Why did Emperor Kammu move the capital away from Nara?
What is Heian-kyo's English translation and when was it built?
Describe Heian.
What were two ways that the Fujiwara clan seized power?
What did Fujiwara Michinaga think of himself?
What was Fujiwara Michinaga responsible for?
What determined the rank that a person held during the Heian period?
What was the Heian period's rank system?
How did the rank a person was born into affect their life?
How was a person judged during the Heian period?
What did Japanese women look like during the Heian period?
How did the process of carving statues change?
What changes were made in paintings?
How did the Japanese view caligraphy skills during the Heian period?
What was the first novel?
Why did the Heian period come to an end?
Important dates of the Heian period?
Who was the leader of the winning clan of the civil war?
What is a shogun?
How long did the shogun era last for?
What were the social classes of the shogun era?
What was Bushido?
What was seppuku?
What were the weapons used by samurai?
What kind of armor did the samurai wear?
Why would a samurai commit seppuku?
How did the position of samurai women change?
What were two branches of Mahayana Buddhism that were practiced by samurai?
What do Amida Buddhists believe?
What do Zen Buddhists believe?
What are benefits of feudalism?
What are drawbacks of feudalism?