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Western vs Non Western
Art History
11th Grade

Additional Art History Flashcards




  1. Donatello
  2. Bronze, 1420s-1460s
  3. Early Italian Renaissance
  4. This was the first life size bronze nude since antiquity. Exaggerated contraposto of the body makes the work seem non chalant while his head is lowered for humility and is contemplating his victory over Goliath. 
  5. Focused on humanistic qualities and revisited Greco-Roman classical design. The revival of the revelation in nude sculpture set off by this piece. Heroism and other great forms of emotion are beginning to be expressed during this time.
  1. Qin Dynasty
  2. Terracota, 210 BCE
  3. Early Chinese Art
  4. Large scale sculpture is a sign of grandeur and the Chinese accomplished large size without sacrificing artistic detailing. Most sculptures were cut from rock in situ probably aquired from India. 
  5. 8000 warriors, 100 wooden chariots, 2 bronze chariots, 30000 weapons buried as part of the tomb of Emperor Shi Huangdi. The soldiers are an imposing 6 feet tall and have proud, confident facial expressions. They are a representation of the Chinese army passing into the next life. They were originally very colorful. 
  1. Exekias
  2. Ceramic, 540-530 BCE
  3. Archaic Greek Art
  4. Pottery paintings date back to Aegan society and have been created for many purposes from everyday use to burial ceremonies. Black figure paintings were fired and then details were added in highlighting colors. Red figure paintings were the opposite of black figure paintings in the color scheme. Contrapposto is used in all figures.
  5. The focus is on the two figures with subdued emotions. They mirror each other in stance and it is a black figure style with decorative geometric designs. 
  1. No specific artist
  2. late 13th century, handscroll on paper
  3. Later Japanese Art
  4. Ink splashed painting was a key technique of the Japanese. Ukiyo-e was important to any paintings but especially genre paintings in the 17th- 19th century. Woodblock printing was key to reproducing art and spreading it as propaganda. 
  5. Painted 100 years after the civil war depicted in the scene and it shows elevated viewpoints. Swift brushstrokes and diagonal lines emphasize movement. A loan archer and an equestrian figure are the only ones who got out of the mass of armor. 
  1. Jan van Eyck
  2. Oil on wood, 1432
  3. Early Northern Renaissance
  4. Most northern altar pieces are cupboards rather than screens and are meant to be kept in elaborate gothic frames. Northern artists are heavily influenced by the Gothic style.
  5. Uses extreme realism and great detail. God is in the center and the rest of the firgures are surrounding him in other sections of the piece. The interior and the exterior complement each other. 
  1. No specific artist
  2. Sandstone, 5th Century
  3. Early Indian Art
  4. The principal place to worship the buddha is a stupa meaning that the stupa is a reliquary where worshippers gain spiritual merit through close proximity with its contents. The buddha's moods are many but most have detatched removed qualities that suggest meditation.
  5. He is sitting in the yoga position and his hands are in a preaching mudra. Because he is sitting on the predella, it is an important narritive moment in the Buddha's life. Compact pose and tight fitting garment. 
  1. No specific architect
  2. Stone and glass, began in 1134
  3. Gothic Art- France
  4. Cathedrals were the primary forms of propaganda at this time, so regions built them as high and as elaborate as they possibly could. Some of the key aspects to this type of architecture are interior pointed arches, flying buttresses, and stained glass windows. 
  5. High Gothic nave, each vault spans one bay, large legendary stained glass windows, the south tower on the right was built from 1160 and the north tower on the left from 1507-1513
  1. No specific architect
  2. Adobe, 13th century original, remodeled in 1907
  3. African Art
  4. Most African buildings were made to retain heat in the cold and keep cool in the heat. Mud brick is the primary medium for many structures, but it had to meticulously maintained otherwise it would wash away during the rainy season. 
  5. Wooden beams act as permanent ladders for maintenance of the building, vertical fluting drains water off of the surface quickly. It is the largest mud brick mosque in the world.
  1. Francisco de Goya
  2. oil on canvas, 1814-1815
  3. Spanish Romanticism 
  4. Artists of this time were impressed by the sublime in art. Opposite in views from the artists in the Enlightenment about orderly and logical being beautiful. Artists wanted to create the fantastic unconscious.
  5. Depicts the execution of the Spanish rebels after the failed uprising against the occupying French on May 2nd, 1808. The robotic, repetitive movements of the French is meant to show how unjust the situation was. The central figure is meant to be Christ-like. 
  1. Tori Busshi
  2. Bronze, 623
  3. Early Japanese Art
  4. Many Japanese sculptures of this time are extremely realistic and are meant to be very close to the real thing the artist is attempting to recreate. This is shown in the detailing of masks as well. 
  5. Shaka is the historical name for Shakyamuni. Large hands express the promise of traquility and the path to salvation. The is influenced by Chinese art in the elongated style. The heads, hands, and legs are in high relief. The bodies are barely revealed, hidden under garments which make the figures lack volume. 
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