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Political Studies
Undergraduate 2

Additional Political Studies Flashcards




The scientific method:
Select one:

a. is by definition random in application.
b. allows researchers to independently and impartially test preexisting theories and prior findings, and subject them to open debate, modifications, or enhancements. Correct
c. cannot be applied to the study of politics.
d. All of the above.

The scientific method:

Select one:


a. is by definition random in application.

b. allows researchers to independently and impartially test preexisting theories and prior findings, and subject them to open debate, modifications, or enhancements. 

c. cannot be applied to the study of politics.


d. All of the above.

In inductive research:

Select one:
a. the goal of the researcher is to test concepts and patterns known from theory using new empirical data.
b. the goal of the researcher is to clarify normative values underlying political arguments.
c. the goal of the researcher is to infer theoretical concepts and patterns from observed data. 
d. the goal of the researcher is to remain as objective as possible.

In inductive research:


Select one:

a. the goal of the researcher is to test concepts and patterns known from theory using new empirical data.

b. the goal of the researcher is to clarify normative values underlying political arguments.

c. the goal of the researcher is to infer theoretical concepts and patterns from observed data. 

d. the goal of the researcher is to remain as objective as possible.


Those supportive of positivism argue that:

Select one:
a. theory is not important.
b. quantitative methods should rarely be used.
c. qualitative methods are superior to quantitative methods.
d. while theories may be created via reasoning, they are only authentic if they can be verified through observations.

Those supportive of positivism argue that:


Select one:

a. theory is not important.

b. quantitative methods should rarely be used.

c. qualitative methods are superior to quantitative methods.

d. while theories may be created via reasoning, they are only authentic if they can be verified through observations. 

According to Brahm’s “The Concept of Sovereignty”, since World War II, state sovereignty has increasingly been threatened by which of the following?

Select one:
a. Human rights
b. Economic globalization
c. Supranational institutions
d. All of the above
According to Brahm’s “The Concept of Sovereignty”, since World War II, state sovereignty has increasingly been threatened by which of the following?
Select one:
Communist explanations for why authoritarian regimes democratize make the case that:

Select one:
a. the development of capitalism leads to a middle class that favors democracy.
b. a move away from capitalism to socialism will undermine authoritarian regimes.
c. a nation’s political culture is the key variable in processes of democratization
d. None of the above
Communist explanations for why authoritarian regimes democratize make the case that:
Select one:
A monarchy is an authoritarian regime:
Select one:

a. in which a person of royal descent has inherited the position of head of state in accordance with accepted practice and/or the constitution.
b. where elections are held but political parties are outlawed.
c. where only one party is legal.
d. that holds parliamentary or presidential elections in which (at least some) candidates are able to participate who are independent of the ruling regime.
A monarchy is an authoritarian regime:
Select one:
According to “The Psychology of the Modern Nation-State,” the current state of regression includes which of the following?

Select one:

a. A psychology of mourning
b. A psychology of victimization
c. A psychology of irredentism (recover losses)
d. All of the above
According to “The Psychology of the Modern Nation-State,” the current state of regression includes which of the following?
Select one:
According to Weber, the modern state monopolizes the legitimate use of physical force by doing which of the following?

Select one:
a. Controlling administrative staff
b. Controlling material goods
c. Conditioning obedience
d. All of the above
According to Weber, the modern state monopolizes the legitimate use of physical force by doing which of the following?
Select one:
According to Brahm’s “The Concept of Sovereignty”, what is the definition of sovereignty?

Select one:
a. Supreme authority within a territory
b. Supreme power granted by God
c. Control over all material wealth
d. Control over all military power
According to Brahm’s “The Concept of Sovereignty”, what is the definition of sovereignty?
Select one:
According to Brahm’s “The Concept of Sovereignty,” which of the following is NOT an example of a transborder issue?

Select one:
a. Terrorism
b. A constitution Correct
c. Economic globalization
d. The environment
According to Brahm’s “The Concept of Sovereignty,” which of the following is NOT an example of a transborder issue?
Select one:
Why is the Treaty of Westphalia considered the origin of the modern nation state system?

Select one:
a. It ended religious wars in Europe.
b. It formalized the concept of sovereignty.
c. It outlawed monarchy.
d. In codified separation of powers in govenance.
Why is the Treaty of Westphalia considered the origin of the modern nation state system?
Select one:
A limited multiparty regime is an authoritarian regime:

Select one:
a. in which a person of royal descent has inherited the position of head of state in accordance with accepted practice and/or the constitution.
b. where elections are held but political parties are outlawed.
c. where only one party is legal.
d. that holds parliamentary or presidential elections in which (at least some) candidates are able to participate who are independent of the ruling regime.
A limited multiparty regime is an authoritarian regime:
Select one:
Fill in the blank. According to Weber, if a state does not use force, it will find itself in a condition of _________________.

Select one:
a. Peace
b. Anarchy
c. Chaos
d. Harmony
Fill in the blank. According to Weber, if a state does not use force, it will find itself in a condition of _________________.
Select one:
Modernization theory makes the following claim:
Select one:

a. Poor states are more democratic than rich states.
b. The emergence of a middle class has no impact on democratization.
c. Democratization can only occur in states with European roots..
d. None of the above
Modernization theory makes the following claim:
Select one:
According to Ressler’s “What Is Democracy?” which of the following is one sign that democracy is in crisis?

Select one:
a. In the home, women are taking over.
b. In school, children have control.
c. In the work place, capitalism is not questioned.
d. None of the above
According to Ressler’s “What Is Democracy?” which of the following is one sign that democracy is in crisis?
Select one:
According to Ressler’s “What Is Democracy?” why is the nation-state problematic?

Select one:
a. Because it is based on exclusion and homogeneity
b. Because it is based on the idea of heterogeneous and diverse populations
c. Because it is based on integration and inclusion
d. None of the above
According to Ressler’s “What Is Democracy?” why is the nation-state problematic?
Select one:
Which of the following is one of the six common explanations for democratization?

Select one:
a. The concept that political culture is irrelevant in processes of democratization.
b. The notion that state that are geographically near the equator are more democratic.
c. The notion that state that are geographically near the equator are less democratic.
d. That wealthier countries produce a middle class that is supportive of democracy.
Which of the following is one of the six common explanations for democratization?
Select one:
What is the current state of the Third Wave of Democratization?
Select one:

a. It is over and a period of regression has begun.

b. There are still more democracies emerging every year than there are democracies failing.
c. It has entered a period of stasis with just as many failing as being created.
d. None of the above
What is the current state of the Third Wave of Democratization?
Select one:
According to Ressler’s “What Is Democracy?” how is Western Europe becoming more and more like Russia?

Select one:
a. Western Europe is becoming increasingly authoritarian and decreasingly democratic.
b. Western Europe is becoming more and more of a welfare state.
c. Western Europe is settling in as a federation.
d. None of the above
According to Ressler’s “What Is Democracy?” how is Western Europe becoming more and more like Russia?
Select one:
Representative democracy:

Select one:
a. involves indirect participation through elected representatives.
b. is only found in rich industrialized states.
c. was most prevalent in Colonial times.
d. is not the prevalent form of democracy in the modern age.
Representative democracy:
Select one:
The following states have parliamentary systems:

Select one:
a. France and Germany
b. Mexico and the United States
c. China and Russia
d. Britain and Canada
The following states have parliamentary systems:
Select one:
In a parliamentary system of governance:
Select one:

a. political parties are less important than individual personalities in shaping political outcomes.
b. political parties are more important than individual personalities in shaping political outcomes.
c. political parties are irrelevant.
d. None of the above
In a parliamentary system of governance:
Select one:
A semi-presidential system of governance:
Select one:

a. combines aspects of parliamentary and presidential systems.
b. combines aspects of direct and indirect governance.
c. establishes the importances of the vice president and shadow prime minister to governance.
d. All of the above
A semi-presidential system of governance:
Select one:
According to Okoki’s “The Nature and Purpose of a National Constitution,” the political dimension of a constitution includes which of the following facts?

Select one:
a. It is called a “social contract.”
b. It is a framework for who gets what, when, and how.
c. It defines the relationship between the state and its citizens.
d. All of the above
According to Okoki’s “The Nature and Purpose of a National Constitution,” the political dimension of a constitution includes which of the following facts?
Select one:
Why are constitutions essential for orderly governance?

Select one:
a. They define the role and limits of various branches of government.
b. They establish what political parties are valid.
c. They establish what role the individual has in relationship to society.
d. All of the above
Why are constitutions essential for orderly governance?
Select one:
The following states have presidential systems:
Select one:

a. France and Germany
b. Mexico and the United States
c. China and Russia
d. Britain and Canada
The following states have presidential systems:
Select one:
According to Vedantam’s “Who Are the Better Managers?” which country has the largest number of political appointees?
Select one:

a. The United States
b. France
c. Germany
d. Japan
According to Vedantam’s “Who Are the Better Managers?” which country has the largest number of political appointees?
Select one:
According to The World Resource Institute’s “Privatization: Can the Private Sector Deliver Public Goods?” which of the following is NOT an argument in favor of privatization?

Select one:
a. Privatization eliminates enterprises that are operating at a loss and draining government coffers.
b. Privatization ignores social objectives.
c. Privatization leads to a loss of public control.
d. Privatization promises better services than the state can provide.
According to The World Resource Institute’s “Privatization: Can the Private Sector Deliver Public Goods?” which of the following is NOT an argument in favor of privatization?
Select one:
According to Fischer’s “From Confederation to Federation,” which of the following statements about the integration of European states is true?

Select one:
a. The integration of European states requires a federal constitution so that the European government will have more power.
b. The integration of European states does not require a federal constitution because that would threaten state sovereignty.
c. The integration of European states will eliminate all national identities.
d. The integration of European states will increase state sovereignty.
According to Fischer’s “From Confederation to Federation,” which of the following statements about the integration of European states is true?
Select one:
According to Vedantam’s article, who are the better managers?
Select one:

a. The political appointees
b. Campaign volunteers
c. The career bureaucrats
d. Those with better educations
According to Vedantam’s article, who are the better managers?
Select one:
According to Noam Chomsky’s “Manufacturing Consent,” who manufactures consent in the United States?

Select one:
a. The political class
b. Major corporations, conglomerates, and investment firms
c. The people
d. Our elected officials
According to Noam Chomsky’s “Manufacturing Consent,” who manufactures consent in the United States?
Select one:
According to the University of Leicester’s “Media History and Social Regulation,” which of the following statements best characterizes the modern era of media regulation?

Select one:
a. The modern era of media regulation is open to promoting political freedom and human rights.
b. The modern era of media regulation is repressive and punitive in the interest of state power.
c. The modern era of media regulation is limited only by the church in cases of heresy.
d. The modern era of media regulation is limited only by author’s guilds, which were self-regulating.
According to the University of Leicester’s “Media History and Social Regulation,” which of the following statements best characterizes the modern era of media regulation?
Select one:
According to Noam Chomsky’s “Manufacturing Consent,” why is the manufacturing of consent necessary in a democracy?

Select one:
a. Because common interests elude the general public
b. Because man follows faith, not reason
c. Because you do not have the use of force, so you have to control what people think
d. All of the above
According to Noam Chomsky’s “Manufacturing Consent,” why is the manufacturing of consent necessary in a democracy?
Select one:
According to the University of Leicester’s “Media History and Social Regulation,” what is the future of media regulation?

Select one:
a. Trending toward less regulation
b. Trending toward more regulation
c. Trending toward state control
d. None of the above
According to the University of Leicester’s “Media History and Social Regulation,” what is the future of media regulation?
Select one:
According to SparkNotes’ “Political Culture and Public Opinion,” why is a political culture important?

Select one:
a. It affects how people will behave in the political realm.
b. It helps leaders understand how to manipulate their citizens.
c. It reflects the level of success that government propaganda has earned.
d. It helps determine candidate strategies.
According to SparkNotes’ “Political Culture and Public Opinion,” why is a political culture important?
Select one:
According to Jensen’s “Political Participation, Alienation, and the Internet in Spain and the United States,” as the Internet has spread, what has occurred?

Select one:
a. The Internet has increased participation in electoral politics.
b. The Internet has had no effect on politics.
c. Electoral politics has continued to decline.
d. Electoral politics has increased as well.
According to Jensen’s “Political Participation, Alienation, and the Internet in Spain and the United States,” as the Internet has spread, what has occurred?
Select one:
In’s “Civil Society,” how does Robert Putnam differentiate between “bonding” social capital and “bridging” social capital?

Select one:
a. By explaining that bonding occurs with like individuals
b. By explaining that bridging occurs with unlike individuals
c. By explaining that bonding promotes prejudice
d. All of the above
In’s “Civil Society,” how does Robert Putnam differentiate between “bonding” social capital and “bridging” social capital?
Select one:
According to’s “Civil Society,” members of civil society include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Select one:
a. State organizations.
b. Voluntary participation.
c. Average citizens.
d. Nonprofit organizations.
According to’s “Civil Society,” members of civil society include all of the following, EXCEPT:
Select one:
ccording to Freedom House’s “Freedom of the Press 2010,” which of the followings statements about freedom of the press is true?

Select one:
a. Freedom of the press has declined for the first time in over two decades.
b. Freedom of the press has declined for the eighth year in a row.
c. Freedom of the press has increased for the first time in two decades.
d. Freedom of the press has increased for the eighth year in a row.
ccording to Freedom House’s “Freedom of the Press 2010,” which of the followings statements about freedom of the press is true?
Select one:
According to Foweraker’s “Grassroots Movements, Political Activism and Social Development in Latin America: A Comparison of Chile and Brazil,” whether grassroots movements are co-opted by the state or become financially-dependent on the state, how is the result the same?

Select one:
a. Grassroots movements disappear from the political landscape.
b. Grassroots movements lose their ability to affect social policy choices.
c. Grassroots movements are able to fully implement their social policy choices.
d. Grassroots movements’ social policy choices become institutionalized.
According to Foweraker’s “Grassroots Movements, Political Activism and Social Development in Latin America: A Comparison of Chile and Brazil,” whether grassroots movements are co-opted by the state or become financially-dependent on the state, how is the result the same?
Select one:
According to SparkNotes’ “Political Culture and Public Opinion,” what is a political culture?
Select one:

a. A set of beliefs, values, myths, and political notions that is shared by a group of people
b. The language, ethnicity, and religion shared by a group of people
c. The history of food, song, and dance practiced by a group of people
d. The history of theater and the arts created by a group of people
According to SparkNotes’ “Political Culture and Public Opinion,” what is a political culture?
Select one:
Christian Democratic ideology is associated with:

Select one:
a. the Conservative Party in England.
b. the Libertarian Party in the United States.
c. the Green Party in Germany.
d. None of the above
Christian Democratic ideology is associated with:
Select one:
Liberal political ideology is associated with:

Select one:
a. the Communist Party of Russia.
b. the Republican Party of the United States.
c. the Democratic Party of the United States.
d. None of the above
Liberal political ideology is associated with:
Select one:
Fill in the blank. In Rehmke’s “Parallel Societies,” Osterfeld is quoted as saying, “…in contrast to corruption in the West, which reduces competition, Third World corruption tends to increase ______________.”

Select one:
a. Crime
b. Repression
c. Market competition
d. Population
Fill in the blank. In Rehmke’s “Parallel Societies,” Osterfeld is quoted as saying, “…in contrast to corruption in the West, which reduces competition, Third World corruption tends to increase ______________.”
Select one:
n “Cutting the Corruption Tax,” Romer cites which location as an example of a corrupt country that has become a model of honesty and efficiency

Select one:
a. Hong Kong
b. Brazil
c. China
d. None of the above
n “Cutting the Corruption Tax,” Romer cites which location as an example of a corrupt country that has become a model of honesty and efficiency
Select one:
Environmental ideology differs from other mainstream ideology in that:

Select one:
a. it prioritizes issues concerning long term economic and human sustainability.
b. it is undemocratic.
c. it focuses only on global issues.
d. All of the above
Environmental ideology differs from other mainstream ideology in that:
Select one:
According to the YouTube video “The Iron Triangle – The Carlisle Group,” which of the following is NOT one of the players typically involved in the Iron Triangle?

Select one:
a. Congress
b. Executive branch
c. Supreme Court
d. interest groups
According to the YouTube video “The Iron Triangle – The Carlisle Group,” which of the following is NOT one of the players typically involved in the Iron Triangle?
Select one:
ill in the blank. In the YouTube video “Eisenhower’s Farewell Address,” Eisenhower warns of the danger of __________________.

Select one:
a. Multinational corporations
b. The military-industrial complex
c. Agri-business
d. Democracy
ill in the blank. In the YouTube video “Eisenhower’s Farewell Address,” Eisenhower warns of the danger of __________________.
Select one:
As demonstrated by the cases of Brazil and Peru, Latin America is characterized in part by:

Select one:
a. high poverty and low inequality.
b. moderate poverty and high inequality.
c. a growing move toward authoritarian regimes
d. All of the above
As demonstrated by the cases of Brazil and Peru, Latin America is characterized in part by:
Select one:
Political Islam is characterized in part by:

Select one:
a. an increasing move away from secular values.
b. an increasing move toward Western values.
c. an increasing focus on women’s rights.
d. an increasing acceptance of the rights of Israel to exist.
Political Islam is characterized in part by:
Select one:
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