down to the last soldier- grant lasts longer cuz he has more men
  • war of attrition. meat grinder warfare. grant the butcher.
  • the wilderness. spotsylvania courthouse. cold harbor. petersburg.
  • grant wins war for union!!

election of 1864
  • in the middle of the war. nov
  • republican party runs as union party (sounds better to border state ears)
  • UNION: GOP and war demos: Lincoln and Johnson- 212 electoral votes and 55% pop= clear majority win
  • vs. DEMO: peace demos, anti lincoln GOP, and copperheads: McClellan- 21 electoral votes and 45% pop
Appomattox Courthouse

  • april 9, 1865 (palm sunday)
  • april 2- Lee leaves richmond and retreats west
  • april 9- Grant pursues and stops Lee at Appomattox Courthouse before Lee met his reinforcements
  • surrender is signed at McLean House

Assasination of Lincoln
  • 14 april 1865 (good friday)
  • ford theater to see Our American Cousin to celebrate end of war
  • john wilkes booth
  • andrew johnson becomes president- southern demo from seceded state= north is pissed!
  • 1865-1877: 12 years of reconstruction
  • total era of civil war is 16 years 
  • 1877= end of reconstruction
Johnson Administration

  • totally uneducated
  • no VP
  • kept Lincoln's cabinet- who really hates him

problems of peace in north

  • how to readmit confed states? nice or mean? now that theyr conquered
  • how to handle confed leaders?- technically should be executed cuz committed treason
  • how to handle ex slaves? - 4.5 mil "suddenly free"= homeless, jobless, unskilled, illiterate. race relations. Freedman's Bureau= semi solution- welfare agency created by congress, but didnt really work except success in education

problems of peace in south

  • slaves have no where to live or work or eat- more blacks than whites
  • physical devestation- land and buildings destroyed
  • economic devastation- no $, no cotton= total collapse of industry
  • racial problems:5 southern states now have a black majority so whites created Black Codes to control them with labor laws and limited rights to try to restore to preemancipation era
  • mississippi had harshest black codes
  • all ex slaves stayed in south
  • all leads to tenant farming and shave cropping system- blacks live on farm as pay for work

reconstruction amendments

13. "free"- slavery abolished thru emancipation proclomation

14. "citizen"- come from civil rights act (4 parts). civil rights to all, "equal protection" under the law

15. "vote"- suffrage for males


reconstruction of the south:

Lincoln's 10% plan



  • pretty lenient
  • 1864
  • to all those in former confed: when a 10% of a state has taken the amnesty and loyalty oath, they will be readmitted
  • congress thought 10% was too little so they propose 50% with the Wade-Davis Bill but Lincoln vetoed it
  • then Lincoln died so plan failed anyway (Lincoln's death doomed former confed)
  • this plan was only bad cuz it lacked rights/protection for ex-slaves



reconstruction of the south:

Johnson's Plan



  • 1865
  • former confed states have to: repeal secession and ratify the 13th (they all already did this but now they have to do it formally)= very lenient. all 11 states do it by xmas
  • now confed has rejoined so south elects former confed leaders but congress kicks them out
  • congress: moderate GOP vs. radical GOP (pro black suffrage)
  • house- thaddeus stephend. senate- charles sumner
  • congress and prez get in a big fight. congress is overriding all of prez's vetoes
  • congress v. johnson- freedman's bureau and civil rights act. 2 things that congress overrides
  • plan overall didnt work and not used



reconstruction of the south:

congress's plan


  • 1867
  • very harsh
  • military reconstruction act which johnson vetoes and congress overrides
  • southern states must ratify 14th amendment and guarentee black suffrage if they want troops to leave
  • some states are stubborn
  • marshall law made situation worse cuz young generation negatively views the north- maybe too harsh and maybe unconstitutional

Ex Parte Milligan

  • 1866
  • Milligan tried in military court instead of civilian court which supreme court ruled cannot be done cuz is unconstitutional
  • this means that military reconstruction was probably unconstitutional

reconstruction governments

  • cooperated with military gov: southern blacks (Hiram Revels- first black senator), Carpetbaggers (northerners who moved), Scalawags (southerners who betrayed)
  • white southerners take matters into their own hands
  • white south: Ku Klux Klan- Nathan Bedford Forest is founder, secret organization to try to control blacks thru intimidation and murder
  • congress: enforcement acts: enabled military to do anything encessary to stop KKK
  • southern redeemers: build a new south

impeachment of andrew johnson

  • impeachment: legislative power over executive and judicial branches (prez and SC justices)- checks and balances
  • impeachment is a trial and they can be tried if committed "high crimes and misdemeanors"- constitutional crimes
  • johnson issues:1. he was a demo so everyone hated him 2. fight with radical GOP congress 3. kept Lincoln's cabinet who hate him esp. Edwin Stanton
  • 1867 Tenure of Office Act- bill proposed that says prez cant fire a congress member, johnson vetoes, congress overrides, johnson fires Stanton anyways= broke a law, unconstitutional
  • 1868 Impeachment Trial in Senate
  • House: examines evidence and votes to impeach (trial)- prosecution
  • Senate: Jury (need 2/3 vote for guilty verdict) if guilty, have to resign
  • President: defendant
  • Chief Justice: judge
  • Johnson is found NOT GUILTY by one vote- not a good prez but did not actually commit unconstitutional crimes
  • Senator Ben Wade of Ohio- President Pro Tempore of senate was in line to be prez and already picked his cabinet cuz he thought johnson would be found guilty for sure

the new south
bought alaska for 7.2 mil$$ which turned out to be good cuz it was rich with gold, oil, etc.
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