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Romans Final Guide
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Bible Studies
Undergraduate 4

Additional Bible Studies Flashcards




“big idea” of Romans:
“God is glorified as Christians broadcast the Word of God (the gospel) so that people can be made right with God.”
D.Christians Can Live Life in the Holy Spirit (Romans 8)
A. Has God Broken His Word to Israel (9:1-29)?
B. Has God Cheated Israel (9:30 - 10:21)?
C. Has God Rejected Israel (11:1-10)?
D. Is Israel Lost Forever (11:11-36)?
A. The Implications for the Christian’s Spiritual Commitment (12:1-2)
B. The Implications for the Christian’s Life in the Body of Christ (12:3-13)
C. The Implications for the Christian’s Life in Relationship to the Secular World
(12:14 - 13:14)
D. The Implications for the Christian’s Life in his Relationships with Weaker and
Differing Christians (14:1 - 15:13)
E. The Implications for the Support of Christian Ministry (15:14-33)
A. Be Appreciative of Christian Workers (16:1-16)
B. Be Cautious of Contentious People (16:17-20a)
C. Be Receptive toward Christian Leaders (16:20b-23)
D. Be Enamored with God, the Establisher (16:25-27)
In 8:5-9, to whom does the phrase “those according to the flesh” or those whose “mind [is] set on the flesh” refer? Christians? Carnal Christians? Non-Christians? How do you know?
It refers to non-christians. We know this because “flesh” looks at mankind apart from God.
In 8:14, what kind of “guidance” is being referred to? Is it guidance in decision making for choices in life? Is it guidance by the Spirit away from sinful behavior? How do you know?
The context indicates that He leads us into personal holiness. It is not guidance in decision making for choices in life. It is the fullness of the Spirit in us (Eph 5:18) It is the Word of Christ richly indwelling in us (Col 3:16→ Note the effects)
To what does the “groaning of creation” refer in 8:22? When does creation groan? Under what circumstances?
It probably refers to the occurrence of natural disasters. It is a temporary groan that is likened to “the pains of childbirth” It happens as creation watches “eagerly with outstretched head” for our glory (8:19)
In 8:26-27, the phrase “with groanings too deep for words” refers to what? How do you know?
It refers to the Spirit’s unuttered intercession. We know because it says in verse 27 that the Father understands the Spirit.
In 8:39, does the phrase “any other created thing” allow for the possibility that Satan, or the Christian himself because of his own sin, might be able to cause the believer to not persevere in the faith (lose his salvation)? Why or why not?

I don’t think it does allow for this possibility. → if our salvation is God’s work, then only He can undo it. And Romans 8:31-38 says that He will never undo it.

8:33a→ God is the Judge and he has chosen us (but   Paul might possibly have in mind that satan can bring a charge against God’s elect.

8:33b-34→ God justifies us (he declares us righteous), and He protects us

8:35-39→ visible threats are powerless Invisible threats are powerless

a. Modes of human existence—death and life

b. The spirit world—angels and prinicpalitites (good and bad angels)

c. The temporal dimension—things present and things to come

d. Powers—hostile spirits? Satanic miracles? Powerful demons? Governmental persecution?

e. Hight nor depth—spatial for the whole universe (thing in heaven and under the earth)

f. Nor any other created thing—satan and the believer are not able to cause us to lose our salvation.

Explain what Paul meant in 9:6 -- “...[T]hey are not all Israel who are descended from Israel.” To whom is he referring? Is the Church in view? Ethnic Israel? The faithful remnant? Be able to unpack the meaning of this key verse.
Paul is talking about a small part of ethnic Israel. What Paul means is that all who are a part of ethnic Israel are not part of the true Israel. The children= the true spiritual Israel.
Be able to summarize your instructor’s approach to double-predestination in Rom 9:22-23. What verses in the context support this understanding? What grammatical construction is the verb in the phrase “vessels of wrath prepared for destruction” in 9:22? How does that construction influence the interpretation of the verse?

Dr. V believes that there are some “vessels” that are predestined for heaven and some that are predestined for hell. He does not think that God steps away or turns around when there is sin, yet interacts with the world in saving the world. The verses that support this understanding are vv. 19-21 (image of the potter) and vv. 22-24 (sovereignty of God).

The grammatical construction is passive: thus, it is God who prepares them for destruction.

   a. strong emphasis on God’s sovereignty and election

   b. indicators of God’s hardening of Pharaoh in context (9:16)

   c. all other views neglect the strong elective theme (9:13, 16, 18, 21)

Be able to identify the meaning of each of the letters of the word TULIP as it relates to the summary of Calvinism.
T-Total depravity U- Unconditional election L-Limited atonement I- Irresistible grace P- Perseverance of the Saints
Be able to recognize the unanswerable questions of both Calvinism and Arminianism.


1. Exactly how can God cause (even in a secondary or indirect sense, as the ultimate but not the immediate causation) the evil that we do (i.e. sin; remain in unbelief), and yet God not be blamed or held morally guilty for this evil, but the people of God are culpable? (Cf. Rom 9:19-20)

2. Exactly how can God cause us to choose something feely and willingly


1. How can God know the future if man’s will is truly free?--> but Arminians believe that He does know the future. This is a mystery in their system.

2. How can evil exist if God did not ordain it? → evil is contrary to God’s will, yet it does exist, thus expressing a mystery.

3. How can we know that God will triumph over evil?--> evil is present in the world contrary to God’s will. He did not ordain it, he did not create it, he did not stop its entry into the universe, all of which is inexplicable, but He is sufficiently sovereign enough to do away with it some day.

Based on class discussion, what is the main point of Romans 9? 10? 11?

9- To defend God

10- To explain Israel rejection of God- “God has done everything necessary to get the gospel to His people. The problem was that they refused to believe it.

11- To curb Gentile arrogance against Jews

In 11:16-18, a number of figures and images are used by Paul in his discussion of the relationship of Jewish and Gentile salvation. Be able to identify each of these figures (first piece of dough and the whole lump; the root and the branches; the broken-off branches; the wild olive branches; grafting; the rich root of the olive tree). Be able to defend your understanding of these figures.

First piece of dough- the Patriarch (see 11:28-29→ they also were supported by the “rich root”)

Whole lump- The Jewish people as a whole (11:26→ “someday all Israel will be saved” and the promises to the Patriarchs in covenants of God guarantee this)

The root- The Patriarchs as supported by the covenant promises of God (several early Judaism text see Abraham this way. See 11:28 as explained by 11:29) The (natural) branches- the Jewish people as a whole The broken-off branches- the unbelieving Jewish people

He wild olive branches- gentile believers

Grafting- gentile experience of salvation (refers to Gentile Christians being made to benefit from, and partake of, covenantal blessings of the Jewish people) Rich root of the olive tree- refers to the covenants which nurtured the patriarchs (also support and nourish the Jewish people as a whole)

In 11:25, what does the word “mystery” mean in this context? To what does it refer?
The word “mystery” means something either totally hidden in the OT and revealed only in the NT, or something seen in the OT, but only made clear in the NT.
The phrase “all Israel,” used in 11:26, was used in the LXX to refer to how many of the Jews?
It was used in the LXX often for a smaller, representative group of Jews. So here it most likely refers to a group representative of Israel as a whole who will be saved in the future.
The salvation of all Israel (11:26-27) will most likely take place when? Will it be simultaneous with Second Coming? Will it precede the Second Coming? How do you know?
The salvation of Israel will most likely take place in the Church Age BEFORE the second coming. It is going to take place now because of the evangelistic efforts of the church.
Be able to give a brief summary of each of the different spiritual gifts listed in Rom 12:6-8, including their primary characteristics.
• Prophecy: The capacity to receive and speak forth truth given by direct revelation from God.
• Service: to serve faithfully behind the scenes in practical ways to assist the work of God and encourage others spiritually.
• Teaching: the desires and ability to study accurately the Word of God and teach it systematically
• Exhortation: Spiritual ability to urge others to pursue some course of conduct, and to comfort others in tragedy or trial.
• Giving: to give of one’s resources to the work or people of the Lord consistently, liberally, and sacrificially, so that others are blessed.
• Leadership: the ability to preside over the life of a congregation with a view to its spiritual benefit
• Mercy: to do acts of mercy or underserved aid. People-oriented deeds of kindness with an emotional or sympathetic elemtnet.
Define the Following:

any of the spiritual gifts
stumbling block
Christian Pharisee
stronger brother
weaker brother
differing brother
any of the spiritual gifts
stumbling block
Christian Pharisee
stronger brother
weaker brother
differing brother
In 10:4, what does the phrase “Christ is the end of the Law....” mean? What is the double sense of the meaning “end?”
The end of the law indicates that Jesus, but His death, brought the era of living under the Law to a close, and that righteousness is available only to those who believe in Him.
To what does the phrase “measure of faith” refer in 12:3? The yardstick of saving faith? Spiritual gifts? Miracle-working faith? One’s own faith in comparison to others’ faith?
"Measure of faith" probably means "the instrument for measuring, namely saving faith."

Every believe is saved by faith, and if each measure himself against that "yardstick" or "standard," conceit will vanish, and the diverse parts of the local body will work together more profitably for their mutual care (vv. 4-5).
The phrase “adoption as sons” in 8:15 needs to be fully unpacked. What was involved with the adoption proceedings in Roman society in the First Century? What rights did the adopted son possess following his adoption? What was his relationship following the adoption to his previous family and life?
3 Steps in Adoption in Greco-Roman culture
• Step 1
o A symbolic sale using copper coins and a set of scales
o Twice the father would “sell” his child and then buy him back
o The third time, the sale was “final”
• Step 2
o The adopting father went to the roman magistrate
• Step 3
o Seven people would witness the entire procedure
o If there were any dispute, they would dispute the problem.
• Results of adoption
o All rights in the old family were gone; possessed the rights of the new
o Full heir to his Father’s estate
o Legally regarded as a new person
o Became absolutely the son of the new father in the eyes of the law.
• Usually done to the benef it of the son and thus not something to be ashamed of.
Paul did this to show its importance of God’s adoption of us.
In 11:25, the phrase referring to the “partial hardening that has happened to Israel” is disputed in meaning. Does it mean that all of the Jewish people are slightly hardened, or that a part of the Jewish people are totally hardened? How do you know?
Not all of Israel was a little bit hardened, because some Jewish believer were not hardened at all.
PART of Israel is TOTALLY HARDENED, this is Paul's point throughout the chapter.
What does Paul mean by the phrase “the proportion of his faith” for the one who has the gift of prophecy in 12:6?
The prophet is to prophesy "according to the standard of faith", or "in keeping with the Christian faith"--i.e. prophecies must not contradict previously-revealed truth.
In 14:10, the word bēma (“judgment seat”) in 14:10 refers to what judgment? What are the characteristics of this judgment? Why does Paul refer to it here?
1. It apparently never refers to a seat? where rewards are given out! It always seems to refer to a place of judgement.
2. Nature of the judgement =
It is NOT for condemnation
It is TO manifest our works and TO evaluate the works of each believer.

3. Why is it mentioned here = Perhaps: “we should not judge others because we will be judged but God. BETTER ANSWER = “we don't need to judge because GOD will judge the believer with whom we differ.”
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