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Poli Sci 106
Comparative politics
Political Studies
Undergraduate 3

Additional Political Studies Flashcards




Aftermath of Mexico's 2006 presidential election
Lopez Obrador and PRD immediately claim that PAN victory was achieved through electoral fraud
PRD polling place representatives had not complained of frau on election day, however
PRD requests nation-wide recount
court only orders recount of 9% of votes
PRD argues that entire election should be annulled
To increase pressure on authorities, PRD launches civil disobedience campaign in Mexico city
hundred of thousands PRD supporter rally
Calderon assumes office on Dec 1, 2006
meanwhile, the PRD is acting as a responsible opposition and negotiating with president Calderon on legislation
PRI candidate places third
illustrates decline of PRI as strong national power
indicative of more competitive and pluralistic political system
Authoritarian regimes
-Leader or small group, exercises power w/in formally ill-defined, but predictable limits
-No power monopoly, it is dispered among a variety of groups with autonomy, limited political pluralism (some people vote)
-Ideology - none.
No mass mobilization or inclusion of masses in political or social process. There is a lot of variance here though. Example - spain under Franco.
Felipe Calderon
Current president of mexico. He won the 2006 election, was underdog for nomination, surprise winner of series of competitive primaries. In the presidential race he started out in 3rd place. PAN Party. Ran mad negative campaign ads against Lopez Obrador. Some ruled too bad
Causes/sources of globalization
-Process of transformation of the different relationships (internalization, liberalization, universalization, structure beyond the globalization, westernization) Caused by internationalization of economic activities, companies interact with eachc other. More and more technological improvements. political social and cultural there are diferent forces and aspects. This means more corporate giants, actors in free market are able to dominate eventually more power than even the states, companies and multinationals have more power. There is a reduction of state ability to control taxes and internal services and goods. On the political level different institutions develop - NAFTA, EU, WTO. At the sub-national level more people are ale to interact internationally.
Central committee
one of the highest leading bodies of Chinese government. it has 198 ful members and 158 alternate members. It directs party affairs when the national party congress is not in session. Elect the Pulitburo and standing committee.
Chamber of Deputies (Mexico)
Lower house of congress. 3 year terms. Mixed electoral system. No party may win more than 2/3 of seats. Nearly all public and fiscal policy. High levels of party discipline. For legislation to pass, both chambers have to agree on identical final text. Mixed similar to Germany, style modeled after US
Changes in China afte 1978
Important because of Deng Xiaoping - initiation of economic reform and departure from a command economy - In china, a gradual, experimental approach transition was used
Souther most state in Mexico - very rural and poor - however a large rebellion in 94 right before the election showed they wanted better lving condiditons which led to an increase in the opposition to the PRI government and utimately to the undermining of the PRI Party
Current societal problems and challenges in China
First off - successful economic transition. There is however, corruption (because of incomplete transistion the system itself is not transparent, there are many loopholes and room to be exploited by ators that want to gain. IT is deep rooted in practice and hard to eradicate. Economy is destroying the environment they are thinking develop economy and care later. Big gap between rich and poor - back side of rapid economic reform. Complaints about transition - social unrest - challenging stability of society.
Human rights issues - crack dwn on political dissidents and ya know shit like Tianamen massacre.
China between 1949 and 1957
PC closely allied with USSR. USSR gives china technology and trains workers in both russia and china. Private industry gets nationalized. Land reform and collectivization. Violent and coercive process. It was the beginning of maoism with compulsory participation and a political opposition silencing campaign called "though reform" it ruled the shit. Maoism views individuals as educable, but in the 50s millions of enemies of the people were killed
China between 1958 and 76
-Their model was socialism. IN 76 mao dies, and a power struggle ensues. Before that the fuckin great leap forward fucked shit up and lead to death of 27 million people. They wanted to invest in agriculture and industry - both failed miserably. Cultural revolution goes on around same time. Red guards, factionalization. State almost totally ceases to function. This erodes support for and power of the communist party. 1969 - Mao relies on army to put genie back in bottle.
China between 77 and present
central committee rejects Maoism. Deng Xiaoping is the predominat leader and he charts new course of direction for PRC. Leadership loses the whole class struggle bull shit. They want legitimacy through economic success. Market based apporach follows WEstern tech, capital and management practicies. Competition does not extend to political realm. Still unified, authoriatrian political system. Less repressive and daily life is depoliticized. Deng Z oversees reforms until he dies in 1997. All the changes he make still keep political system intact and commies run the shit. It is built on a core assumption that citizens must be led, because they cant do anything on their own.
China in the global economy
china is a major player in the economy and has double digit growth rates - also the biggest trader in the world - because it has grown so fast, there is tension with the US because they don't let the currency fluctuate and the scandals in chinese production. China joined WTO in 2007 and their economy isnt affected too bad by global crisis.
China between 1949 and 1957
PC closely allied with USSR. USSR gives china technology and trains workers in both russia and china. Private industry gets nationalized. Land reform and collectivization. Violent and coercive process. It was the beginning of maoism with compulsory participation and a political opposition silencing campaign called "though reform" it ruled the shit. Maoism views individuals as educable, but in the 50s millions of enemies of the people were killed
the extension of a nation's sovereignty over territory beyond its borders where indigenous populations are directly ruled, displaced or exterminated. Essentially a system of direct political, economical and cultural intervention by a powerful country on a weaker one.
Communist party of china
leadership of party is not isolated from mass public. legitmized through best interest of people. no organized opposition. high levels of party discipline.
Consequences of Mexico's economic development program
recent rise in economic markets in order to try and get out of economic failures; privatization of many different markets => consequences of inequaltities increasing even more. Living conditions have worsened and inequalities are increasing b/t rich and poor. Leads to total dependency on USA. (90% of trade with us. lol stupid fuckaz
Cultural revolution
launched by our buddy Mao. It was a struggle for power w/in Communist party of China. Its purpose was to continue revolutionary class struggle by mobilizing the thoughts and actions of China's youth, who ormed Red Guards groups around the country. In reality it was a method to regain control after Cultural Revolution due to loss of power. Mao relies on the Army (red guards. )
Deng Xiaoping
Promient politician and reformer for china - and is the late leader of the Communist Party of China and served as the de facto leader in PRC post mao. Introduced new brand of socialist thinking that helped regain communist party legitimacy by making the economy boom.
power monopoly, no mobilization, no ideoogy
limited pluralism, no mobilzation, no or limited ideology
power monopoly, mass mobilization and strong ideology. see hitler shitass.
Divided government
*NOT COHABITATION* President is from one party and the legislative majority is from a different party than president.
Economic growth in china
10% a year since 1980. Per capita income has shot up 3000% since 1980. Will become largest economy between 2030 and 2040 if this keeps up. Will be largest trading nation before 2020.
Electoral reforms in mexico
PRI enacted reforms in 1990 under major pressure. It aimed to end voter fraud. Created a federal elections agency independent of governement - IFE. (Federal Electoral institute). It was and is responsible for organizing election, giving parties access to the media, allocating public funds for campaigns and training people to run polling places and count votes. The 2000 election was great. Shit ton of observers. 16,000 trained "asistentes" resolved 97% of all electoral issues on the spot. Sophisticated system of immediatley publishing publicly computed results online as they come in. The public recieves identical information simultaneously with the election authorities. IFE ensures that the PRI cannot engage in election fraud and there becomes a lot moroe cnfidence in electoral system that used to suck
Electoral System mexico
Used to be mad fuckin corrupt you bitch
Executive-legislative relations (mexico)
-dynamic used to be totally dominated by the executive because PRI had majority in congress and congress was disciplined on party lines and the leadership was the president. this was fuckin corrupt. Key difference - today PAN not majority party in either chamber of Congress so you have divided government.
Mexican federalism
Offically federal, but high degrees of political centralization. Eacch level of gov't has less power than the level above it. The federal gov. controls around 90 percent of the public revenues. Its got all da fuckin money. Political centralism is often seen as one of the main factors for long term poltiical stability but political control by the center is far less complete than commonly assumed.
Foreign Direct investment. One company in a country investts in a company in different country, important in context of transitioning countries. In china the complementary process for rise of legal rational institutions allowed insurance for investments into china after transition so more people want to invest, lest fucking risk.
Vicent Fox
won 2000 presidential election, not from PRI for first time since 1939. HE was from the PAN.
Cabinet/Council of ministers
Cabinet in poland, appointed by pm. Responsible to parliament
Cabinet (russia)
Senior leaers in executive branch, headed up by Prime Minister. Forumaltes and oversees national policy. Like the cabinet in Western Paliamentary systems, but does not reflect the party make-up of the parliament. Composed of career administrators, not party politicians. Under PM Putin: more powerful than initially conceived
Civic Platform
Political party in POland. Leans center right. LIke the Christian Democratic, leader is Donald Tusk.
When the PM = effective head of government. The president checks PM's powers rather than dominate as it would when President's party leads legislature. It is more like parliamentary system with President as figure head during cohabitation. Polish Government.
Constitutional Court (russia)
Made up of 19 people nominated by president and confirmed by federation council. REviews constitutionality and actions of president, parliament and lower levels of government. Has defended rights of individual defendants in the criminal justice system. It also upheld soereignty of federal law over regions rights. Butttttt it avoids disagreeing with executive.
Constitutional Tribunal (Poland)
Constitutional court with judicial review. 14 judges elected by Sejm for one 9 year term. Tribunal of State: jurisdiction regarding potential violations of Constitution by top state officials. Civil rights ombudsperson determines if citizens rights and freedoms and infringed upon by state bodies.
Lower and more powerful house in Russia. 450 members. Legislation passed here. PR elections (7% threshold). 2 parties must be represented here. If one party wins . 93% of vote, 2nd place finisher gets some seats. Current parties are united russia (pro-putin) with 315 seats. COmmunist party (only serious anti-putin party) with 57 seats.
Duverger's Hypothesis
PR encourages multiparty sysstems
Duverger's law
Plurality and majority electoral formulas favor two party systems. 2 reasons. Mechanical - In plurality systems all but the two strongest parties are severely underrepresented. Left and right groups merge to get votes. And 2 Psychological - given the mechcanics factor, voters are concerned about "wasting" their vote on smal parties that have no chance of winning a plurality of votes.
Federation Council
Russian upper house of parliament. It can only pass, reject or call for a joint commission on legislation. Cant propose legislation and their decisions can be overridden by the duma with a 2/3 vote. All 89 regions get 2 representatives to FC. The governor and regional legislature appoint representatives. They can be recalled at any time.
Gini index
Mathematical formula that measures that amount of economic inequality in a scoiety. Social democratic countries tend to have lowest ratings. In countries where those at the bottom hold less wealth those at the top hold more. Greater inequalities mean higher Gini Rating.
mikhael gorbachev
1985: becomes leader of Soviet Union. Says "we cant go on living like this." His domestic politics lead into a new era in Russian history (glasnost = openness, perestroika = restructuring). Some brutality of previous regimes acknowledged. Criticism of corruption and stagnation in previous eras. New period of detente between East and WEst.
Grand Coalition
SPD and CDU are the two largest parties that have been alternating power for decades but found it necessary to coalition together after the inconvlusive results of the 2005 bundestag elections. If normal coalitions formed, then none of them would've received majority of seats needed for power. Angela Merkel leads it.
Human Development Index
A compositve number used by the UN to measure and compare levels of achievement in health knowledge and standard of living. HDI is based on the following indicators: life expectancy, adult literacy rate and school enrollment statistics, and gross domestic product per capita at purchasing power parity.
Lech Kaczynski
President of Poland 2005- present. party - Law and Justics, PiS
Laissez-faire economy
private actor controls their own factors of production, no role for state. Private actors make decision about production, and what goods are produced. Value of different resources and goods are based on the equilibrium of supply and demand. Distribution is based on the actions of all consumers and producers in the market without state intervention. State plays a minimal role to enforce a basic social contract that protects all from violence or law breakers.
Loans for shares
occured when Boris Yeltsin went to private banks, took out loans and in collateral for these loans set up large state owned firms. He couldnt pay back loans and ended up privatizing major industries. Putin tries to reverse it.
Dmitry Medvedev
Russia's president. He is pretty much Putin's prtoege, legal adviser and first prime minister. Took Putin's place then announced Putin as HIS prime minister so Putin could actually stay in control past his 2 consecutive 4 year terms.
Pacted Transition.
Peaceful, leaders from both parties (commies and solidarity) sat down at roundtable setting to decide how the transition to democracy will take place. 65% seats saved for commies, no negative campaigns, following election all seats up for grabs. Fear that unless we deal with this peacefully the Red Army will intervene.
program of economic, political and social restructuring. Priorities: diminish role of administrative decision. Less centnralization and limited private ownership. Rocked foundation of entrenched power bases in party economy and society (but did not replace them). New freedoms of assembly, speech, religion, right to strike. Became unintended catalyst for the fall of the USSR.
Presidency (poland)
President is head of state, and commander in chief. Delegates Prime Minister (but not cabinet). Can initiate legislation. Veto bills (3/5 parliament overrides) Can refer bills to constitutional tribunal. Can call referenda. Represnts poland in foreign policy. Directly elected. If a candidate recieves a majority of vote on 1st round, he wins. Inf no candidate receives 1st round majority, 2nd round runoff between top two finishers. Limited to two five year terms.
Presidency (Russia)
Mix of presidential and parliamentarianism. Russia has both president and prime minister - strong executive branch. Formally, separation of powers between three branches of governmnet. Directly elected for four year term. 2 term limit (but only a consecutive term limit). President names prime minister, who formally focuses more on law enforcement and secutiry while PM focuses more on economic and social policy. Presidents set overall policy in both foreign and domestic policy realms. Head of state. Commander in chief.
Presidential dominance
Same political party controls the executive and legislative so president can pick politically compatible PM. President dominates executive government. PM serves at president's pleasure. During periods of presidential dominace. Much like traditional presidential system.
lower and more powerful house of parliament in Poland. 460 people in it. Directly elected at least every 4 years. Enacts legislation: three readings and then legislation is sent to senate. Most legislation is drawn up by executive. Can override Senate votes or changes to legislation by a majority vote. Can override presidential veto bills by 3/5 majority. Can kick out cabinet with majority vote and impeach president with 2/3 majority. High visibility ouse of parliament.
Lower house of the german legislature. The chief lawmaking body. Direct election of members. Almost always vote along party lines. Around 612 members. Elected every four years. Main legislative boyd, but legislative "initiative' comes mostly from executive. Hence like House of Commons, Bundestag - policy influencing legislature, But more autonomous. Other key functions are the election of federal chancellor (head of government), scrutinizing executive action
Upper house of German lawmaking. Required to approve bills passed in the Bundestag. Responsible for the distribution of powers between national and state governments and grants to the states the rights to implement federal laws. Must approve all constitutional amendments. Permanent conference of Prime Minister of states. Votes of representatives from one state cast as a block following instructions of state governments.
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