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Youth Outreach & Evangelism
Youth Stuff

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1. God's heart in evangelism as derived from Matthew 18:12-14.
1 - God is focused on the individual. He calls us into community, but reaches out to the individual.
2 – God is patient
3 – God pursues: John 20:21 = John’s Comission
4 – God rejoices when we respond
5 – God restores
2. All four of Colson's "Keys to modern evangelism."
1 – We are in a post-Christian world (not a post-spiritual world, but post-Christian).
2 – We must be sensitive and creative.
3 - Evangelism must not be separated from discipleship and connected to the local body of Christ.
4 - Evangelism must be directed to the non-believer.
3. Exact scripture that describes the Incarnation and the "Event of reconciliation."

2 Cor. 5:16-21

1. God is the principle actor (God pursues)

2. Christ was the “sinless lamb” (The cross is the event of reconciliation.)

3. Jesus was “made sin”

4. God is both Just and the Justifier.

4. The difference between "Incarnational witness" and "Relational evangelism".
Incarnational witness
-Relational evangelism

Incarnational witness keys:
1 – In our motivation: We’re motivated by the same things that motivated our Lord.
2 – In our doing: Not concerned with results, rather concerned with integrity.
3 – In our message:

The best way to live out incarnational witness is relational evangelism.
5. The three Latin words for the nature of saving faith, and definitions.
Notitia – intellectual assent, “I intellectually agree with the Gospel”
Assensus – emotional assent, “I LOVE Jesus!”
Fiducia – volitional assent, “I align my will with the Gospel”

Notitia and Assensus are not necessary for saving faith, but they serve as a backdrop.
Fiducia is necessary for saving grace.
6. The three levels of contact work.
1 – Be seen: guy with popcorn showed up to football game.
2 – Talk together: guy with popcorn stood at the top of the stairs and let kids come to him, started convos.
3 – Do something together: guy with popcorn invited kids to Young Life club.
7. Know and describe CPR.
C = Care: treat people with gentleness and respect (Colossians 4:5, 1 Peter 3:15-16).
P = Pray: make sure we have a soft heart, sensitivity, and the leading of the HS
R = Respond to the chances God gives us
8. The theological issues and biblical references related to communicating the Gospel.
2 Cor. 5:11-21

1 – The person of Christ.
2 – Sin
3 – The cross
4 – Appropriation: the nature of saving faith
9. Define and describe the concepts related to beliefs, attitudes, values, and behavior.
These three things are what happens in our minds:
Beliefs – What we think is true.
Attitudes - Predisposed response to a given stimulus (we can’t directly affect this, but can create an environment for attitude adjustment).
Values - What we think is important.

Behavior – the convergence of these 3 things.
10. The factors in how an individual will respond to persuasion positively.
1 – Motivation to change
2 – How seriously we take their initial attitudes (Assimilation/Contrast Effect)

Diffuse inner speech:
3 situations in which inner speech will not kick in:
1 – they like you
2 – they don’t care
3 – they are uninformed

Most effective appeal = Unexpected Disclosure -
When someone is given the opportunity to consider something new.
• Sitting side-by-side with someone and look at the issues together.
• People are 80% more likely to go in your desired direction after an unexpected disclosure.

1. Superiority: I’m smart; you’re stupid. I’m trained; you’re not trained. I have arrived; you have a deficit. This comes out of insecurity.
2. Certainty: I’m sure that I’m right; I’m sure that you’re wrong.
3. Evaluation of opponents: When you tell someone what they are thinking.
4. Control: interrupting; increased volume; using silence; pouting; walking away.
5. Neutrality: I don’t really care. It doesn’t matter to me.
6. Strategy: Manipulation; “Evangelism Explosion”.

Antidote to the above 6 behaviors:
Colossians 4:5, 1 Peter 3:15-16, Galatians 5:22,23 (Fruit of the Spirit).
11. The life task of an adolescent and its three elements.
Life task of an adolescent is Individuation → the process of becoming a unique individual…
1) Identity: “Who Am I?”
2) Autonomy: “Do I matter?”
Autonomy is about power!
3) Belonging: “Where do I fit?”
12. How incarnational witness embodies Christ.
1) In our motivation:
• We're motivated by the same things that motivated our Lord (Mt. 18:12-14)
• It is not our love of Christ that motivates us… it is his love for people
• It was about the father’s purposes…

2) In our doing of ministry:
• Incarnational strategy that is relational at its core (1 Thes. 2:7-8)

3) In our message and communication of that message:
• 2 Corinthians 5:20
• We are ambassadors, chosen delegates of God’s message.
13. In what way is I Peter 3:15 often misused by people concerned about evangelism.
We feel like we have to attack in our approach of defending the faith. Rather, we should do it with gentleness and respect.

This verse is often used by traditional apologists to show that we as Christians must take a defensive, one-sided appeal in our presentation of the gospel message to unbelievers. However, these persons often to fail to remember that v. 16 reminds us that we are to do this with an attitude of gentleness and respect, not with an attitude of defensiveness. Furthermore, it matters that we do so in good conscience and out of respect for the holiness of Christ.
14. Diagram and describe the Assimilation-Contrast effect.
Contrast effect: if a person begins at a 2 and someone tries to convince them to move to a 6, by the end of the conversation, they will move to a 1.

Assimilation effect: if a person begins at a 2 and someone tries to convince them to move to a 3, they are that much more likely to actually move to a 3 because of homogeneity (because it doesn’t cost them much).
15. Diagram and describe the model of the middle step.

Middle Step – They have already encountered Christ, and are willing to inquire further.
This is an invitation to a neutral setting such as outreach and entry level events; anything between initial conversation and going to a neutral event = Invitation.
16. The definition of sin, and the relationship between sin the concept and sins.
• Sin is rebellion; not putting trust in God.
• Essence of Sin – an unwillingness to trust Jesus Christ.
• Outcomes of sin – separation from God, brokenness, and lostness.

The essence of sin is the unwillingness to trust Jesus Christ.
Sins = behaviors/attitudes
Sin = problem
True/False: Sin is separation from God. FALSE! Sin is the unwillingness to trust God. The consequence is separation from God.
Matthew 18:12-14
Parable of the Lost Sheep
John 20:21
John’s Commission, "As the Father has sent me, so I send you."
II Cor. 5:11-21
Message/Event/Ministry of Reconciliation
I Peter 3:15-16
Have a ready defense with gentleness and respect.
Philippians 2
Christ had a humble style of incarnational witness
John 1:1-3; 14
Galatians 5:22-23
Fruit of the Spirit
Colossians 4:5
Conduct yourselves wisely towards outsiders
Colossians 1:15-20
Christ is image of the invisible God
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