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AP US History
Chapters 6-9
11th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Second Continental Congress
Many of the founding fathers, such as John Adams and Thom Jefferson, met in Philadelphia in 1775. During the meeting, the congress created a continental army to defend the colonies against Britain. John Adams nominated George Washington to be the head of the army. Congress also sent the Declaration of Causes and Necessities of Taking Up Arms to England, which highlighted the wrongdoings of Parliament. The congress was important because it was at this meeting that America officially declared a rebellion.
Continental Army
This was America's army formed in 1775 to fight against Britain. George Washington was the head of the army. The army wasn't as large or as well trained as Britain's, but it used guerrilla tactics, so it was superior in that regard. A large portion of the army was comprised of paid mercenaries. The army was important because it was an official fighting body willing to battle for America against Britain.
Treaty of Alliance
The Treaty of Alliance was formed between America and France in 1778. In return for backing America in the war with resources such as goods and capital, America agreed to recognize France’s claim to the West Indies. No agreement for France’s actual gain for taking part in the Alliance would come until after the war was over and America was secure from Britain. The treaty is important because without the support of France, America would have never obtained the capabilities necessary for winning the war.
Common Sense
Published by Thomas Paine in Philadelphia in 1776, it addressed the issue of Britain in language that the common people could understand. It also directed the problem at George III, which created a common source of the problem, making it easier for people to blame someone. Common Sense helped to gain the support of commoners in the war effort.
Battle of Saratoga
1777 in Saratoga, New York. General Gates of America beat General Burgoyne of Britain. Britain would have probably won, but General Howe abandoned him to go to Philadelphia. This battle convinced France to support America's war effort.
Treaty of Paris, 1783
In 1783, the treaty was made in Paris. Britain retained Canada, but lost all land from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River. The treaty made Britain recognize American independence and allowed British and American ships to sail the Mississippi. America had to protect loyalists and recognize them as citizens. The natives didn't get any say in this, which sucked for them 'cause the guys protecting them from American expansionism were gone.
Declaration of Independence
July, 4th, 1776: Congress passes the Declaration, written by Thomas Jefferson, which was an official declaration of American independence.
Valley Forge
When Howe invaded Philadelphia in 1777, Washington took his troops and ran. They took refuge in Valley Forge nearby for the winter, where harsh conditions caused lots of soldiers to die or flee. During the winter months, Baron von Steuban, formerly of the Prussian army, trained the troops in the valley. The continental army was a lot stronger due to the training when the winter ended.t
Gradual Emancipation
After the war, Americans started to question slavery since it butted heads with the ideals of the Enlightenment, which America had used to acquire its view on rebellion. In 1782, the Virginia legislature passed the first bill to try and end slavery, and other states soon followed. Slave owners regarded slavery as a necessary evil for the economy. Then when Prosser led a slave rebellion, southerners praises slavery as good. In the south, this helped to catalyze the stereotypical racist sentiments.
State Constitutions
In 1776, states wrote their own constitutions to remove documents with references to the king and royalty. The rewrites resounded with anti-nobility sentiments, which resulted in more of the lower class playing a role in politics.
Articles of Confederation
The articles were passed by Congress as the first outline for how American government would work in 1777. 9 of 13 states had to agree to any new laws passed. All the states had to agree to any revisions of the articles. The feds printed money and dealt with war issues, but could only tax in war times, which prevented the feds from accomplishing much of anything. All the states didn't ratify the articles until 1781 due to land claims that would have greatly expanded some.
Northwest Ordinance
A series of acts from 1784 to 1787 that determined how to deal with the territory north of the Ohio River Valley. The area was divided up into a grid, and an area could petition to become a state once it had a population at least equal to the population of the lowest populated state. The land was also sold at high prices to discourage speculation. In 1787, the actual passed, which created Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Michigan. The states had appointed governments at first, but then could vote when the population hit 5k people; 6k people for statehood. Slavery was banned in these states.
Shay's Rebellion
Shay led an uprising in Massachusetts in 1786 of debtors who were upset over the government's lack of support for debtors. Shay died during the winter, but this showed that the government wasn't doing enough to help the people.
Philadelphia Convention
1787 in Philadelphia, attended by delegates from all states except Rhode Island, this convention happened to create a new constitution that was more effective. The convention set up the current system of government we have today.
Bill of Rights
Added to the Constitution as the first ten amendments in 1787 'cause some states wouldn't ratify unless there was some protection of civil liberties. The bill ensured that freedoms would be protected.
Hamilton's Financial Plans
1790: Permanent debt and taking on all state debts, which made people angry 'cause government people actually made money off of the payback of bonds. Hamilton also set up some federal banks near the Potomac River and set up the First National Bank. 1792: Hamilton helped to set up some taxes to provide the feds with money to get work done.
Whiskey Rebellion
1794: Whiskey producers in PA rioted due to the excise tax placed on their product. They rioted with signs saying "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity," the slogan of the French Revolution. The uprising highlighted disdain for the federal government's newly expanded power.
Jay's Treaty
1795: Jay made a treaty w/ England in response to England snatching up American ships and impressing sailors who were then US citizens, but England claimed they were deserters from the war. The treaty got Britain to remove troops from the US and stop supporting the natives. America payed back all pre-war debts to England. England also kept the right to seize French property on ships.
Revolution of 1800
Term used to refer to the election between Jefferson and Adams since political direction changed without bloodshed.
Alien and Sedition Acts
1798: Alien gave the government the right to deport foreigners, and Sedition prevented any dissent towards the president. No judicial review yet, so the Republicans used this against the Federalists while campaigning.
Pinckney's Treaty
1795: Treaty between America and Spain guaranteeing America use of New Orleans and the Mississippi for trade.
Embargo Act
1807: Discouraged England and France from attacking American ships by preventing Americans from trading outside the country.
Treaty of Ghent
1814: Q. Adams made a treaty w/ Britain to end the War of 1812; restored America's pre-war borders.
XYZ Affair
1797: 3 American diplomats bribed French Foreign Minister Talleyrand to stop the French from attacking American ships. John Adams was furious.
Monroe Doctrine
1823: Monroe, who was president, and Q. Adams, the main author. It said that America would stop all colonization of the western hemisphere. The British navy supported the doctrine because it didn't want any other countries expanding and becoming stronger than they were.
Adam-Onis Treaty
1821: Q. Adams made a treaty w/ Spain to get Florida for America.
Rush-Bagot Treaty
1817: Made the Great Lakes a neutral zone for England and America.
Proclamation of Neutrality
1793: Washington said that America would help neither France nor England in war, but would still continue to trade w/ both.
Louisiana Purchase
1804: Jefferson Administration; sent Livingston to negotiate to get use of the Mississippi River. Livingston was able to acquire the whole area for $15 million or so, so the US acquired lots of new land.
Washington's Farewell Address
1796: Washington said to stay out of war and political troubles but to keep trade with other nations.
Indian Intercourse Act
1790: Made it so that you needed a treaty to get land from natives, but they were still coerced out of land.
Non-Intercourse Act
1808: Madison's administration; repeals Embargo Act except in the cases of France and England.
Virginia Plan
Penned by Madison; what we have now, but the Feds could overturn state laws.
New Jersey Plan
Idea was for all states to have equal say; only revision to the Articles was that the feds would get taxation powers.
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