Origin: Ligamentum Nuchae and Spinous Process of C7 thru T3


Insertion: Ribs 2 - 5


Ventral Primary Rami


Origin: Spinous Process of T9-L3


Insertion: Ribs 9-12


Ventral Primary Rami



Assits in Respiration



Origin: Iliac Crest, Sacrum, Spinous Process of Lumbar Vertebrae, and Angles of Ribs


Insertion: Angle of Ribs


Origin: Blends with Iliocostalis, transverse processes of cervical and thoracic vertebrae


Insertion: Transverse processes to the level of C2, Mastoid Process


Origin: Spinous Processes starting at L2


Insertion: Spinous Processes to the level of C2, fuses with Semispinalis and fuses to skull between the superior and inferior nuchal line.



Extend the spine and neck



Side bending of contractile side

Ventral Primary Rami

Origin: Transverse processes from C4 to T12


Insertion: Transverse processes to C2 (Spans of 4-6 vertebrae) and skull between the superior and inferior nuchal lines


Origin: Sacrum, Sacrotuberous ligament, Iliac Crest, and Transverse processes


Insertion: Spinous Process to the level of C2 (Spans 2-4 vertebrae)


Origin: Transverse Processes


Insertion: Attach to Lamina

Spans 1(Brevis) or 2(Longus) vertebrae


Origin: Transverse Processes (C7-T4) and Ligamentum Nuchae


Insertion: Transverse processes of C1 - C3/4, Mastoid Process, and Superior Nuchal Line



Bilateral: Extension of Head and Neck


Unilateral: Side bending of neck and rotation of head.


A - Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor

B - Rectus Capitis Posterior Major

C - Obliquus Capitis Inferior

D - Obliquus Capitis Superior


Origin: Spinous Process of C2


Insertion: Inferior Nuchal Line


Origin: Posterior Tubercle of C1


Insertion: Inferior Nuchal Line


Origin: Transverse Process of C1


Insertion: Between the Superior and Inferior Nuchal Lines


Origin: Spinous Process of C2


Insertion: Transverse Process of C1


Muscles include: Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor, Rectus Capitis Posterior Major, Obliquus Capitis Superior, and Obliquus Capitis Inferior


Action: Maintains posture of the head, minor role in rotation and extension.


Obliquus Capitis Superior

Obliquus Capitis Inferior

Rectus Capitis Posterior Major


 Suboccipital Triangle


Origin: Transverse Process of C7 - T11


Insertion: Angle of the Ribs

Dorsal Primary Rami


Aids in Respiration


Origin - Pubic Crest and Symphysis


Insertion - 5-7th Costal Cartilages and Xiphoid Process

Thoracoabdominal and Subcostal Nerves
Tendinous Intersections allows the muscle to contract segmentally (more control) and also provides an attachment for the Rectus Sheath.


Contracts and flexes the trunk, indirectly the vertebra as well.


Origin - Pubic Crest and Symphysis


Insertion - Linea Alba

Iliohypogastric (Branch from L1 VPR) and the Subcostal Nerves


Tenses the Linea Alba


Origin - External Surface of the 5th thru 12th Ribs and Thoracolumbar fascia. (Has interdigitation with the Seratus Anterior)


Insertion: Linea Alba, Lateral lip of the Iliac Crest to ASIS, and Pubic Tubercle

Subcostal and Thoracoabdominal Nerves


Primary - Compresses the Abdominal Contents

Bilaterally - Causes Flexion of the Trunk

Unilaterally - Rotation of the Trunk


Origin - Lateral 2/3 of Inguinal Ligament, Iliac Crest, and Thoracoabdominal Fascia


Insertion - Costal Cartilages of Ribs 7-10, Linea Alba, Pubic Crest, Pectineal Line, and Rectus Sheath

Thoracoabdominal, Subcostal, and Ilioinguinal Nerves


Primary - Compresses the contents of the abdomen

Bilaterally - Flexion of the trunk

Unilaterally - Rotation of the trunk

Inferiorly - Compresses the Pubic Symphysis (Stabalizes the Pelvis)


Origin - Lateral 1/3 of the Inguinal Ligament, Medial Part of the Iliac Crest, Thoracolumbar Fascia, and Costal Cartilage of Ribs 7 - 12


Insertion - Linea Alba, Pectineal Line, and Pubic Crest

Thoracoabdominal, Subcostal, Iliohypogastric, and Ilioinguinal Nerves


Compression of the Abdomen


Stabalizes the Lumbar Spine


Compresses the Pubic Symphysis for Pelvic Compression / Stabalization


Origin: Fascia over Clavicle


Insertion: Lower border of mandible, Subcutaneous tissue of face, and interdigitates with facial muscles around mouth

Cervical branches of the Facial Nerve (Cranial Nerve VII)


Depresses the angles of the mandible


Origin: Anterior Manubrium and Clavicular Head


Insertion: Mastoid Process

Accessory Nerve (Cranial Nerve XI) and APR of C2 thru C4


Bilateral: Flexs the Neck and Extends the Head


Unilateral: Side bending of the Head and Rotation of the Head opposite to the way it bends


Origin: Anterior Tubercles of C3 thru C6


Insertion: Scalene Tubercle on Frist Rib


Origin: Transverse Process between the Anterior and Posterior Tubercle of C2 thru C7


Insertion: First Rib


Origin: Posterior Tubercles of C4 thru C6


Insertion: Second Rib

Segmentally by APR


Side bends the head and aids in respiration


Origin: Scapula just medial to the Suprascapular Notch


Insertion: Lower Border of Hyoid


The intermediate tendon is attached to the clavicle via the Fascial Sling


Origin: Deep border of the manubrium and the SC Joint


Insertion: Lower border of the hyoid


Origin: Deep side of the manubrium


Insertion: Oblique line of Thyroid Cartilage


Origin: Oblique Line of Thyroid Cartilage


Insertion: Lower Border of Hyoid Bone


Collective Function

Depresses the hyoid bone for the purpose of swallowing and stabalizes the hyoid bone



Sternothyroid: Depresses the thyroid cartilage and plays a role during phonation


Common Innervation

Ansa Cervicalis Nerve



Thyrohyoid - VPR of C1


Origin: Digastric Fossa of Mandible


Insertion: Mastoid Notch


Fascial sling attaches the intermediate tendon to the hyoid bone


Anterior Belly: Third Branch of Cranial Nerve V


Posterior Belly: Facial Nerve

(Cranial Nerve VII)


Origin: Styloid Process


Insertion: Hyoid Bone (Splits to go around the Digastric)


Facial Nerve

(Cranial Nerve VII)


Origin: Mylohyoid line on Mandible


Insertion: Hyoid Bone

Third Branch of Cranial Nerve V

Origin: Mental side of Mandible


Insertion: Hyoid Bone

APR of C1

Elevates the hyoid


Stabalizes the base of the Tongue


Origin: Arch of Cricoid Cartilage


Insertion: Lamina of Thyroid Cartilage

External Laryngeal Nerve

Tilts the thyroid cartilage laterally


Tension on Vocal Cords


Origin: Ilium (Behind Posterior Gluteal Line), Sacrum, and Sacrotuberous Ligament


Insertion: Gluteal Tuberosity and Iliotibial Band


Innervation: Inferior Gluteal Nerve


Vasculature: Inferior Gluteal Artery



Extension of the Hip, Stabalization of the Hip, and Lateral Rotation


Origin: Ilium (Between the Posterior and Anterior Gluteal Lines)


Insertion: Lateral Surface of Greater Trochanter



Abduct the Hip

If the foot is planted, can raise the opposite side of the pelvis

Aids in Medial Rotation


Innervation: Superior Gluteal Nerve


Vasculature: Superior Gluteal Artery


Origin: Ilium (Between the Anterior and Inferior Gluteal Lines)


Insertion: Lateral Side of the Greater Trochanter



Abduction and Medial Rotation


Innervation: Superior Gluteal Nerve


Vasculature: Superior Gluteal Artery


Origin: Anterior Surface of Sacrum


Insertion: Superior, Medial Surface of Greater Trochanter

VPR of L5 - S2


With Hip Extended: Lateral Rotation


With Hip Flexed: Abduction


Origin: Deep Surface of Obturator Membrane


Insertion: Medial Side of Greater Trochanter

Nerve to the Obturator Internus


With Hip Extended: Lateral Rotation


With Hip Flexed: Abduction


Origin: Ischial Spine


Insertion: Medial Side of the Greater Trochanter

Nerve to Obturator Internus


With Hip Extended: Lateral Rotation


With Hip Flexed: Abduction


Origin: Ischial Tuberosity


Insertion: Medial Side of Greater Trochanter

Nerve to Quadratus Femoris


With Hip Extended: Lateral Rotation


With Hip Flexed: Abduction


Origin: Ischial Tuberosity


Insertion: Intertrochanteric Crest

Nerve to Quadratus Femoris


Lateral Rotation


Origin: Superficial Side of Obturator Membrane


Insertion: Trochanteric Fossa

Obturator Nerve

Origin: Body of Pubis and Inferior Pubic Rami


Insertion: Superior Part of Posterior Medial Tibia



Adduction of Thigh at Hip Joint

Flextion of Knee Joint

Obturator Nerve

Origin: Body of Pubis


Insertion: Middle Third of Line Aspera

Obturator Nerve
Adduction of Thigh at Hip Joint

Origin: Pectineal Line of Pubic Bone


Insertion: Pectineal Line of Femur

Obturator Nerve and Femoral Nerve


Adduction of Thigh at Hip Joint

Hip Flexion


Origin: Body of Pubis and Inferior Pubic Ramus


Insertion: Pectineal Line and Proximal Third of Line Aspera


Obturator Nerve

(Which splits to go around this muscle)



Adduction of Thigh at Hip Joint


This muscle has two divisions


Adductor Portion

Origin: Ischiopubic Ramus

Insertion: Linea Aspera and Medial Supracondyler Ridge


Hamstring Portion

Origin: Ischial Tuberosity

Insertion: Adductor Tubercle


This muscle has two divisions


Adductor Portion

Obturator Nerve


Hamstring Portion

Tibial Division of the Sciatic Nerve


This muscle has two divisions


Adductor Portion

Adduction of Thigh at Hip Joint


Hamstring Portion

Extension of Thigh at Hip Joint


Anterior Muscles of the Thigh:

Rectus Femoris

Vastus Lateralis

Vastus Medialis

Vastus Intermedius



Straight Head: AIIS

Reflected Head: Ilium above the Acetabulum


Insertion: Base of the Patella via the Quatricepts Tendon then conveyed to the Tibial Tuberosity via the Patellar Ligament

Femoral Nerve


Extension of Leg at Knee Joint


Flexion of Thigh at Hip Joint


Origin: Lateral Part of the Intertrochanteric Line and Lateral Lip of the Linea Aspera


Insertion: Base of the Patella via the Quatricepts Tendon then conveyed to the Tibial Tuberosity via the Patellar Ligament

Femoral Nerve
Extension of Leg at Knee Joint

Origin: Medial Part of the Intertrochanteric Line and Medial Lip of the Linea Aspera


Insertion: Base of the Patella via the Quatricepts Tendon then conveyed to the Tibial Tuberosity via the Patellar Ligament

Femoral Nerve
Extension of Leg at Knee Joint

Origin: Anterior and Lateral Surfaces of the Proximal 2/3's of the Femur



Insertion: Base of the Patella via the Quatricepts Tendon then conveyed to the Tibial Tuberosity via the Patellar Ligament

Femoral Nerve


Extension of Leg at Knee Joint


Origin: Deepest Fibers of the Vastus Intermedius


Insertion: Suprapatellar Bursa

Femoral Nerve


Tenses the bursa so that it is able to travel with the Quadricepts Tendon and Reduce Friction


Formed from Two muscles



Origin: Iliac Fossa


Psoas Major

Origin: Transverse Processes of Lumbar Vertebra, and Intervertebral Discs and Vertebral Bodies of T12-L4


Common Insertion

Lesser Trochanter


Formed from two muscles



Femoral Nerve


Psoas Major

VPR of L1-L3



Flexion of Hip


Origin: ASIS


Insertion: Medial Surface of Tibia

Femoral Nerve


1 - Hip Flexion

2 - Knee Flexion

3 - External Rotates Hip


Origin: Ischial Tuberosity


Insertion: Posterior Medial Tibial Condyle and Continues to the Lateral Femoral Condyle via the Oblique Popliteal Ligament

Tibial Nerve


Hip Extension, Knee Flexion, Medial Rotation of the Leg


Origin: Ischial Tuberosity


Insertion: Medial Surface of the Tibia

Tibial Nerve


Hip Extension, Knee Flexion, and Medial Rotation of the Leg



Long Head: Ischial Tuberosity

Short Head: Linea Aspera and Lateral Supracondyler Ridge


Insertion: Head of the Fibula, continuous with the Lateral Collateral Ligament


Long Head: Tibial Nerve

Short Head: Common Fibular Nerve

Hip Extension, Knee Flexion (Not Short Head), Lateral Rotation of the Leg

Origin: Lateral Surface of the Proximal Third of Fibula


Insertion: Base of 1st Metatarsal and Medial Cuneiform

Superficial Fibular Nerve


Inversion of the Foot, Plantar Flexion


Origin: Lateral Surface of the distal 2/3 of Fibula


Insertion: Base of the 5th Metatarsal

Superficial Fibular Nerve
Plantar Flexion

Origin: Anterior Lateral Surface of the Tibia, Interosseous Membrane


Insertion: Base of the 1st Metatarsal and Medial Cuneiform

Deep Fibular Nerve


Dorsi Flexion, Inversion of the Foot


Origin: Middle 1/3 of Fibula, Interosseous Membrane


Insertion: Distal Phalanx of the First Digit

Deep Fibular Nerve


Extends the Toe, Assists in Dorsiflexion, Weak participant in Inversion


Origin: Fibula, Interosseous Membrane, and Lateral Tibial Condyle


Insertion: Digital Dorsal Expansions of lateral 4 toes

Deep Fibular Nerve


Extension at the Metatarsalpalangeal and Interphalangeal Joints


Origin: Anterior Distal Fibula


Insertion: Base of the 5th Metatarsal

Deep Fibular Nerve
Assists in Eversion and Dorsiflexion

Origin: Distal Femur, Just Proximal to the Medial and Lateral Condyles


Insertion: Calcaneus

Tibial Nerve


Plantar Flexion, Knee Flexion


Origin: Proximal Fibula, Soleal Line


Insertion: Calcaneus

Tibial Nerve


Plantar Flexion


Origin: Posterior Lateral Femur Superior to the Gastrocnemius


Insertion: Calcaneus

Tibial Nerve


Plantar Flexion, Knee Extension


Origin: Posterior Lateral Fibula


Insertion: Distal Phalanx of Great Toe

Tibial Nerve


Flex Great Toe, Assists in Holding Up Talus, Assists in Plantar Flexion


Origin: Interosseous Membrane, Edges of the Tibia and Fibula


Insertion: Bases of the 2nd - 4th Metatarsals, 3 Cuneiforms, Cuboid, and Navicular

Tibial Nerve


Inversion of the Foot

Assits in Plantar Flexion


Origin: Posterior Tibia


Insertion: Distal Phalanges of Toes 2-5

Tibial Nerve


Flex the IP Joints

Assist in Plantar Flexion