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State Board Herbs: Tonify and Regulate the Qi
functions, channels, nature

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Ren Shen

sweet, sl bitter, sl warm, Lu Sp


#1 for Qi xu, tonify Sp, augment Qi, tonify Lu, Sp, tonify Qi, generate the fluids, increase the intellect, calms the spirit


overdose or use in long term can lead to HA, insomnia

Incompatible w Li Lu

should not drink tea or eat radish

Dang Shen

bitter, sl cold, Ht,Pc, Lv


tonify Sp and Lu and augments the Qi to generate blood, supports the righteous Qi for exterior or interior to help expel the pathogen


incompatible w Li Lu

Huang Qi

sweet, sl warm, Lu, Sp


tonify the Sp, augment the Qi, stabilize the exterior, stop sweating, tonify the Qi and Blood, raise Yang Qi, promote urination and reduce edema, promote discharge of pus and generate flesh


CI: should not be used in cases of exterior excess, Qi stag, damp obstruction, food stag, yin xu w heat signs, or skin lesions either in their early stages or where there is heat toxin


fried herb used for tonifying

raw herb used for abscess and edema

Shan Yao

sweet, neutral, Kd, Lu Sp (enters all 3 jiaos)


tonifies Sp and St to stop diarrhea, tonify Lu Qi and Lu yin, tonify Kd and stabilize and bind for Xiao Ke syndrome, frequent urination


paired w Bai Zhu (Shan Yao better for moistening and nourishing yin)


CI in cases of excess

raw herb used for nourishing Yin, generating fluid, and stopping thirst

fried herb is for strengthening Sp and stopping diarrhea

Bai Zhu

bitter, sweet, warm, Sp, St


augments Qi and strengthens Sp, stabilize exterior, stop sweating, dry damp, calm fetus


CI in cases of yin xu w heat signs or injured fluids

Bai Bian Dou

sweet, neutral, Sp, St


tonifies SP and augments Qi, clears summer pathogen and transforms dampness (for vomiting w diarrhea)


use dry fried for for strengthening Sp, untreated for expelling summer dampness

Gan Cao

sweet, neutral (raw), sweet, warm (dry fried), all 12 channels (principally, Ht, Lu, Sp, St)


tonify Sp, augment the Qi, tonify and augment Ht and SP, moisten Lu to stop coughing, moderates and harmonizes the characteristics of other herbs, moderates spasms and alleviates pain, drains fire and relieves toxicity


CI :in cases of excess damp marked by distension and fullness, or edema

use raw to clear heat and relieve toxicity

honey fry to tonify MJ and moderate spasms

incompatible w Da Ji, Yuan Hua, and Gan Sui

Da Zao

sweet, neutral, SP, St


tonify Sp, augment the Qi, moderate and harmonize characteristic of other herbs, nourish the blood and calm shen


CI: in cases of excess damp, food stag, or damp phlegm disorders

Yi Tang

sweet, sl warm, Lu, Sp, St


tonify Sp, augment Qi, tonify MJ and stop pain, used for abdominal pain due to deficient cold, moisten Lu to stop cough


CI: in cases of excessive dampness, internal damp heat, fullness in MJ w vomiting, phlegm heat coughing, or food stag



Feng Mi

sweet, neutral, Lu, Sp, Li


augment Qi, tonify SP, tonify MJ and stop pain, moisten the intestine, moisten Lu and stop cough


CI: excessive damp, phlegm heat, fullness in MJ w vomiting, loose stools


Da Fu Pi




acrid, sl warm, Li, Si, Sp, St


regulate qi, remove qi stagnation, relieve direct qi downward to reduce abdominal distention, promote urination, move damp

Chen Pi

acrid, bitter, warm, aromatic, Lu, Sp, St


regulates Qi, removes stagnation, mature fruit, regulates Mj, relieve diaphragm, stop nausea and vomiting, dry damp, transform phlegm, helps prevent stagnation from tonics

Ju Hong

acrid bitter warm aromatic

Lu sp, St


treats copious sputum, more drying and aromatic than Chen Pi, less effective in harmonizing Mj

Qing Pi

bitter, acrid, warm, GB, Lv, St


immature fruit, regulates Qi and removes Qi stagnation, soothes Lv Qi, dissipates clumps (breast abscess) and transforms stagnation for food stagnation, raises blood pressure

Zhi Shi

bitter, acrid, sl cold, Li, Sp, St


immature fruit, regulates qi and remove qi stagnation, directs qi downward and move stool, transform phlegm, expel focal distention, use w Qi tonic herbs for Mj Qi sinking, raises blood pressure

Zhi Ke

bitter, acrid, sl cold, Sp, St


mature fruit, regulate qi, remove Qi stagnation, milder than Zhi Shi (better for weak patients), reduces accumulation for food stag, constipation, dysentery due to St and intestines accum, transforms phlegm and expels Pi, treats raises blood pressure

Xiang Fu

acrid, sl bitter, sl sweet, neutral, Lv, Sj, GB


regulate Qi, remove Qi stagnation, alleviate pain, soothe Lv Qi, #1 for menstrual problems, 

Chuan Lian Zi

bitter, cold, sl toxic

Ub, Lv, Si, St


regulate Qi, remove Qi stag, soothes Lv Qi, alleviates pain (hernia pain), clear heat and dries damp, kills parasites (abdominal pain), cures tinea infections

Mu Xiang

acrid, bitterm warm

Gb, Li, Sp, St


promotes Qi movement, alleviates pain for Flanks, Sp and St Qi stag, help T and T, Sp qi xu, damp heat dysentery 


warm last 5 min

Wu Yao

acrid, warm, Ub, Kd, Lu, Sp


promotes Qi movement, disperse cold, alleviate pain for Sp cold constraint and Qi stag, lower abdominal distention, hernial disorders, painful menses due to cold, warms Kd and disperse cold for frequent urination due to LJ deficient cold

Chen Xiang

acrid, bitter, warm, aromatic

kd, Sp, St


promotes Qi movement and alleviates pain for distention and pain in chest, warms MJ and descends rebellion for vomiting and hiccup, grasps Qi and calms wheezing and asthma, warm Kd 

Yan Hu Suo 

acrid, bitter, warm, Ht, Lv, Lu, St


promote Qi, invig blood, alleviate pain due to Qi and blood stag such as chest pain, hypochondriac pain, epigastric and ab pain, hernial disorder, menstrual and traumatic pain

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