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Radiology A&P
Radiology A&P
Health Care
Undergraduate 1

Additional Health Care Flashcards




"Cross table" lateral L-spine
Beam horizontal, enters at level of iliac crest.Pt Supine with arms over head. T11 through distal sacrum/coccyx, vertebral bodies, intervertebral foramina, and intervertebral joints.
AP L-Spine
pt supine, Knees flexed. On a 14X17 CR enters at iliac crest. T11 through distal sacrum is seen.
On a 11x14 CR enters 1.5"above iliac crest. T12 through S1 seen.
Posterior obliques L-spine
RPO & LPO. Body rotated 45°, knee flexed & arm across chest.
CR enters 1.5 above iliac crest & 2" medial to upside ASIS.
T12 to S1 seen. RPO shows right zygapophyseal joint open and LPO shows the left zygapophyseal joint open.
Lateral L-spine
Pt. laying on side, knees & hips flexed. Arms in front with elbows bent.On a 14x17 CR perpendicular to iliac crest. T11 to distal sacrum/ coccyx.
on 11x14 CR perpendicular enters 1.5" above iliac crest. T12 to S1, vertevral bodies, intervertebral foramina, intervertebral joints seen.
Lateral Spot L5/S1 (L-spine)
pt. lateral, knees and hip flexed, arms in front and elbows bent. CR perpendicular with waist support. 5°-10° caudal enters 1.5" inferior to iliac crest & 2" posterior to ASIS. L5 to S1 "open" intervertebral joints seen.
AP "bending" lateral flexion & extension L-spine
Patient erect with no shoes. CR perpendicular. Bottom of IR 1"-2" below iliac crest. 1/2 of T-spine & entire L-spine seen. demonstrates range of motion and to assess scoliosis.
T-spine AP
Pt. supine (may be done erect), flex knees and hips. CR perpendicular to T7, 3"-4" inferior to jugular notch (mid sternum). C7-L1 intervertebral joints, transverse process, costovertebral joints seen. scoliosis shown on erect position.
T-spine Lateral
Pt. lateral laying done, knees and hip flexed, arms in front with elbows bent. CR perpendicular to T7, 3"-4" inferior to jugular notch (mid sternum). T3-L1 vertebral bodies, intervertebral foramina & intervertebral joints.
Name the projections and explain the positions of the 1st digit (thumb) and where does the CR go.
Ap: Hand internally rotated & thumb extended.
PA oblique: Hand pronated, thumb 45°.
Lateral (mediolateral): Hand pronate, fingers and hand arched until thumb lateral.
CR: perpendicular to MP joint.
Distal phalanx 1st MC joint.
Name the projections and explain the positions of the 2nd digit (index) and where does the CR go.
Pa: Hand pronated, finger spread and fully extended.
PA oblique: Hand & finger rotated medially 45°, digits 3-5 & thumb flexed.
Lateral(mediolateral):Hand & finger rotated medially until lateral, digits 3-5 & thumb flexed. Cr perpendicular to PIP joint. Distal phalanx, MP joint and 1/3 of metacarpals are included in image.
Name the projections and explain the positions of Digits 3-5 and where does the CR go.
PA: and pronated, fingers spread & fully extended.
PA oblique: Hand & finges rotated laterally 45°.
Lateral (lateromedial): HAnd lateral. extend affected finger & flex unaffected fingers.
Cr goes perpendicular to PIP joint. Distal phalanx, MP joint and 1/3 of metacarpals are included in image.
Name the projections and explain the positions of the hand and where does the CR go.
PA: Hand pronated, fingers spread & fully extended.
PA oblique: Hand rotated laterally 45°, "ok" sign.
CR perpendicular to 3rd MP joint.
Lateral (lateromedial): Hand lateral, digits 2-5 extended & superimposed, thumb PA " karate" chop.
Fan lateral (lateromedial): Hand lateral, digits 2-5 spread into "fan" position, thumb oblique.
CR perpendicular to 2nd MP joint.
On image entire hand, wrist and 1" of distal forearm will be seen.
What is the OPTIONAL view on the 1st digit (thumb). Explain CR and anatomy demonstrated.
PA: Hand lateral, thumb extended.
CR perpendicular to MP joint. Distal phalanx with 1st MC joint.
Describe the lateral wrist positioning, CR and anatomy demonstrated.
Elbow 90° bent, hand & wrist lateral, digits 2-5 extended, thumb "up". CR perpendicular to midcarpals. Mid-shaft of metacarpals & distal 1/3 of forearm.
Describe the PA and PA oblique wrist positioning, CR and anatomy demonstrated.
PA: Hand pronated, fingers slightly flexed.
PA oblique: Hand & wrist rotated laterally 45°, fingertips touching IR.
CR perpendicular to midcarpals. Mid-shaft of metacarpals & distal 1/3 of forearm.
Describe the optional views, positioning, CR and anatomy demonstrated for the wrist.
PA scaphoid: hand pronated, fingers extended, ulnar deviation. CR 10°-15° proximally to scaphoid. Anatomy demonstrated: Elongated scaphoid free of superimposition.
Tangential Carpal Canal: forearm pronated, hand / wrist rotated 10°medially & hyperextended. CR 25°-30° to palm. Anatomy demonstrated carpal tunnel.
If the anatomy demonstrated entire radius & ulna, carpal bones & distal humerus. What Projection would that have been?
AP forearm or lateral forearm
Name the projections, Positioning, CR and Anatomy demonstrated for the Forearm?
AP: arm fully extended, hand supinated, epicondyles parallel to IR.
Lateral (lateromedial): Elbow 90°, hand & wrist lateral, shoulder on same plane as forearm.
CR perpendicular to mid forearm. Anatomy demonstrated: Entire radius & ulna, carpals bones & distal humerus.
Describe the positioning, CR and anatomy demonstrated for the Coyle trauma method (Axial Lateral)
Elbow bent 90°, hand pronated, shoulder on same plane as forearm. CR 45° toward shoulder to elbow joint. Anatomy demonstrated: radial head & neck free of superimposition.
Describe the positioning, CR and anatomy demonstrated for the regular views.
AP: Arm fully extended, han supinated, epicondyles parallel to IR.
Lateral oblique: Arm fully extended, hand supinated, entire arm rotated 45°laterally.
Medial oblique: Arm fully extended, hand pronated, entire arm rotated 45° medially.
Lateral (lateromedial): Elbow 90°, hand & wrist lateral, shoulder on same plane as forearm.
CR: perpendicular to mid elbow joint, 3/4 distal to epicondyles. Anatomy demonstrated: distal humerus, elbow joint & proximal forearm. 3 concentric arcs seen on lateral.
Name the projections and explain the positions of the humerus, where does the CR go and anatomy demonstrated.
AP:Arm fully extended, hand supinated, epicondyles parallel to IR.
Lateral: Arm rotated internally & elbow flexed 90°, hand on hip or across abdomen with palm up , epicondyles perpendicular to IR. CR perpendicular to mid humerus. Anatomy demonstrated entire humerus, shoulder & elbow joints.
On a AP scapula projection, Describe positioning, CR and Anatomy demonstrated.
Arm abducted 90° from body & hand supinated, elbow flexed 45°(salute) or 90°(sworn in for trial). CR is perpendicular 2" inferior (below) to coracoid process. Anatomy demonstrated: entire scapula, 1/2 of clavice & humeral head/ neck.
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