Shared Flashcard Set


Psyc 101
40 Studies that Changed Psychology
Undergraduate 1

Additional Psychology Flashcards




Reading #39: To Help or not to Help
Kitty Genovese case was inspiration. Do participants respond to an obvious emergency? On an intercom system with another 'student' who begins to have a seizure. When the participant believes they are the only one listening, they rapidly report the emergency. When they think there are more students who can hear, they report the emergency much slower. Two things may have been at work: social influence diffused responsibility and blame, evaluation apprehension, where one is concerned about being judged for doing something wrong.
Reading #38: The Power of Conformity
Line experiment with obvious answer, experimenter is asked which line matches, while sitting at a table with actors. 75% of people will say the obviously wrong answer at some point if only to conform to all the other answers given.
Reading #37: A Prison by any other Name
Stanford Prison Experiment, where students became either prison guards or prisoners, working/living within a fake prison. Six days into the fourteen day experiment it was cancelled because experimenters had morphed dangerously into their roles.
Reading #24: Thoughts out of Tune
Study to measure cognitive dissonance. Participants were given incredibly boring tasks, then placed in the control group, or asked to lie about how fun the activities were for $1 or $20. The students who lied for $1 showed the most exaggerated results, because they needed to compensate for lying for so little money. "We change our attitude to resolve feelings of discomfort"
Reading #40: Obey at Any Cost
Stanley Milgram's study on obedience. Participants thought they were shocking other participants under the direction of an experimenter and they did it any way. ick
Reading #25 Are You the Master of your Fate?
Rotter's Study on whether participants believed in an internal or external force driving the way things happen. This orientation was correlated with different behaviors. "are the consequences of your fate under your personal control or are they determined by forces outside of yourself?" Participants who believed they were responsible for their success were more motivated to achieve. Smokers tended to be significantly more external, and individuals who quit tended towards internal.
Reading #26 Masculine or Feminine... Or Both?
Bem- gave a quantified score of androgyny to encourage a different perception of gender. The scale took into account traditional feminine, masculine, and gender neutral items, then scored and ranked people anywhere from feminine, near feminine, androgynous, near masculine, masculine.
Reading #27 Racing Against Your Heart
Friedman and Roseman- fathers of the type A personality (drive, competitive, desire for recognition, advancement, rush, mentally and physically alert) Type B is the opposite. Used group of 83 middle aged men that were thought to exemplify A and B. Measured diet, alcohol consumption, blood samples. Type A were much more prone to cardiovascular illness, smoked more, etc. Fully developed type a could be noticed just based on physical properties.
Reading #28 The One, The Many
Differences between collectivist cultures and individualistic cultures. Compared these traits between People from the U.S., Japan, and Puerto Rico. Able to ranks individualistic to collectivist cultures along a continuum. It goes U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, then Japan.
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