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POS 210
exam 3
Political Studies
Undergraduate 2

Additional Political Studies Flashcards




Josef Stalin
Revolutionary marxist, contributions to marxist-leninism: 1) country need a Vanguard party. 2) Socialism in Russia (one country). 3) dialectal materialism- traces all social economic, and political phenomena to physical matter and its motions.
Eduard Burnstein
Revisionist Marxist. Criticism towards Marx: moral- ethics/respect your neighbors and treat others how you would like to be treated. morality, how to justify a socialist society. Political- repealed Bistmarks anti-socialist law of 1890 that made it possible for representatices to go to them and propose legislation for graduated income tax and shorter work weeks. Economic- wealth, working conditions have risen due to trade unions in rising wages and improving work conditions.
Ludwig Woltman
Racial Darwinist/ Nazzi. Argued that what is missing from marxist theory was the most central concept of all- RACE. Believed in Malthus' Law and believed that the Aryan race needed to revolt against all others that were not racially pure.
Joseph de Maistre
Reactionary against French revolution. Counter-enlightenment thinker.
Sigmud Freud
man is an irrational being. the power of instinct drives and the "unconscious" in humans conduct. He was concerned with exploring how people acted than in leading people in to action.
Adolf Hitler
Fascist-racist. Aryan master race, extermination of the Jews, race struggle
Mao Zedong
Marxist-Leninist/Revolutionary. Lenins imperialism had great influence on Mao's thinking. he was draw to this idea because: 1) China had no stable proletariat. 2) Imperialist powers found china was a vast resources and a large foreign market for their own manufacturing goods. Mao's ammendments: 1) down play importance of urban proletariat. 2) Down play objective conditions. 3) recasting concepts of class struggle.
Mikhail Bakunin
Anarcho-Communism. The workers state would never wither away. Held that violent means may be required to eliminate the main sources of violence- the state. Suspects that marxism harbors authoritarian or even totalitarian tendencies and should therefore be rejected as political practice.

marxist Leninist. proposed Vanguard party because people were not critically self developed. Opposed revisionist Burnstein. Trade union consciousness. Communist party should be small, exclusive, highly organized, tightly disciplined, and conspirational. The party (soviets) role is to agitate, organize, and educate the workers, teaching them where their true interests lie. Vanguard Party- Democratic in two senses. Claimed to represent the true interest of the Demos/people, proletariat and peasants. The party was to be in itself, a microism of the democratic society to come. Free discussion until decisions were made from the top down.

Fredrich Engles
Marxist. Claimed Marxism to be scientific socialism. "science of dialects" showed that laws governing nature and society were one in the same. Materialism- ways in which human beings organize themselves in to order to survive and flourish by transforming raw materials into useful objects, artifacts, and commodities. Engels as Capitalist- Everything is reduceable to matter and its transformation. However extensive the changes, matter remains externally the same, its motions governed by timeless iron laws.
Benito Mussolini
Revolutionary Socialist--- Fascist. Capitalism would fall only after a violent proletariat uprising Broke from socialism after WWI. nationalism was a far stronger force in human life than loyalty to one's social class. Warring countries supported their nations and joined the war. Attacked Marx's views of class struggle because it opposed national unity.
Emma Goldman
Anarcho-Communist. Get rid of the state, replacing it with a system of voluntary cooperation in which every person assists others and is in turn assisted by them. Anarchism to him= the liberation of man from the phantoms that have held him captive. Phantoms= God, the state, and property.
Edward Bellamy
American Socialist. uses a fictional character who fell into a coma and awoke to a cooperative socialist society from its old competitive capitalist society, in order to spread his message.
Immanuel Kant
Marxist-Revisionist. belived that ones will is free of outside influences or causes. morally responsible choices start from the convictions that human beings belong to the "kingdom of ends". individuals are "ends in themselves" and it is wrong to treat anyone as if he/she were merely an instrument or means for the fulfillment of some other persons desires. Ethics, Morality, Humanism, Secularism, Universalism.
Roberto Michels
Fascist/Elitist. Classless society was impossible. there are a small number of people in society who should and will lead the rest. Iron Law of Oligarchy- examined democratic socialist parties and trade unions. These groups preached egalitarianism but were hipocritical in the sense that there would always be some type of leader and therefore classes.
Vilfredo Pareto
Fascist/Elitist. Speaks of Sentiments. argues against marx because there is no sense of pride in the group. It is not blind abstract process that moves life but rather the emotional bonds.
Arthur de Gobineau
Racial theorist/nazi/counter enlightenment. Race was the key to the rise and fall of great civilizations. Rome is an example he states due to the inevitable mixture of races that lead to interbreeding.
Gaetano mosca
Protofascist. Ruling Class, every society must have one. Ruling class has legitimate power. They legitimize themselves through "political formulae". Cannot rule with rationalism because there is no emotional bond, you must rule on emotion because people can attatch themselves to emotion.
Georges Sorel
French Protofascist. Reflections on violence: Myths. No political progress without myths. Example: Catholic church ruled through myths. teachings were wrong but people are not rational enough to see this, therefore becoming bamboozled enough to follow.
Alfred Rosenburg
Myth of the 20th century. Myth of the blood- even if you are blonde and blue eyed, if you support jews, communism, etc... then you are not aryan.
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