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Worship in the Bible
Bible Studies
Undergraduate 2

Additional Bible Studies Flashcards






    • Pre-exilic Feasts





  • Feast of Trumpets (Lev 23:24,Num 29)

    • End of our harvest time. 7th month of the Hebrew religious calendar, 1st month of the Hebrew civil calendar.

      • 7th month of the religious calendar (God's number of perfection)

      • Important since its beginning of the new year on the civil calendar (Rashashana)

    • To prepare the people for the day of Atonement

    • Trumpets are blown to announce each new month for the Feasts of trumpets

  • Day of atonement (Lev 16:12-15; 16, Ex 36:26-27)

    • One day a year the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies and sprinkle blood on the altar.

    • Forgiveness of sins came from this sacrifice.

    • Fast happens (Acts 9)

      • Man was separated from God, this brought us back to Him. Jesus is our High Priest.

  • Feast of Tabernacles/Booths (Lev23:33-36;39-43 Neh 8:14-17)

    • Celebrated 15th day of 7th month

    • Celebrated the finally gathering of the harvest.

    • 7th feast during the year.

      • Looked back to the time of the Wilderness journey, God protected them.

      • Looked forward to God's provision to the future.

    • Heb 11:8-10





      • In a general sense idolatry is:

        1. The paying of divine honor to any created thing.

        2. The ascription of divine power to natural agencies.




    • Postexilic




  • Purim

    • Purim means "lots" --- Haman casts lots to decide when he should exterminate the Jews.

    • Generally adopted, but not without exception.

    • (Est 9:26,31)

    • Purim was to celebrated by days feasting and giving of gifts to the poor.


  • Hanukkah, (dedication of the Altar, Feast of lights, feast of dedication.)

    • Commemorating the purification of the temple. Judas Maccabaeus led a successful revolt against Hellenism and Syrian rule.

    • Begins on the 25th of Dec and lasts 8 days.

    • Happened at local temple/synagogue.

    • John 10:22




    • Baal worship




  • Revered as top God in Canaanite Pantheon. Son of Dagon. Believed to control lightning, water and fertility. Would engage in sexual acts to entice him to be sexual with a female deity known as Asherah. Thought he died and needed to be resurrected through sacrifice of children. Thought sexual acts would bring prosperity and fertility.




    • Asherah/ Ashtoreth worship




  •  Statue would be made out of a living tree, or piece of dead wood. A depiction of a naked women holding a lily in one hand and a snake in the other.  She would be sitting on a lion or standing. It was believed that if Baal looked on her after his resurrection, he would have sex with her and bless the worshippers with fertility and prosperity.




    • Molech worship




  • Molech usually depicted made out of stone. Worshippers would place fire in the belly of the statue through its back, then they would place an animal or usualy a baby in the burning altar's arms as a burnt offering. it is believed that the screames of the baby would raise Baal from his seasonal death so he could have sex with his mistress Ashtoreh




    • Nehush’tan




  • Originally came from God as a means to heal the people

  • Was a snake on a stick

  • Was being worshipped 700 years after it was first formed

  • Was destroyed by king Hezekiah




    • Common characteristics of idolatry




  • Polytheistic

  • Controlled natural conditions

  • Lowered the value of human life

  • Depraved sensual actions




    • The Sabbath




  • Cease all work,

  • limit travel

  • pleasure.




    • The elements of synagogue worship




  • Affirming faith, prayer and reading from the Torah




    • Mass




  • This period was characterized by a shift in the meaning of worship.


    • A mystery

      • Language of mass was in Latin

      • Leadership became hierarchal

      • Mass became an epiphany

        1. There was an overemphasis on the action of God in the Mass which over shadowed the corporate action of the people in worship.




Little entrance




  • Centers around the word of the Gospel




Great Entrance




  • Centers around the bringing of the elements




Pentecostal Movement




      • 1901 Topeka, Kansas

      • Happened in Parham college after being challenged to discover what the Bible had to say about the spiritual gifts.

      • A pouring out of the spirit in manifestation of tongues began when Parham left for a trip to England.




Charismatic Movement




  • Starts in the 1950’s: focus on prayer.

  • Garret Gustafson

    • Charasmatic worship is based on the activation of the priesthood of all belivers. (we are all priests)

    • Worship involves the whole person; soul body and spirit. (there is a distinction between the three)

    • Charismatics experience the real presence of Christ in worship. (instead of a ceremony, we have an encounter with Christ)

    • In worship charismatic’s exp God’s power.


  • Emphasis in singing Psalms or scriptural songs

    • Music was a big emphasis in leading people in to worship.


  • Use of musical Instruments

  • Emphasis on using a worship pastor.

  • Use of dance. Pageantry.

    • Choreographed and spontaneous.

    • Drama and pan mime.


  • Prophetic role of musicians and the anointing on the musician.

  • Linking of arms

  • Freedom for all worshippers to participate.

  • Function of prophetic gifts.



The Tabernacle

The Brazen Alter

The Bronze Laver

The Lampstand

The Table of Shewbread

The Alter of Incense

The Ark of the Covenant/ Mercy Seat



  • Tabernacle 

God dwelling among them (Ex 25:8)

·      This is a specific pattern (Deut 12:13-14)


·      The temple included God ordained symbolism (1 Chron 28:12)

  • The Brazen Alter

Sin must be paid for with a blood sacrifice

  • The Bronze Laver

The amount of cleansing is left up to each individual

  • The Lampstand

Intimacy with God can oly be achieved with spiritual light

  • The Table of Shewbread

Spiritual vitality and growth are achieved by partaking of spiritual food

  • The Alter of Incense

Christ's work in heaven interceeding for the saints

  • The Ark of the Covenant/ Mercy Seat

God is holy and must be approached properly/

God covers our sins so that we might have fellowship with Him.


Be able to list the five parts to the questions "What is Worship?"
    • The Ultimate Truth About Worship

      • A personal infinite God that Exists

      • He desires to fellowship with those whom He created.

      • He has communicated to man in a manner that can be understood

      • Worship is due Him because He is Lord of all Lords

      • His people worship Him through obedience to His revealed will.



Be able to list the three things that Pliny stated was included in worship during the first two centuries of the church.




    • Pliny, governor of Bithynia (1st Cent) AD 111-113

      • 1. They met on the same day of the week

      • 2. They met on that same day before daylight

      • 3. Following the worship service, they met in another location for a corporate meal




Be able to discuss what elements of worship the Reformers agreed upon



    • Worship should be the language of the people

    • Two fold structure between the Word and the Sacrament




Be able to discuss the areas of conflict that caused the Christians to leave the Synagogue






  • Spiritual Persecution


      • Monotheism vs other-theism

  • Political persecution
      • Culture required that Caesar be worshiped as god-incarnate

      • State approved religious practices at this time

      • The Jewish people were given the right to worship one God while still living within the culture.

      • The Romans thought the Christians were within a different sect of the Jews

      Gentiles accept Jesus as Messiah
      • Gentiles were considered as “un-clean”, less-than.

      • The Gentiles wondered why they needed to remain Jewish in culture when Christianity was not a Jewish sect.

      • Conflicts caused a more complete separation of Christianity from Jew.




List and define the Temple sequence of Worship




    • Song Service (Praise Service)

    • Stepped inside the fence and now Worship Service

    • Stepping into the Holy of Holies Experience (every member has the opportunity to encounter the Presence of God inside the Holy of Holies, if they chose to)




Describe the importance of the Word and Communion in Worship, specifically the reformation period.


  • Word
    • They insisted on the restoration of the Word to its proper
    place in worship
    • They agreed that worship should be in the language of the people.
    • Communion

      • They rejected the Mass (elements turned into the actual body and blood of Jesus)

        1. As a repetition of the sacrifice of the body of Christ

        2. They expected sorts of benefits from the Mass (healing, release of souls, other magical things were connected to The Mass)

        3. The Mass loses its communion because people didn’t have to attend the Mass.

        4. People were buying salvation (indulgences)

      • They rejected the doctrine of transubstantiation.

        1. People saw communion as a form of salvation


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