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American History: Colony to Civil War
Undergraduate 4

Additional History Flashcards




Ulysses Grant
Served in the Mexican Wat, under Generals Taylor and Scott, Grant was in every battle except Buena Vista
Harriet Tubman
Moses of her peeople for leading so many of them out of bondage to freedom. She was an abolitionist, and integral part of the Underground Railroad
Antietam was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history, with about 23,000 casualties. This was a two to one battle with Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia having approximately 45,000 troops to union Army Maj. Gen. George B. McClellans 90,000 troops. 
The battle of the Alamo was fought over issues like Federalism, slavery, immigration rights, the cotton industry and above all money. Santa Anna Laid siege to the mission. The next day, Bowie fell ill and full command passed to Travis. Badly outnumbered, Travis sent out riders asking for reinforcements
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Wrote the book "Uncle Toms Cabin" a novel that vividly depicts the brutality of South's "perculiar institution," aroused passions so deep that many found goodwill toward white southerners nearly impossible.
San Jacinto
General Sam Houstons army adopted the massacre of Goliad as a battle cry and crushed Santa Anna's troops. The Texans had succeeded in establishing the Lone Star Republic and the following year, the United States recoginsed the independence of Texas from Mexico.
William T. Sherman
was a general who was appointed by general rant to lead armies into the south and was told to destroy and damage as much as he could.
Frederick Douglass
A prominent American abolitionist, author and orator. His three autobiographies are considered important works of the slave narrative traditionas well as classics of American autobiography. Douglass' work as a reformer ranged from his abolitionist activites in the early 1840's to his attacks on Jim Crow and Lynching in the 1890's. For 16 years he edited an influential black newspaper and achieved international fame as an inspiring and persuasive speaker and writer. In thousands of speeches and editorials, he levied a powerful indictment against slavery and racism, provided an indomitable voice of hope for his people, embraced antislavery politics and preached his own brand of American ideals. 
Winfield Scott
Leading general of the Mexican War and a superb tactician. he was the whig nominee for president in 1852
William Lloyd Garrison
In 1830 he started an abolitionsit paper, "The Liberator." In 1832 he helped form the New England Antislavery society. When the Civil war broke out, he continued to blast the constitution as a pro-slavery document. When the civil war ended, he at last saw the abolition of slavery. 
13th Amendment
Abolished Slavery
William Henry Harrison
Americas ninth president, served just one month in office before dying of pneumonia. His tenure, is the shortest of any U.S. President 
John Tyler
John Tyler served as Americas 10th president from 1841 to 1845. He assumed office after the death of William Henry Harrision, who passed away from pneumonia after just a month in the white house. Nicknamed " His Accidency" Tyler was the first vice president to become chief executive due to the death of his predecessor. A strong supporter of states rights , Tyler was a Democratic -Republican; however in 1840 he ran for vice presidency on the Whig ticket. As president, Tyler clashed with the whigs, who later tried, unsuccessfully, to impeach him. 
Planter Class
Planter class was the class that owned more than 20 slaves. People were considered farmers if they had under 20 slaves. 
The idea that slavery was a set of reciprocal obligations between masters and slaves, with aslaves providing the labor and masters providing basic care and direction
Elijah Lovejoy
Eligah Lovejoy became editor of the St. Louis Observer, a presbyterian weekly. His strong anit-slavery messages were condemmed in the slave state of Missouri, causing him to move his press ot the free state of Illinois. Despite its new location, the printing press was a target for mob violence, and lovejoy was killed in 1837, strenthening the abolionist movement. 
"54'40 or Fight"
The slogan refers to the particular line of latitude which defined the northern-most extent of the Oregon country, a territory which was disputed and claimed jointly by both the United States and Great Britain. The United States eventually got it under the idea of "Manifest Destiny"
James K. Polk
A Democrat who relatively unkown outside of political circles, Polk won the 1844 presidential election as a dark horse candidate. As presdient, he reduced tariffs, reformed the national banking system and settled a boundry dispute with the British that secured Oregon Territory for the U.S.
Spot Resolutions
The resolutions requested President James K. Polk to provide congress with the exact location (spot) upon which blood was spilt on American Soil, as Polk had claimed in 1846 when asking congress to declare war on Mexico. So persistant was Lincoln in pushing his "spot resolutions" that some began refering to him as "spotty Lincoln". Lincolns resolutions were a direct challenge to the validity of the presidents words, and representative of an ongoing political power striggle between Whigs and Democrats. 
Wilmot Proviso
Wilmot Proviso was a bold attemppt by opponents of slavery to prevent its introduction in the territories purchased from Mexico following the Mexican War. Named after its sponsor, Dem. representative David Wilmont of Penn. The Proviso never passed, but it did ignite an intense national debate over slavery that led to the creation of antislavery Republican Party. 
Compromise of 1850
A set of laws, passed in the midst of fierce wrangling between groups favoring slaverly and groups opposing it, that attempted to give something to both sides. The compromise admitted California to the United States as a free state but allowed some newly aquired territories to decide on slavery for themselves. Part of the Compromise included the fugative slave act, which proved highly unpopular in the North. Senator Henery clay was a force behind the passage of the compromise.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
the act of congress in 1854 annulling the Missouri Compromise, providing for the organization of the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, and permitting these territories self-determination on the question of slavery.
Stephen Douglas
U.S. Politician, leader of the Democratic Party, and orator who espoused the couse of popular sovereignty in relation to the issue of slavery in the territories before the American civil war. He was re-elected senator of Illinois in 1858 after a series of eloquent deabtes with the Republican candidate, Abraham Lincoln, who defeated him in the presidentail race two years later.
Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
mandated that states to which escaped slaves fled were obligated to return them to their masters upon their discovery and subjected persons who helped runaway slaves to criminal sanctions. 
"Know Nothings"
Members of a political party prominent from 1853-1856, whos aim was to keep control of the government inthe hands of nativeborn citizens:Anit-foriegners/wanted to stop immigration
William Seward
Gradual implementation/moderate abolisitionist, Seward later served as New Yorks 12th governor and then as a member of the U.S. senate, where he established himself as a leading anti-slavery activist. After failing in an 1860 bid for the Republican presidential nomination, Seward was appointed secretary, of state in Abraham lincolns cabinet. He would eventually become one of Lincolns closet advisers during the Civil War, helping to ensure that Europe did not recognize the confederacy as a sovereign nation. 
Dred Scott
Dred Scott was a slave. His owner took him outisde the south and through states that did not allow slavery. These states had rules that any enslaved person brought into the state became free. Dred Scott sued to try to win his freedom. 
Uncle Toms Cabin
an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher stowe. Published in 1852, the novel helped lay the groundfor the civil war
Bull Run
two battles fought as Manssas Junction near a stream named Bull Run, during the American Civil War, in both of which the Federal army was routed by the confederates. First Major battle of the Civil war.
Fort Sumter
Fort in South Carolina, gaurding Charleston Harbour. It was capture by Confedate forces was the first action of the civil war. 
George B. McClellen
Ran against Abraham Lincoln. McClellen organzied the Army of the Potomac in 1861 and briefly served as general-in-chief of the Union Army. McClellen was well liked by his men, but his reticence to attack the Confederacy witht the fill force of his army despite a significant numerail advantage put him at odds with Abraham Lincoln. 
Scene of a crucial battle during the American Civil War, in which Meade's Union forces defeated lee's confederate army. Known as the "high water mark" of the confederacy. 
Shermans March to the Sea
A movement of the Union Army troops of General William Tecumseh Shermman from Atlanta, Georgia, to the Georgia Seacoast(savanna Georgia), with the object of destroying confederate supplies. The march began after Sherman captured, evacuated, and burned confederate Atlanta in the fall of 1864.
Appomattox Courthouse
A village in Virginia where General Robert E. Lee Surrendered to General Ulysess S. Grant in April 1865, effectively ending the American Civil war. 
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