Shared Flashcard Set


Unit 3-10
Community Diversity

Additional Law Flashcards




#1 – Identify benefits of understanding different cultures.
• Enhances and embraces positive police-community relations
• Reduction in frequency of lawsuits
• Greater personal/organizational benefits
• End to old ideas
• Police image and perception
#2 – Describe the two types of racism.
Individual racism
• Person to person discrimination based on one’s own bias and prejudices
• Assuming someone’s race based on how they sound over the phone (e.g., “sounding Black”, “sounding Hispanic”)
Institutional racism
• Can be enforced through rules, procedures, or policies
• This type of racism can be systemic to the agency or company’s culture
#3 – Identify the difference between criminal profiling and racial/bias profiling.
Criminal Profiling – based on observed behaviors and characteristics
Racial/Bias Profiling – the factors of race/ethnicity and bias toward that race are initiating factors for law enforcement intervention
#4 – Interpret the difference between high and low context communications.
Low Context Communication
• Words send most of the message with specifics, details, and facts
• The words are extremely important and carry explicit meaning. Communication process is less important
• Language has less emotion
• Eye contact is usually more direct
• Language deals primarily with who, what, where, when, why, and how. Language is based on linear thinking that is structured and direct

High Context Communication
• Words send only part of the message
• The process of communication is just as important as the words used and may bury the implicit meaning of the words used or the intended message
• Emotion, posturing, and gesturing may be part of the communication process (e.g., facial expressions, hand and arm movements)
• Less direct eye contact
• Historical perspective may have an emphasis on the context of the message
#5 – List the effects of hate crimes on victims and the community.
• Unique, emotional, and psychological impact of fear and vulnerability on the victims and their community because of specific characteristics (e.g., race, religion, sexual orientation)
• Increased racial, religious, and sexual orientation tensions in the community
• Escalating violence and turmoil because of reprisals by others in the community
#6 – Describe indicators an officer can use to determine if a crime was motivated by hate.
• The presence of visible symbols of hatred and/or bias
• Witness’/victim’s report as to what the perpetrator said and did
• Absence of any other apparent motive
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