Shared Flashcard Set


Stan check
Typical Stan Check questions

Additional Aviation Flashcards





1) Align the helicopter with the desired takeoff course in a stable hover at 10 foot wheel height.
2) Smoothly apply 5 to 8 degrees nose down while applying 15% above HIGE torque not to exceed aircraft limitations.
3) do not exceed 10 degrees nose down 

When is a No-Hover-Takeoff used and how is it accomplished? Talk through the procedure.

1) It is used to depart a FOD environment (sand, snow, leaves) and designed to depart the FOD environment expeditiously
2) Slowly increase collective in a smooth and continuous manner to establish takeoff power.
3) As the helicopter lifts off in a level attitude, smoothly apply forward cyclic(not to exceed 10 degrees nose down) to accelerate and transition to a normal climb profile

When do you complete a Power Limited takeoff and how is it performed?

Use if gross weight, pressure altitude and FAT combine to provide less than 15% power available above that required to HIGE. It provides a safe takeoff from an unprepared surface that is clear of obstacles

1) Apply power to raise the helo to a low hovering altitude

2) While slowly increasing forward cyclic, apply max power to continue.

3) As translational lift is attained, adjust the nose attitude to begin climbing. Continue to climb and accelerate, IN GROUND EFFECT until reaching Max Rate of Climb Airspeed

When can/can you not perform a Max P takeoff and how do you perform it?

CAUTION: If power available is not at least 10% percent greater than the power required to HOGE, the manuever becomes very demanding and should not be attempted unless mission urgency dictates.

1) Apply collective up to TGT limiting, not to exceed 106% torque and establish climb as need to clear obstacle.

What are the NORMAL APPROACH numbers?

TRANSITION POINT: 300'AGL, 60-70KIAS, 1,500-2000' from the intended point of landing.

1)The approach begins abeam the transition point heading downwind at the local pattern altitude and 80-100KIAS.
2) Abeam the Transition Point, reduce collective and establish a descending turn as necessary to arrive at the 90degree position at 70-80 KIAS

How do you fly the Steep Approach?

1) A normal approach is flown until reaching the transition point. At this time slow to 50 KIAS. Intercept the glide slop, as steep as necessary, to allow for adequate obstacle clearance, and reduce power to begin the descent.
2) Intercept the glide slope allowing for obstacle clearance
3) do not exceed 700fpm rate of descent


Nose attitudes in excess of 13 degrees nose up at altitudes of 15 feet or less may result in the tail bumper/stabilator striking the ground

Complete an Autorotation brief as you would prior to Autorotations.

1) Auto's shall be completed in Day-VMC less than 18,500lbs
2) Each of us shall complete a straight-in auto prior performing a 90 or 180 degree auto
3) Straight-in Auto's shall be entered no lower than 500' AGL and no lower than 1000' for 90 and 180's.
4) We will maintain 100-105% Nr and 75-95KIAS.
5) If Nr exceeds 105% the pilot shall execute a power recovery and waveoff.

6) Once below 500' the SP shall call out altitudes at every 100' increment down to 200 feet which time the saftey pilot will call 200 FEET FLARE.
7) At 80 feet, the safety pilot shall call out "80 FEET RECOVER" and we will recover in the landing attitude with no lateral drift less than 30kts GS and no lower than 20 feet.

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