Shared Flashcard Set


Unit 2-2F
Rob, Burg, Trespass

Additional Law Flashcards




Aggravated Robbery
• Division A
o While committing or attempting to or in fleeing immediately after a theft offense…
 Have a deadly weapon on or about the offender’s person or under the offender’s control AND either display, brandish, indicate possession of, or use the weapon OR
 Have a dangerous ordnance on or about the offender’s person or under the offender’s control OR
 Inflict or attempt to inflict serious physical harm on another
• Division B
o Without privilege to do so…
o Knowingly…
o Remove or attempt to remove a deadly weapon from the person of a law enforcement officer OR
o Deprive or attempt to deprive a law enforcement officer of a deadly weapon when…
 The law enforcement officer, at the time of removal, attempted removal, deprivation, or attempted deprivation is acting within the course and scope of the officer’s duties AND
 The offender knows or has reasonable cause to know that the law enforcement officer is a law enforcement officer
• While committing or attempting to or in fleeing immediately after a theft offense…
• Have a deadly weapon on or about the offender’s person or under the offender’s control OR
• Inflict, attempt, or threaten to inflict physical harm on another OR
• Use or threaten the immediate use of force against another

(F-2 to F-3)
Aggravated Burglary
• By force, stealth, or deception…
• Trespass in…
o Occupied structure OR
o Separately secured or in a separately occupied portion of an occupied structure WHEN
• Another person is present other than an accomplice…
• With the purpose to commit, in the structure or separately occupied portion of the structure, any criminal offense IF
o Offender inflicts, attempts, or threatens to inflict physical harm on another OR
o Offender has a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance on or about the offender’s person or under the offender’s control
• Division A
o By force, stealth, or deception…
o Trespass in an occupied structure or in a separately secured or in a separately occupied portion of an occupied structure WHEN
 Another person other than an accomplice is present…
 With purpose to commit in the structure or in the separately secured or separately occupied portion of the structure any criminal offense OR
o Trespass in an occupied structure or in a separately secured or separately occupied portion of an occupied structure that is a permanent or temporary habitation WHEN
 Any person other than an accomplice of the offender is present or likely to be present…
 With the purpose to commit in the habitation any criminal offense OR
o Trespass in an occupied structure or in a separately secured or separately occupied portion of an occupied structure…
 With purpose to commit in the structure or separately secured or separately occupied portion of the structure…
 Any criminal offense
• Division B
o By force, stealth, or deception…
o Trespass in a permanent or temporary habitation of any person when any person is other than the accomplice is likely to be present
(F-2 to F-4)
Breaking and Entering
• Division A
o By force, stealth, or deception…
o Trespass in an unoccupied structure…
o With purpose to commit any theft offense or any felony
• Division B
o Trespass on the land or premises of another…
o With purpose to commit a felony
Criminal Trespass
• Without privilege to do so…
• Knowingly enter or remain on the land or premises of another OR
• Knowingly…
o Enter or remain on the land or premises of another…
o The use of which is lawfully restricted to certain persons, purposes, modes, or hours WHEN
 The offender knows the offender is in violation of such restriction OR
 Is reckless in that regard OR
• Recklessly
o Enter or remain on land or premises of another…
o To which notice against unauthorized access or presence is given…
 By actual communication to the offender OR
 In a manner prescribed by law OR
 By posting in a manner reasonably calculated to come to the attention of potential intruders OR
 By fencing or other enclosure manifestly designed to restrict access OR
• Negligently…
o Fail or refuse to leave…
o Upon being notified by signage posted in a conspicuous place or otherwise being notified to do so…
o By the owner or occupant, or the agent or servant of either
Aggravated Trespass
• Enter or remain…
• On the land or premises of another…
• With purpose to commit on that land or those premises a misdemeanor…
• The elements of which involve…
o Causing physical harm to another OR
o Causing another person to believe that the offender will cause physical harm to him
Criminal Trespass on Place of Public Amusement
• Without privilege to do so…
• Knowingly…
• Enter or remain on any restricted portion of a place of public amusement and as a result…
• Interrupt or cause the delay of the live performance, sporting event, or other activity taking place at the place of public amusement…
• After a printed written notice that the general public is restricted from access has been given
• With purpose to commit an offense…
• Knowingly…
• Enter, force and entrance into, or tamper with…
• Any vault, safe, or strongbox
Tampering with Coin Machines
• With purpose to commit theft or to defraud…
• Knowingly…
• Enter, force an entrance into, tamper with, or insert any part of an instrument…
• Into a coin machine
(M-1 to F-5)
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