Shared Flashcard Set


Receive prescriptions and orders
Receive prescriptions and orders

Additional Law Flashcards





A drug controlled by Schedules III through VI or a device controlled by Schedule VI shall be dispensed upon receipt of a written or oral prescription as follows?


(1) If the prescription is written, it shall be properly executed, dated and signed by the person prescribing on the day when issued and bear the full name and address of the patient for whom, or of the owner of the animal for which, the drug is dispensed, and the full name and address of the person prescribing. If the prescription is for an animal, it shall state the species of animal for which the drug is prescribed.


(2) If the prescription is oral, the prescriber shall furnish the pharmacist with the same information as is required by law in the case of a written prescription for drugs and devices, except for the signature of the prescriber.


Can an agent of a prescriber transcriber transmit a prescription for a controlled substance?


Yes, but ONLY Schedule III through VI.


" agent of the prescriber on his behalf may orally transmit a prescription for a drug classified in Schedules III through VI if, in such cases, the written record of the prescription required by this subsection specifies the full name of the agent of the prescriber transmitting the prescription"


Can a prescription for Scheduled II drug be refilled?


Hell - To - The - NO!


How many times can a Schedule III - IV drug be refilled?


No more than five total times or more than six months out from the date of the original prescription.



A prescription in Schedule VI may not be refilled, unless authorized by the prescriber either on the face of the original prescription or orally by the prescriber. Oral instructions shall be reduced promptly to writing by the pharmacist and filled on or with the original prescription.


Statement. Not a question.


Can a schedule VI be refilled without notifying the prescriber?


Technically, YES!


"A prescription for a drug controlled by schedule VI may be refilled without authorization from the prescriber if reasonable effort has been made to communicate with the prescriber, and the pharmacist has determined that he is not available and the patient's health would be in imminent danger, without the benefits of the drug. The pharmacist shall inform the patient of the prescriber's unavailability and that the refill is being made without his authorization. The pharmacist shall promptly inform the prescriber of such refill. The date and quantity of the refill, the prescriber's unavailability and the rationale for the refill shall be noted on the reverse side of the prescription."


What are the requirements for dispensing a scheduled II substance via an oral prescription in an emergency situation?


(1) The quantity prescribed and dispensed is limited to the amount adequate to treat the patient during the emergency period (dispensing beyond the emergency period must be pursuant to a paper or electronic prescription signed by the prescribing individual practitioner);

(2) The prescription shall be immediately reduced to writing by the pharmacist and shall contain all information required in §1306.05, except for the signature of the prescribing individual practitioner;


(3) If the prescribing individual practitioner is not known to the pharmacist, he must make a reasonable effort to determine that the oral authorization came from a registered individual practitioner, which may include a call back to the prescribing individual practitioner using his phone number as listed in the telephone directory and/or other good faith efforts to insure his identity; and


(4) Within 7 days after authorizing an emergency oral prescription, the prescribing individual practitioner shall
cause a written prescription for the emergency quantity prescribed to be delivered to the dispensing pharmacist. In addition to conforming to the requirements of §1306.05, the prescription shall have written on its face “Authorization for Emergency Dispensing,” and the date of the oral order. The paper prescription may be delivered to the pharmacist in person or by mail, but if delivered by mail it must be postmarked within the 7-day period. Upon receipt, the dispensing pharmacist must attach this paper prescription to the oral emergency prescription that had earlier been reduced to writing. For electronic prescriptions, the pharmacist must annotate the record of the electronic prescription with the original authorization and date of the oral order. The pharmacist must notify the nearest office of the Administration if the prescribing individual practitioner fails to deliver a written prescription to him; failure of the pharmacist to do so shall void the authority conferred by this paragraph to dispense without a written prescription of a prescribing individual practitioner.


(5) Central fill pharmacies shall not be authorized under this paragraph to prepare prescriptions for a controlled substance listed in Schedule II upon receiving an oral authorization from a retail pharmacist or an individual practitioner.




A signed order by the prescribing practitioner shall accompany the requests for a Schedule II drug, except that a verbal order for a hospital patient for a Schedule II controlled substance may be transmitted to a licensed nurse or pharmacist at the hospital who shall promptly reduce the order to writing in the patient's chart. Such an order shall be signed by the prescriber within ____ hours?


Can prescriptions be written in pencil?




Written prescription shall be written with ink or individually typed or printed.


What should prescriptions contain infromation wise?


Name, address, and telephone number of the prescriber.



Do ALL prescriptions require the DEA number?


No; only schedule II - V


A prescription for a controlled substance other than the one controlled in Schedule VI shall also contain the federal controlled substances regisration number assigned to the prescriber.




What parts of the name should a prescription contain?


Written prescription shall contain the first AND last name of the patient for whom the drug is prescribed.


Must the prescription be dated?


YES! Each written prescription shall be dated as of, and signed by the prescriber on, the day when issued!


Can a prescription contain more than one drug?


No written prescription order form shall include more than one prescription. However, this provision shall not apply to:


(i) to prescriptions written as chard orders for patients in hospitals and long-term-care facilities, patients receiving home infusion services or hospice patients


(ii) to a prescription ordered through a pharmacy operated by or for the Department of Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice, the central pharmacy of the Department of Health, or the Central outpatient pharmacy operated by the Departmet of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services


(iii) prescriptions written for patients residing in adult and juvenile detention centers, local or regional jails, or work release centers operated by the Department of Corrections.


Precription orders for Schedule III through VI drugs may be transmitted to pharmacies by facsimile device (FAX) upon the following conditions?


(1) prescription shall be faxed only to the pharmacy of the patient's choice


(2) A valid faxed prescription shall contain all required information for a prescription. A written prescription shall include the prescriber's signature


(3) an authorized agent may transmit an oral prescription by facsimile and shall record on the faxed prescription the agent's full name and wording that clearly indicates that the prescription being transmitted is an oral prescription.


A faxed prescription shall be valid only if faxed from the prescriber's practice location, except in the following situations?


(1) forwarding a faxed chart order from a long-term care facility or from a hospice, including a home hospice


(2) forwarding a written prescription by an authorized agent from a long-term care facility provided the provider pharmacy maintains written procedures for such transactions, and provided the original prescription is obtained by the provider pharmacy within 7 days of dispensing. The original prescription shall be attached to the faxed copy.


What information should be recorded on the faxed prescription?


The date that the prescription was faxed


The printed name, address, phone number, and fax number of the authorized prescriber


The institution, if applicable, from which the prescription was faxed, including address, phone number and fax number


Prescriptions for Schedule II drugs can't be faxed. What are the three exceptions?


(1) for patients residing in long-term care facility


(2) for home infusion patients


(3) patients residing in a hospice certified by Medicare in need of narcotics


Note: the prescriber shall note on the prescription if the patient is a hospice patient, and the prescription shall meet all requirements for a written prescription, including the prescriber's signature.


Electronic prescribing allowed?




"an electronic prescription may be transmitted from the prescriber or an authorized agent to the dispensing pharmacy. Electronic prescriptions of Scheduled II-V controlled substances shall comply with any security or other requirements of federal law..."


What are the requirements for electronic prescriptions?


See: 21 CFR 1311


Can a prescription be transfered?




"A copy of a prescription shall be given upon request by one pharmacy to another pharmacy provided the drug can be filled or refilled prvided the patient has given permission for the transfer"



The transfer of original prescription information for a drug listed in Schedules III through VI for the purpose of dispensing is permissible between pharmacies if the transfer is communicated directly between the two pharamcies either orally by direct communication between the transferring pharmacist and the receiving pharmacist, or by facsimile machine or by electronic transmission, provided":


The transfering pharmacy:

a. records the word "VOID" on the face of the invalidated prescription


b. recrods on the reverse of the invalidated prescription the name, address, and except for a prescription for a Schedule VI drugs, the (DEA) number of the pharmacy to which it was transferred, and, for an oral  transfer, the name of the pharmacist receiving the prescription information


c. records the date of the transfer and, in the case of an oral transfer, the name of the pharmacist transferring the information


The receiving pharmacy:

a. writes the world "Transfer" on the face of the transferred prescription


b. provides all information required to be on a prescription to include


(1) Date of issuance of original prescription

(2) Original number of refuills authorized on the original prescription

(3) Date of original dispensing, if applicable

(4) Number of valid refills remaining and date of last dispensing

(5) Pharmacy name, address, DEA registry number except for Schedule VI prescriptions, and original prescription number from which the prescription information was transferred

(6) Name of transferring pharmacist, if transferred orally


Both the original and transferred prescription shall be maintained for a period of ___ years from the date of last refill.




For prescriptions transferred between pharmacies using a common database, the pharmacy receiving the prescription shall not be required to maintain a hard copy provided that the system used is capable of generating a hard copy of the transferred prescription upon request or except as required by federal law.

Statement. Not a question.

Can Scheduled drugs be transferred and if so then which schedules?


The transfer of original prescription information for a controlled substance listed in Schedule III, IV, or V for the purpose of refill dispensing is permissible between pharmacies on a one-time basis only. However, pharmacies electronically sharing a real-time, online database may transfer up to the maximum refills permitted by law and the prescriber's authorization.


The procedure between transferring and receiving pharmacist?


The transferring pharmacist must do the following:

(i) Write the word “VOID” on the face of the invalidated prescription; for electronic prescriptions, information that the prescription has been transferred must be added to the prescription record.


(ii) Record on the reverse of the invalidated prescription the name, address, and DEA registration number of the pharmacy to which it was transferred and the name of the pharmacist receiving the prescription information; for electronic prescriptions, such information must be added to the prescription record.


(iii) Record the date of the transfer and the name of the pharmacist transferring the information.

(3) For paper prescriptions and prescriptions received orally and reduced to writing by the pharmacist pursuant to §1306.21(a), the pharmacist receiving the transferred prescription information must write the word “transfer” on the face of the transferred prescription and reduce to writing all information required to be on a prescription pursuant to §1306.05 and include:

(i) Date of issuance of original prescription.


(ii) Original number of refills authorized on original prescription.


(iii) Date of original dispensing.


(iv) Number of valid refills remaining and date(s) and locations of previous refill(s).


(v) Pharmacy's name, address, DEA registration number, and prescription number from which the prescription information was transferred.


(vi) Name of pharmacist who transferred the prescription.


(vii) Pharmacy's name, address, DEA registration number, and prescription number from which the prescription was originally filled.

(4) For electronic prescriptions being transferred electronically, the transferring pharmacist must provide the receiving pharmacist with the following information in addition to the original electronic prescription data:

(i) The date of the original dispensing.


(ii) The number of refills remaining and the date(s) and locations of previous refills.


(iii) The transferring pharmacy's name, address, DEA registration number, and prescription number for each dispensing.


(iv) The name of the pharmacist transferring the prescription.


(v) The name, address, DEA registration number, and prescription number from the pharmacy that originally filled the prescription, if different.

(5) The pharmacist receiving a transferred electronic prescription must create an electronic record for the prescription that includes the receiving pharmacist's name and all of the information transferred with the prescription under paragraph (b)(4) of this section.


Can scheduled drugs be transferred and, if so, which schedules can be transferred?


The transfer of original prescription information for a controlled substance listed in Schedule III, IV, or V for the purpose of refill dispensing is permissible between pharmacies on a one-time basis only. However, pharmacies electronically sharing a real-time, online database may transfer up to the maximum refills permitted by law and the prescriber's authorization.


The procedures for transferring a controlled substance?


Transfers are subject to the following requirements:

(1) The transfer must be communicated directly between two licensed pharmacists.

(2) The transferring pharmacist must do the following:

(i) Write the word “VOID” on the face of the invalidated prescription; for electronic prescriptions, information that the prescription has been transferred must be added to the prescription record.

(ii) Record on the reverse of the invalidated prescription the name, address, and DEA registration number of the pharmacy to which it was transferred and the name of the pharmacist receiving the prescription information; for electronic prescriptions, such information must be added to the prescription record.

(iii) Record the date of the transfer and the name of the pharmacist transferring the information.

(3) For paper prescriptions and prescriptions received orally and reduced to writing by the pharmacist pursuant to §1306.21(a), the pharmacist receiving the transferred prescription information must write the word “transfer” on the face of the transferred prescription and reduce to writing all information required to be on a prescription pursuant to §1306.05 and include:

(i) Date of issuance of original prescription.

(ii) Original number of refills authorized on original prescription.

(iii) Date of original dispensing.

(iv) Number of valid refills remaining and date(s) and locations of previous refill(s).

(v) Pharmacy's name, address, DEA registration number, and prescription number from which the prescription information was transferred.

(vi) Name of pharmacist who transferred the prescription.

(vii) Pharmacy's name, address, DEA registration number, and prescription number from which the prescription was originally filled.

(4) For electronic prescriptions being transferred electronically, the transferring pharmacist must provide the receiving pharmacist with the following information in addition to the original electronic prescription data:

(i) The date of the original dispensing.

(ii) The number of refills remaining and the date(s) and locations of previous refills.

(iii) The transferring pharmacy's name, address, DEA registration number, and prescription number for each dispensing.

(iv) The name of the pharmacist transferring the prescription.

(v) The name, address, DEA registration number, and prescription number from the pharmacy that originally filled the prescription, if different.

(5) The pharmacist receiving a transferred electronic prescription must create an electronic record for the prescription that includes the receiving pharmacist's name and all of the information transferred with the prescription under paragraph (b)(4) of this section.


Reasonable effort shall be made to obtain, record, and maintain the following patient information generated at the individual pharmacy?


(1) name, address, telephone number, date of birth or age, and gender


(2) Individual history where significant, including known allergies and drug reactions, and a comprehensive list of medications and relevant devices; and


(3) Any additional comments relevant to the patient's drug use, including any failure to accept the pharmacist's offer to counsel




A chart order may be filled by an outpatient (community/retail) pharmacy for outpatient use provided the following conditions are met:


(1) the chard order was written for a patient while in a hospital or long-term facility


(2) the pharmacist has all information necessary to constitute a valid outpatient prescription


(3) the pharmacist in an outpatient setting has direction, either written or obtained verbally, that the chard order is actually intended to be outpatient or discharge prescription orders, and not merely a listing drugs the patient was taking while an inpatient


(4) the orders include some direction related to quantity to be dispensed or authorized duration of the order by which the pharmacist can calculate the authorized quantity using direction for use and duraction

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