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WIC Card benefits
Ebenefits to Ebenefits
Not Applicable

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Ebenefits to Ebenefits

Retrieving a Foster Child from a Household into a Different Household as a Foster


1. Retrieve the Fosterchild into the Household, Deactivate the card that is currently associated.  


2. Assign a new card to the Fosterchild


3. No redemptions in current & future Benefit period

4. Go to the Remove Benefits screen select   "Household or Economic Unit change" for reason.


5. Remove all current & Future Benefits. 


6. Issue Benefits

7. Yes redemptions in the current benefit period.


8. Remove all future benefits , Reissue current using "Transition to wic card"

9. Issue Benefits


Ebenefits to Ebenefits


Infant added to an existing economic unit that has Ebenefits into the future and the Benefit Day needs to be changed.


1. Remove benefits using reason "Benefit Day Change", If there are redemptions in a benefit period it will not be available.


2. Select benefit period.


3. Go to the Issue Screen


4. Change the Benefit day, Issue .


Ebeneftis to Ebenefits

Retrieving a child from one Household into a Different Household as a Foster.


1. Retrieve the child into th Houshold and select the Foster check box on the member screen.


2. Assign a WIC Card to the Foster ECU


3. Issue Benefits


NOTE: If the child is the only WIC participant in the Household , the Lp that is retrieving the child must first call the other Lp to deactivate the card only - not remove benefits.


Ebenefits to Ebenefits


Prescription Change Flow


1. Create new RX , select participant with RX change.


2. Load RX changed benefits


3.Select Change benefits



* repeat as needed for additional participants

Removal of Benefits when one member in the economic unit is termed as "transfer out of state"

1. Go to the Certify tab , select participant


2. Click the "new" link under termination reason, choose "transfer out of state" 


3. Goto the Benfefits tab and remove Benefits and choose "Transfer out of state " as reason.


4. Select Benefit Periods for removal.


*Benefits that have redemptions can be removed if one or more members are termed for"Transfer out of state "


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