Shared Flashcard Set


What's the diagnosis-ankle & foot
part 3
Health Care

Additional Health Care Flashcards




A 53-year old man complains of severe right ankle pain during a tennis game after lunging to reach a ball. Although he can bear weight on the affected ankle, he is unable to walk. On examination, squeezing the patient’s calf muscles on the affected side does not result in plantar flexion. What is the diagnosis?
Achilles Tendon Rupture
A 45-year old male presents with pain in his third toe in the left foot. He stubbed his foot on the dresser early this morning when going to the bathroom. On examination, there is marked swelling and discoloration of the 3rd toe. X-ray of the foot reveals a transverse defect in the proximal phalanx with no displacement of the distal fragment.
Bedroom Fracture
A 41-year old female presents with pain in the region of the big toe joint of her left foot. She attended a wedding last night. On examination, there is moderate valgus deformity of both big toes. The left one is swollen and tender. X-ray shows bilateral hallux valgus deformities with moderate soft tissue swelling on the left side.
A 57-year old male presents with sudden onset of severe big toe pain. He attended a wedding last night. On examination, the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint is very swollen, red, shiny and painful. His serum uric acid level is elevated. Aspirated joint synovial fluid shows numerous negatively birefringent crystals under polarized light.
A 19-year old female dancer presents with pain in the lateral aspect of her right foot. On examination, there is swelling and pain over the base of her 5th metatarsal bone. X-ray of her right foot shows a transverse break through the base of the 5th metatarsus.
Jones’ Fracture
A 23-yearo ld army private presents with pain in the middle of his foot which is worse on walking. On examination, there is tenderness on palpation over the shaft of the third metatarsus. No fracture is visible on x-ray of the foot. A technetium 99 bone scan reveals a hot spot on the shaft of the 3rd metatarsus.
March Fracture
A 53-year old army colonel presents with pain in the middle of his right foot especially when he walks. It is worse when he wears a new pair of shoes. On examination, there is tenderness in the sole of the foot between the heads of the 3rd and 4th metatarsal bones. Mulder’s squish is positive.
Morton’s Neuroma
A 23-year old soccer player presents with severe pain in the left ankle after injuring it during an international game. He was not able to take any weight-bearing steps on it since the injury an hour ago. On examination, there is marked discoloration, swelling and pain over the lateral malleolus. X-ray shows a fracture of the lateral malleolus.
Pott’s Fracture
A 19-year old male presents with pain in the right ankle after injuring it during a beach volleyball game yesterday. He was able to take more than 4 weight-bearing steps on the ankle immediately after the injury. On examination, the right ankle is swollen, discolored and tender. The tenderness is worse on passive inversion of the ankle. There is no bony tenderness on percussion of the malleolus, fibula or tarsal bones.
A 46-year old male presents with pain in the sole of the right foot. He had injured that ankle previously. On examination, percussion of the posterior tibial nerve behind the medial malleolus results in reproduction of the pain in the sole of the foot.
Tarsal tunnel Syndrome
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