Shared Flashcard Set


Respiratory practice questions
Kaplan Respiratory 1 & 2
Undergraduate 3

Additional Nursing Flashcards




Which of these clients will the charge nurse on the medical unit assign to an RN who has floated from the postanesthesia care unit (PACU)?
An RN and an LPN/LVN are working together to provide care for a client hospitalized with dyspnea who requires all of these nursing actions. Which of these actions is best accomplished by the RN?
Plan client and family teaching regarding upcoming pulmonary function testing.
A client has returned to the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) after a bronchoscopy. Which of these nursing tasks is best for the charge nurse to delegate to the experienced nursing assistant working in PACU?
Monitor blood pressure and pulse.
The RN has received report about all of these clients. Which client needs the most immediate assessment?
Client with acute asthma who has an oxygen saturation of 89% by pulse oximetry

The home health nurse is assigned to visit all of these clients when a change in agency staffing requires that one of the clients should be rescheduled for a visit on the following day. Which of these clients would be best to reschedule?

Client with emphysema who has been on home oxygen for a month and has SPO2 levels of 91% to 93%
Which of these assessment findings will be of greatest concern when the nurse is assessing a client with emphysema?
Bronchial breath sounds heard at the bases
People involved in which occupations or activities are encouraged to wear masks and to have adequate ventilations? Select all that apply.
Which nursing intervention is the priority in preparing the client for pulmonary function testing (PFT)?
Ensure no smoking 6 hours before the test.
The nurse is performing a client assessment for the client's potential employer. The client reports dyspnea when climbing stairs but is not dyspneic at rest. Which dyspnea classification does the nurse assign to this client in the report to the employer?
Class II, can perform desk job
A client comes to the emergency department with a productive cough. Which symptom does the nurse look for that will require immediate attention?
Pink frothy sputum
A client with asthma reports shortness of breath. What is the nurse assessing when auscultating this client's chest?
Adventitious breath sounds
Four clients are sent back to the emergency department from triage at the same time. Which client requires the nurse's immediate attention?
Client with acute allergic reaction
The nurse auscultates popping, discontinuous sounds over the client's anterior chest. How does the nurse classify these sounds?
In the older adult client, which respiratory change does not require further assessment by the nurse?
Increased anteroposterior (AP) diameter
In assessing the client's respiratory status, blood gas test results reveal pH of 7.50, PaO2 of 99, PaCO2 of 29, and HCO[image] of 22. What action does the nurse need to take first?


Encourage the client to slow his breathing rate.

The client returns to the medical unit after a therapeutic bronchoscopy. Which intervention does the nurse apply first?

Implement NPO (nothing by mouth) status.
Why are the turbinates important?
They increase the surface area of the nose for heating and filtering.
A client is having surgery. He asks his nurse, "When they put that tube in my throat, where does it really go?" What is the name of the opening of the vocal cords?
Where does gas exchange occur?
The client has a fever of 40° C. In which direction, if any, will this shift the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve?
To the right
Which of the components of a client's family history are of particular importance to the home health nurse who is assessing a new client with asthma?
Brother is allergic to peanuts.
Four clients arrive in the emergency department simultaneously with chest pain. The client with which type of chest pain requires immediate attention by the nurse?
Client with pain radiating to the shoulder
The nurse is working in an urgent clinic. Which of these four clients needs to be evaluated first by the nurse?
Client who is speaking in three-word sentences and has SaO2 of 90% by pulse oximetry
A client is admitted to the medical floor with a new diagnosis of lung cancer. How can the nurse assist the client initially with the anxiety associated with the new diagnosis?
Encourage client to ask questions and verbalize concerns.
A client is admitted to the surgical floor with chest pain, shortness of breath, and hypoxemia after having a knee replacement. What diagnostic test will the nurse teach the client about to help confirm the diagnosis?
Computed tomography (CT) scan
You are a charge nurse on a surgical floor. The LPN/LVN informs you that a new client who had an earlier bronchoscopy has the following vital signs: heart rate 132, respiratory rate 26, and blood pressure 98/50. The client is anxious and his skin is cyanotic. What will be your first action?
Administer oxygen.
A client had a thoracentesis 1 day ago. He calls the home health agency and tells the nurse that he is very short of breath and anxious. What is the major concern of the nurse?
An RN from the orthopedic unit has been floated to the medical unit. Which client assignment for the floated RN is the best?
The client with a resolving pulmonary embolus who is receiving oxygen at 6 L/min through a nasal cannula
Which value indicates clinical hypoxemia and the need to increase oxygen delivery?
PaO2 of 65 mm Hg
For client safety and quality care, which technique is best for the nurse to use when suctioning the client with a tracheostomy tube?
Hyperoxygenate before and after suctioning.
A client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has a physician's prescription stating, "Adjust oxygen to keep SpO2 at 90% to 92%." Which nursing action can be delegated to a nursing assistant working under the supervision of an RN?
Adjust the position of the oxygen tubing.
The client with a new tracheostomy has a soiled dressing. What is the best nursing intervention?
Replace the dressing with sterile, folded 4 × 4 gauze.
An older adult client is being discharged home with a tracheostomy. Which nursing action is an acceptable assignment for an experienced LPN/LVN?
Suction the tracheostomy using sterile technique.
The peak pressure alarm is sounding on the ventilator of the client with a recent tracheostomy. What intervention should be done first?
Assess the client's respiratory status.
A client has just arrived in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) following a successful tracheostomy procedure. Which nursing action must be taken first?
Listen to lung sounds.
A client who smokes is being discharged home on oxygen. The client states, "My lungs are already damaged, so I'm not going to quit smoking." What is the discharge nurse's best response?
"You are right, the damage has been done. But let's talk about why smoking around oxygen is dangerous."
The client who is concerned about getting a tracheostomy says, "I will be ugly, with a hole in my neck." What is the nurse's best response?
"Do you have a pretty scarf or a large loose collar that you could place over it?"
Which client has the most urgent need for frequent nursing assessment?
An older adult client who was admitted 2 hours ago with emphysema and dyspnea and has a 45-year 2-pack-per-day smoking history, and is receiving 50% oxygen through a Venturi mask
The older adult client with degenerative arthritis is admitted for tracheostomy surgery. What is the best communication method for this client during the postoperative period?
Picture board
Respirations of the sedated client with a new tracheostomy have become noisy, and the ventilator alarms indicate high peak pressures. The ventilator tube is clear. What is the best immediate action by the nurse?
Suctioning the client
A client has just been admitted to the emergency department and requires high-flow oxygen therapy after suffering facial burns and smoke inhalation. Which oxygen delivery device should the nurse use initially?
Face tent
A "Do not resuscitate" (DNR) client has a non-rebreather oxygen mask, and breathing appears to be labored. What does the nurse do first?
Ensures that the tubing is patent and that oxygen flow is high
A client with a tracheostomy is at increased risk for aspiration. Which nursing intervention(s) will reduce this risk? Select all that apply.
A new graduate RN discovers that her client, who had a tracheostomy placed the previous day, has completely dislodged both the obturator and the tracheostomy tube. Which action should the nurse take first?
Direct someone to call the Rapid Response Team while using a resuscitation bag and facemask.
The client is being discharged home with a tracheostomy. Which statement by the client indicates the need for further teaching about correct tracheostomy care?
"I can only take baths, no showers."
The client is admitted to the hospital for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and the physician requests a nasal cannula at 2 L/min. Within 30 minutes, the client's color improves. What does the nurse continue to monitor that may require immediate attention?
Decreasing respiratory rate


The client with respiratory failure has been intubated and placed on a ventilator and is requiring 100% oxygen delivery to maintain adequate oxygenation. Twenty-four hours later, the nurse notes new-onset crackles and decreased breath sounds, and the most recent arterial blood gases (ABGs) show a PaO2 level of 95 mm Hg. The ventilator is not set to provide positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). Why is the nurse concerned?
Lung sounds may indicate absorption atelectasis.
A client who has experienced a panic attack is being transferred to the medical-surgical ward. The transfer nurse reports that the client is doing much better after receiving bronchodilators via nebulizer and a small dose of oral Valium 4 hours ago in the emergency department. Vital signs are stable with oxygen delivered at 4 L/min via simple facemask. Why is this client at high risk for subsequent respiratory distress?
The client is receiving oxygen at 4 L/min.
The nursing assistant has taken vital signs of the ventilated postoperative client who has had radical neck surgery. What does the nurse tell the assistant to be especially vigilant for?
Bright red blood rapidly seeping through the dressing
The nurse answers the client's call light and realizes that the client has an upper airway obstruction. What is the nurse's first action?
Determines the cause of obstruction
Which two factors in combination are the greatest risk factors for head and neck cancer?
Alcohol and tobacco use
The nurse is planning care for the non-English-speaking client who is on complete voice rest. What alternative method of communication does the nurse implement?
Picture board
Which clinical manifestation requires immediate action by the nurse for the client with laryngeal trauma?
Which finding in the postoperative client after nasoseptoplasty requires immediate intervention by the nurse?
Excessive swallowing
The client has received packing for a posterior nosebleed. In reviewing the client's orders, which order does the nurse question?
"Give ibuprofen 800 mg every 8 hours as needed for pain."
Which clinical manifestation in the client with facial trauma is the nurse's first priority?
The client admitted for sleep apnea asks the nurse, "Why does it seem like I wake up every 5 minutes?" What is the nurse's best response?
"Because your body isn't getting rid of carbon dioxide. This is what stimulates your body to wake up and breathe."
Which statement by the client with a laryngectomy indicates the need for further discharge teaching?
"I can't put anything over my stoma to cover it."
When suctioning a client with an endotracheal tube for the first time, what does the nurse do first?
Briefly explains the procedure
The client is scheduled for a total laryngectomy. Which statement by the client indicates the need for further teaching about the procedure?
"I really will miss the taste of my favorite food."
A newly hired RN with no previous emergency department (ED) experience has just completed a 1-month orientation. Which of these clients would be most appropriate to assign to this nurse?
Client with epistaxis with profuse bleeding on warfarin (Coumadin)
The nurse manager at a long-term care facility is planning care for a client who is receiving radiation therapy for laryngeal cancer. Which of these tasks will be best to delegate to a nursing assistant?
Washing the skin with soap and water
A client with laryngeal cancer is admitted to the medical-surgical unit the morning before a scheduled total laryngectomy. Which of these preoperative interventions can be accomplished by an LPN/LVN working on the unit?
Administering preoperative antibiotics and anxiolytics
A client who has fallen off a roof arrives in the emergency department with possible head, neck, and chest trauma. All of these physician requests are received. Which action will the nurse take first?
Immobilize the neck with a cervical collar.
The standard laryngectomy plan of care for a client admitted with laryngeal cancer includes these interventions. Which intervention will be most important for the nurse to accomplish before the surgery?
Establish a means for communication during the immediate postoperative period, such as a Magic Slate or an alphabet board.
A client's mother asks what is the most important thing she will need to know to care for her son who is having an inner maxillary fixation (IMF) completed as an outpatient. What does the RN tell her?
"Make sure he always has wire cutters with him."
A client with sleep apnea who has a new order for continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) with a facemask returns to the outpatient clinic after 2 weeks with a report of ongoing daytime sleepiness. Which action should the nurse take first?
Ask the client whether CPAP has been used consistently at night.
Your client has been diagnosed with oral and laryngeal cancer. He completed a course of radiation, and it is 2 days since he underwent a total laryngectomy. The client had been very anxious about his surgery. Which of the following medications would you expect to find on his home medication list?
Lorazepam (Ativan)
The client is 1 day postoperative from a total laryngectomy for cancer. He has indicated to you that he is experiencing pain. Pain management for him is best achieved with which medication?
IV morphine sulfate (Morphine)
A client who has had a recent laryngectomy continues to report pain. Which of the following medications would be best used as an adjunct to a narcotic once he can take oral nutrition?
Liquid NSAIDs
Your client is the football coach at a local high school. His chief problem is hoarseness. Which of the following is the best recommendation the nurse can make regarding his care?
Complete voice rest
What is the purpose of wearing fluoride gel trays during radiation therapy of the mouth?
Prevent radiation scatter when the beam hits metal in the mouth
A new client arrives in the medical-surgical unit with a flap. The flap appears dusky in color. What is the nurse's first action?
Use a Doppler to assess flow to the area.

of these clients are being cared for on the intensive care step-down unit. Which client should the charge nurse assign to an RN who has floated from the pediatric unit?

Client with acute asthma episode who is receiving oxygen at FiO2 of 60% by non-rebreather mask.
The RN and the nursing assistant are working together to provide care for a group of clients. Which of these nursing activities could the RN delegate to the nursing assistant?
Reinforce the use of slow expiration through pursed lips to maximize gas exchange for a client with sarcoidosis.
A client has just been admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) after having a left lower lobectomy with a video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). Which of these requests will the nurse implement first?
Adjust oxygen flow rate to keep O2 saturation at 93% to 100%.
The change-of-shift report has just been completed on the medical-surgical unit. Which of the following clients will the oncoming nurse plan to assess first?
Client with cystic fibrosis (CF) who has an elevated temperature and a respiratory rate of 38.
A client with asthma has pneumonia, is reporting increased shortness of breath, and has inspiratory and expiratory wheezes. All of these medications are prescribed. Which medication should the nurse administer first?
Albuterol (Proventil) 2 inhalations
Your client has been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis and started on a mucolytic. What is the rationale for ordering a mucolytic for this client?
Mucolytics thin secretions, making them easier to expectorate.
The client has asthma that only gets worse during the summer. She tells the nurse she will be taking a medicine every day so she does not get short of breath when she walks to work. About which medicine does the nurse need to educate the client?
Montelukast (Singulair)
The client is a marathon runner who has asthma. Which category of medication is used as a rescue inhaler?
Short-acting beta agonists
A client has been diagnosed with asthma. Which statement below indicates that he correctly understands how to use an inhaler with a spacer correctly?
"If the spacer makes a whistling sound, I am breathing in too rapidly."
What does the nurse do first when setting up a safe environment for the new client on oxygen?
Ensures that no combustion hazards are present in the room
For relief of hypoxemia in the newly admitted client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), what does the client most likely need?
Oxygen flow rate of 1 to 2 L/min via nasal cannula
Because clients with cystic fibrosis (CF) are at increased risk for infection, what does the nurse advise the client with CF to do?

Avoid Cystic Fibrosis Foundation-sponsored events.


(This is weird. It doesn't say the person IS infected.)

While the nurse is talking with the postoperative thoracic surgery client, the client coughs and the chest tube collection water seal chamber bubbles. What does the nurse do?
Calmly continues talking
An environmental assessment of a factory is conducted, and inhalation exposure with a high level of particulate matter is found. What does the factory nurse do to generate the quickest compliance?
Teaches workers how to use a mask
After receiving education on the correct use of emergency drug therapy for asthma, which statement by the client indicates understanding of the nurse's instructions?
"I must have my emergency inhaler with me at all times."
The client says, "I hate this stupid COPD." What is the best response by the nurse?
"What is bothering you?"
Which statement by the client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) indicates the need for additional follow-up instruction?
"I don't need to get the flu shot."
A client is admitted with asthma. How is this disease differentiated from other chronic lung disorders?
The client is symptom free between exacerbations.
In a presentation to middle school students, what does the nurse teach as the major risk factor for lung cancer?
Cigarette smoking
The nurse has been teaching improved airflow techniques to the client, who has continued to have restrictive breathing problems. Which is the best indicator of success?
SpO2 level of 92% after ambulating 50 feet
A newly diagnosed client with asthma says that his peak flow meter is reading 82% of his personal best. What does the nurse do?
Repeats the peak flow test


The nurse is teaching the client who has been newly diagnosed with cancer. For which side effect specific to radiation does the nurse teach prevention techniques?
Increased risk for sunburn
After surgery for placement of a chest tube, the client reports burning in the chest. What does the nurse do first?
Assesses airway, breathing, and circulation

The nurse observes a student nurse suction the right bronchus of a patient via the tracheostomy. The nurse determines care is appropriate if the student nurse places the patient's head in which position

  • the patient's head turned to the left
  • the patient's head turned to the right
  • the patint's head tilted forward toward the chest
  • the patient' head tilted backwards even with the shoulders
the patient's head turned to the left

a patient diagnosed with COPD is drowsy and unable to expectorate secretions. the nurse should take which of the following actions

  • force fluids
  • administer high-flow oxygen mask
  • perform nasotracheal suction
  • perform postural drainage
perform nasotracheal suction

the nurse teaches pursed lip breathing to the patient diagnosed with COPD. the nurse understands which of the following BEST describes the underlying purpose of this type of breathing

  • prevent air trapping
  • strengthen oral musculature
  • promot deep relaxation
  • enhance inspiratory capacity
prevent air trapping

the nurse case for a patient receiving aminophyilline via continuous IV drip. the nurse understands that aminophylline is

  • an antimircobial
  • a mucolytic
  • a bronchodilator
  • an expectorant
a bronchodilator

a patient is scheduled for rhoinoplasty. postoperative it is most important for the nurse to place the patient in which of the following positions

  • supine
  • left sims
  • modified trendelenburg
  • semi-fowlers

the nurse cares for a patient diagnosed with active tuberculosis. which of the insrtuctions should the nurse give the patient about follow-up care after discharge from the hospital

  • we would like you to come to the clinic monthly to recheck your tine test and look for changes in your chest xray
  • we would like you to return to the clinic if you experience any side effects from the mediation
  • we would like you to come to the clinic weekly for your inh injections
  • we would like you to come to the clinic monthly to check the effects of the medication you are taking
we would like you to come to the clinic monthly to check the effects of the medication you are taking

the nurse should lubricate catheter used to suction a patient's tracheostomy with which of the following

  • sterile water
  • mineral oil
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • k y jelly
sterile water

the nurse expects which of the following modes of mechanical ventilation to be ordred for a patient with severe guillain barre syndrome

  • controlled ventilation
  • assist-control ventilation
  • syncrhonized intermittent mandatory ventilation
  • continuous positive airway pressure
controlled ventilation

a patient is started on rifampin and isoniazid. which of the following explanations concerning these medications is ost appropriate for the nurse to give

  • you will have to take these medicines for the rest of your life
  • you must isolate yourself from your family while on this medicine
  • you will have to take this medicine about a year
  • you will need to take this medicine only when you have symptoms
you will have to take this medicine about a year

the nurse performs nutritional couseling for a patient who is diagnosed with COPD. it is most important for the nurse to advise the patient to avoid consuming which nutrient in high amounts

  • carbohydrates
  • calories
  • protein
  • fats

the nurse prepares to suction the endotracheal tube of a patient on a mechanical ventilator. which of the following ventilator settings should be adjusted by the nurse before and after this procedure

  • tidal volume
  • respiratory rate
  • fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2)
  • flow
fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2)

the nurse in the community health center identifies which of the following types of food is most likely to present problems for a client with respiratory difficulties

  • fruits
  • grains
  • dairy
  • fish

the nurse preform teaching for a patient diagnosed with asthma. the nurse determines further teaching is necessary if the patient makes which of the following statements

  • i'm going to have to replace my wool rugs and feather pillows
  • i can no longer rake the leaves or garden like i used to
  • we are going to have to dust and vacuum more frequently
  • i'm going to have to establish a regular bedtime routine
i'm going to have to establish a regular bedtime routine

the nurse obtains a history from a man admitted to the hospital with COPD. the nurse identifies which of the following factors is related to the patient developing COPD

  • the patient smoked for more than 30 years
  • the patient worked in an orchard for 20 years
  • the patient drinks four cans of beer a day
  • the patient had pancreatitis four times
the patient smoked for more than 30 years

the nurse cares for patient on the med-surg unit. the nurse expects postural drainage to be ordered for which of the following patients

  • a patient diagnosed with cystic fibrosis
  • a patient diagnosed with ascities due to cirrhosis
  • a patient diagnosed with lymphedema
  • a patient diagnosed with a subdural hematoma
a patient diagnosed with cystic fibrosis

the nurse understands which of the following is the cause of respiratory alkalosis

  • hyperglycemia
  • hyperventilation
  • fluid loss
  • airway compromise

a patient requires an emergency tracheostomy. when caring for the tracheostomy, the nurse should take which of the following actions

  • suction every hour
  • clean the inner cannula after suctioning
  • clean the site every four hours
  • hyperextend the patient's neck to maintain patency
clean the site every four hours

a patient is admitted to the hospital after sustaining a severe electrical burn. a tracheostomy is performed, and the patient is unable to use either hand. it is most important for the nurse to take which of the following actions

  • obtain a closed circuit video monitor
  • pad the side rails of the bed
  • obtain a blow touch call bell
  • transfer the patient with a hoyer lift
obtain a blow touch call bell

the clinic nurse instructs a client in the use of a metered dose inhaler. which statement by the client indicates the need for further teaching

  • i will breathe in deeply and slowly as i press down on the canister
  • i will hold the mouthpiece 2 inches in front of my mouth
  • i will count to 10 on my fingers after i breathe in
  • i will be careful not to shake the canister before I use it

i will be careful not to shake the canister before I use it


the nurse cares for a patient receiving oxygen per nasal cannula. which of the following observations requires an immediate intervention by the nurse

  • a vistor arrives with a strong odor of cigarettes on the clothing
  • the electric plug for the suction machine has 3 prongs rather than 2
  • the patient complains of a dry mouth and has a cracked lip
  • a visitor is putting clear nail polish on the fingernails of the patient
a visitor is putting clear nail polish on the fingernails of the patient

the nurse cares for a patient immediately after laryngoscopy. it is most important for the nurse to intervene if which of the following is observed

  • the patient is talking with the nurse
  • the patient coughs spontaneously
  • the patient is drinking from a straw
  • the patient is moving about in bed
the patient is drinking from a straw

which of the following routes of administration should the nurse use when giving a mantoux test

  • intradermal injection
  • subcutaneous injection
  • local implantaiton
  • intramuscular injection
intradermal injection

the pediatric nurse cares for a 3 year old child diagnosed with acute laryngotracheobronchitis in a croupette. the nurse is most concerned if which of the following is observed

  • the air inside the croupette is cool
  • the grandmother gives the child a teddy bear
  • the child has a cap on the head
  • the child appears frightened unless someone is nearby
the grandmother gives the child a teddy bear

the nurse knows that it is essentiatl to have which of the following pieces of equipment at the bedside of the patient receiving mechanical ventilation

  • resuscitation bag
  • incentive spirometer
  • particulate respirator
  • patient controlled analgesia machine
resuscitation bag

an adult is eating lunch and suddenly starts to choke, gasp for breath, and grab the throat. which of the following actions should the nurse take first

  • instruct the patient to administer back blows
  • offer the patient water to drink
  • ask the patient to speak
  • finger sweep the patient's mouth
ask the patient to speak

the nurse reviews staff charting for a patient diagnosed with pleural effusion. the nurse expects to find which notations in the patient's chart

  • decreased breath sounds noted in left lower lobe
  • lungs clear with breath sounds heard in all areas
  • crackles heard in right thoracic area
  • rhonchi heard on expiration
decreased breath sounds noted in left lower lobe

the nurse should instruct a patient undergoing nasal surgery not to blow the nose after surgery because

  • it increases intracranial pressure
  • it decreases the patient's oxygen supply
  • it encourages bruising and edema
  • it may cause a fracture
it encourages bruising and edema

to facilitate communication with a patient who has a tracheostomy, which of these nursing approaches is best

  • tell the patient to nod his head to indicate yes and shake his head to indicate no
  • tell the patient to mouth words so that the nurse can lip-read
  • have someone who knows the patient to stay at the bedside to act as interpreter
  • ask the patient to anticipate needs and write them down
tell the patient to nod his head to indicate yes and shake his head to indicate no

which of the following actions is essential for the nurse to take after arterial blood gases are drawn

  • apply pressure to puncture site
  • check and record vital signs
  • give 100% oxygen
  • assess for presnece of ulnar pulse
apply pressure to puncture site

immediately following thoracentesis the nurse notices a progressive swelling on the right side of the patient's chest and neck. the nurse knows which of the following conditions is the most likely cuase of the swelling

  • pneumothorax post-thoracentesis
  • subcutaneous emphysema
  • lipoma
  • hematoma formation
subcutaneous emphysema

the nurse monitors a patient receiving oxygen per face mask. the nurse is most concerned if which is observed

  • there is condensation in the tubing of the humidifier container
  • the pulse ox reading is 92%
  • the patient has a nonproductive cough
  • the skin under the elastic
the patient has a nonproductive cough

abluterol (proventil) and beclomethasone (vanceril) by metered dose inhaler are ordered for a patient recently diagnosed with asthma. the patient asks the nurse, why do I have to be concerned about which medication i take first and waiting in between medication. which is the best response by the nurse

  • that is how your physician wrote the order
  • you do not have to be concerned. you can take them in whatevver way works best for you as long as you take them both
  • that is the standard way these medications areadministered
  • the proventil will open up the airway so the vanceril can be better absorbed. you wait to allow the proventil to have its full effect
the proventil will open up the airway so the vanceril can be better absorbed. you wait to allow the proventil to have its full effect

the nurse care for a patient with a new tracheostomy immediately postop. it is most important for the nurse to take which action

  • place the patient supine until vital signs are stable
  • ask the patient which position makes the patien tmost comfortable
  • place the patient with head elevated and neck hyperextended
  • elevate the patient's head and turn to the head to one side until consciousness returns
elevate the patient's head and turn to the head to one side until consciousness returns

the nurse undertands the primary mechanism of action of synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation for a patient requiring respiratory support is which

  • the delivery of breaths is synchronized with the R wave of the patient
  • a set tidal volume is deliverd at a set rate regardless of the breathing efforts of the patient
  • positive pressure is intermittently exerted at the end of ventilator breaths
  • ventilator breaths are correlated with patient breathing and patient can breathe naturally inbetween
ventilator breaths are correlated with patient breathing and patient can breathe naturally in between

a patient with a chest tube asks the nurse about the bubbling he sees in the water sela chamber of his drainage equipment. which response by the nurse is the most appropriate

  • it's supposed to do that
  • it shows your lung has not yet re-expanded
  • why don't you ask your doctor
  • what do you think it means
it shows your lung has not yet re-expanded

a patient chokes on food and becomes cyanotic. which is the best action for the nurse to take

  • the nurse stands behind the patient, and with the palm of the hand delivers one quick blow to th middle of the back
  • the nurse stands behinds the patient, wraps arms around the patient's waist and with a fist makes a quick upward thrust into the abdomen
  • the nurse stands in front of the patient, puts the palm of the hand betwen the namal and rib cage, and pressess firmly upward several times
  • the nurse lays the patient on the floor and prepares to initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation
the nurse stands behinds the patient, wraps arms around the patient's waist and with a fist makes a quick upward thrust into the abdomen

a patient is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute right upper lobe pneumonia. the patient has a history of chronic brochitis and type 1 diabetes. which symtpom would the nurse expect to see

  • moist, cool skin
  • rust-colored sputum
  • bradycardia
  • decresed respiratory rate
rust-colored sputum

the nurse performs discharge teaching for a patient diagnosed with COPD. the client asks if the oxygen concentration can be increased during periods of shortness of breath. on what is the nurse's response based

  • high flow oxygen interferes with breathing
  • low flow oxygen will not improve breathing
  • high flow oxygen will stimulate breathing
  • low flow oxygen is more comfortable
high flow oxygen interferes with breathing

the nurse cares for the client needing a tracheostomy. the client's daughter asks the nurse, why does my father need a tracheostomy. the nurse understands that which is the primary reason for performing a tracheostomy

  • promotes pulmonary funciton
  • improves breathing capabilties
  • prevents respiratory infections
  • decreases respiratory tract secretions
improves breathing capabilties

a patient arrives in the emergency room with an acute asthma attack. epinephrine is given subcutaneously. which observation by the nurse best indicates the treatment is effective

  • an increase in the patient's alertness
  • an increase in the patient's pulse rate
  • a decrease in the patient's blood pressure and pulse
  • a decrease in the patient's inspiratory difficulty
a decrease in the patient's inspiratory difficulty

which sign or symptom, if observed by the nurse, is most important to determine if a patient is hypoxic

  • cool bluish skin
  • abnormal blood gases
  • elevated temperature
  • increased sputum production
  • abnormal blood gases

the nurse cares for a client diagnosed with tuberculosis. the client asks, why do I have to take pyridoxine (vitain B6). what explanation does the nurse provide

  • promote the absorption of inh
  • prevent neuritis
  • alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms
  • prevent kidney damage
prevent neuritis

the patient diagnosed with cholesystitis is blind. in preparation for surgery the nurse teaches the patient diaphragmatic breathing. which is the most effective teaching method for the nurse to use

  • the nurse demonstrates diaphragmatic breathing and then asks the patient to do a return demonstration
  • the nurse discusses te rationale behind postoperative abdominal breathing, outlines the steps, and answers questions
  • the nurse asks the patient to put both hands on the abdomen and breathe in and out while keeping the chest still
  • the nurse asks the patient to tighten and release muscles, progressing from the toes to the head
the nurse asks the patient to put both hands on the abdomen and breathe in and out while keeping the chest still

the nurse identifies which patient is most at risk for developing pneumonia

  • a patient with a foley catheter
  • a patient with a nasogatric tube
  • a patient diagnosed with psoriasis
  • a patient diagnosed with paget's disease
a patient with a nasogatric tube

the nurse on the neurologic unit knows that which is the primary reason for having a patient diagnosed with cardiovascular accident position the head flexed slightly forward while sitting upright to eat

  • it increase the ease of swallowing
  • to decrease the musculature effort of maintaining the head erect
  • to decrease anxiety from seeing feeing utensils coming directly at them
  • to prevent aspiration
to prevent aspiration

a patient diagnosed with a tension pneumothorax resulting from the chest hitting the steering wheel in an automobile accident. the emergency department nurse knows that the highest priority is given to which

  • oxygenation
  • chest tube insertion
  • ABG determination
  • attaching a cardiac monitor
chest tube insertion

the nurse prepares a patient for a thoracentesis. the nurse should position the patient in which position

  • semi fowlers
  • upright
  • on the affected side
  • prone

the nurse cares for a patient receiving aminophylline. the nurse identifies which is a common side effect of aminophylline

  • increased respiratory rate
  • increased pulse rate
  • decreased respiratory rate
  • decreased pulse rate
increased pulse rate

the nurse identifies which is the characteristic sound of breathing in a patient experiencing an acute asthma attack

  • murmuring with lubb dub sounds
  • high pitched musical like squeaky sounds
  • igh pitched harsh loud blowing sounds
  • low pitched rubbing or grating sounds
  • high pitched musical like squeaky sounds

the nurse identifies which group of equipment is essential to have at the bedside of a patient with a closed-chest chest tube drainage system in place

  • tape measure, portable scale, sengstake-blakemore tube
  • penlight, reflex hammer, safety pin
  • sterile connector, sterile petrolatum gauze pad, padded clamp
  • nasogastric tube, blood glucose moitor, sputum jar
sterile connector, sterile petrolatum gauze pad, padded clamp

the nurse instructs a group of high school students how to perform the abdominal thrust maneuver. the nurse determines that teaching is successful if a student makes which comment

  • the abdominal thrust maneuver dislodges food or other foreign bodies from the airway
  • the abdominal thrust maneuver involves hitting the person on the back several times
  • the abdominal thrust maneuver should not be done if the person is unconscioius
  • the abdominal thruse maneuver should only be done by a well trained health care professional
the abdominal thrust maneuver dislodges food or other foreign bodies from the airway

blood gas results on a patient with emphysema indicate severe hypoxia. oxygen therapy is ordered. which method of oxygen administration will most likely be used

  • face mask with reservoir
  • face mask without reservoir
  • nasal cannula
  • venturi mask
venturi mask

the nurse preforms teaching for a patient diagnosed with tuberculosis. the nurse explains that tuberculosis is caused by which

  • a virus
  • poor sanitation
  • poor nutrition
  • a bacterium
a bacterium

the outer cannula of a patient's tracheostomy tube is accidentaly expelled 36 hours after surgery. which action should the nurse take first

  • contact the physician immediately
  • cut the tracheostomy neck ties
  • insert the emergency outer tube that is taped to the head of the bed
  • ventilate the chest using a manual resuscitation bag
ventilate the chest using a manual resuscitation bag

the nurse instructs a patient about how to use an incentive spirometer. the nurse determines that teaching is effective if the patient makes which statement

  • i should take a deep breath and blow into the mouthpiece
  • i'm glad that i only have to do this twice a day
  • i should ask for pain medication prior to using the spirometer
  • i should lie down to use the incentive spirometer
i should ask for pain medication prior to using the spirometer

the nurse cares for a patient afer rhinoplasty and observes bright red blood on the external dressing. which action should the nurse take first

  • return the patient to the operating room
  • contact the physician
  • examine the patient's throat
  • perform nasopharyngeal suctioning
examine the patient's throat

the nurse identifies it is most important to observe for hyperventilation in a patient receiving which mode of mechanical ventilation

  • control ventilation
  • assist-control ventilation
  • syncronous intermittent mandatory ventilation
  • continuous positive airway pressure
assist-control ventilation

the nurse assess a patient receiving isoniazid. it is most important for the nurse to observe for which

  • hepatitis
  • glomerulonephritis
  • photosensitivity
  • deafness

an adult is in a motorcycle accident and sustains three fractured ribs and a pneumothorax. a chest tube is inserted. the nurse should take which of the following actions

  • montior the fluctuation in the tube
  • pin the tubes to the sheets
  • clamp the tubes when transferring the patient to bed
  • empty the bottles every eight hours
montior the fluctuation in the tube

the home care nurse visit a client diagnosed with chronic bronchitis. the nurse notes the client is weak and congested. it is most important for the nurse to make which statement

  • cough as much as you can. the secretions have to come out
  • if you hold a pillow against your abdomen, the coughing would be easier
  • take 3 or 4 deep breaths and as you exhale the last breath cough 3 times
  • it does not matter when you cough. just do it
take 3 or 4 deep breaths and as you exhale the last breath cough 3 times
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