Shared Flashcard Set


Psy 273
Midterm part 2
Undergraduate 3

Additional Psychology Flashcards




5. Pre-Labor Events

1) random movement of baby

baby moves down uteras head first

2) Muscle tissues of the uterus thin out, EFFACEMENT

3) 5-6 months before birth contractions start,give off signs of a false pregnancy

4) Oxytocin is released from pituitary gland inducing labor

starts contractions

delivers milk to breasts

5) Mucus plug is dislodged when cervix dialates

redish blood like discharge is expelled

5. Labor

Three stage process

Stage 1) Dialation and Effacement

Contractions cause dialation, or opening of cervix and effacement

Birth canal opens

Transition is when contractions are the strongest and cervix is comepletley open

Takes an average of 15-18 hours

Stage 2) Delivery of Baby

Mother pushes and baby comes out head first, crowning

Baby is still attached to umbilical chord, and its cut as soon as a quick assesment is taken

30 minutes to an hour

Modeling of head- head is made of thin plates that are easily squeezed during birth, reshape after

Remove fluid from face so baby can take its first breath

Stage 3) Birth of placenta

Minor pushing and contractions

10-30 minutes

5. Two kinds of meds a mother can take during labor

*Any drug the mother takes the baby takes

1) Local

-relieve pain in a localized area

-analgesic: pain killers, eliminate pain

-Sadlebranch: spinal tap

2) general- anesthesia

-numbs whole body

-large effect on baby

-directly enters circulatory system, CNS depressent

5. Complicated births

Breech- fetus is not in normal delivery position, or prosteriety

Danger because of umbilical cord and for mothers body

rotate w/ forcepts - high (dangerous, go into woman), low (can see head and where to move it)

Placenta Previa- placenta is at cervix before baby

it can rupture and cut of oxygen to baby

Hypoxia- diminshed flow of oxygen

developmental, cognitive, and language delays

Anoxia- complete cut of of oxygen

cell death 4-5 minutes




Apperance (color), Pulse (heart rate), Grimace (reflex irritability), Activity (muscle tone), Respiration (respiratory effort)

Done at 1 and 5 minutes after birth

measures health of newborn

Rate each of the five 0-2, total up points

7+ is good, 4-6, medical support, 3 or less is urgent care

Tells us health and trend of baby

Acute problems- sudden problems, easily fixed, know cause

chronic problems- problems prevelant through gestation, FLK (funny looking kid) 


5. Birth weight and development


born 2+ weeks early and less than 5.5 lbs.

usually has acute problems

lungs not developed fuly

problems regulating temp

Small for date

fetus/baby weighs less than is expected at point of gestation

at 8 weeks 5 lbs is good

large for date

larger weith than is expected

problems: diabetes, gestational diabetes

5. Reflexes

At birth born with 1800 reflexes to keep baby alive

sucking reflex- feeding

Rooting reflex- touch cheek and baby moves head in direction of touch

works with sucking reflex, lasts for 8 months

Grasping reflex- when something touches hand it will close

Babinski reflex- run blunt object across outside and then ball of foot, toes will jet up

PLANTAR REFLEX- found in adults and toes will go down, changes at 6-9 months

shows brain developments

Widthdrawal reflex- any painful stimulus will cause ENTIRE body to contract

Startle reflex- orient to sound, newborns will cry

Moro reflex- change in head postion of greater than 45*

eyes go wide

arems go the side

fingers spread

arms do a rhythmic hugging motion

5. Newborns

-temp greater than 75*, take a couple days but soon have a high body temp

-Nutrition is important for development

-sleep 18-20 hours for first year

-Can see but is blurry because lenses aren't fully developed

Slow accomidation- lens flexing and convergence- eyes moving together

-They can hear but takes longest to fully develop

-Can distinquish mothers sent from others


6. Human growth

Genetic growth for humans triggered by hormones from birth on

Hormone system: hypothalums---hormones---> pituitary gland (controls all glands in body)--- trigers growth in---> gonads (sex organs) and adrenal glands (growth hormone)

-growth spurt

-primary sexual characteristics

-secondary sexual characteristics

Throid gland releases thyroxine which controls metabolism

Androgen released by adrenal gland, responsible for sex drive and slows maturation

6. Brain Facts

Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny- repeating development and evolution of brain, primitive to modern brain
Old Brain- limbic system, feeling brain
New brain- Cortex, thinking brain
Brain has grey (brain cells) and white matter (connection between cells)
Neurogenesis- increased number of brain cells

occurs at birth- 3 years old, 4-7 years old and 12-14 years old

Appatossos occurs at the end of each cycle, kills off excess cells

Synaptogenesis- increased number of brain cell connections

6. Old Brain/Limbic System

Deep in brain


Septal Area

Phenylithylalanine (PEA)




Basal Ganglia

6. Hypothalamus

Responsible for the survival of self and the species

Respiration, cardiovascular system, metabolism, hormone secretion

Producing reproductive cells and sex drive


6. Septal Area

Stimulation causes a profound feeling of well being

Stimulated when apeteites (hunger, sex, etc.) satisfied

Seratonin- is produced and released a giving and good feeling

Brain feed back center when hypothalamus does its job

6. Phenylithylalanine (PEA)

Made by nucleus in brain system

Profound feeling of well being

Secreted when you have a close/inense bond, LOVE

Heartbreak is widthdrawal from PEA

Phenylanaline makes PEA

its found in diets

can force production of PEA acts like seratonin

found in milk products, chocolates

6. Cingulum

Funtions differently between males and females

In females

responsible for maternal, nurturing, caring, empathetic, theory of mind

stimulated during pregnancy

focuses on baby

THEORY OF MIND- ability to know what the other person, thinks, feels, wants, loves, and is afraid of

women better at this then men

can do it to the fourth degree- track emotions of others who don't know or aren't present

men can sometimes use it to first degree

In males

responsible for competitive, aggressive, mounting behaviors

survival of species mechanism

6. Amygdala

Defensive, agressive behavior

Autonomic nervous system

Human display to get people to leave or give in, RAGE

If rage doesn't work then use violence

Cortex controls rage

Male and females processes are different

females store and remember details

males see the big picture/gist

6. Hippocampus

serves two purposes

1. problem solving (trial and error)

2. long term memory

we forget what purpose is for

survival of self/species

memory is distorted by emotion

6. Basal Ganglia

Most important brain function for social interaction

Helps us provide and produce our underlying emotional state, how we really feel

Prosody- the musical aspect of speech

gives harmonic fluction to voice

Facial affect of lexican

convey emotions through face


6. Cortex System

fully matured 18-20 years old

Newer cells, so located on exterior

Think cells- language abilities, abstract reasoning

Rapid development at age 12

As cortex matures it becomes functional

Mylen plugs in neurons

girls get to this process faster less androgen

7. Critical Periods

depends on transcription function issues

CP- window of opportunity in brain development which is the optimum or best time to develop a trait/ability

change in brain structure, makes us more receptive to stimuli

has a begining and end time

specific enviorment events which cause cells to change and function to appear

same for all members of a species

unknown number


language- by age 4, can make sound of any language at birth but lose if not used

vision- by age 5, if occipital lobe not stimulated will never function

Emotional- Harlowe Monkey Studies: nature vs. nurture seperated monkeys could never form normal social relationships, Gunnar: Romanian orphanages, if adopted B4 8 months normal relationships, if after 12 no way jose!

Cognitive- neurogenesis, selective harvest, cell death more important than cell life

7. Grenough

enriched enviorments believed to increase brain growth

Most misunderstood study because rats had no stimulus compared to some that did, in stead of better and not so good stimulus

7. Talaris Institution in Washington

how learning effects brain structure

school and brain studies

teach and then test

cortisol: produced by stress, interferes w/ neurogenesis and synaptogenesis

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