Shared Flashcard Set


Reading Instruction Strategies Cards
Cards for teachers based on Marzano's Classroom Instruction that Works.
6th Grade

Additional Education Flashcards




Inside/Outside Circles
- Develop index cards with the questions, vocabulary, or directions for students.
- Divide class into two even groups.
- One group forms a circle facing outward. The other group forms a circle facing the inside circle. Each student is facing a partner.
- The inside circle person poses a question/fact to the outside person for them to answer or recite. Inside person can gently correct partner if needed.
- Teacher instructs outside circle to "turn" after sufficient time has been given per question. Outside circle turns and moves to the next person in the circle. Roles could be reversed.
Index Card Sequencing
- Write each step of a sequence, method, process on index cards, one per card.
- Distribute cards to students
- Students bring their cards to the front of the room and arrange themselves with their cards in the correct sequence/order for the information.
- Great to use for time lines, scientific processes, etc.
Stepping Stones
- On several pieces of paper, write questions or facts you want to review.
- Place the papers on the floor where students exit or enter the room.
- As students leave or enter, they must step on each paper and answer the questions or repeat the information.
- Can be used for assessment or exit ticket.
Sticky Summary
- Give each student a small stack of post-its.
- After reading each page or paragraph, ask students to write a short summary to summarize that section of information.
- Do so for each successive page or paragraph.
- When reading is complete or when students are reviewing for a test, they can pull their post its and use them to create a visual summary of the information they have read.
Silent Sort
- Give each student a post-it.
- Ask students to write an example of whatever topic you have given them or are discussing (parts of speech, parts of a system, countries, etc.)
- Students silently come place their notes on the board, grouping them together as they come up by categories, but NOT discussing the categories or why they are placing things together.
- When all notes have been places, discuss why certain terms were placed together, why groups formed, what characteristics the terms in the groups share, etc.
Question Cube
- On a blank wooden or cardboard cube, write "who, what, where, when, why and how"
- When reading, have students roll the cube and generate a question about the text based on the word they roll
Ex. - When reading a fictional story, a student may roll "why" and ask "Why did the main character choose to ..."
Roll the Cube
- Get several blank wooden or cardboard cubes.
- Write extensions for writing on each side of the cubes
- ex. "suddenly" "just then" "if only" "in order to" "once again" "surprisingly" "perhaps" "afterward"
- When students need to make their writing more interesting, have them roll the cube and use the starter to begin a new sentences in their writing.
"Info-Ball" Game
- Students stand in a circle
- Teacher announces the topic to students
- One student makes eye contact with someone across the circle from them
- That student throws an information "ball" (imaginary) at the student he/she has made eye contact.
- The other student "catches" the ball and then makes eye contact with another student and "throws" them a new ball of information.
- Good for review.
"I-Spy" Quilt
Bring in an actual "I-Spy" Quilt or create one by making a square grid out of collage pictures from magazines. It should be as close to 12 blocks of 9 square patches (108 patches/pictures total)
- Ask students to find:
- 2 syllable words
- a noun
- a verb
- a concept (mineral, vegetable, animal, mammal, insect)
- can also be used to teach how to quickly skim for information using left to right, top to bottom.
Note-Taking Quilt
- Students use only drawings to summarize a part of a reading. Each student is responsible for one patch of the quilt, one idea.
- When the quilt is completed, it will create an entire concept map for students to view
- Copy the quilt and distribute for a review piece.
- Students can review by discussing what others drew and why they represent that concept.
Pass the Plate
- Get 6 disposable plates
- Place students in small groups and explain that you are going to ask each group to write one main word BIG in the middle of the plate. One member is to write this word on their plate.
- When the teacher says "begin" students are to pass the plate to each other and write as many other words as they can that apply to the BIG word on their plate.
- These words can be examples of, synonyms or antonyms of or concepts related to the BIG word.
- Passing continues until the teacher calls "time"
- Discuss the words written on the plates with the whole class.
- Can use plastic plates and wipe off markers or paper plates and regular markers to keep the plates and display in the room for review.
TP the Room
- Need rolls of TP, one for each group
- Split kids into groups (5 or less)
- Discuss TPing, what it is and that they will get to TP the room at the end of this activity.
- Give an area of content where they can provide multiple examples (parts of speech, kinds of rocks, countries in Africa)
- Give a signal to begin and the group generates as many examples as they can, writing one on each piece of TP in their roll.
- When you signal to stop, the groups read their responses and then use their strips to TP the room.
Tie the Knot
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