Shared Flashcard Set


Pop Culture
Exam 1
Undergraduate 4

Additional Communication Flashcards





Selling Democracy- Dickinson


Corporations used advertisements to create identification between themselves and Americans. Using this identification, urged Americans to see consumption as powerful means for enacting patriotism in a post-911 world. 


What the process of constitution rhetoric does?


o   Serves as a theoretical framework for critical analysis of the advertisements.

Following 9-11, Advertisements were used to make two rhetorical claims.

ú  To create an identification between them (corporations) and the nation.

ú  suggested that by being an active consumer, you were enacting your citizenship and patriotic duty. 


Process of the reconstituting a citizen consumer?


o   Drawing on pre-September 11 images of the citizen consumer, the advertisements immediately following the attacks work to reconstitute Americans as citizen-consumers

o   Advertisements began by creating identification between corporations and the nation.

§  In creating a connection, corporations come to look like citizens

ú  The advertisements began to connect consumption to patriotism and thus citizenship, by urging consumers to give generously to relief efforts.

ú  The notion of charitable contributions served as a rhetorical link to establish consumption as a crucial practice in support of the nation.

ú  This (above) fully re-creates the audience as a citizen consumer. 


 Companies are personified. 


§  They avoid selling any product or service, yet each asserts connections to the audience and the nation.

ú  Ex: the Corporation becomes as “American” as you.

§  The advertisements work to created an identification between themselves and America. = Health of the corporation was part of the health of the nation.

ú  This resulted in creating the audience (people) into citizen consumers.


What is a citizen consumer?


o   To consume in support of the nation.

o    Only way to enact your citizenship is through buying goods

o   A citizens patriotic duty was to return to the stores, the dealerships, and the airways. = to spend.

§  EX: “ get down to Disney World” as G.W. Bush advised in a speech following 9-11. 


The Corporation as Citizen


o   The corporations focused on the tragedy, not the selling.

o   Post 9-11 advertisements eliminated all direct selling and replaced it with creating a comforting identification among corporation, audience, and nation.

o   Interested in planting the idea that back to the business of consumption was back to the business of America. 


    Citizenship as Charitable Giving


o   A way to get individuals back to buying.

      By linking consumption to chartable giving and thus civic responsibility.

  Advertisers then begin to link consumption with citizenship through the intermediary of charitable giving



Constitutive Rhetoric

Rhetorical ability to create audiences. Becoming a subject (an audience member) is to take up a position in a conversation.  One must already be a part of the audience of a rhetorical situation in which persuasion could occur.  It creates and re-creates the audience itself. 
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