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Vitamins and Minerals
The WSV and their functions, RDA's, sources

Additional Nutrition Flashcards




energy releasing WSV
Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), pantothenic acid, biotin and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
hematopoeitic WSV
folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid
Thiamin (B1)

RDA- men: 1.2 mg, women 1.1 mg

Sources: pork, tuna, whole grains, legumes

(heat and alkalinity labile)

Absorbed in free form (TDP and TPP from animals Dephosphorylated first) in jejunum, diffusion or carriers ThTR1/ThTr

Transported: free or albumin, mostly exists as TDP


energy transfer (co-enzyme in PDH)

co-enzyme in synth of pentose

NT synth acetylcholine and GABA (PDH dep)

useful form is TDP

necessary for transketolase (DNA synth) TPP


Beriberi: headache, confusion, tingling, feeling loss, fatigue, muscle pain

Transketolase activity: up 15-25% def, >25% severe

or measure thiamin in blood or urine


Riboflavin (B2)

RDA: men: 1.3 mg, women: 1.1 mg, pregnant: 1.4 g, lactating: 1.6 mg

Sources: soybeans, dairy, spinach, almonds, squid, egg, herring, beef

Absorption: FAD/FMN/ribophosphate released by digestion absorbed by energy dep carrier in SI

Found: higheste level in liver, kidney, heart


energy transformation as FAD (energy into ATP)

cofactor for: 

needed to make pyridoxic acid from pyridoxal

succinate dehydrogenase

fatty acid B oxidation

activation of vitamin A

fomation of active folate

regeneration of glutithione

Excreted as: riboflavin in urine

Assessment: urinary concentrations or erythrocyte glutithione reductase activity (increased in deficiency with addition of B2)

Deficiency: riboflavinosis (usually with starvation): angular stomatitis, cheilosis (cracks around mouth), glossitis, edema


Niacin (B3)

RDA: men: 16 mg, women: 14 mg, pregnant: 18 mg, lactating: 17 mg

Sources: mushrooms, barley, brown rice, peanuts, chicken, salmon

Absorption: NAD/NADPH hydrolyzed to nicotinamide and absorbed via passive diffusion in stomach and SI

Trans: as nicotinamide or nicotinic acid


coenzyme in oxid/reduc rxn (biosynthesis/folate metab)

non redox donor of ADP ribose

Assessment: metabolites in urine, <0.8 mg/d N1-methylnicotinamide decreased amount

Excretion: NAD--nicotinamide and ADP ribose--excretable products in urine

Deficiency: Pellegra (sensitivity to light, aggression, dermatitis, confusion, 4 D dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea, death)

UL: 35mg/d related to itchy rashes, headaches, nausea, liver complications

Pantothenic Acid

AI: men/women 5 mg/d

Sources: whole grains, legumes, eggs, meat, most foods

Absorption: free or bound (hydrolyzed to free) absobed via passive diffusion in Jejunum, at low concentrations absorbed by Na dep multivitamin transport/carrier


component of coA

part of acyl protein carrier

necessary for acetylation of prt/sug/drugs

necessary for cholesterol synthesis

necessary for heme synthesis

Transport: free in blood

Excreted: intact

Deficiency: burning feet, usually due to starvation

Assessment: urinary pantothenate


Biotin (B7)

AI: men/women 30 ug, lactation: 35 ug

Sources: egg yolk (inhib by avidin in whites), liver, salmon, yeast, avocado

Absorption: usually bound to protein, digest by pepsin and SI protease/peptidase and biotinidase absorbed in jejunum and ileum by passive diffusion in mass doses, usually SMVT (inhibited by alcohol)

Transported: free state

Found: plasma, muscle, liver, brain


pyruvate carboxylase, acetyl coA carboxylase, propionyl coA carboxylase

biotinilation (better wratting around histones) less express

Assessment: urine excretion

Excretion: metabolytes in urine

Deficiency: rare because made by bact. in the colon

dermatitis, hair loss, fatigue, caused by mutation in biotinidase (intravenous biotin)


Pyridoxine (B6)

RDA: men/women 1.3mg/d

Sources: banana, barley, brown rice, potato, chicken salmon, beef, pork

Absorption: PN,PL,PM dephosphorylated in SI and absorbed by passive diffusion in jejunum

Transported: free in blood, different forms PN=pyridoxine, PL=pyridoxal, PM=pyridoxamine, PLP=pyridoxal phophate

Liver: all forms can be converted to PLP in liver (dep on FMN)


coenzyme transamination/dehydration/transulfhydration, cleavage, racemization, glycogen degradation

modulates gene expression

Excretion: as 4-pyridoxic acid in urine

Assess: plasma PLP, urinary B6 or 4-pyridoxic acid, or erythrocyte transaminase (before/after add B6)

Deficiency: rare, nausea, convulsions, skin disorders, fatigue, weakness, microcytic anemia (heme synthesis)

Toxicity: UL=100g, irreversible nerve damage, neuropathy, impaired gait at 1-6g/day


RDA: men/women 400ug/d, pregnant 600ug/d

Sources: legumes, asparagus, leafy greens, broccoli, beef liver, crab

Absorption:  digested from polyglutamate to monoglutamate form (supplements already in mono form), found in mono form in blood

Funct/Mech: DNA synth, cell division, can cause spina bifida and anencephaly in infants of deficient mothers

Assessment: serum/plasma folate or RBC concentration, or N formiminoglutamate excretion, elevated homocysteine

Def: macrocytic megaloblastic anemia, chronic diarrhea, impaired immune function, target for cancer drugs (all processed grains fortified with 1.5 ug/g, 45ug in a slice of toast)

Toxicity: UL 1000ug because masks B12 deficiency

B12 (cobalamin)

RDA: men/women 2.4ug/d

Sources: milk, oysters, clams, herring, salmon, beef, pork

Absorption: released from proteins in stomach and binds to R protein, then in duodenum R prt hydrolyzed and binds to IF, endocytosed in ileum by cubilin receptors

Transport: newly absorbed trans by TCII, also in blood with TCI and TCIII

Function/Mech: needed for RNA and DNA synthesis

Assessment: serum B12, serum MMA and homocysteine, urine MMA, schillings test for pernicious anemia (shot then oral B12)

Excretion: very little change before excreted

Def: slow (large liver stores), masked by folate, high homocysteine, neurological problems



RDA:  men/women 150 ug/d

Sources: seaweed, navy beans, potato, oatmeal, seafood, egg, milk, beef liver

Absorption: present in food as organic compounds, digested into free form and absorbed completely in the stomach

Transport: free iodide in the blood, concentrated in the thyroid

Funct/Metab: synthesis of thyroid hormone, thyroid hormones promote lipolysis, muscle contration, anabolism, hear rate and nutrient absorption

Assessment: urinary iodide, thyroid size, serum TSH

Excretion: mostly urine, some in feces and sweat

Def: leading preventable cause of mental retardation, weight gain, cold intolerance, goiter

UL=1,100 ug also causes goiter


AI: men 35ug/d women 25ug/d

Sources: broccoli, green beans, potatoes, apple, turkey, beef, organ meants

Absorption: passive/facilitated diffusion in the jejunum

enhancers: AA, picolinate, vit C

inhibitors: neutral/alkaline environ., phytates

Transport: as Cr3+ with transferrin or alb or other, stored in the kidneys, liver, muscle, spleen, heart, pancreas, bone (may be stored with Fe)

Funct/Mech: enhances function of insulin, decreases insulin resistance

Assessment: ? serum chromium/urinary chromium

Excretion: in urine, free

Def: increase blood glucose, decrease muscle endurance, compete with iron for transport

NO UL, may decrease absorption of zinc and iron at high levels

Vitamin C

RDA: men 90mg/d women 75mg/day, +35mg smoker

Sources: strawberries, sweet potato, beef liver, clams

Absorption: no digestion, carrier SVCT1/2 (sodium dep vitamin C transporter) all of SI


antioxidant (electron donor)

cofactor for 8 rxn

     (carnitine/carnosine synth,

     collagen synth (part of bone matrix),

     norepi synth,

     reductes vit E,

     increase iron absorption, 

     regenerates glutithione

Excretion: metabolized into xylose, oxalic acid, threonic acid, xylonic acid in urine

Assessment: plasma levels <50umol/L suboptimal, <20umol/L marginal, <11umol/L severe deficiency

Def: 1st sign fatique (carnitine B oxid), called scurvy-hemorrhagic signs, hyperkeratosis or hair follicle, hypochondriasis (psychological)

-supplement for stress 2g , extreme exercise and smoking

Tox: relatively non toxic, cannot get too much from food

-kidney stones, diarrhea, nausea, excess iron (hemachromatosis)


Vitamin E

RDA: men/women 15mg/d

Sources: sunflower/safflower oil, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, spinach

     RRR a-tocopherol provides 67mg/100IU (natural)

     all-rac-a-tocopherol provides 45mg/100IU (synth)

Absorption: passice diffusion in jejunum, improved with dietary lipid (in chylomicron), some in VLDL, stored in adipose tissue

Funct/Mech: antioxidant protection of PUFA, may prevent oxidation of LDL-C, can interfere vitamin K

Assessment: plasma cncn 5-20ug/mL normal, erythrocyte hemolysis test(crude measure)

Excretion: metab by cytochrome p450, metabolites excreted in urine

Def: (rare, w/ fat malabsorption), muscle weakness, loss of coordination, retina damage, hemolytic anemia (oxidative damage)

Tox: hemorrhaging, easy bruising

UL: 1,000mg

Vitamin A

RDA: men 900ugRE, women 700ugRE

Sources: carrots, spinach, watermelon, mango, liver, herring

Absorption: digested free of food matrix, absorbed 70-90% with fat

    carotenoids (5% uncooked, 60% in pure oil)

carotenoids and retinoids metabolized somewhat in enterocyte

12mg B carotene is 1ugRE

     1. can be stored in liver

     2. excreted in bile salts

     3. circulated with RBP and transthyretin


     retinyl palmitate (suppl. form, stable in foods)

     retinol (made from ret-p in lumen of SI)

     retinal (important for Rod function in eye, night blind)

     retinoic acid (influence differentiation and proliferation by binding to receptors on the nucleus)

Excretion: in urine (60%) and feces, carotenoids metabolized and excreted in bile also (returned via enterohepatic circulation)

Def: rare in US, night blindness, immune dysfunction, hyperkeratosis, permanent blindness, leading cause of preventable blindness (golden rice)

Tox: vomit, fatigue, joint pain, liver damage, reduced bone density, death (accutane may cause birth defects)

UL: 3,000ugRE (retinoids)


Bone Health Nutrients
Vit D, Vit K, Fluoride, Calcium, Phosphorus
mineral of bones, made of calcium and phosphorus
osteoclasts and osteoblasts

clasts (break down bone, resorption) from monocyte stem cell lineage


blasts (make osteoid which is mineralized by hydroxyapatite) from osteoprogenitor lineage

Vitamin D

RDA: adults <70 15ug/d, >70 20 ug/d

Sources: some mushrooms, sun, fish, egg yolk, liver

Absorption: no digestion, passive diffusion in SI (most in distal) transported in the chylomicron

    dietary calciferols

       ergocalciferol (D2, not as affective in large doses)

       cholecalciferol (D3)


       caldidiol (25-hydroxy vitamin D3)

Production: dehudrocholesterol +uv light=previtD, previtD binds to DBP and is transported to the liver and then kidney where it is fully activated

Funct/Mech: maintains Ca Homeostasis by increasing calcium absoption and release and reabsorption, regulates BP

decreases HD risk,

binds to VDR and RXR which influences the translation of ~50 genes

Assessment: plasma vit D <50ng/dL 250HD3, low

Def: rickets (in children) poor bone calcification, osteoid accumulates, weak bones

osteomalacia (in adults) increased PTH/alkaline phophatase, unable to absorb Ca, bone pain, risk (fat malabsorp, obese, older)

Tox: hypercalcemia, muscle weakness, heart arrhythmias, kidney stones

UL: 100 ug


RDA: men/women 1,000mg/d, men >70 and women >51 need 1,200 mg/d

Sources: sesame seeds, spinach, molasses, cheese, yogurt, milk, sardines with bone

Absorption: 5 systems, energy dep duodenal and prox jejunal transport, paracellular (passive in ileum), 2 others in SI.

Transport: with either albumin or transthyretin, complexed with citrate or free in the blood

Regulation: PTH, calcitriol, calcitonin

Excretion: urine (increased by sodium, protein, and caffeine), feces and some from skin

Assessment: dual-energy x-ray absorptometry

Def: hypocalcemia, muscle spasms, convulsions, low bone density

Tox: interferes with the absorp of Zn, Fe, Mg

UL: 2,500 mg


-porous bone

-risk-age (postmenopause), older men, vit D def, decreased estrogen, family hx, early menopause

- amenorrhea, low dietary Ca and little wt bearing exercise

- smoking, excessive alcohol, caffeine


RDA: men/women 700mg/d

Sources: sunflower seeds, lentils, black beans, almonds, cheese, yogurt, beef

Absorption: hydrolyzed to inorganic phosphate, saturable carrier mediated active transport (enhanced by calcitriol, inhib by phytic acid and excessive Mg/Ca) or diffusion

Funct/Mech: energy storage in nucleotide/side phosphates, creatine phosphate, makes hydroxyapatite w/ Ca, part of phospholipid, modifies (activates) enzymes

Excretion: urinary

Assessment: def. rare, serum cncn, urinary excretion

Def: bone malformation/pain, muslce weakness

Tox: altered Ca metab (osteoporosis), excessive vit D, kidney disease, plasma >4.5mg/dL, low Ca

UL: 4,000 mg or 3,000mg if over 70


AI: men 4 mg, women 3mg

Sources: brewed tea, raisins, canned crab, white grape juice

Funct/Mech: bone/tooth mineralization, prevent dental caries, ligament and tendon strength

Def: dental caries, bone fracture

Tox: rare, fluorosis, stiff joints

UL: 10mg

Vitamin K

AI: men 120ug, women 90ug

Sources: kale, spinach, broccoli, brussel sprouts, soybean oil, bact. in colon

Absorption: in micelles and transported in chylomicron, small stores in liver 

Forms: phylloquinone (plants) menaquinone (bacteria) menadione (synth. supplements)

Funct/Mech: coenzyme in carboxylation of substrate to functional form, make clotting proteins active by carboxylating glutamic acid, post translation modification of bone proteins allowing Ca to bind to hydroxyapatite

Interaction: warfarin prevents vit K recycling-thin blood

Excretion: in bile

Assessment: plasma/serum phylloquinone, clotting or prothrombine time, untercarboxylated proteins. 

Def: difficult, impaired clotting/excessive bleeding

Tox: not stored as much as other vitamins, quick turnover


Iron (Fe)

RDA: men 8 mg, women 18 mg (19 to 50)

Sources: meats, spinach, fortified grains

Absorption: hydrolyzed from hemoglobin/myoglobin to heme iron and absorbed by heme carrier 1, or absorbed as Fe2+ after being reduced from ferric (Fe3+) by acids and reductases carrier DCT/DMT (divalent metal cation)

Enhance: sugar (frc/sorbitol), acids (ascorbic, citric, lactic), protein, mucin

Inhibit: polyphenols, oxalic acid, phytates, Co, Zn, Mn, Pb

Funct/Mech: oxygen transport via hemoglobin in RBC, part of some proteins, cytochromes, monoxygenases (add hydroxyl group), carnitine and collagen synthesis

Assessment: hemoglobin cncn and hematocrit (% of RBC in blood)

Deficiency: low ferriting 1st sign, anemia women 12-16g/dL Hgb men 14-18mg/dL, microcytic hypochromic fatigue, pale

Toxicity: nausea, diarrhea, death 20mg/kg, hemochromatosis (HFE)

UL: 45mg 

Zinc (Zn)

RDA: men 11 mg, women 8 mg

Sources: wheat germ, refried beans, crab, oysters, beef, turkey, chicken, ham

Absorption: hydrolyzed from AA and nucleic acids in stomach/SI, carrier mediated absorption or paracellular/diffusion

Enhancers: citric acid, picolinic acid, prostoglandins, AA

Inhibitors: phytate, oxalate, polyphenols, folate, iron, calcium

Stored: in metallothionein in liver, kidney, muscle, skin, apatite

Funct/Mech: cofactor for ~200 rxn, bone formation, skin integrity, converts retinol to retinal, synth of retinol binding protein

Assessment: serum/plasma, metallothionein, urinary/hair zn content

Deficiency: rare, poor immune function, dermatitis, diarrhea, poor appetite

Toxicity: n/v, increased LDL, synth of metallotionein can cause anemia

UL: 40 mg

Manganese (Mn)

AI: 2.3 mg men/women

Sources: pineapple, pecans, almonds, brown rice, peanuts

Absorption: active transport throughout the SI (women absorb more)

Enhance: histidine, citrate

Inhibit: fiber, phytate, oxalate, iron, Cu

Funct/Mech: enzyme activator, part of metalloenzymes, bone cartilage and connective tissue synth, urea synth, AA metab, antioxidant roles, 2nf messenger pathways

Assessment: plasma/serum

Deficiency: excessive Fe or Mg, associated with osteoporosis, DM and epilepsy

Toxicity: neurological problems, respiratory effects (chronic exposure)

UL: 11mg/d

Copper (Cu)

RDA: 900 ug men/women

Sources: hazelnuts, baked beans, mushrooms, crab, lobster, turkey, chicken, ham

Absorption: hydrolyzed from proteins and absorbed in stomach/SI, reduced then active carrier transport or passive diffusion

Transported: bound loosely to a protein, distributed on ceruloplasmin

Enhancers: histidine, cytheine, organic acids, citric , gluconic, lactic, acetic, malic

Inhibitors: phytate, Zn, iron, excessive antacids

Funct/Mech: part of superoxide dismutase (antioxidant, part of cytochrome oxidase, lysyl oxidase, immune function, gene expression,

ascorbate/zinc antagonists decreases activity

molybdenum increases excretion

Deficiency: anemia, bone/connective tissue abnormalities

Toxicity: GI distress, liver disease, Wilson's disease (genetic defective protein binding)

UL: 10,000ug

Selenium (Se)

RDA: 55 ug men/women

Sources: oatmeal, brown rice, oysters, tuna, lobster, pork, shrimp

Absorption: unregulated absorption in SI

Enhancers:  reduced glutithione, vitamins CAE

Inhibitors: heavy metals (Hg), phytic acid

Funct/Mech: glutithione peroxidase (antioxidant), thioredoxin reductase (antioxidant), selenophosphate synthase, iodothyronine 5' deiodinases (thyroid hrmn synth)

Assessment: blood plasma cncn, activities of selenoproteins (glutithione peroxidase), urinary cncn, exreted in the urine

Deficiency: Keshan's disease (cardiomyopathy r/t coxsackie B virus), Kashin Beck's disease (osteoarthropathy)

Toxicity: in miners, with supplementation, brittle hair and nails, loss of hair/nails

UL: 400 ug

Sodium (Na)

AI: 1,500 mg

Sources: processed foods, table salt

Funct/Mech: most abundant extracellular cation, 30% of body Na is on bone surface ready for release, linked to high blood pressure in some people

Deficiency: hyponatremia, nausea, seizures

Toxcity: swelling, increased BP, associated with CVD and HTN patients

UL: 2,300


HTN Levels

Definition: increased resistance in peripheral vessels, constricted arteries, excess fluid circulation, targe 150/90


Normal 120/80 mmHg


Pre- 120-139/80-89 mmHg


Stage 1 140-159/90-99


Stage 2 >160/>100


crisis at 180/110 mmHg


AI: 2,300 mg

Deficiency: increased blood pH, abnormal heart rhythm, poor blood flow

Toxicity: increased BP

UL: 3,500 mg (associated with UL for sodium)

Potassium (K)

RDA: 4,700mg 

Sources: fruits and vegetables, 1 cup of potato is 600mg

Deficiency: muscle cramps, muscle weak, loss of appetite, heart arrhythmias

UL: none, no known toxicity


AI: men 3.7 L, women 2.7L or 2.2-2.6L

Funct/Mech: cell structure, reaction medium, cooling in perspiration, major part of blood, retains heat.

Dehydration: thirst, tingling, nausea, difficult to concentrate, increased temperature, increased pulse, weakness, spasms, kidney failure

Hyperhydration: medical conditions such as HTN, congestive heard failure and pulmonary edema, hyponatremia, excess fluid intake

Regulation: RAAS

UL: none

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