Shared Flashcard Set


Week 6
9/26 - Race and Melodrama
Film, Theatre & Television
Undergraduate 3

Additional Film, Theatre & Television Flashcards




Crosscutting is when a filmmaker moves back and forth between two different spaces to show action that is happening simultaneously. (Think Griffith's "The Lonedale Operator" and "Birth of a Nation")
Parallel Editing
Parallel Editing also moves back and forth between different spaces but the connections are thematic rather than temporal (think of the bull being slaughtered and the strikers being mowed down by the army in "Strike").
Analytic Editing
use of closeup to give narrative information. Used to direct attention of viewer to particular object or person that will be important later on. ex) close-up of the wrench in The Cheat to convey pivotal moment.
D.W. Griffith
-early career: 1907 went to NY to make a career in acting and film. acted in small films which lead him to Viagraph where he began directing. -directed Judith of Bethulia (1914), an epic narratives under Viagraph -most famous for Birth of a Nation (1915) -used editing to contrast race and class in American society.
clearly defined narrative and characters. Narrative about good and evil often with flat, exaggerated characters. Series of events that culminate with triumph of good over evil. Ex) The Cheat by Cicil DeMille
the interbreeding of people of different races seen in a negative light. Ex) Birth of a Nation by Griffith
Yellow Peril
Threatened expansion of Asian populations as magnified in the Western imagination. The perceived threat that Asians have on US and white power. Used to curtail Asian immigration to US and stop integrationg between Asians and whites. Ex) The Cheat by Cecil DeMille
Consumer Culture
ex) The Cheat by Cecil DeMille. d. Burmese man used to vilify consumerism: wealthy man with lots of rich objects trying to seduce the New Woman.
The New Woman

-femininity is organized through consumerism. - main importance in a New Woman's life is being a "shopaholic" and looking good. -Class aspirations tied into star system because often these actresses were New Women as well as playing New Women and the women who watched these films aspired to be a New Woman. Ex) Edith character in the cheat - also the actress who plays Edith.

Chiaroscuro lighting
A lighting style with vivid and contrasting darks and lights ex) in The Cheat by Cicil DeMille. uses chiaroscuro lighting technique to associate darkness and lightness for themes in film to both racialize and villainize the Burmese man in film
Johnson v. Jeffries

interracial fight film: white v. black heavyweight fight. This brought huge outrage because black fighter, Jack Johnson, won fight (real story) - couldn't understand how a Black man could win. The movie about this fight was also very controversial and many people tried to ban the film. Johnson's victory and the film about about it created a public outcry about threat of white man supremacy - changed the outlook of cinema and lead to 1912 Sims Act

Minstrel shows
conveyed racial stereotypes of African Americans - often white performers in black face ex) Watermelon Patch showed black characters as threat to white society
1912 Sims Act

regarding interstate films. "the concern to regulate cinematic images of the African American boxer Jack Johnson and the movement of Johnson himself became linked during the years 1912-1915 with a broader regulation and definition of motion pictures." film sseen as merchandise and couldn't cross state lines. Tried to stop movement and spread of films embodying these themes surrounding race through state lines.

The Birth of A Nation

directed by D.W. Griffith, 1915, USA -promotes very racist idea of white power -history on screen. rewriting of the civil war and post civil war history. showed how blacks could never be able to fit into white supremacy society -visualizing the threat of miscegenation . -after film screened riots broke out - created violence against blacks, black advocate groups boycotted film - considered racist.

Cecil B. DeMille

prominent film director -first Hollywood film he directed = The Squaw Man -directed The Cheat. -famous for his use of chiaroscuro lighting and mis-en-scene to set main theme up. For instance uses chiaroscuro lighting technique to associate darkness and lightness for themes in film to both racialize and villainize the Burmese man in film

The Cheat

directed by Cicil DeMille, 1915 USA

-Edith, a white woman, is seduced by a Burmese man, Torie. - 3 main elements: consumer culture, gender issues, and race issues. CInematic depictions of anxiety in society of yellow peril and Asian immigration -uses lighting and mis-en-scene to set these main themes up. -Burmese man, Torie, used to vilify consumerism: wealthy man with lots of rich objects trying to seduce the New Woman. Idea that eastern culture should never intersect with western culture. 2 separate worlds tied to anxieties of yellow peril -actor playing Torie was movie star: Sessue Hayakawa -shows the New Woman seduced by consumer culture. Edith - actress Fannie Ward. Promoted through other forms of media like magazines (star system)

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