Shared Flashcard Set


Week 1
Quotes for Research Paper
Undergraduate 1

Additional Writing Flashcards




"Indeed, without the advances in molecular biology and other scientific fields that occurred in the second half of the twentieth century, African nations would be much worse off than they are now."
Even thought most African countries don't let GM crops be planted molecular biology helped create the first Green Revolution.
"At present, only a few African countries are allowed to grow genetically modified (GM) crops, partly because of restrictive national biosafety policies that impose excessive regulatory barriers to the adoption of agricultural biotechnology. This must change."
The Green Revolution has proven that Africa is in need of change and GM crops are the solution. They allow high nutritious food to be planted in soils where its hard to grow even cactus.
"Concerns such as the transfer of GM genes to wild relatives and the development of resistance to pests need be taken seriously and kept under constant review. But addressing them requires greater investment in science and technology, not less."
Running away from the problem is never a good solution in a long term battle like world hunger. Our ecosystem is a fragile thing that everyone should care about but simply leaving it alone will not help
"Furthermore, GM critics are wrong to conclude that because biotechnology does not solve all problems, it has no place in helping humanity to address long-term food needs."
But we must look at the relative risks of all technologies, including the risks of not adopting the technology — such as how African nations would have suffered without the Green Revolution.
"Solving world hunger will involve more than just producing more food. But excluding technological options that raise productivity will do more harm than good."
GM crops is the way to go if we want a second Green Revolution that could potentially end world hunger.
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