Shared Flashcard Set


11th Grade

Additional Science Flashcards





asexual reproduction

  1. asexual reproduction produces gentically central cells:
  2. only 1 parent needed
  3. offspring have identical genes to the parent.
  4. there is no fusion of gametes
  5. no mixing of gentic information
  6. the offspring is genetically identical to the parent and each other.
  7. each chromosomes splits down the middle to form 2 identical sets of chromosomes
  8. fertilistaion involves the fusion ofn a male and femlae gamete to produce a zygote that undergoes cell divison and devolop into an embryo

sexual reproduction

  1. sexual reproduction is where gentic information from 2 organisms is combined to produce offspring which are genetically diffrent to either parent.
  2. the mother and father produce gametes eg egg and sperm cells in animals
  3. human gametes  contain chromosomes and half the number in a normal cell
  4. egg and sperm cell then fuze together (fertilisation)to form a cell with the full number of chroosomes
  5. produces identical copies called clones
  6. this type of cell division is called mitosis
  7. involes 2 parents.


  • sex of a person is controlled by one par of chromomes xx in a female and xy in a male
  • mutation is a rare random change in gentic material that can be inherited
  • in human cells the diploid number of chromosomes 46 and the haploid number is 23


  • process in which light uses energy from the sun to make their food its how green plants remove co2 to produce 02
  • 4 things are needed
  • co2 diffiused from the air
  • light from the sun
  • water from the soil
  • chlorophyll in the leaves
  • 2 things are produced
  • glucose for biomass
  • oxygen realeased int the atmosphere
radio waves Yes, this is the same kind of energy that radio stations emit into the air for your boom box to capture and turn into your favorite Mozart, Madonna, or Justin Timberlake tunes. But radio waves are also emitted by other things ... such as stars and gases in space. You may not be able to dance to what these objects emit, but you can use it to learn what they are made of.



Microwaves: They will cook your popcorn in just a few minutes! Microwaves in space are used by astronomers to learn about the structure of nearby galaxies, and our own Milky Way!


  Infrared: Our skin emits infrared light, which is why we can be seen in the dark by someone using night vision goggles. In space, IR light maps the dust between stars.

Visible: Yes, this is the part that our eyes see. Visible radiation is emitted by everything from fireflies to light bulbs to stars ... also by fast-moving particles hitting other particles.

Ultraviolet: We know that the Sun is a source of ultraviolet (or UV) radiation, because it is the UV rays that cause our skin to burn! Stars and other "hot" objects in space emit UV radiation.


  X-rays: Your doctor uses them to look at your bones and your dentist to look at your teeth. Hot gases in the Universe also emit X-rays .



Gamma-rays: Radioactive materials (some natural and others made by man in things like nuclear power plants) can emit gamma-rays.
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