Term 1

Name this Constellation?


Definition 1


Term 2

Name this Constellation?

Canis Major

Definition 2

Canis Major

Term 3

Name this Constellation?

Canis Minor

Definition 3

Canis Minor

Term 4

Name this Constellation?


Definition 4


Term 5

Name this Constellation?


Definition 5


Term 6

Name this Constellation?


Definition 6


Term 7

Name this Constellation?


Definition 7


Term 8

Name this Constellation?


Definition 8


Term 9

Name this Constellation?


Definition 9


Term 10

Name this Constellation?


Definition 10


Term 11

Name this Constellation?


Definition 11


Term 12

Name this Constellation?


Definition 12


Term 13

Name this Constellation?


Definition 13


Term 14

Name this Constellation?

Ursa Major

Definition 14

Ursa Major

Term 15

Name this Constellation?

Ursan Minor

Definition 15

Ursa Minor

Term 16

What is the main reason we have seasons on Earth?

Definition 16

The Earth has a tilted axis.

Term 17

Earth's northern axis is currently pointed at which star?

Definition 17

Polaris- The North Star

Term 18

Shadows on Earth change because of two causes.

What are those two causes?

Definition 18

Time of Day and time of Year.

Term 19

The length of daylight and the apparent path of the Sun for each season vary at ....

Definition 19

different latitudes.

Term 20

The apparent path of the Sun across the sky changes during the summer as you move closer to the North Pole by getting ________ in the sky.

Definition 20


Term 21

How might the apparent height of the Sun in the sky and the length of daylight affect temperature for a particular latitude?

Definition 21

The longer the daylight and the more directly overhead the sunlight, the warmer the temperatures are for that particular latitude.

Term 22

What do you think is responsible for the differences in the apparent path of the Sun and in the sunrise and sunset times at different latitudes throughout the year?

Definition 22

The Earth is tilted on its axis as it orbits the sun.

Term 23

How do sunrise and sunset times at Antarctic

compare to those in Alaska?

Definition 23

Sunrise and Sunset times in Antarctic and Alaska are opposite since they are in opposite hemispheres.

Term 24

Describe the pattern of sunrise and sunset times for the equator.  Why do you think this is so?

Definition 24

The pattern of sunrise and sunset times for the equator are about 12 hours each, because Earth never leans more than 23.5 degrees away from the Sun north or south of the equator. 

Term 25

Why are summer and winter 6 months apart?

Definition 25

Summer and winter are 6 months apart because this is half of Earth's orbit around the sun.

Term 26

List three reasons why winter is colder than summer.

Definition 26

1 - Days are short - nights are long - less time to heat up.

2 - The sun's rays are not as direct in the winter.

3 - Sunlight must pass through more atmosphere in the
     winter so less energy reaches the ground.