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AP World History Unit 1
Vocabulary- Unit One
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Abstinence/Celibacy Chastity
Personal restraint from indulging in the desire of sexual intercourse.

Historical Significance: In the religion of Christianity the vow of Abstinence played an important role in self purity and dignity.
A form of existence believed to continue after death .

Historical Significance:The term of afterlife was significant in the religion of hinduism and buddhism. The practioners of these two religions found this term signifcant in thier life because a good afterlife all depended on whether or they had karma in thier first life.
A self governing state.

Historical Significance: The Roman Empire and Persian Empire are great example of city states within thier socities. In the Roman Empire, people were divided into several city-states. Similarly, in Persia, under Darius reign 20 satraps were created in order to keep the government in swift control
Bureaucracy, Civil Service
A body of nonelective government officials that is characterized by specialization of functions, acception of fixed rules,and hierarchy of authority.

Historical Significance:One of the practioners of a burecrat politcal system is the people from China.Chinese men were known to be part of hierarchal families with much authority.
Caste System
Form of a social hierarchy invovled in Hinduism that is based on ideas of social purity and influences all social and physical contact.Citzens are ordered according to their gender,occupation and religious devotion.

Historical Significance:The caste system acted as an important part of the Hindu religion and of thier goverment. Because of this system, people were socially divided into 4 groups. Each group was named after in place for either a priest,warrior,god and lastly peasants.
city state
A small independent state consisting of an urban center and with a dense popualation.

Historical Significance: The establushment and development of many city states in the past civlizations had led to thier civilization to thier rise or decline. During, Darius reign, many provinces were created in order to main controlof Persia.The satraps were in charge ofthier city state and responsible for collecting tribute and other many money.
An adaptation to new beliefs and opinions within a religion .

Historical Significance: The conversion of people to new religions exposed new cultural exchanges within the world and its people. As the conversion to buddhism,hinduism,christianity and islam came to be many seeked new religious enlightment and ideas.The religious conversion of many throughtout history can be due to the travels of missionaries.
Corporal Punishment
The infliction of physical injury on someone convicted of committing a crime.

Historical Significance:Corporal punishments in a society varied based upon on thier location. A coporal punishment for someone who committed a crime can include a death penalty,sentence to slavery and even exile. An example of a corporal punishmentis , after the Babylonian conquest, Jews were exiled of Palestine due to thier Christian beliefs.
A deity is considered to be a immortal being, who is holy, divine, and sacred, the people who believe in them.

historical Significance:The belief and worship if a diety by many people within a civilization revealed a thier knowledge of religion. Whether or not they understood the concept of Gods, many people knew about the existence of a higher power and worshipped them.
A diaspora is any movement of the citizens of a population sharing the same ethnic descent.

Historical Significance : An example, of a Diaspora in history can be when Jews decided to live outside of Palestine, after the babylonians took control.
An inhabitiant of a city-state,town or country.

Historical Significance: An example, of Citizens in the worlds history can be seen in many ancient and classical civilizations. The Roman people of the Roman Empire, the Sumerians of Mesopatamia can all be considered citizens of thier homelands.
The succession of rulers of the same line of blood descent.

Historical Significance: The dynasties of past civilizations were significant to the development of thier society due to the fact that they were rulers and the ones in authority. An example, of a dynasty within past civilizations can be the Han and Qin dynasties of China.
Domesticated Plants And Animals
To cultivate plants or raise animals, selectively breeding them to increase their suitability for human benefits.

Historical Significance: Domesticated plants and animals within the past civilizations has helped the development of thier society for several reasons. An domesticated plant or animal in Africa, allowed many huntergathering populations to become sedentary overtime. Due to the uprising of crop cultiviation, the agricultural revolution resulted into new forms of living between all people.
A small group of people within a larger group who have more power, social standing, wealth, or talent than the rest of the group

Historical Significance:The hegemony of many elites in the past have led thier society to inequal states because of social and economic statuses.Wealthy classmen in the Roman Republic can be considered Elites due to the fact that even in a "free" society, wealth overpowers individuality.
A major political society that is controlled by a monarch with complete authority.

Historical Significance: The development of empires of past civilizations are significant to thier rise or to thier decline.An large populated society, required a emperor in control before the society didnt last until the time span it should.
Relating or appropriate to a child's relationship with, or feelings toward, his or her parents.

Historical Significance: An example of a filial event within a civilizations can be seen in Chinas hierarchies.Unlike, many other communities of thier time, Chinas filial hierarchies allowed everyone in the family to have a responsibility. In connection to other, foreign families, the man of the household had complete authority.
The social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group.

Historical Significance: A civilization experiencing an hegemony action due to the manipulation of others is the Persian Empire. After, Alexanders conquest of
Persia, hellenization occured exchanging cultural ideas and beliefs from Greece.
A member of a group in which people live by hunting game and gathering edible plants only.

Historical Significance: Huntergatherers were significant in world history because they were the first people seen collecting for thier own food.These people were usually nomadic and never settled to one place due to several obstacles. Eventually, these people would discover advanced ways to obtain goods and become sedentary.
A closely organized system of beliefs, values, and ideas forming the basis of a social, economic, or political philosophy in a society.

Historical Significance:Ideology within a civilzation can be seen in the Roman and Han empires.Unlike other civilzations, the Han and Roman empire enforced several beliefs and values within thier society in which everyone had to follow.
A religious follower who is sent to foreign places in order to spread and seek new religious followers.

Historical Significance:The work of misionaries in Unit One can be seen through the trade routes of the Silk road and of the sub-saharan.Along with these trade routes, missionaries took advantage to spread the word of thier religion to foriegners.At times, the skill of these missionaries excelled, and they were ale to return to thier land with several converts.
Undivided rule or absolute sovereignty by a single person.

Historical Significance:All of the earliest empires of the world were under control of one main ruler,NBotable monarchs include Darius, Julius Cesar,Alexander the Great and etc.
the belief that there is only one God.

Historical Significance: The belief of one god can be seen in the religion of Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
New Stone Age: the latest period of the Stone Age, between about 8000 bc and 5000 bc, characterized by the development of settled agriculture and the use of polished stone tools and weapons

Historical Significance: The Neolithic age, marked new lenghts of advancement for many past civilizations. The neolithic age brought agricultural advances, increasing populations and technological advances.
Group of people forming the noble class in a country or state.

Historical Significance: The term nobility refers to the noblemen within a society. The significance of a noble in a society is the fact that these are the daily citizens who are niether poor or rich. In a historical manner, many would think they would have a say inside thier community but they actually have none really.The noblemen have no say in the Roman Republic, and even if they were heard, their words would never matter.
A member of a group of people who move seasonally from place to place to search for food and water.

Historical Significance: Nomadic settlers are significant historically wise due to the fact that they show evolution in its path.Most humans on Earth were nomads, than evolved into huntergatherers who later on became farmers.
A person undersolemn vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

historical Significance: The role of Nuns in the past,has revealed that like monks, they were used in order to seek new converts for their religion.Nuns were socially uncared for in thier society because of thier gender and role in the society.



A follower of a polythestic religion.

Historical Significance: Pagans played a important role globally due to the fact that they went against monothestic beliefs.Pagans could be seen throughout the history of the Roman Empire.
A temple dedicated to all deities.

Historical Significance: Panthenons were locations of great value in civilizations.These structures usually were made in honor of gods and godesses, in appreciation by all of thier believers.The Parthenon of Athena, in Athens, Greece is one of the most notable Panthenons today.
Someone who portrays the life of shepherds or country people especially in an idealized and conventionalized manner.

Historical Significance:Pastoral people were significant to thier societies in many ways.These people were the first to enjoy from farming fileds,suburnban and country life out in the lands.They would usually contribute much to thier community by doing farm labor on a daily basis.
Social organization in which the men of a household have absolute authority of what occurs in each family members life.All inheiritance goes to the male succeeding in the family line.

Historical Significance: Many of the families that made up thier societies were patriarchal families.An example, of an civilization that had men in control of thier families was the classical Roman empire.
The belief or worship of more than one god.

Historical Significance:The belief and worship of many gods was accepted in the Roman Empire. The Romans believed in several dieties who obtained vast amount s of power.Later on, the belief ofpolytheism wasnt permitted in Rome due to new cultural exchanges.
One authorized to perform the sacred rites of a religion.

Historical Significance: As the extension of religions became known to many civilizations, high positions of authority were formed into thier beliefs. As dieties were the most powerful forces of the Earth, priests who were men were in charge of continuing to teach and share the beliefs of thier religion.Priests acted as main roles in many societies ranking high social positions due to thier wisdom, after wealthy classmen.
The state in which a person is reborn after death in new bodily and nature forms.

Historical Significance: The belief of reincarnating spirits occured in the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism. The future of ones reincarnation in Hinduism, depended on whether or not the person had a good karma.The sum of thier actions in their first life predicted whether or not they would have the opporntunity to be reincarnated.
A government having a chief of state who is not a monarch.

Historical Significance: The first republic seen in our worlds history is the Roman republic. The Roman Republic intended to be a form of a government in which all citizens had a say. Instead, only the words of wealthy and high class families were valuable to those with powerful authority.

Nomads In Trade


unsettled people with no homes who gathered wild plants for living.

Historical Significance: Nomadic settlers played important roles in trade for several reasons. Although, there isnt much evidence of trade between nomads ans merchants many believe it did occur. Nomads would exchange wild fruits and vegetables in return for cloth and other objects that were useful to them in thier hectic life.
Structure used to worship Buddha and Buddhism.

Historical Significance: During Ashoka's reign, one of the most notable structures in dedication to Buddhist beliefs was the "great stupa" in Sanchi, India.
Tax Revenue
The profits earned by the goverment due to the taxation and tribute paid by the people.

Historical Significance:Tax Revenue was significant to the development of many societies because it benefited them in many ways.The role of tax revenue allowed government authorities to control military services and control of the profits being earned by merchants.
The State
A political unit in which citizens are it's inhabitants.

Historical Significance: The state can refer to the city states in which some civilizations were politcally divided.States were usually in control by one main authority chosen by the highest authority of the empire.
Trade Goods
Merchandise often used in trading routes, such as in the Silk Road.

Historical Significance:The trade goods in which a society obtained or exchanged for varies on their location and amount of resources.The main export of China was Silk, and was higly prized across the Silk Road.Silk was an good that was higly valuable to its purchasers. In return, a chinese merchant would be able to find himself with spices such as cinnamon or with tea leaves from the Sub-Saharan.
Location that is not country like but city like.

Historical Significance: Urban centers were found in many early civilizations.The Roman Empire was considered as an urban center due to its advances in technology and economy.It was a urban center due to momunmental buildings such as the Panthenon and the Coliseum.
A scribe is a person who writes and records the events of things occuring in the world.

Historical Significance:The knowledge many of us obtain today is due to the effort maintained by record keepers.Primary documents from the past allow us, to learn new things about their society and the origns of our world.the records written by Scribes reveal more about thier culture and traditional customs.
Sacred Texts
Religious literature that is worshipped by many of its followers and indicates their way of life.

Historical Significance: Sacred texts are important to our worlds history for many reasons. Sacred texts reveal the beliefs in which groups of people follow.A religion can contain many religious texts but only some are more valuable.For example, in Roman Catholicism the bible is the most sacred text to its followers.
People who are settled in one place and usually work as farmers or in factories.

Historical Significance: In connection, to nomadic settlers and hunter gatherers, sedentary farmers impacted thier socities in many ways. The first sedentary people, were seen soon after the rise of the agricultural revolution.These people quickly adapted into thier new lives and customs.
Slavery is a form of forced labor in which people are considered to be the property of others.

Historical Significance:Slavery can be seen in several empires but mostly in the Roman Empire.The Romans used slaves for daily use, at times slaves were even smarter than average citizens.Average citizens all depended on the labor of slaves, that they didnt obtain any true intelligence. Slaves were used for warfare,chores, and most times for protection.If the master of the slave, liberated them after good work, the slave would enjoy a good life like a regular Roman citizen.
Social Hierarchy,Stratification,inequality
The dividing of a society into levels based on power,social,and economic status.

Historical Significance: The social inequalities between many of the early civilizations are a reason to many of thier decline.Inequality,in imperial China, led to a peasant revolt resulting in the empires decline.The inequality of women in thier socities, may have not led to major changes but did result into more freedom within thier lives. Hiearchies singally maintained full authority of everyone in their community.Social divisions by the rulers and people of authority wtihin a empire led to thier uprisig power and the citizens weakening.
Someone relating to, befitting, or suggestive of an empire or an emperor.

Historical Significance: Imperealism in the history of our world led to many conflicts between neighboring societies.Imperial China had many benefits due to thiercentralized goverment, unified communities and written language.
Kinship Groups
Groups that maintain relationship within genetic, biological or cultural bonds.

Historical Significance:The sight of many kinship groups can be seen in many civilizations. Kinship groups are significant to the development and continuity of a empire because of thier line of heirs.If an emperor isnt within a kinship group his next heir will not be from the same royal blood line.
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