Shared Flashcard Set


SOBHD Theory
Everything in the SOBHD Highland Dance theory book, in different forms of questions.

Additional Dance Flashcards




General Remarks and Preliminary Definitions #1
The body should be held in a natural easy manner without stiffness, strain or exaggeration.
How should the body be held?
The body should be held in a natural easy manner without stiffness, strain or exaggeration.
Define 'supporting foot'
The foot supporting the weight of the body is called the supporting foot.
Define 'working foot'
The foot not supporting the weight of the body is called the working foot.
What part of the supporting foot is in contact with the ground?
When dancing, it is always the ball of the supporting foot that is in contact with the ground.
What are the working and supporting feet?
The foot supporting the weight of the body is called the supporting foot. The other foot is called the working foot. While dancing, it is always the ball of the supporting foot which is in contact with the ground.
General Remarks and Preliminary Definitions #2
The foot supporting the weight of the body is called the supporting foot. The other foot is called the working foot. While dancing, it is always the ball of the supporting foot which is in contact with the ground.
General Remarks and Preliminary Definitions #3
It shoudl be the aim of the dancer to keep the supporting leg turned out at an angle of 45 degrees to the line of direction, and the working leg turned out at an angle of not less than 45 degrees, and in many cases 90 degrees to the line of direction. This turning out of the knees tendds to keep the apron of the kilt flat.
It should be the aim of the dancer...
To keep the supporting leg turned out at an angle of 45 degrees to the line of direction, and the working leg turned out at an angle of 45 degrees, and in many cases 90 degrees to the line of direction. This turning out of the knees tends to keep the apron of the kilt flat.
What turnout is required while dancing?
It should be the aim of the dancer to keep the supporting leg turned out at an angle of 45 degrees to the line of direction, and the workign leg turned out at an angle of 45 degrees, and in many cases 90 degrees to the line of direction. This turning out of the knees tends to keep the apron of the kilt flat.
What turnout should be aimed for on the supporting leg?
45 degrees tot he line of direction
What turnout should be aimed for on the working leg?
Not less than 45 degrees, and in many cases 90 degrees to the line of direction.
Why is turnout required?
This turning out of the knees tends to keep the apron of the kilt flat.
General Remarks and Preliminary Definitions #4
When executing any movement of elevation, the dancer should land on the count except when otherwise stated (as in a Shake-Shake-Down (3 AND 4- hop on and (perfect half beat rhythm)) or Progressive Reel Movement (AND1 and 2- hop on and (imperfect half beat rhythm b)))
When should the dancer land?
When executing any movement of elevation, the dancer should land on the count unless otherwise stated. (as in a Shake-Shake-Down (3 AND 4- hop on and (perfect half beat rhythm)) or Progressive Reel Movement (AND1 and 2- hop on and (imperfect half beat rhythm b)))
Provide 2 examples of when a dancer does not land on the count.
In a Shake-Shake-Down movement, the dancer lands on 'and'- 3 and 4. This is perfect half beat rhythm.
In a Progressive Reel Movement, the dancer lands on 'and'- and1 and 2. This is imperfect half beat rhythm b.
General Remarks and Preliminary Definitions #5
When the working foot has to be placed in or raised to any specified position whilst executing a movement of elevation, that foot arrives at the specified position simultaneously with the dancer landing on the supporting foot, unless otherwise stated (Pas de Basques, Outward Brush).
When should the working foot arrive at a specifified position whilst execusting a movement of elevation?
When the working foot has to be placed in or raised to any specified position whilst executing a movement of elevation, that foot arrives at the specified position simultaneously with the dancer landing on the supporting foot, unless otherwise stated (Pas de Basques, Outward Brush).
When the working foot has to be placed in...
Or raised to a specified position whilst executing a movement of elevation, that foot arrives at the specified position simultaneously with the dancer landing on the supporting foot unless otherwise stated (Pas de Basques, Outward Brush).
What are some movements when the working foot does not arrive in a specified position simulataneously on landing on the supporting foot?
Pas de Basques: The working foot is placed in 3rd or 5th position after landing on the supporting foot
Outward Brush: From the definition, "When an outward brush is executed in conjunction with a spring or hop, the working foot touches the ground almost simultaneously on landing.)
General Remarks and Preliminary Definitions #6
a) Basic positions are the essential positions of the feet, arms and head on which all movemenst are founded.
b) A basic movement is a combination, by movement, of two or more basic positions.
c) A basic step is a combination of basic movements.
General Remarks and Preliminary Definitions #6a
Bas positions are the essential positions of the feet, arms and and head on which all movements are founded.
General Remarks and Preliminary Definitions #6b
A basic movement is the combining, by movement of two or more basic positions
Geeneral Remarks and Preliminary Definitions #6c
A basic step is a combination of basic movements.
Define a basic position
Basic positions are the essential positions of the feet, arms and head on which all movements are founded
Define a basic movement
A basic movement is the combining, by movement, of two or more basic positions.
Define a basic step
A basic step is a combination of basic movements.
Define a closed position.
A closed position is one in which the feet are in contact with each other, or the working foot is touching the supporting leg (an exception is third crossed position).
In which closed position is the working foot not in contact with the supportign foot or leg?
Third crossed position.
Define an open position
An open position is one in which the working foot is not incontact with the supporting foot or the supporting leg.
Define a ground position
A ground position is one in which both feet are in contact with the ground.
Define an aerial position
An aerial position is one in which the working foor is off the ground.
Define a rear position
A rear position is one in which the working foot is to the rear of the supporting foot.
What are the basic ground positions?
There are five basic ground positions of the feet, namely, first position, second position, third position, fourth position and fifth position.
What are the derived positions?
There are four derived positions: one, being a variation of third position is called 'third crossed position'; the other three variations of fourth positions, are called 'fourth intermediate position', 'fourth-opposite-fifth position', and 'mid-fourth position'.
Which ground position is derived from third position?
Third crossed position.
Which ground positions are derived from fourth position?
Fourth intermediate position, fourth-opposite-fifth position and mid-fourth position.
Define toe.
When in contact with the ground, without pressure, in an open position with the instep arched, or in a closed position with the foot vertical, it is said to be pointed or placed on the toe. When the working foot is pointed in an open position the knee of the working leg is kept straight except when placed in fourth-opposite-fifth position.
When the working foot is pointed in an open position...
When the working foot is pointed in an open position the knee of the working leg is kept straight except when placed in fourth-opposite-fifth position.
When is the knee of the working leg not kept straight when the working foot is pointed?
In fourth-opposite-fifth position.
Define half point.
When the pads of the first two or three toes are in contact with the ground, with the ball of the foot off the ground, it is said to be placed on the half point.
When placed on the half point in an open position, the instep of the working foot should be arched with the knee of the working leg slightly relaxed. In a closed position, the working foot should be kept as vertical as possible.
When the working foot is placed on the half point, the weight of the body may be momentarily taken on it; the main weight then being then retained on the other foot, thus providing hte impetus for any slight elevation or travel of that (i.e. the supporting foot) during the half point (as in a Pas de Basque, Hop-Brush-Beat-Beat, the sixth, sixth alternative, seventh and eighth steps of the Seann Triubhas or Propelled Pivot Turn)
When placed on the half point in an open position...
When placed on the half point in an open position, the instep of the working foot should be arched with the knee slightly relaxed.
When placed on the half point in a closed position...
When placed on the half point in a clsoed position the working foot should be kept as vertical as possible.
When the working foot is placed on the half point, the weight of the body...
When the working foot is placed on the half point, the weight of the body may be momentarily taken on it; the main weight of the body being then retained on the other foot, thus providing the impetus for any required slight elevation or travel of that (i.e. the supporting foot) during that half poitn (as in a Pas de Basque, Hop-Brush-Beat-Beat, the eighth, sixth, sixth alternative, and seventh steps of the Seann Triubhas or Propelled Pivot Turn)
In what positions of the working foot can the weight of the body be taken onto it?
Half point, heel and ball.
Define ball.
When the pads of the toes and the ball of the foot are in contact with the ground with the instep arched, it is said to be placed on the ball, and the knee of the working leg is kept as straight as possible, but without strain, to allow for freedom of movement. When the working foot is placed on the call, the weight of the body is transferred on to it so that when the dancer travels while so placing the foot, a step is taken.
How should the knee of the working leg be when the workign foot is on the ball?
The knee of the working leg is kept as straight as possible, but without strain, to allow for freedom of movement.
Define heel
When the heel is i contact with the ground, with the sole fo the foot kept straight and inclined upwards, the working foot is said to be placed on the heel. The heel is always placed without pressure, except in the eighth Seann Triubhas step, in which the weight is momentarily taken on it.
When the working foot i splaced on the heel in any open position except fourth-opposite-fifth, the knee of the working leg is kept straight.
When the workign foot is placed on the heel, in which position is the knee not kept straight?
Fourth-opposite-fifth position
When is the heel placed with pressure?
The heel is always placed without pressure, except in the eighth Seann Triubhas step, in which the weight is momentarily taken on it.
Rear and Aerial Equivalents...?
A rear position is one in which the working foot is to the rear of the supporting foot.
An aerial position is one in which the working foot is off the ground.
Certain positions have rear and/or aerial equivalents. There is no rear or aerial equivalent to first position or to third crossed position.
There is an aerial equivalent, but no rear equivalent to second position.
Conversely there is a rear equivalent but not aerial equivalent to fourth-opposite-fifth position and to the fifth position.
There is an aerial but no rear equivalent to mid-fourth position.
In a rear position, the working foot is never placed on the half point or the heel.
In an open aerial position, the knee of the working leg should be kept straight, and the working foot with the instep well arched, is off the ground with the toe at the correct height in relation to the supporting leg, to give normal level (in line with the centre of the calf), high level (in line with the centre of the knee cap) (used only in the second Seann Triubhas step,in second position) or low level (in line with the ankle)
In the two closed aerial positions, namely third aerial position and third rear aerial position, the working foot is off the ground and in contact with, and at the correct height in relation to the supporting leg to give normal level (foot vertical- heel in line with the hollow below the knee), or in the case of third aerial position only, low level (foot vertical- toe at ankle height) or very low level.
In all aerial positions (open or closed), normal level is to be understood where no particular height is specified.
Which positions have no rear or aerial equivalent?
First position and third crossed position.
Which positions have an aerial but no rear equivalent?
Second position and mid-fourth position.
Which positions have a rear equivalent but no aerial position?
Fourth-opposite-fifth position and fifth position.
What all do you know about rear positions?
A rear position is one in which the working foot is to the rear of the supporting foot.
Certain positions have no rear equivalent. There is no rear equivalent to first position, third crossed position, second position or mid-fourth position.
In a rear position, the working foot is never placed on the half point or heel.
What all do you know about aerial positions?
An aerial position is one in which the working foot is off the ground.
Certain positions have aerial equivalents. There is no aerial equivalent to first position, third crossed position, fourth-opposite-fifth position or fifth position.
In an open aerial position, the knee of the working leg should be kept straight, and the workign foot, with the instep well arched, is off the ground with the tow at the correct height in relation to the supporting leg, to give normal level (in line with the centre of the calf), high level (in line with the centre of the knee cap) (used only in the second Seann Triubhas in second position), or low level (in line with the ankle).
In the two closed aerial positions, namely third aerial position and third rear aerial position, the working foot is off the ground in contact with, and at the correct height in relation to the supporting leg to give normal level (foot vertical- heel in line with the hollow below the knee), or, in the case of third aerial position only, low level (foot vertical- toe at ankle height) or very low level.
In all aerial positions (open or closed), normal level is to be understood where no particular height is specified.
What do you know about open aerial positions?
In an open aerial position, the knee of the working leg should be kept straight, and the working foot, with the instep well arched, is off the ground with the toe at the correct height in relation to the supporting leg, to give normal level (in line with the centre of the calf), high level (in line with the centre of the knee cap) (only used in the second Seann Triubhas step, in second), or low level (in line with the ankle)
What do you know about closed aerial positions?
In the two closed aerial positions, namely third aerial position and third rear aerial position, the working leg is off the ground in contact with, and at the correct height in relation to the supporting leg to give normal leve (foot vertical- heel in line with the hollow below the knee) or, in the case of third aerial position only, low level (foot vertical- toe at ankle height) or very low level.
Where is normal level in an open aerial position?
In line with the centre of the knee cap
Where is low level in an open aerial position?
In line with the ankle
Where is high level in an open aerial position?
In line with the centre of the knee cap. This height is only used int he second Seann Triubhas step, in the Seann Triubhas shake.
Where is normal level in a closed aerial position?
Foot vertical- heel in line with the hollow below the knee.
Where is low level in a closed aerial position?
Foot vertical- toes at ankle height. Used only in third aerial.
What level is to be understood in an aerial position where no particular height is specified?
In all aerial positions (open or closed), normal level is to be understood where no particular height is specified.
When preparing for and/or landing from a step of elevation...
When preparing for and/or landing from a step of elevation with the weight equally distributed in third or fifth position, the insteps should be as fully arched as possible, the heels equidistant from the ground, and the knees slightly relaxed.
The line of direction
The line of direction is an imaginary line on the ground, passing from front to back between the heels of the dancer when standing in first position. The angles of basic foot positions are measured from this line.
To ensure a correct line of travel when executing steps which travel sideways towards second position (e.g. the second and eighths Seann Triubhas steps), the working foot shoudl be placed slightly forwards or backwards, as the case may be, from second position to commence the travel.
What is the purpose of the line of direction?
The andles of basic foot positions are measured from the line of direction.
To ensure a correct line of travel...
To ensure a correct line of travel while executing steps which travel sideways towards second positions (e.g. the second and eighth Seann Triubhas steps), the working foot shoudl be placed slightly forwards or backwards, as the case may be, from second position to commence the travel.
First position of the feet
The heels are together, with the weight of the body equally distributed on both feet which are turned out to form an angle of 90 degrees (each foot being 45 degrees from the line of direction). The dancer may be standing with both feet flat on the ground, or may be poised on the balls of the feet.
How may a dancer be standing in first position of the feet?
The dancer may be standing with both feet flat on the ground, or may be poised on the balls of both feet.
Second position of the feet
The working leg is extended directly to the side at an angle of 90 degrees from the line of direction, the toe and heel of the working foow being in line with the heel of the supporting foot. The working foot may be placed on the toe, half point, ball, or heel.
How may the working foot be placed when it is in second position?
The working foot may be placed on the toe, half poitn, ball or heel in second position.
Where is the working leg extended in second position in relation to the line of direction?
90 degrees from the line of direction.
Second aerial position
The working leg is extended to the side as in second position, but raised at the required level: low (in line with the ankle of the supporting leg), normal (in line with the middle of the calf) or high (in line with the centre of the knee cap)
Third position of the feet
The working foot, which may be placed on the toe, half point, ball or heel, touches the hollow of the supporting foot. When placed on the toe, ahlf point or heel, the working foot is turned out at an angle of 90 degrees from the line of direction.
When the weight of the body is equally distributed on the balls of both feet, the sole of the front foot is directly over the instep of the rear foot, both feet equally turned out at an angle of not less than 45 degrees from the line of direction.
How may the working foot be placed in third position?
The working foot may be placed on the toe, half point, ball, or heel.
In third position, when placed on the toe, half point or heel...
When placed on the toe, half point or heel, the working foot is turned out at an angle of 90 degrees from the line of direction.
What turnout is required in third position?
When placed on the toe, half point or heel, the working foot is turned out at an angle of 90 degrees from the line of direction. When the weight of the body is equally distributed on the balls of both feet, they are equally turned out at an angle of not less than 45 degrees fro the line of direction.
In third position, when the weight of the body is equally distributed...
When the weight of the body is equally distributed on the balls of both feet, the sole of the front foot is directly over the instep of the rear foot both feet equally turned out at an angle of not less than 45 degrees from the line of direction.
Define third aerial position
With the knee of the working leg pressed well back, the outside edge of the working foot is placed in contact with the front of the supporting leg. To give normal leve with the heel slightly below the level of the knee cap of the supporting leg, low level with the toe in line with the ankle of the supporting leg, or very low level with the foot slightly off the ground in third position.
What are the levels of third aerial position?
Normal level, with the heel slightly below the level of the knee cap of hte supporting leg, low leve, with the toe in line with the ankle of the supporting leg or very low level with the foot slightly off the ground above third position.
Define third rear position
When placed on the tow, the hollow of hte working foot touches the heel of the supporting foot. The working foot turned outwards at an angle of 90 degrees from the line of direction.
When placed on the ball the weight of the body is equally distributed on the balls of both feet. The sole of the front foot is directly over the instep of the rear foot, bothe feet equally turned out at an angle of 45 degrees from the line of direction.
What can third rear be placed on?
The toe or the ball
In third rear position, when placed on the toe...
When placed on the toe, the hollow of the working foot touches the heel of hte supporting foot. The working foot turned outwards at an angle of 90 degrees from the line of direction.
In third rear position, when placed on the ball...
When placed on the ball the weight is equally distributed on both feet. The sole of the front foot is directly over the instep of the rear foor, both feet equally turned out at an angle of 45 degrees from the line of direction.
What turnout is required in third rear position?
90 degrees when placed on the toe. WHen the weight is equally distributed on the balls of both feet both feet are equally turned out at an angle of not less than 45 degrees from the line of direction.
Define third rear aerial position
The working foot is placed behind the supporting leg at the same height as in third aerial position normal level, the inside edge of the foot being in contact with the calf of the supporting leg. The knee of the working leg is held well back, no part of the working foot being visible from the front.
What is the height of third rear aerial?
The same height as third aerial position normal leve, the inside edge of the foot being in contact with the calf of the supporting leg.
Define third crossed position
The working leg is crossed in front of the supporting leg with the half point or ball of the working foot placed near the outside edge of the instep of the supporting foot.
Where is the foot placed in third crossed position?
The half point or ball of the working foot is placed near the outside edge of the instep of the supporting foot.
What may third crossed position be placed on?
The half point or ball.
Define fourth position of the feet
The working leg is extended directly to the front with both heels in line with the line of direction. The working foot, which is placed only on the toe or half point, is turned out at an angle of 45 degrees from the line of direction.
In fourth position of the feet, how much is the working leg turned out?
At an angle of 45 degrees from the line of direction.
How may the working foot be placed in fourth position?
Only on the toe or half point
Define fourth Aerial Position
The working leg is extended to the front as in fourth position but raised to normal level.
What level is fourth aerial position raised to?
Normal level
Define fourth rear position
As in fourth position but the working leg is taken to the rear and is placed on the ball or flat
What may fourth rear position be placed on?
The ball or flat?
Define mid-fourth position
The working leg is extended to the front, midway between fourth position and fourht intermediate position and is placed on the toe
What may mid-fourth position be placed on?
The toe
Define Mid-fourth aerial position
Extended to the front as in mid-fourth position but raised to low aerial.
Define Fourth Intermediate position
The working leg is extended directly forward at an angle of 45 degrees from the line of direction with the working foot placed on the toe, half point or ball.
What may fourth intermediate position be placed on?
The toe, half point or ball.
Define Fourth Intermediate Aerial position
The working leg is extended as in fouth intermediate position but raised to the required level, low or normal.
What aerial may fourth intermediate be raised to?
Low or normal
Define Fourth Intermediate Rear position.
As in fourth intermediate position, but the working leg is extended to the rear and is placed only on the ball.
What is fourth intermediate rear placed on?
Only the ball.
Define Fourth Intermediate Rear Aerial position.
As in fourth intermediate rear position but with the working leg raised to normal level.
What aerial may fourth intermediate be raised to?
Normal level.
Define fourth-opposite-fifth position
The working leg is extended to the front, but with the toe of the working foot in line with the heel of the supporting foot and with a slight relaxation of the knee of the working leg. The working foot may be placed on the toe, half point or heel and, in the latter case, the heel is placed in line with the toe joint of the supporting foot.
Where is fourth-opposite-fifth position placed on the toe or half point?
The toe of the working foot is in line with the heel of the supporting foot.
Where is fourth-opposite-fifth position placed when on the heel?
The heel is placed in line with the toe joint of the supporting foot.
What may fourth-opposite-fifth be placed on?
The toe, half point or heel.
Define fourth-opposite-fifth rear position
This is the position of the rear foot when the front foot is placed in fourth-opposite-fifth position.
Define fifth position of the feet.
The working foot is in contact witht he big toe joint of the supporting foot and may be placed on the half point, ball, or heel.
When placed on the toe, half point or heel, the working foot faces outwards at an angle of 90 degrees from the line of direction.
When the weight of the body is equally distributed on the balls of both feet, the sole of the front foot is directly over the toes of the rear foot, both feet equally turned out at an angle of not less than 45 degrees from the line of direction.
How much turnout is required in fifth position?
When placed on the toe, half point or heel, the working foot faces outwards at an angle of 90 degrees from the line of direction. When the weight is equally distributed on the balls of both feet, both feet are equally turned otu at an angle of not less than 45 degrees from the line of direction.
What may fifth position be placed on?
The toe, half point, ball, or heel.
Define fifth rear position
This is the position of the rear foot when it is placed on the ball and the front foot is in fifth position.
Define the grouping of the fingers
In all positions except for first position, the fingers are lightly grouped and the thumb is in contact with the first joint of the middle finger.
In which positions of the arms are the fingers grouped?
All positions except for first position
Define First position of the arms
Both hands rest on the hips with the backs of the hands to the front, the knuckles facing the body with the wrists straight, and the elbows pointed directly to the side.
Where do the backs of the hands face in first position?
The backs of the hands to the front.
Where do the knuckles face in first position?
The knuckles facing the body
Where do the elbows point in first position?
The elbows pointing directly to the side.
When is second aerial position low used?
Pas de basques, shake and travel (2nd Reel step), alternative crossover (6th Fling step)
When is second aerial position normal level used?
High cuts in front (only in the 6th (leap and high cut) and 9th (double high cutting) Seann Triubhas steps), shake-shake-down, side heel and toe (8th Seann Triubhas step), first and second alternative Figure of Eight (first and second Strasthpey steps), Shake and Travel (2nd Basic Reel step), Assemble and Travel (8th Basic Reel Step)
When is second aerial position high level used?
Only in the Seann Triubhas shake (Side Travel- 2nd Seann Triubhas step)
When is second position used?
Open Pas de Basques (only in the 8th Sword step- Crossing and Pointing), shedding, propelled pivot turn, 2nd Fling step (First Back Stepping), 4th Fling step (Rocking), 5th and 5th alternative Fling Steps (Second Back Stepping), 6th and 6th alternative Fling steps (Cross Over), 7th Fling Step (Shake and Turn), spring point turns in the Sword (Steps: 2nd- Open Pas De Basques, 5th- Diagonal Points, 6th- Reverse Points, 8th- Crossing and Pointing), 4th Sword step (Pointing), Seann Triubhas introduction, 2nd Seann Triubhasstep (Side Travel), 8th Seann Triubhas step (Side Heel and Toe), 10th Seann Triubhas step (Shedding with Back Step), 11th Seann Triubhas step (Toe and Heel, and Rock), 13th Seann Triubhas step (Heel-and-Toe and Shedding), 14th Seann Triubhas step (Heel-and-Toe, Shedding and Back Stepping), 15th Seann Triubhas step (Back Stepping), 2nd and 2nd Alternative Basic Reel Steps (Shake and Travel), 7th Basic Reel step (Back Step and Travel), 8th Basic Reel step (Assemble and Travel), and stepping over to bow at the end of a dance.
When is first position of the feet used?
In an outward brush from a rear position, through first, to fourth aerial position, the bow, the introductions of the Fling and Sword.
When is third position used?
Change, leap, outward brush (from third aerial position very low to an open aerial position), inward brush, Highland Fling shake, Seann Triubhas shake, Pas de Basques, travelling balance, rocks, toe-and-heel (3rd position in the 3rd Fling step- Toe and Heel, 3rd Sword step- Toe and Heel, 11th Seann Triubhas step- Toe and Heel and Rock), heel and toe, shuffle, pivot turns, hop-brush-beat-beat, 6th Fling step- Cross Over, 4th Sword step- Pointing, Sword Introduction, 6th Seann Triubhas step- Leap and Shedding, 7th and 7th alternative Seann Triubhas steps- High Cut in Front and Balance, 2nd Basic Reel step- Shake and Travel, 9th Basic Reel step- High Cut in Front and Balance, assemble, disassemble
When is third aerial position normal level used?
High cut in front, round the leg, shedding, back-stepping, Progressive Strasthpey Movement, Progressive Reel Movement, 2nd Fling step- First Back Stepping, 8th Seann Triubhas step- Side Heel and Toe, 12th Seann Triubhas step- Pointing and Back Stepping.
When is third aerial position low level used?
Inward brush (hop-brush-beat-beat)
When is third aerial position very low used?
Outward brush
When is third rear position used?
Assemble, disassemble, leap, change, travelling balance, rocks, pas de basque, hop-brush-beat-beat, Progressive Strasthpey Movement, Progressive Reel Movement, 2nd Seann Triubhas step- Side Travel, 6th and 6th alternative Seann Triubhas steps- Leap and High Cut and Leap and Shedding, 7th Seann Triubhas step- High Cut in Front and Balance, 8th Seann Triubhas step- Side Heel and Toe, 2nd Basic Reel step- Shake and Travel, 7th Basic Reel step- Back Step and Travel, 8th Basic Reel step- Assemble and Travel, 9th and 9th alternative Basic Reel steps- High Cut in Front and Balance, 10th Basic Reel step- Shuffle.
When is third rear aerial position used?
High cuts, round the leg, shedding, back stepping, Progressive Strasthpey movement, 2nd Fling Step- First Back Stepping, 4th Fling step- Rocking, 6th Fling step- Cross Over, 7th Fling step- Shake and Turn, 7th alternative Fling step- Double Shake and Rock, 8th Seann Triubhas step- Side Heel and Toe, 12th Seann Triubhas step- Pointing and Back Stepping, 13th Seann Triubhas step- Heel and Toe and Shedding, 14th Seann Triubhas step- Heel and Toe, Shedding and Back Stepping, 15th SEann Triubhas step- Back Stepping, 7th Basic Reel step- Back Step and Travel
When is third crossed position used?
Pivot turn, 6th Fling step- Cross Over
When is fourth position used?
Open pas de basque (8th Sword step- Crossing and Pointing), spring points (3rd Sword step- Toe and Heel, 5th Basic Reel step- High Cuts and Spring Points), spring point turns (Sword steps: 2nd- Open Pas de Basques, 5th- diagonal points, 6th- Reverse Points, 8th- Crossing and Pointing), Seann Triubhas introduction
When is fourth aerial position used?
Outward brush
When is fourth rear position used?
Open pas de basques (8th Sword step- Crossing and Pointing), Seann Triubhas introduction
When is mid-fourth position used?
12th Seann Triubhas step- Pointing and Back Stepping
When is mid fourth aerial position used?
When is fourth intermedate position used?
Open pas de basques (7th Sword step- Open Pas de Basques Quick Step), spring points (5th Sword step- Diagonal Points), spring point turns (2nd Sword step- Open Pas de Basques, 5th Sword step- Diagonal Points, 6th Sword step- Reverse Points, 8th Sword step- Crossing and Pointing), Progressive Strasthpey Movement, Progressive Reel Movement, travelling balance, 6th alternative Seann Triubhas step- Leap and Shedding, 7th alternative Seann Triubhas step- High Cut in Front and Balance, 10th Basic Reel step- Shuffle
When is fourth intermediate aerial position used?
Outward brush (3rd Seann Triubhas step- Diagonal Travel), inward brush, Highland Fling shake, pas de basques (1st Basic Reel step- Pas de Basques), open pas de basques (8th Sword step- Crossing and Pointing), high cut in front, balance, travelling balance, hop-brush-beat-beat, shake-shake-down, Progressive Strasthpey Movement, Progressive Reel Movement, 5th Fling step- Second Back Stepping, 6th Basic Reel step- Balance and Round the Leg
When is fourth intermediate rear position used?
Open pas de basque (7th Sword step- Open Pas de Basque Quick Step), travelling balance
When is fourth intermediate rear aerial position used?
Balance, travelling balance
When is fourth-opposite-fifth position used?
Open pas de basques, toe and heels (3rd Sword step- Toe and Heel)
When is fourth opposite fifth rear position used?
Open pas de basques
When is fifth position used?
Change, leap, inward brush, Highland Fling shake, Seann Triubhas shake, Pas de Basques, travelling balance, rocks, toe-and-heel (5th position in the 3rd Fling step- Toe and Heel, 3rd Sword step- Toe and Heel, 11th Seann Triubhas step- Toe and Heel and Rock), heel and toe, shuffle, pivot turns, hop-brush-beat-beat, 6th Fling step- Cross Over, 4th Sword step- Pointing, Sword Introduction, 6th Seann Triubhas step- Leap and High Cut, 7th and 7th alternative Seann Triubhas steps- High Cut in Front and Balance, 2nd Basic Reel step- Shake and Travel, 9th Basic Reel step- High Cut in Front and Balance, assemble, disassemble
When is fifth rear position used?
Assemble, disassemble, leap, change, travelling balance, pas de basque, hop-brush-beat-beat, Progressive Strasthpey Movement, Progressive Reel Movement, 2nd Seann Triubhas step- Side Travel, 6th and 6th alternative Seann Triubhas steps- Leap and High Cut and Leap and Shedding, 7th Seann Triubhas step- High Cut in Front and Balance, 8th Seann Triubhas step- Side Heel and Toe, 2nd Basic Reel step- Shake and Travel, 7th Basic Reel step- Back Step and Travel, 8th Basic Reel step- Assemble and Travel, 9th and 9th alternative Basic Reel steps- High Cut in Front and Balance, 10th Basic Reel step- Shuffle.
Define second position of the arms
One arm is placed as in first position, the other is raised at the side, with the arm and wrist slightly curved, the hand slightly above and forward from the head-line, the palm turned inwards. In this position the raised arm is always on the side opposite to the working leg, except in a propelled pivot turn.
When is the arm in second position not opposite the working leg?
A propelled pivot turn
Define third position of the arms
Both arms are placed as described for the raised arm in second position the palms facing inwards towards each other.
Define fourth position of the arms
A closer and higher form of third position with the hands almost touching.
Define fifth position of the arms
The arms are gently curves down in front of the body with the hands quite close to each other and the little fingers almost touching the kilt.
When an arm is raised or lowered...
When an arm is raised or lowered there should be a minimum displacement of te elbow and no part of the arm or hand should come in front of the dancer's face. Exceptions are in the fourth bar of the introduction of the Seann Triubhas, where the hands come up in front of the face as the arms are raised in front of the body from fifth position, and also in the first and second Seann Triubhas steps when the arms are circled from first or fifth position.
When does the arm or hand come in front of the dancer's face?
Exceptions are in the fourth bar of the introduction to the Seann Triubhas, where the hands come up in front of the face as the arms are raised in front of the body from fifth position, and also in the first and second Seann Triubhas steps when the arms are circled from first or fifth position.
Define first position of the head
The head faces fromt with the eyes level
Define second position of the head
The head is directed diagonally to the right or left with this chin slightly raised. When the arms are in second position the head is turned away from the raised arm except when otherwise stated.
When the arms are in second position, where is the head turned?
When the arms are in second position the head is turned away from the raised arm except when otherwise stated.
When is the head not turned away from the raised arm in second position?
At the end of a Highland Fling turn.
Define a bow
Stand with the feet and head in first position, arms by the side or in first position. Bow by inclining the body forward slowly, and return to the original position. If arms are by the sides, they should be taken to first position in the first count following the bow unless otherwise stated. The depth of the bow must not be exaggerated, and thee count varies according to each dance.
In the bow, where are the arms?
In first position or by the sides. If the arms are at the sides, they must be taken to first position on the first count following the bow, unless otherwise stated.
How is the bow counted?
The count varies according to each dance.
Define a hop.
A movement of elevation begun on the ball of one foot and finished by landing on the ball of the same foot.
Define a spring
A movement of elevation begun on the ball of one foot and finished by landing on the ball of the other foot.
Define a step
A transfer of weight from one foot to the ball of the other foot. Can be executed with or without travel and, where specially designated, the heel may be lowered to finish on the flat foot.
When may the heel be lowered in a step?
When stepping over to bow at the end of a dance, the instoduction of the Sword, the introduction of the Sean Triubhas, and the introduction of the Hullachan.
Define an assemble
A movement of elevation begun on the ball of one foot and finished by landing simultaneously on the balls of both feet in third or fifth position.
What positions may an assemble finish in?
On the balls of both feet in third or fifth position
Define a disassemble
A movement of elevation begun in a closed position with the weight of the body equally distributed on the flat or balls of both feet, and finished by landing on the ball of one foot with the other placed in, or raised to a specified position.
There is no travel on this movement, and, unless otherwise stated, during the elevation there is no extension of the foot upon which the dancer is to land.
When is a disassemble begun on the flat of both feet?
From first position at the beginning of the Fling.
When is there extension of the foot upon which the dnacer is to land?
In the Sword and Reel, when a disassemble is executed into a high cut.
Define a change
A movement of elevation begun with the weight of the body on the balls of both feet in third or fifth position and finished by landing on the balls of both feet simultaneously in third or fifth position with the other foot in front.
During the elevation there is no extension towards second aerial position.
Define a leap
A movement of elevation begun from the balls of both feet in third or fifth position, extending both legs towards second aerial position, and finished by landing simultaneously on the balls of both feet in third or fifth position with or without change of feet. On the extension during the elevation both legs should be straightened.
Define an outward brush
The half point of the working foot lightly touches the ground in its progression from third aerial position very low, through third to an open aerial position or from a rear position, through first position to fourth aerial position. When an outward brush is executed in conjunction with a spring or a hop, the working foot touches the ground almost simultaneously on landing.
When an outward brush is executed in conjunction with a spring or a hop, when does the working foot touch the ground?
Almost simultaneously on landing.
Define and inward brush
The half point of the working foot lightly touches the ground in its progress from an open aerial position to an accepted closed position, as in a shuffle, or to third aerial position low, as in a hop-brush-beat-beat.
Define a Seann Triubhas shake
The working foot is progressively extended by two or more subsidiary movements called shake actions from third or fifth position to second aerial position high. The shake actions come from the knee controlled by the thigh and they should be started while flexing the knee of the supporting leg in preparation for the hop, simultaneously on landing from which, the working foot arrives at its highest point.
Counting: 'and and a 1'
What are the counts of a Seann Triubhas shake?
and and a 1
When does the working foot arrive at its highest point?
Simultaneously on landing from the accompanying hop.
Define a Highland Fling shake.
The movement is always preceded by a placing of the working foot in third or fifth position from where it is extended in fourth intermediate aerial position using only one subsidiary movement. Thus, the actual shake movement consists of two shake actions, the first finished with the working foot in fourthh intermediate aerial position low and the second with that foot arriving at fourth intermediate aerial position simultaneously on landing from the accompanying hop.
Counting including the preceding placing of the working foot: '1 and (and) a 2' or '1 (and) and a 2'
Where does the first shake action arrive?
Fourth intermediate aerial position low
Define a pas de basque
Preparing with an extension to second aerial position low, spring to that side, bringing the new working foot in to third or fifht position on the half point, then beat, without exaggeration, the ball of the other foot in third or fifth rear position, at the same time sharply extending the front foot, if required, to begin the next movement.
The same position, third or fifht, must be used throughout the movement.
When a turn or part of a turn is executed using two Pas de Basque, there is no extension to finish the first Pas de Basques, and the second is danced with little or no travel.
This movement may also be executed with other than lateral travel, in which case the extension of the startign foot is along the line of travel, generally towards fourth intermediate position.
Sword: 1& 2, 3& 4
All other dances: 1 & 2, 3 & 4
What is the counting of a pas de absque in the Sword?
1& 2, 3& 4
When a turn or part of a turn is executed using two pas de basque...
There is no extension to finish the first pas de basque, and the second is danced with little or no travel.
Pas de basques may be danced with other than lateral travel....
In which case the extension of the starting foot is along the required line of travel, generally toward fourth intermediate position.
Define an open pas de basque
As in pas de basque, except that the front foot is taken to fourth opposite fifth position, and there is no extension at the finish.
This movement is used only in the Sword dance, and in the quick steps is also executed in fourth position, fourth intermediate position, and second position.
What position is an open pas de basque in?
Fourth-oppoite fifth position. In the quick steps of the Sword, it may also be executed in fourth position, fourth intermediate position, and second position.
Define a high cut
Spring, hop, or disassemble and, simultaneously on landing, take the working foot to third rear aerial position, then working from the knee joint only, extend the workign foot towards second aerial position and return it to third rear aerial position. During the elevation, one or both legs is extended towards second aerial position. Unless where specially designated, there is no side travel in this movement.
Performed in a series, high cutting can be described as a succession of springs from third rear aerial to third rear aerial executing a high cut each time and during the elevation extending both feet towards second aerial position, even though this extension of the foot from which each spring is commenced may be slight.
If performed in a series, high cuts can be danced with or without extensions.
In the Sword dance and Reel where a series of extended high cuts are danced, the high cut which is executed in conjunction with the disassemble must be extended.
Where a series of high cuts are danced without extensions, it is permissible to extend a high cut which is executed in conjunction with a disassemble.
Strasthpey tempo: 1& 2& 3& 4&
Reel tempo: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &
When is a high cut executed with a spring?
In a series, in a basic Reel step or after propelled pivot turns.
When is a high cut executed with a disassemble?
In the first step of the Sword, and in the Reel.
When is a high cut executed with a hop?
In the ninth Seann Triubhas step (Double High Cutting), in a Basic Reel step to finish on the correct foot, or in the last basic Reel step, High Cutting, when the series may contain a combination of hops and springs.
Define a high cut in front
As for high cut, but the raised foot is taken through 4th intermediate aerial position to third aerial position and the re-extension is towards fourth intermediate aerial position.
High cuts in front are not performed in series, and in certain specified cases like the 6th Seann Triubhas step- Leap and High Cut, or the 9th Seann Triubhas step- Double High Cutting, the extensions are towards second aerial position.
When is the extension of a high cut in front towards second position?
In the 6th Seann Triubhas step- Leap and High Cut, and the 9th Seann Triubhas step- Double High Cutting.
Are high cuts in front performed in series?
Define a balance
Commence with the right foot in fourth intermediate aerial position, with hips facing the front with the right shoulder slightly advanced, the arms in third position and the head in second position. Spring on to that foot displacing the supporting foot which is taken to fourth intermediate rear aerial position. Repeat contra to complete the movement and finish in the starting position. This movement occupies two beats of music.
What is the starting position of a balance?
Commence with the right foot in fourth intermediate aerial position, with hips facing the front with the right shoulder slightly advanced, the arems in third position and the head in second position.
How many counts of music does a balance occupy?
This movement occupies two beats of music.
Define a travelling balance
Commence with the right foot in fourth intermediate aerial position, with the hips facing the front, right shoulder slightly advanced, the arms in third position and the head in second position.
Bring the right foot inwards to take three steps, right, left, right, travelling diagonally backwards in a line approximately 45 degrees to the line of direction, the foot positions being fifth position, fourth intermediate rear position and fifth position, respectively, extending the left foot to fourth intermediate rear aerial position simultaneously on taking the third step. This is now repeated contra, travelling forward along the same diagonal line to finish the movement in the original starting position.
This movement may also be executed on the other side with the opposite foot and is invariably counted '5 & 6, 7 & 8'
Throughout the movement the upper body is held erect.
The arms are taken inwards to fourth position during the backward travel then returned to third position during the forward travel or, alternateively, during the backward travel the arms are circled outwards and downwards at the sides to fifth position then, during the forward travel, they are circled outwards and upwards at the sides to third position.
What is the counting of a travelling balance?
5 & 6, 7 & 8
What is the beginning position of a travelling balance?
Comence with the right foot in fourth intermediate aerial position, with hips facing the front, right shoulder slightly advanced, the arms in third position and the head in second position.
What are the arms in a travelling balance?
The arms are taken inwards to fourth position during the backward travel then returned to third position during the forward travel or, alternatively, during the backward travel they are circled outwards and downwards at the sides to fifth position then, during the forward travel, they are circled outwards and upwards at the sides to third position.
Define a rock
Spring from third or fifth position to third rear position, or vice versa, pointing the working foot on landing. Rocks are usually danced in series, in which case the first rock may be executed from an open position. The rear foot is always pointed first.
When the working foot is pointed during this movement the toe touches the ground lightly.
Define a round-the-leg movement
The working foot is passed from third rear aerial position to third aerial position, or vice versa. During the movement the workind foot must be kept as close to the supporting leg as possible with the knee of the working leg held well back.
Define a shedding
Hop, spring or disassemble pointing the working foot in second position, count 1. Hop taking the working foot to third rear aerial position, count 2. Hop, executing a round the leg movement with the working foot to third aerial position, count 3. Hop, executing another round the leg movement with the working foot to third rear aerial position, count 4.
Second position of the arms is invariably used during this movement, the raised arm being on the side opposite to the working foot.
What are the arms in a shedding?
Second position of the arms is invariably used in this movement, the raised arm being on the side opposite to the working foot.
Define a toe and heel
Hop or spring and, simultaneously on landing, point the working foot in a specified position, then hop and simultaneously on landing place the heel of the working foot in the same specified position. This movement occupies two beats of music.
The toe and heel must touch the ground lightly and the working foot must be kept fairly low.
The specified position for this movement may be second, third, fourth-opposite-fifth or fifth. The 90 degree turnout required for the workign foot in second position should also be aimed for in the other three positions.
How much music does a toe and heel occupy?
A toe and heel occupies two beats of movement.
What positions may a toe and heel be in?
The specified position for a toe and heel may be second, third, fourth-opposite-fifth or fifth. The 90 degree turnout required for the working foot in second position should also be aimed for in the other three positions.
Define a heel and toe.
Hop, placing the heel of the working foot in second position; hop, pointing the working foot in third or fifth position. This movement occupies 2 beats of movement.
Define a back step
Starting with one foot in third aerial position, execute a round the leg movement to third rear aerial position, and with a spring slide it down the back of the supporting leg, bringing the other foot quickly to third aerial position. Repeat as required. This movement may also be executed starting or finishing in third rear aerial position. Eack back step occupies one beat of music.
Define a shuffle
Starting with one foot in mid-fourth aerial position low, spring or hop and, during the elevation, extend the original supporting foot to mid-fourth aerial position low. Then, almost simultaneously on landing, brush the new working foot inwards on the half point in third or fifth position and immediately brush it outwards to mid-fourth aerial position low.
The inward brush is finished without the working foot losing contact with the ground and with the instep slightly relaxed to brign the heel over the instep of the supporting foot, a position referred to as 'over the buckle'.
Shuffles are executed without lateral or forward travel but, where specified, a slight backward travel is used.
If the movement preceding a series of shuffles finishes with the working foot in an aerial position other than mid-fourth aerial position low, the first shuffle of the series may be started from there.
When is there backward travel in shuffles?
In the 3rd Seann Triubhas step- Diagonal Travel, and the 6th alternative Seann Triubhas step- Leap and Shedding.
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