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Small Intestine Points
Point questions regarding the Small Intestine channel
Health Care

Additional Health Care Flashcards




What organs does the Small Intestine channel connect with internally?
Heart, Stomach, and Small Intestine!

1. Where is Shaoze (Lesser marsh) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Shaoze (SI 1) is located on the ulnar side of the little finger, about 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail.


2.  Subcutaneous, 0.1 cun, or prick the point to cause bleeding.


3.  Nope

What sensory orifices does the Small Intestine Channel connect with directly?
Ears, Mouth, and Eyes
What special point categories is Shaoze (Lesser Marsh) in?
Shaoze (SI 1) is the Jing-Well and Metal Point of the Small Intestine channel

1. What are Deadman's actions for Shaoze (lesser marsh)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Shaoze?



1. Deadman's actions for Shaoze (SI 1) include:

*Clears heat and benefits the sensory orifices

*Revives consciousness

*Promotes lactation and benefits the breasts


2. CAM's indications for Shaoze (SI 1) include:

Headache, febrile diseases, loss of consiousness, insufficient lactation, sore throat, redness or the eye, loudiness of the cornea.


1. Where is Qiangu (Front Valley) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Qiangu (SI 2) is located with a loose fist, the point is on the ulnar end of the crease in front of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger, at the junction of the red and white skin.


2. Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun


3. Nope.

What special point categories is Qiangu (Front Valley) in?
Qiangu (SI 2) is the Ying-Spring and Water point of the Small Intestine channel.

1. What are Deadman's actions for Qiangu (Front Valley)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Qiangu?


1. Deadman's actions for Qiangu (SI 2) include:

*Clears wind-heat and reduces swelling

*Benefits the eyes, ears and throat

*Activates the channel and alleviates pain


2. CAM's indications for Qiangu include:

Numbness of the fingers, febrile diseases, tinnitus, headache, reddish urine.


1. Where is Houxi (back stream) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any Cautions?


4. Bonus... why might it be named Back Stream?


1. Houxi (SI 3) is located with a loose fist, the point is on the ulnar end of the distal palmar crease, proximal to the 5th metacarpophylangeal joint, at the end of the transverse crease and the junction of the red and white skin.


2. Perpendicular, 0.5-0.7 cun


3. Nope.


4. Houxi is the confluent point of the Du Mai, and thus has huge effects on the neck and back.

What special point categories is Houxi (Back Stream) in?

Houxi (SI 3) is the Shu-Stream and Wood point of the Small Intestine channel.


It is also the Confluent point of the Governing (Du) Mai, and is frequently used in point combination with UB 62, the command point of the Du mai.


1. What are Deadman's actions for Houxi (Back Stream)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Houxi?


1. Deadman's actions for Houxi (SI 3) include:

*Benefits the occiput, neck and back

*Activates the Channel and alleviates pain

*Clears wind and heat and treats malaria

*Calms the spirit and treats epilepsy

*Clears heat and benefits the sensory orifices

*Regulates the Governing (Du) vessel


2. CAM's indications for Houxi include:

Pain and rigidity of the neck, tinnitus, deafness, sore throat, mania, malaria, acute lumbar sprain, night sweating, febrile diseases, contracture and numbness of the fingers, pain in the shoulder and elbow.


1. Where iS Wangu (Wrist Bone) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any Cautions?


1. Wangu (SI 4) is located on the ulnar side of the palm, in the depression between the base of the fifth metacarpal noe and the hammate bone.  (Note: Deadman says the triquetral bone...really, they are both kind of right. The point is over the hammate bone which is in between the 5th metacarpal and triquetral.


2. Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun


3.  Nope


What special point category is Wangu (wrist bone in)?



Wangu (SI 4) is the yuan source point of the Small Intestine channel.

1. What are Deadman's actions for Wangu (Wrist Bone)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Wangu?


1. Deadman's actions for Wangu (SI 4) include:

* Activates the channel and Alleviates pain

* Clears heat and reduces swelling

*Clears damp-heat and treats jaundice.


2. CAM's indicaitons for Wangu include:

Febrile diseasees with anhidrosis, headache, rigidity of the neck, contracture of the fingers, pain in the wrist, jaundice.


1. Where is Yanggu (Yang Valley) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any Cautions?


1. Yanggu (SI 5) is located at the ulnar end of the transverse crease on the dorsal aspect of the wrist, in the depression between the styloid process of the ulna and the triquetral bone.


2. Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun


3.  Nope

What special point categories is Yanggu (Yang Valley) in?

Yanggu (SI 5) is the Jing-River and Fire point of the Small Intestine channel


(AKA, the horary point.... the fire point on a fire channel)


1. What are Deadman's actions for Yanggu (Yang Valley)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Yanggu?


1. Deadman's actions for Yanggu (SI 5) include:

*Clears heat and reduces swelling

*Calms the spirit


2.  CAM's indications for Yanggu include: 

*Swelling of the neck and submandibular region, pain of the hand and wrist, febrile diseases.


1. Where is Yanglao (Support the Aged) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any Cautions?


1. Yanglao (SI 6) is located dorsal to the head of the ulna.  When the palm faces the chest, the point is in the bony cleft on the radial side of the styloid process of the ulna


2.  Perpendicular, 0.3-0.5 cun


3. Nope

What special point category is Yanglao (Support the aged) in?
Yanglao (SI 6) is the Xi-Cleft point of the Small Intestine channel

1. What are Deadman's actions for Yanglao (Support the aged)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Yanglao?


1. Deadman's actions for Yanglao (SI 6) include:

*Activates the channel and alleviates pain

*Benefits the shoulder and arm

*Moderates acute conditions

*Benefits the eyes.


2. CAM's indications for Yanglao include:

Swelling of the neck and submandibular region, pain of the hand and wrist, febrile diseases.


1. Where is Zhizheng (Branch of the Upright) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Zhizheng (SI 7) is located on the line joining Yanggu (SI 5) and Xiaohai (SI 8), 5 cun proximal to the dorsal crease of the wrist.


2.  Perpendicular 0.5-0.8 cun


3.  Nope

What special category is Zhizheng (Branch of the Upright) in?
Zhizheng (SI 7) is the Luo-Connecting point of the Small Intestine channel

1. What are Deadman's actions for Zhizheng (Branch of the Upright)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Zhizheng?


1. Deadman's actions for zhizheng (SI 7) include:

*Clears heat and releases the exterior

*Calms the spirit

*Activates the channel and alleviates pain

*Benefits the finger joints


2.  CAM's indications for Zhizheng include:  Neck rigidity, headache, dizziness, spasmodic pain in the elbow and fingers, febrile diseases, mania


1. Where is Xiaohai (Small Sea) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any Cautions?


1. Xiaohai (Small Sea) is located with the elbow flexed, it is located in the depression between the olecranon of the ulna and the medial epicondyle of the humerus.


2.  Perpendicular, 0.3-0.5 cun


3.  Yes! The ulnar nerve lies deep to this point

What special point category is Xiaohai (Small Sea) in?
Xiaohai (SI 3) is the He-Sea and Earth point of the Small Intestine channel.

1. What are Deadman's actions for Xiaohai (Small Sea)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Xiaohai?


1. Deadman's actions for Xiaohai (SI 8) include:

*Clears heat and dissipates swelling

*Calms the spirit

*Activates the channel and alleviates pain


2. CAM's indications for Xiaohai include:

Headache, swelling of the cheek, pain in the nape, shoulder, arm, and elbow, epilepsy.


1. Where is Jianzhen (True Shoulder) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any Cautions?


1. Jianzhen (SI 9) is located posterior and inferior to the shoulder joint. When the arm is adducted, the point is 1 cun above the posterior end of the axillary fold.


2.  Perpendicularly 0.5-1.0 cun


3. Nope


1. What are Deadman's actions for Jianzhen (True Shoulder)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Jianzhen?


1. Deadman's actions for Jianzhen (SI 9) include:

*Expels wind and benefits the shoulder

*Activates the channel and alleviates pain


2. CAM's indications for Jianzhen include:

Pain in the scapular region, motor impairment of the hand and arm.


1. Where is Naoshu (upper arm shu) located?


2.  What is the needle depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Naoshu (SI 10) is lodducted the point is directly above the posterior end of the axillary fold, in the depression inferior to the scapular spine.


2. Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun


3. Nope!

What channels intersect at Naoshu (Upper arm Shu)?
Naoshu (SI 10) is the meeting point of the Small Intestine, Bladder, Yang Wei and Yang Qiao channels.

1. What are Deadman's actions for Naoshu (Upper Arm Shu)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Naoshu?


1. Deadman's actions for Naoshu (SI 10) include:

*Benefits the shoulder

*Activates the channel and alleviates pain


2. CAM's indications for Naoshu include:

Swelling of the shoulder, aching and weakness of the shoulder and arm.


1. Where is Tianzong (Heavenly Gathering) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any Cautions?


1. Tianzong (SI 11) is located on the scapula, in the depression of the center of the subscapular fossa, and at the level of the 4th thoracic vertebra.


(Think of forming an equilateral triangle)


2. Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun


3.  Nope


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Tianzong (Heavenly Gathering)?


2.  What are CAM's indications for Tiangzong?


1. Deadman's actions for Tianzong (SI 11) include:

*Activates the channel and alleviates pain

*Moves qi and unbinds the chest and lateral costal region

*Benefits the breasts.


2.  CAM's indications for Tianzong (SI 11) include:

Pain in the scapular region, pain in the lateroposterior aspect of the elbow and arm, asthma.




1. Where is Bingfeng (Grasping the Wind) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any Cautions?


1. Bingfeng (SI 12) is located in the center of the suprascapular fossa, directly above Tianzong (SI 11). When the arm is lifted, the point is at the site of the depression.


2.  Perpendicular, 0.5-0,7 cun


3.  Deep perpendicular insertion, especially in thin patients, carries a substantial risk of inducing a pneumothorax.


What channels meet at Bingfeng (Grasping the Wind)?



Bingfeng (SI 12) is a meeting point of the Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Sanjiao and Gall Bladder Channels.

1. What are Deadman's actions for Bingfeng (Grasping the Wind)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Bingfeng?


1. Deadman's actions for Bingfeng (SI 12) include:

*Expels wind and benefits the shoulder and scapula.


2. CAM's indications for Bingfeng (SI 12) include:

Pain in the scapular region, numbness and aching of the upper extremities, motor impairment of the shoulder and arm.


1. Where is Quyuan (Crooked Wall) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any Cautions?


1.  Quyuan (SI 13) is located on the medial extremity of the suprascapular fossa, aout midway between Naoshu (SI 10) and the spinous process of the second thoracic vertebra.


2.  Perpendicular, 0.3-0.5


3. This point is locacted close to the medial border of the scapula.  too medial an insertio or deep medial oblique needling may puncture the lungs.


1. What are Deadman's actions for Quyuan (Crooked Wall)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Quyuan?


1. Deadman's actions for Quyuan (SI 13) include: 

*Benefits the shoulder and scapula)


2. CAM's indications for Quyuan (SI 13) include:

Pain and stiffness of the scapular region.



1. Where is Jianwaishu (Outer Shoulder Shu) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any Cautions?


1. Jianwaishu (SI 14) is located 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebrae.


2.  Oblique 0.3-0.7 cun


3. Perpendicular insertion, especially in thin patients, carries a substantial risk of inducing a pneumothorax.


1. What are Deadman's actions for Jianwaishu (Outer shoulder shu)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Jianwaishu?


1.  Deadman's actions for Jianwaishu (SI 14) includes:

*Activates the shoulder and alleviates pain

*Expels wind and cold and benefits the shoulder and scapula.


2. CAM's indications for Jianwaishu (SI 14) includes:

Aching of the shoulder and back, pain and rigidity of the neck.


1. Where is Jianzhongshu (Middle shoulder shu) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Jianzhongshu (SI 15) is located 2 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 7th certical vertebra (Dazhui, GV14).


2.  Oblique 0.3-0.6 cun


3. Deep insertion inferiorly, especially in thin patients, carries a substantial risk of inducing a pneumothorax.


1. What are Deadman's actions for Jianzhongshu (Middle Shoulder Shu)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Jianzhongshu?


1. Deadman's actions for Jianzhongshu (SI 15) include:

*Descends Lung qi

*Activates the channel and alleviates pain.


2.  CAM's indications for Jianzhongshu (SI 15) include:

Cough, asthma, pain in the shoulder and back, hemoptysis.


1. Where is Tianchuang (Heavenly Window) located?


2. What points on other channels is Tianchuang level with?


3.  What is its angle and needle depth?


4.  Any Cautions?


1. Tianchuang (SI 16) is located in the lateral aspect of the neck, posterior to the m. sternocleidomastoid and Futu (LI 18)


2. Tianchuang (SI 16) is level with the laryngeal prominence, and level with Futu LI 18 and Renying (ST 9).


3.  Perpendicular 0.3-0.7 cun


4. nope.

What special point category are both Tianchuang (Heavenly Window) and Tianrong (Heavenly Appearance) in?
Both Tianchuang (SI 16) and Tianrong (SI 17) are both Window of Heaven points.

1. What are Deadman's actions for Tianchuang (Heavenly Window)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Tianchuang?


1. Deadman's actions for Tianchuang (SI 16) include:

*Benefits the ears, throat and voice

*Regulates qi and calms the spirit

*Activates the channel, alleviates pain and clears heat.


2.  CAM's indications for Tianchuang (SI 16) include:

*Sore throat, sudden loss of voice, deafness, tinnitus, stiffness and pain of the neck.


1. Where is Tianrong (Heavenly Appearance) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Tianrong (SI 17) is located posterior to the angle of mandible, in the depression on the anterior border of m. sternocleidomastoid.


2.  Perpendicular 0.5-0.7 cun


3. Nope


1. What are Deadman's actions for Tianrong (Heavenly Appearance)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Tianrong?


1. Deadman's actions for Tianrong (SI 17) include:


Benefits the neck and throat and disperses swelling

*Descends rebellious qi

*Benefits the ears


2. CAM's indications for Tianrong (SI 17) include:

*Deafness, tinnitus, sore throat, swelling of the cheek, foreign body sensation in the throat (aka plumpit qi), goiter.


1. Where is Quanliao (Cheek bone crevice) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1.Qianliao (SI 18) is located Directly below the outer canthus, in the depression on the lower border of zygoma.


2.  Perpendicular, 0.5-0.8 cun


3. None noted.

1. What channels meet at Quanliao (Cheek bone crevice)?
1.  Quanliao (SI 18) is a meetin gpoint of the Small Intestine and Sanjiao channel.

1. What are Deadman's actions for Quanliao (Cheek Bone Crevice)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Quanliao?


1. Deadman's actions for Quanliao (SI 18) include:

*Eliminates wind and alleviates pain

*Clears heat and reduces swelling


2. CAM's indications for Quanliao (SI 18) include:

*Facial paralysis, twitching of eyelids, pain in the face, toothache, swelling of the cheek, yellowish sclera


1. Where is Tinggong (Palace of Hearing located)?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any contraindications?


Bonus:  What point is located directly above Tinggong?

What point is located directly below Tinggong?


1. Tinggong (SI 19) is located anterior to the tragus and posterior to the condyloid process of the mandible, in the depression formed when the mouth is open.


2.  Perpendicular, 0.5-1 cun


3.  Nope


Bonus:  San Jiao 21 (Ermen) is located directly above Tinggong (SI 19). 

Gall Bladder 2 (Tinghui) is located directly below Tinggong.


Remember:  SJ 21 minus Tinggong 19 equals Gall Bladder 2 (easy way to remember the points!)

What channels connect at Tinggong (Palace of Hearing)?
Tinggong (SI 19) is a meeting point of the Small Intestine, San Jiao, and Gall Bladder Channels.

1. What are Deadman's actions for Tinggong (Palace of Hearing)?


2. What are CAM's indicaitons for Tinggong?


1. Deadman's actions for Tinggong (SI 19) include:

*Benefits the ears

*Calms the spirit


2. CAM's indicaitons for Tinggong include:

Deafness, tinnitus, otorrhea (discharge from the external ear), motor impairment of the mandibular joint, and toothache.

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