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Whole Foods Set 2
I can't carry the ring... BUT I CAN CARRY YOU!
Culinary Art
Undergraduate 3

Additional Culinary Art Flashcards




Fishermen drag a heavy frame with an attached mesh bag—called a dredge—along the seafloor to catch bottom-dwelling shellfish. Some dredges have metal “teeth” along the base of the frame that act like a rake. As the gear is dragged along the seafloor, it stirs up shellfish, which flow into the bag. Water, sand or mud pass through the mesh. The durable bag is made of metal rings to withstand being dragged along the seafloor.
Most dredgers catch scallops, clams, oysters and other shellfish that live on the seafloor or burrow into mud or sand.

Dredges cause significant habitat damage when dragged along gravel and rocky bottoms. Dredges also smooth out sandy and muddy bottom habitats, removing or smothering a variety of animal and plant life. Fish, sponges and other marine life unintentionally caught as bycatch* are unlikely to survive under the weight of the heavy bag.
Gillnets (remem aspect)
Gillnets entangle large numbers of marine mammals and sea turtles in addition to other marine life, resulting in a significant amount of bycatch. Habitat damage can occur when gillnets anchored to the seafloor are hauled in and become tangled on structures such as coral and rocky bottoms.
refers to fishes and animals that live in the open sea, away from the coast or seafloor.
Purse Seine
Pullstring Bag Shut
Traps and Pots
animals can get caught
Organic and 'Certified Humane' are the only two labels for meat with meaning
Org-Animals are fed organic feed, are not administered any antibiotics and no irradiation or genetic modification takes place. They are raised under conditions which provide for exercise, access to outdoors and freedom of movement. The USDA allows products that contain all organic ingredients to be labeled as "100% organic;" products that contain 95% up to 100% organic ingredients can be labeled as "organic."

C H-Cattle have sufficient space and shelter and must have access to fresh water at all times. They must not be fed hormones or antibiotics and must be treated and handled according to Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) standards. Claims are verified by third-party inspectors ( Hogs are rasied humanely on independent family farms, where they can behave naturally. They must not be fed hormones or antibiotics, and cannot be fed any animal remnants. Gestation crates are not permitted. Animals must be treated according to standards set by the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI).
Meat Sanitation (4)
• Always store fresh meat, fish, and poultry on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, to avoid cross-contamination by dripping juices.
• Use a hard cutting surface with no splits or holes in it.
• After working with raw meat, fish, poultry, or eggs, wash your hands before touching anything else.
• Wash, rinse and sanitize the cutting surface and all the utensils (knives, etc.) every time you finish cutting raw meat, fish, and poultry. Household bleach is a good sanitizer. Use a capful (1 tsp.) for each gallon of cool water.
Thawing Meat
1.Thaw food in the refrigerator; it may take a few hours or a few days. This is the best and safest way. Be sure to put meat in a container to catch the juices and to keep them from dripping on the food below.
2.Hold the food under cool, running water, never under warm or hot water.
3.In a microwave oven; you must then cook it or serve it right away. (not true)
Meat Cooking Temps that must be reached
Beef, lamb, and seafood = 140° F
Pork = 150° F
Ground beef, lamb, pork, and game = 155° F
All poultry (including ground) = 165° F
Free range
Birds are required to have access to the outside most of the year plus roosts for resting. There is the same floor space requirement as organic. No requirements about feed mentioned.
Conventional Eggs/Chickens
Two to four pullets as young as 19 weeks old are put into a wire cage with an area of approximately two feet square. A barn full of these cages is known as a battery of cages. Feeds are allows to contain antibiotics and are mostly made up of bioengineered corn.
Omega 3's (for chicken/eggs)
The feed given to the birds contains 10-20% flax seed which increases the Omega-3 value in the nutrient content of the egg.
Organic Eggs
Flocks must have access to an organic outside area year round and fed at least 80% organic non-GMO feed. No meat or meat by products in the feed. No antibiotics or hormones allowed. Each bird must have at least two square feet of floor space.
Pastured (eggs/chickens)
Birds are kept in a moveable enclosure with nests and roosts. The structure is moved once or twice daily to a new piece of grass. The chickens get at least 20% of their diet from foraging and eating insects.
O Milk
Organic milk is produced without using antibiotics, synthetic hormones, or pesticides. Cows must be given 100%-certified organic feed and allowed to graze regularly on certified organic pastures that have been pesticide free for at least 3 years. Bioengineered growth hormones are not allowed.
Without pasteurization or refrigeration, milk sours and separates. Milk is heated to 160 degrees F. for 15 seconds. This destroys any harmful bacteria but also destroys some of the natural enzymes that make milk more digestible. Other nutrients such as vitamin C may also be affected
Ultra-pasteurized milk has been flash-heated with steam to 280 degrees F. for two seconds and then vacuum chilled rapidly back down to 38 degrees F. This temperature variation kills more microorganisms than regular pasteurization. This means it will also kill more of the friendly bacteria and enzymes naturally present in milk. This process gives milk a longer shelf life.
Raw Milk
Raw milk has not been heated to above the cow’s highest healthy body temperature (101 degrees F.). No additives, irradiation, chemicals or homogenization are used.
Reduced Fat Milks
Reduced fat, lowfat, and nonfat milk varieties are manufactured from fresh farm milk. The fat is removed from the milk with centrifugal force since cream is lighter then skim. Whole milk has 8 grams of fat per serving, Reduced fat or 2% milk has 5 grams of fat per serving, Lowfat or 1% milk has 2.5 grams of fat per serving and Nonfat or Skim milk has 0 grams of fat per serving
Couple #3
Dairy & Nightshade Plants
(tomato, potato, eggplant, peppers, tobacco)
Dairy +Ca, Nightshades -Ca
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