Shared Flashcard Set


AP world history
chapters 29 and 30 stearns CORRECT
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




What were the five authoritarian countries during the 1930s?
Germany, Italy, Russia, Japan Spain
What are three charactersitics of authoritarian/totalitarian states?
dictator, suppressed civil rights, viewed state over individual
Who took over the Japanese government by 1931, despite the continued rule of the emperor?
General Tojo and military
While Japanese males gained the vote in Japan in the 1920s, the large corporations and business interests known as ______and the military were sources that supported authoritarianism.
Japan then took over teh province of _____ in China in 1931. When the League of Nations attempted to hold Japan responsbible, Japan_____from the league of nations.
manchuria; deparated
Some of Japan's problems were rapid _____growth, a lack of _____ needed for industrialization, and Japan's belief that it was______against by the WEstern nations on issues such as arms limitation decisions, and racist immigration practices.
population; natural resources; discriminated
Japan was determined to build an empire in the_____region, and in 1937, renewed its attempt to invade______. ONe of the most gruesome aspects of this invasion was teh attack known as the _____of Nanjing, where many civilians were slaughtered.
pacific; china; rape
After teh czar abdicated in _____, a provisional government led by Kerensky, a moderate socialist was put in place. The______, a group of radical communists who believed that the workers' revolution must be brought about by a small group of dedicated revolutionaries, took over teh government. From 1917 to ____, the reds (or Bolsheviks) fought the whites ina bloody givil war. By_____the  BOlsheviks had won, and formed the USSR, or Union of_____Socialists Republics, a communist goernment that became totalitarian.
1917; bolsheviks; 1922; 1922; soviet
The Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, signed the ______, giving away 1/3 of Russia's population in Eastern Europe to Germany in exchange for ending World WAr I.
Traty of Brest Litovsk
Lenin became incapacitated by 1922 , and a power struggle  occured between the great REd army leader, _____, and the leader of the communist paty _____._____emerged as the leader and ruled russia until the 1950s.
trotsky; stalin; stalin
In the 1920s adn 1930s  the soviets began a program of rapid industrialization, through a series of _____Plans. These plans called for empasis on _____industry, rather than consumer goods, and required that peasants surrender their land and become agricultural workers, a process called_____.
5 year; heavy; collectivization
The Mexican Revolution began with the 1910 election called by Porfirio Diaz, a ____, or autocratic ruler. He had rule d Mexico since the 1870s and had brought peace and stability to Mexico and protected foreign business interests. Francisco _____, a moderate reforemer ran against ahim and this led to the mexican revolution. Madero was killed and different interset groups in Mexico engaged ina civil war from 1910 to 1920 inculding ______and Emiliano______, who represented working class and peasant interests. A military coup led by Genreral _____took over teh government in 1914 and the U.S. stepped in to force a reelection. By 1920, Mexico had adopeted a new constitution, and by the 1930s Mesico had achieved some measure of______for the peasants. 
caudillo; madero; pancho villo, zapato, huerta; land
The last Chinese dynasty, the_____, fell in 1911, and by 1912, ______ had established a new repulic in China. However, within a few years, the republic failed due to the power of the Chinese_____in the countryside. During World War I, Japan attemtped through 21 demands to rule China as a ______.
Qing; Sun Yat sen; warlords; protectorate
______developed a therory of communism, with the chinese peasants, rather the workers, as teh backbone of soceity. He led teh communist party. By 1927, China was engaged in a vivil war between the communists and the ______, or guomindang, led by______. This brutal civil war ended in the mid-1930s as the communists engaged in the ______to flee to the north. The communists agree to an armistice and to help the nationalists fight the ______.
Mao z?edong; nationalists; Chiang Kai Shek; long march; Japanese
After Wrold war II there was little popular support in China for the corrupt_____regime although it was supported by western nations because it was anti communist. By 1949, however the ______ had won and took control of China, and the _____fled to the island of formosa (or_____). The west reconginzed formosa as "china" until the _____./
nationalist; communists; nationalists; taiwan; 1970s
AFter World War I, Italy was in Chaos. A journlist and former socialist, ______joined the fascist party, and with the help of his paramilitary group, the _____gained control of Italy by 1922. He was known as ____, which means leader.
mussolini; black shirts; il duce
Although he ruled as a dictator and suppressed civil liberties, he was supported in Italy because he was anti communist and because he restored order or "made the ____run on time". He sought to restore the great_____empire and invaded_____, albania, and libya in the 1930s. 
trains; roman; ethiopoia
IN 1936, Mussolini signed the ______with HItler's germany. Both Italy and Germany provided secret assistance to teh fascit party in____, in their war against the republicans.
aixis power agreement; spain
Hitler rose to power in Germany and became _____by 1933. An austrian, Hitler had risen through the ranks of he Nazi(Nationlist Socialist German workers party) in the 1920s. The party was very anti communist, but also blamed Germany's problems on the_____, on banksers , and on the politicians of the germany weimar republic.
chancellor of germany; jews
Hitler ruled as a _____but was supported by many of the Germany people. He began to ____the terms of th Treaty of Versailles. He first began with ______the Rhineland between Germany and France. He then united Germany with ____, and took over teh ______. This led to the ____conference where western eruopean leaders agreed to ____Hitler, in order to "achieve peace in our time". British Prime minister neville chamberlain also knew that hte british were not ready to go to war with germany. Despite his promises, Hitler then conquered the rest of______.
dictator;undo; remilitarizing; austria; sudetenland; munich; appease; czecholslavakia
In 1939, Hitler signed a_____pact with the ______, which contained a secet clause to divide____. On september 1, 1939, Hitler invaded _____, leading Britain and France to declare war against Germany.
non agression; russians; poland; poland
Hitler's use of lightning techniques of invading rapidly with air power, paratroopers, bombers, and tanks were known as _____.
For the next seven months, although war was declared, nothing happened as all countires were mobilizing for war. This is known as the _____or sitzkrieg.
By 1940, ______,_______,and______joined togerther as allies in the tripartite pact and would be known as the axis powers.
germany, italy, and japan
Beginning in march 1940, Hitelr conquered denmark, norway, the netherlands, Belgium and finally, by june of 1940, had the surrender of_____. He then began a bombing campaign against ____, known as the "blitz". Witht he use of radar and Britis resistance, the blitz failed and hitler then turuned to attack_____.
france; britain; russia
There were a number of technological innovations during the war, including the widespread use of ____ for detection of submarines and underwater mines; the use of _____ in anti-aircraft battles, and the effectivve use of air power to conduct ____raids. IN many cases, bombing raids were used not only against military targets, but also against_____, such as in germany. By the end of the war, the allied pwoers had developed _____weapons, which the us used against japn to force it to surrender.
sonar; radar;  bombing; civilians; nuclear
The nazi ____against the jews resulted in killing approximately ___million eastern european jewws. Other targeted groups were the mentally disabled, the mentally ill, homosexuals, gypsies, slavs, poles ,and serbians, as well as russian prisoners of war. The western european nations were aware of the nazi campaign but were unaware of its extent until theliberation of the _____at the end of the war.
holocaust; six; camps
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on ______, bring the U.s. into the war. The U.S. had followed an isolationist policy during the 1930s. 
december 7, 1941
Operation overlord, known as ____, was the largest amphibious military campaign in history, and was the allied campaign to reinvade and take _____from nazi control. By may 1945, the allies had defeated the germans, and celebrated____day.
d day, france, VE
Tensions had been mounting between the US and britain on one side, and russia on the other, about he fate of germany and eastern europe after the war. The US and russia both raced to liberate as much territory as possible. At the end of the war germany was divided into___zones, to be ruled by the british, french, americans, and ____. After the war, the British, french and american zones became _____germany and the russian zone became ____germany. The capitol, ____, was alos divided into the ____ zone. By the end of world war II, the ____war between the US and russia had clearly begun; it would not end until at least____.
4; russia; west; east; berlin; east; cold; 1989
Put the following events in chronological order: blitzkrieg, sitzkreig, invasion of poland; invasion of russia; the blitz/battle of britain; US enters war; pearl harbor
invasion of poland, blitzkrieg, sitzkreig, the blitz/battle of britain, invasion of russia, pearl harbor, us enters war
put the following events  in chronological order: VE day, VJ day , D day, dropping o fatomic bombs on japan, operation torch.
operation torch; d day; ve dy; dropping of atomic bombs on japan; vj day
The allied strateg against japan in the pacific was known as _____, which involed attemtping to capture key locations to assist in caputuring japan. Throughout the first half of 1942, the japanese continued to conquer the pacific rim, including China, french indochina, the philippines, among others. In the battle of _____, an all air battle between nval carrierrs (at first), prevented a japanese invason of ____. In the battle of____a second japanese attack on _____as prevented. finally, the allies turened the tide fo japanese victory in 1942, in the battle of _____, the first allied offensive.
island hopping; coral sea; australia; midway; hawaii; guadal canal
Althoguh Germany had been defeated Japan refused to surrender. The loss of life in the pacific was very heavy. As a result, president ruman decided to drop the _____, to prevent further loss of life and to keep the russians from becoming aggressive in the pacific. The japanese surrendered on august 15, 1945.
atomic bomb
At the end of the war,_____trials were held in ____, germany and _____, japn agaisnt leaders of the nations. Japan was ruled by the americans for a period of time, particularly general douglas macarthur, and was given a new ______and became a _____style democracy. Arms limitations were pace don both germany and japan.
war crimes; nurenberg; tokoyo; parliamentary
The United Nations, created in 1945, gave permanent member status and the right of eto to "superpower" nations following world war II. These permanent members of the security council includ3e the _____, _____,_____,____and ____. AFter 1949 "china" was actually ____and communist china or the______ as not recognized by the United nations until the 1970s.
united states, ussr, great britian, france , and "china"; taiwan; people's republic of china
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