Parlimentary vs. Presidential |
Presidential system : checks and balances, Vetos, president and congress check each other.
Parlimentary system: Executive and legislative fused, prime minister leader of majority party in parliment, can strategically call elections any time within 5 year terms. parlimentay legislative process, legislation more likely to be enacted, more coherent. Greater discipline, no confidence votes. |
First-past-the-post (link to relevant country) (Electoral System) |
An election won by the candidate(s) with the most votes. The winning candidate does not necessarily receive a majority of all votes cast.
Used by United Kingdom
Example of House of Commons Voting where top 2 parts only had 63% of vote but 86% of the seats. |
Single-member districts (like to relevant country) (Electoral Systems) |
United Kingdom, Russia, Japan, Nigeria
Electoral system in which candidates run for a single seat from a specific geographic district. |
Proportional representation (Link to relevant country)(Electoral Systems) |
Japan, Mexico (Mixed member majoritarian), Russia.
Multi-member (Link to relevant country)(electoral systems) |
More than one legislative seat is contested in each electoral district. Voters cast their ballots for a list of party candidates rather that for a single representative, and the percentage of votes a party receives in a district determines how many of that districts seats the party will win. Russia |
Hybrid system (districts) |
Voters are given two votes: one for candidate and the other for a party. Candidates in the SMD are elected on the basis of a plurality other seats are elected from MMDs and are allocated using PR. Mexico, Japan.