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Methadone HCl


Dolophine®, Methadose®


Schedule: C-II


BBW: Deaths reported during initiation and conversion of pain pts to methadone treatment from treatment w/ other opioids. Resp depression and QT prolongation, arrhythmias observed. Only dispensed by certified opioid treatment programs for addiction. Analgesic use must outweigh risks


Uses: Severe pain not responsive to non-narcotics; detox w/ maint of narcotic addiction


MOA: Narcotic analgesic


Dose: 2.5-10 mg IM/IV/SQ or 5-15 mg PO q8h; titrate as needed; ↓ in renal impair


Caution: C, -, Avoid w/ severe liver disease


CI: Resp depression, acute asthma, ileus


Disp: Tabs 5, 10 mg; tab dispersible 40 mg; PO soln 5, 10 mg/5 mL; PO conc 10 mg/mL; Inj 10 mg/mL


SE: Resp depression, sedation, constipation, urinary retention, ↑ QT interval, arrhythmias, ↓ HR, syncope, ↓ K+, ↓ Mg2+


Notes: Parenteral:oral 1:2; Equianalgesic w/ parenteral morphine; longer 1/2; resp depression occurs later and lasts longer than analgesic effect, use w/ caution to avoid iatrogenic OD 








Cheratussin® AC, Robitussin® AC


Schedule: C-V


Uses: Relief of dry cough


MOA: Antitussive w/ expectorant


Dose: 5-10 mL or 1 tab PO q6-8h (max 60 mL/24 h)


Caution: C, +


Disp: Brontex tab 10 mg codeine/300 mg guaifenesin; liq 2.5 mg codeine/75 mg guaifenesin/5 mL; others 10 mg codeine/100 mg guaifenesin/5 mL


SE: Somnolence, constipation






Tizanidine HCl




Uses: Muscle relaxant


MOA: Exact mechanisn unknown; binds to central alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, increasing presynaptic motor neuron inhibition and reducing spasticity (centrally acting muscle relaxant)


Dose: 4 mg PO x 1, incr 2-4 mg increments q6-8h until desired effect, Max 3 doses/24 h; 12 mg/dose. Give w/ food or on empty stomach; taper dose gradually to DC


Caution: C, ?, elderly pts, renal/hepatic impair


CI: Hypersens, abrupt withdrawal


Disp: Tabs 2, 4 mg


SE: Dry mouth, somnolence, dizziness, ↓ BP, ↓ HR, constipation, vomiting, blurred vision










BBW: ACE inhib used during PRG can cause fetal injury & death


Uses: HTN, CHF, DN, post-MI


MOA: ACE inhib


Dose: 10-80 mg PO daily; ↓ in renal impair


Caution: D, +, w/ RAS, vol depletion


CI: ACE inhib sensitivity, angioedema, PRG


Disp: Tabs 5, 10, 20, 40 mg


SE: Dizziness, HA, ↓ BP, impaired renal fxn, angioedema, taste perversion, cough










Schedule: C-III


Uses: *Tension HA*, mild pain


MOA: Nonnarcotic analgesic w/ barbiturate


Dose: 1-2 tabs or caps PO q4-6h PRN; ↓ in renal/hepatic impair; 4 g/24 h APAP max


Caution: C/D, +, alcoholic liver disease, G6PD deficiency


CI: Hypersens


Disp: Caps, Tabs 50 mg butalbital/40 mg caffeine/325 mg APAP; Caps 50 mg butalbital/40 mg caffeine/500 mg APAP; Liq 50 mg butalbital/40 mg caffeine/325 mg APAP/15 mL


SE: Drowsiness, dizziness, "hangover" effect, N/V


Notes: Butalbital habit forming; avoid EtOH










BBW: Chronic use may cause tardive dyskinesia; DC if symptoms develop; avoid prolonged use (>12 wks)


Uses: *Diabetic gastroparesis, symptomatic GERD; chemotherapy & post-op N/V, facilitate small-bowel intubation & upper GI radiologic evaluation,* stimulate gut in prolonged post-op ileus


MOA: ↑ upper GI motility; blocks dopamine in chemoreceptor trigger zone, sensitized tissues to ACH


Dose: Gastroparesis: 10 mg PO 30 min AC & HS for 2-8 wks PRN, or same dose IM/IV for 10 d, then PO. Reflux: 10-15 mg PO 30 min AC & HS. Chemotherapy Antiemetic: 1-3 mg/kg/dose IV 30 min before chemotherapy, then q2h x 2 doses, then q3h x 3 doses. Post-op: 10-20 mg IV/IM q4-6h PRN. Intestinal intubation: 10 mg IV x 1 over 1-2 min


Caution: B, -, drugs w/ extrapyramidal ADRs, MAOIs, TCAs, sympathomimetics


CI: EPS meds, GI bleeding, pheochromocytoma, seizure disorders, GI obst


Disp: Tabs 5, 10 mg; syrup 5 mg/5 mL; Inj 5 mg/mL


SE: Dystonic rxns common w/ high doses (treat w/ IV diphenhydramine), fluid retention, restlessness, D, drowsiness










Uses: Fungal skin infxns


MOA: Imidazole antifungal & anti-inflammatory. Spectrum: Tinea pedis, cruris, & corporis


Dose: Apply & massage into area BID for 2-4 weeks


Caution: C, ?, varicella infxn


CI: Children < 12 yo


Disp: Cream, Lotion 1/0.05%


SE: Local irritation, rash


Notes: Not for diaper dermatitis or under occlusive dressings










Uses: HTN & symptomatic BPH


MOA: Alpha-1 adrenergic blocker; relaxes bladder neck smooth muscle


Dose: HTN: Initial 1 mg/d PO, may be ↑ to 16 mg/d PO. BPH: Initial 1 mg/d PO, may ↑ to 8 mg/d; XL 2-8 mg qAM


Caution: B, ?, w/ liver impair


CI: Component sensitivity; use w/ PDE5 inhib (eg. sildenafil) can cause ↓ BP


Disp: Tabs 1, 2, 4, 8 mg; XL 4, 8 mg


SE: Dizziness, HA, drowsiness, fatigue, malaise, sexual dysfunction, doses >4 mg ↑ postural ↓ BP risk; intraoperative floppy iris synd


Notes: 1st dose HS; syncope may occur w/in 90 min of initial dose










Uses: Relief of discomfort associated w/ painful musculoskeletal conditions


MOA: Centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxant


Dose: 1.5 g PO QID for 2-3 d, then 1 g PO QID maint. Tetanus: 1-2 g IV q6h x 3 d, then use PO


Caution: C, +, seizure disorders


CI: Myasthenia Gravis, renal impair, w/IV


Disp: Tabs 500, 750 mg; Inj 100 mg/mL


SE: Can discolor urine, lightheadedness, drowsiness, GI upset, ↓ HR, ↓ BP


Notes: Tabs can be crushed and added to NG, do not operate heavy machinery






Buproprion, extended release


Budeprion® XL, Wellbutrin® XL


BBW: All pts being treated w/ bupropion for smoking cessation treatment should be observed for neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms (hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicide-related events; most during/after Zyban; Symptoms may persist following DC; Closely monitor for worsening depression or emergence of suicidality, increased suicidal behavior in young adults


Uses: *Depression, smoking cessation adjunct,* ADHD


MOA: Weak inhib of neuronal uptake of serotonin & NE; ↓ neuronal dopamine reuptake


Dose: Depression: 150-450 mg daily. Smoking Cessation: 150 mg/d x 3 days, then 150 mg BID x 8-12 wks, last dose before 6 PM, ↓ dose w/ renal/hepatic impair


Caution: C, ?/-


CI: Seizure disorder, history of anorexia nervosa or bulimia, MAOI w/ or w/in 14 d, abrupt DC of EtOH or sedatives, inhibitors/inducers of CYP 2B6, w/ ritonavir and lopinavir/ritonavir


Disp: XL tabs 150, 300 mg


SE: Seizures, agitation, insomnia, HA, tachycardia, ↓ wgt


Notes: Avoid EtOH & other CNS depressants, SR & XR do not crush/chew/cut, may ↑ adverse events including seizures

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