One point of crossover occurs between the selected point on the parent organism
No Crossover occurs between the selected points on the parent organism strings
Two-point crossover where two points to be selected on the parent organism strings. Everything between the two points is swapped between the parent organisms, rendering two child organisms:
Ratio of observed double crossovers to expected crossovers
Degree to which one crossover interferes with additional crossovers
A function to relate the map distance to the recombination rate. Also takes into consideration that some multiple crossovers will be undetected. Takes into account all crossovers.
Some measurement such as height, weight, yield (not eye color or ordinal numbers like number of bristles)
Proportion of phenotypic variation due to genetic differences
0 = no genetic variability
1 = no environmental variablilty
Proportion of the phenotyic variance that can be attributed to genetic variance
Proportion of the phenotypic variance that can be attributed to additive genetic variance
Also truncation selection. A type of selection where we are interested in increasing some quantitative trait through selective breeding
The selection differential is the difference of the base population mean and the mean of the selected parents.
I x Sigma
Difference in mean of original vs mean of offspring
Set of genomic frequencies
Set of allelic frequencies
p=P+1/2Q, q=R+1/2Q
Organism that possesses two identical alleles at a locus
-In regards to Hardy-Weinberg: Fraction of homozygotes in the population
Organism that possesses two different alleles at a locus
-In regards to Hardy-Weinberg: Fraction of heterozygotes in the population
having multiple alleles of a gene within a population, usually expressing different phenotypes
Important principle of population genetics stating that, in a large, randomly mating population not affected by mutation, migration, or natural selection, allelic frequencies will not change and genotype frequencies stabilize after one generation the proportion is p2, 2pq, q2, where p equals the frequency of allele A and q equals the frequency of allele a.
Selection in which one trait or allele is favored over another. Favored allele is eventually fixed in the population and the other is lost.
All alleles remain in population but heterozygous fitness is greatest
Fitness of heterozygote is smaller than either of the homozygotes
Selection in which the heterozygote has higher fitness than than of either homozygote; also called heterozygote advantage
Selection in which the heterozygote has lower fitness than that of either homozygote
The sum of the fitnesses of the genotypes of a population weighted by their proportions; hence a weighted mean fitness.
Change in allelic frequency due to sampling error
Small population colonizing a new area.
-Small size
-Not representative of entire population
-Undergo Strong Selection
is the number of complete sets of chromosomes in a biological cell.
True copy number. Refers to mutations that involve excess or deficiency of all all all of the chromosome types
Derived from a nondisjunction event within a single species. Normally infertile and have an odd number of copies of haploid number
Failure of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids to separate in meiosis or mitosis
Adding portions of the chromosome
Mutation in which one or more nucleotides are deleted from a DNA sequence
When the order of the DNA is rearranged form normal order on the chromosome
Monosomy refers to lack of one chromosome of the normal complement. Partial monosomy can occur in unbalanced translocations or deletions, in which only a portion of the chromosome is present in a single copy
Trisomy refers to the presence of three copies, instead of the normal two
Derived from a nondisjunction event within single species. Excess or deficiency in single chromosome
Having two or more complete sets of chromosomes derived from different species.
Movement of a chromosome segment to a nonhomologous chromosome or to a region within the same chromosome; also movement of a ribosome along mRNA in the course of translation
Movement of a transposable genetic element from one site to another. Replicative transposition increases the number of copies of the transposable element; nonreplicative transposition does not increase the number of copies
Where 2 chromosomes come together
Where 2 Chromosomes split
Reaction of an organism to environmental stimuli
is the phenomenon in which bodily cells, bacteria, and other single-cell or multicellular organisms direct their movements according to certain chemicals in their environment.
occurs when a whole organism moves in response to the stimulus light.
Example: Fish in streams inevitably face upstream
Percentage of twin pairs in which both twins have a particular trait
Allows scientists to study human differences based on environment and genetics when they have itentical (monozygotic twins)genetics or are raised in same environment but have similar genes (monozygotic)
behavioral traits the are the result of single genes
Examples: Lesch-Nyhan Disease, Fragile X, Hygienic Bees
A trait that falls into natural groups that originate not in categorically distinct causes but in whether or not the outcome attains critical values; e.g., gallstones may result from a categorical cause or from unusual levels of causal factors that themselves show no evidence of grouping.
studying breeds/species with extreme traits often helps us to understand behavioral traits
Variable in Mass selection equations (I)
Given for proportion
Value in Mass selection equations (Z)
Given for proportion
When mates are chosen based on the similarity of their phenotypes. Results in an increase in homozygosity
Includes centrosome