Shared Flashcard Set


Practitioner 2 Term 2 - Leah
Study Questions - Weeks 11-23
Religious Studies
Not Applicable

Additional Religious Studies Flashcards





From what does the belief that we do not have the power to heal arise?


The mistaken idea that our power or the intellect does the healing.

False belief we have the power to heal.

(LSOM 246.1)


What is the consciousness that heals?


Consciousness that heals is the recognition of and the faith in the Principle and the conviction that "IT" will always respond. And knowing IT can only respond according to our mental attitudes.

(LSOM 250.5)


On what does the possibility of spiritual mind healing rest?


Spiritual Mind healing rests entirely on the theory we are surrounded by a Universal Mind, which reacts to our thought and always according to Law.

(SOM 177.1)


What is the personal responsibility of the Practitioner in healing?


There is no personal responsiblity of the Practitioner in healing. The Practitioner directs the Power and lets it work.

(SOM 179.1) and (SOM 202.4)



What is the distinction between the process in healing and the process of healing?


There may be a process in healing, but not a process of healing. The process in healing is the mental work and the time it takes the practitioner to convince himself of the perfectness of his patient; and the length of time it takes the patient to realize this perfectness.

(SOM 212.4)


What does Ernest Holmes mean when he says "our word has the exact amount of power that we put into it?"


Our word has the exact amount of power that we put into it. This does not mean power through effort or strain but power through absolute conviction, or faith.

(Creative Mind and Success, p. 27.1)


How do we develop the capacity to consciously use the law?



(Creative Mind and Success, p. 31.1)


Why is it not necessary to struggle with condition?


We do not have to overcome any condition because conditions flow from within, and not from without in. Practitioners deal with causes. Jim: Because we use principles which create conditions.

(Creative Mind and Success 34.3)


According to Deepak Chopra, what is the ideal relationship between movement and stillness? How does Ernest Holmes express this same concept?


The combination of movement and stillness enables you to unleash your creativity in all directions - wherever the power of your attention takes you.

(The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, p. 21.3)

God can do for us only as we will allow Him to do through us. Intelligence gives us ideas and in our turn we work on them. We must comply with the Law of Activity. We must be willing to take the way of outer activity.

(Creative Mind and Success, p. 40.2,3)


Relationships provide a rich "Spiritual Practice Arena." Name three things we can practice through relationships.


Accepting, forgiving, living authentically, loving, trusting, ourselves and others.


Name five spiritual principles that can apply when doing spiritual counseling and treatment with clients with relationship challenges.

  • All of life is the out picturing of consciousness
  • We are totally responsible for our own experience of life
  • It is done unto us as we believe
  • Choice is our eternal birthright
  • We can only change our own consciousness
  • As we give love we attract love
  • A Law manifests the mental equivalent we hold in mind
  • Opposing thoughts cancel each other in the Law
  • God is my Source
  • All that God is I AM

Explain these two statements: All life is the out-picturing of consciousness. All life is relationship. Are they related?


Consciousness is cause in everyone's life. Life can only manifest from the thoughts one holds in his/her consciousness. All experiences are the result of the One seeking greater awareness therefore, we attract others into our life to experience more of the One. Consciousness is the motivating element. And yes, they are related.


Why can we not treat "the other person" when one partner reports conflict within a relationship?


We can never influence another person's consciousness unless they are open to accept the change. Everyone is responsible for their own experience of life, therefore, the one who needs treatment is the one who came with the problem.


What is the solution when we find ourselves confronted by the problem of not knowing what to do?


Prayer. "...then often times we must be quiet and listen; then of all times we must trust.

(Creative Mind and Success, p. 65.3)


What does Butterworth say will be the consequence of "earning our wings at work every day?


Spiritual well-being; a raise in consciousness.


What does Holmes mean when he says "Words and affirmations are not creative?"


Words and affirmations give shape to thought; they are not creative. Feeling is creative and the more feeling that is put into the word the greater power it will have over conditions.

(Creative Mind and Success, p. 69.3)


Holmes seems to present a dead end when he says,"We really affirm only that which we know to be true; we know that to be true which we have experienced within ourselves." What is the solution?


No matter what big thing happens, we should still be expecting more and more. No matter how large the picture that you hold in mind, make it larger. Never stop growing in mind. Life is always limitless, and the only thing that limits us is our inability to conceive mentally, and we should draw more and more from that limitless source.

(Creative Mind and Success, p. 74.1 see also p. 81.3)


Define Race Thought in our own words. Give twenty five examples of how you regularly (if not daily) encounter Race Thought in your life.


This is an individual answer.

Race thought is a collective of all society's thoughts and beliefs creating the worlds conditions.

(Examples: conversations with friends, co-workers, radio, newspapers, one's own thoughts, laws, rules, etc.)


What is the literal meaning of "affluence" according to Butterworth?


The literal meaning is "free flow" and not things at all. Things come too, but it is not just having things, but the consciousness that attracts the things.

(Spiritual Economics, Introduction p. 3.2)


What does Butterworth mean when he says, "The Universe owes you a living!"


Being a creative expresssion of the Universe, you are entitled to the support of God-substance in everything to which you give your mind or hands.


List ten thoughts or beliefs that you have that limit your experience of the Abundant Flow of the Universe in your life. For each, write a belief that would attune you to the Flow of Abundance.


This will be a personal response.

(Some examples: Life is tought; Life isn't fair; I never get back what I give, etc.)


Butterworth gives several definitions of faith. From these and other studies you have done, write your personal definition of faith.


This will be a personal response.


What is the relationship between gratitude and the experience of abundance in one's life.


Jim: It lets us make room for the good we desire. It also lets us go as far we can on this spiritual journey and receive all the Universe has to offer.


Where does Butterworth say we need to begin if we wish to reverse financial adversity.


By taking responsibility for our own lives. Spiritual Economics, 111.1,2


How, according to Butterworth, do we acquire the "rich mentality?"


By knowing God is our supply.

Spiritual Economics, 131.2


What is the "money enigma" to which Butterworth refers?


It is the confused dualism and erroneous thinking that money is the root of evil and yet, it pervades every aspect of our lives. It is the love of money and the consciousness in which you use money, that is the cause of much limitation.


Does God heal? If yes, how? If no, why?


Yes, in that God heals by Its presence being revealed, not by intentional acts.

No, God does not heal because God doesn't know anything other than perfect health.


Explain the positive side of pain.


Pain is a tool for healing because it gets our attention. Pain is the physical expression of a mental disturbance, false belief, or suppressed emotion. When we recognize it as such, it points our attention inward to seek what needs to be healed at the mental level.


What does Ernest Holmes mean when he writes:"In treating, go beyond the disease and supply a spiritual consciousness?"


We do not treat the disease; we do not give any energy to the disease; we see beyond the disease and treat for a greater expression of God, which does supply a spiritual consciousness.


What is the role of illness in the life of humanity?


Illness is not of God, but the experience can draw us closer to God. Illness is a signal that an inner belief needs to be changed. Illness slows us down so that we have more time to devote to spiritual advancement.


What is the Practitioners role in healing?


The Practitioners role is to reveal the Truth. To realize man as perfect, not needing to be healed of anything. The practitioner is not responsible for healing.


How do emotions affect our growth and evolution?


Positive emotions motivate us to reach great heights in our spiritual awareness and fulfillment in life.

Negative emotions point us to inner beliefs that can be changed to those that are more life enhancing. Either, when suppressed, can cause illness, which can be a gift that leads to growth, if we understand it as a message that our thinking is out of harmony with God, and we are willing to make the change.


Are positive and negative emotions good and bad?


No, all emotions are good and the negative ones can be used to move us in our spiritual awareness and growth.


Why is it that to change a pattern of anger, or other limiting emotions, we cannot accomplish it by simply treating to eliminate the pattern?


Anger is an effect. To change it we must treat to change the cause, or the belief underlying the emotion.


What spiritual principle would you use when counseling a client who is substance addicted?


God is your source and sufficient unto any need. All that you need is within you.


"The patient was healed, the patient died." Is this and incongruous statement?


No. Healing takes place first in consciousness, then is out-pictured in the body. The healing in consciousness can be the healing necessary for the patient to choose to make his/her life transition.


What does it mean to be non-resistant to life? What are the benefits?


Non-resistance comes out of the awareness of Oneness and Wholeness of all life. It is a state of being that accepts life as it unfolds, in a knowingness that all is good, that all has a reason for being, there are no errors, that discord brought about is an opportunity for learning.

The great benefit is that one is open to receive God's full measure of Divine Goodness.


What is the relationship between gratitude and the experience of abundance according to Edwine Gaines?


The grateful heart will always attract to itself in one way or another, through human hands, or through wonder-working ways, the great things needed to solve the particular situation. it is an outworking that you can stake your life on.


Is it the Practitioner’s job to take away the pain of grief?


No, I feel to even try to is to take away from and lessen the whole experience. Instead try to help the person understand their feelings and how they deal with them.


Explain what Alan Wolfelt meant by companioning. Why is it important?


Companioning is the art of bringing comfort to another by becoming familiar with her story (experiences and needs). To companion the grieving person, therefore, is to break bread literally or figuratively, as well as listen to the story of the other. It is a sharing in a deep and profound way.


What are some of the gifts of grief and mourning?


A better understanding and appreciation for the person.


What are some of the warning signs that someone may be at risk of suicide?


Talking about wanting to die or to kill themselves.

Looking for a way to kill themselves, such as searching online or buying a gun

Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.

Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain.

Talking about being a burden to others.

Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs.

Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly.

Sleeping too little or too much.

Withdrawing or isolating themselves.

Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.

Displaying extreme mood swings.


What might you talk about or ask to determine whether a client is thinking about killing himself or herself?


Are you thinking of ending your life?

Are you considering killing yourself?

Are you thinking about suicide? Jim: this is important - I don't want to loose you, help is available to get you through this.


What resources are available for use with a client at risk of suicide?


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, Safetalk & ASIST Training


Are there any ways that suicide survivor grief may be different from grief after other deaths? If so, what might they be?


Yes, They may have survivors guilt, or wonder why they were not able to help to did not see ‘the signs’. They may be angry at the person. Jim: Survivor may feel more blame, guilt, shame.


What Spiritual Principles relate to suicide issues?


Jim: There is no place where God is not. Eternality, immortality and continuity of individual soul - LIfe is forever seeking greater expression.


What is the practice required of a Practitioner in a Center in order to activate the Law of Attraction?


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