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Test 1 chapters 1 and 2:
The study of children's development. Questions from study guide
Undergraduate 1

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What are the three "domains" of child development described in the text? What changes are included in each area?

Physical: changes in body size, proportions, appearance, functioning of body systems, percepual and motor capacities, and physical health

Cognitive: Changes in intellectual abilities, including attention, memory, academic and everyday knowledge, problem solving, imagination, creativity, and language

Emotional and social: Changes in emotional communication, self-understanding, knowledge about other people, interpersonal skills, friendships, intimate relationships, and moral reasoning and behavior

What are the six "periods of development" and what age ranges are included in each?

Prenatal Period: from conception to birth

Infancy and toddlerhood: from birth to 2 years

Early childhood: from 2 to 6 years

Middle childhood: from 6 to 11 years

Adolescence: from 11 to 18 years

Emerging Adulthood: from 18 to 25 years


Describe a development that is "continuous". What makes it continuous?
A process of gradually adding more of the same types of skills that were there to begin with.
Describe a development that is "discontinuious". What makes it discontinuous?
A process in which new ways of understanding and responding to the world emerge at specific times. Like steps.
Think of something that has changed in you since you were a child. Was this change due to nature or nurture? Explain.

I used to be very very shy and quite, people thought I did not have a voice.  Now I never shut up.  

This change is due to a little bit of both nature and nurture. Nature because my dad is very talkative.

Nurture because I was tired of people talking about me when I was right there.

What is a development primarily due to nature (or biology - genetics or maturation) in preschoolers? Primarily due to nurture (or environment)?

Nature: Eye colore, height, skin tone, etc.

Nuture: eating habbits, etc.

What is meant by "stability" in child development? What is an example in your own development of a trait that is stable over time?

Individuals high or low in a characteristic remain so that later ages.  Early experience may have a lifelong experience.  

Example: ability to make others laugh for no reason

What is meant by "plasticity" in child development? What is an example of plasticity in your own development?
Change is possible, based on experiences.
What is a development in people that has a "sensitive period"? What does "sensitive period" mean?

An optimal time for certain capacities to emerge.

Individual is especially responsive to environment.

Boundaries less clearly defined than a critical period.

What do we mean by resilience in child development? What qualities or circumstances contribute to s child being resilient?

Personal characteristics

A war parental relationship

Social support outside the immediate family

community resources and opportunities.

What are some environmental contexts that can influence a child's development?


Socioeconomic Status (SES)


Towns and Cities

Cultural context

How might eating dinner together as a family influence development? Why would this be?
Associated with the reduction in adjustment difficulties, even after many other aspects of parenting are controlled.
In what ways might culture and/or society (individualist and collectivist) influence children's development?


  • People think of themselves as separate from others.
  • Concerned with personal goals


  • People define themseleves as part of a group.
  • Concerned with group goals over individual goals
What is a theory? In what ways are theories useful?

An orderly, integrated set of statements that describes, explains, and predicts behavior.  

They provide organizing frameworks for our oberservations of children. 

They are verified by research often serve as a sound basis ffor practical action.


Freud's Psychosexual Theory 

a.Why does development happen?

b.When does development happen?

c.What develops?

d.Is development continuous or discontinuous?

e.Is development primarily due to nature (biology, genetics) or nurture (the social or physical environment’s influences)?

f.Is there one path in development or many possible paths in development?

  • Oral: birth through one year.  If oral needs are not met through sucking from breast or bottle, the individual may develop such habbits as thumb sucking, fingernail biting, overeating, or smoking.
  • Anal: 1 - 3 years.  Toddlers and preschoolers enjoy holding and releasing urine and faces.  
  • Phallic: 3-6 years.  Children feel a sexual desire for the other sex parent.
  • Latency: 6 - 11 years. Sexual instincts die down, and the superego strengthens as the child aquires new social values from adults and same-sex peers.
  • Genital: Adolescence.  With puberty, sexual impulses reappear.  

Erikson's Psychosocial Theory

a.Why does development happen?

b.When does development happen?

c.What develops?

d.Is development continuous or discontinuous?

e.Is development primarily due to nature (biology, genetics) or nurture (the social or physical environment’s influences)?

f.Is there one path in development or many possible paths in development?


Basic trust vs. mistrust  birth - 1 year

Autonomy vs. shame and doubt 1 - 3 years

Initiative vs. guilt   3 - 6 years

Industry vs. inferiority   6 - 11 years

Identity vs. role confusion   Adolescence

Intimacy vs. isolation   Emerging adulthood

Generativity vs. stagnation   Adulthood

Integrity vs. despair     Old age



a.Why does development happen?

b.When does development happen?

c.What develops?

d.Is development continuous or discontinuous?

e.Is development primarily due to nature (biology, genetics) or nurture (the social or physical environment’s influences)?

f.Is there one path in development or many possible paths in development?


Classical Conditioning  -  Stimulus – Response

Operant Conditioning  -  Reinforcers & punishments
Social-Cognitive Approach   -  Modeling Self-efficacy

Bandura's Social Learning Theory

a.Why does development happen?

b.When does development happen?

c.What develops?

d.Is development continuous or discontinuous?

e.Is development primarily due to nature (biology, genetics) or nurture (the social or physical environment’s influences)?

f.Is there one path in development or many possible paths in development?


Piget's Theory of Cognitive Development (Constructivism)

a.Why does development happen?

b.When does development happen?

c.What develops?

d.Is development continuous or discontinuous?

e.Is development primarily due to nature (biology, genetics) or nurture (the social or physical environment’s influences)?

f.Is there one path in development or many possible paths in development?


Information Processing Theory

a.Why does development happen?

b.When does development happen?

c.What develops?

d.Is development continuous or discontinuous?

e.Is development primarily due to nature (biology, genetics) or nurture (the social or physical environment’s influences)?

f.Is there one path in development or many possible paths in development?


Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory

a.Why does development happen?

b.When does development happen?

c.What develops?

d.Is development continuous or discontinuous?

e.Is development primarily due to nature (biology, genetics) or nurture (the social or physical environment’s influences)?

f.Is there one path in development or many possible paths in development?


Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory

a.Why does development happen?

b.When does development happen?

c.What develops?

d.Is development continuous or discontinuous?

e.Is development primarily due to nature (biology, genetics) or nurture (the social or physical environment’s influences)?

f.Is there one path in development or many possible paths in development?

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