Shared Flashcard Set


Rococo,Enlightenment, Neo, Test 2
Chapters 29
Art History
Undergraduate 3

Additional Art History Flashcards





Watteau- Pilgrimage to Cythera- 1717- Rococo

  • Fete Galante- Outdoor paintings featuring the upper-class playing.
  • Rococo influenced by interior decorating- pastels, women in government, danity, fluffy.
  • Either they are getting on the Love boat to go to Cythera- shown by some girls being nervous about leaving reality, and they have laid all their cares for example books at Venus' feet.
    Or they are on the island of Cythera and are longing to stay there, don't want to go back to reality. 
  • Symbols of love- cupids flying around, Venus' satute covered in flowers

Hogarth- Marriage a la Mode- 1745- Enlightenment

  • Depicts the carefree life of aristocriticy of empty marriages and art collection.
  • Scene after a late night party
  • Comical and theatrical facial reactions and gestures.
  • Criticizes those who foolishly spend their money and lesiure time by partying all the time.

West- Death of General Wolfe- 1771- Natural Style

  • Influenced by early Ren. art by dressing figures in contemporary clothing but depicting them as if they were religious figures. "heros of today"
  • Mimics movements- gives a sense of unity within the figures.
  • Movements, gestures, and strong diagonals are Baroque characterists.

Kauffman- Cornelia Presenting her Children as Her Treasures- 1785- Neo-Classicism

  • Mother of the Gracchi Brothers presenting her children as her jewels.
  • Used to promote Roman virtues and civic duty. The boys giving up their lives for Rome and their Mother giving up her boys for Rome.
  • Neo-Classicism- classical form for public service.

David- The Death of Marat- 1793- Neo-Classicism

  • Portrait of the journalist for revolution Marat.
  • He idealizes a real life scene, doesn't show his skin disease and makes him look ageless.
  • Portrays him as a timeless marytr.
  • Charolette Corde gives Marat a list of names who are against the revolution and kills him while doing so. He captures the moment between life and death shown by him still grasping the list of names.
  • Uses Timberism and highlights the figure.
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