Shared Flashcard Set


Phi Sigma Pi
Week 5 National History
Not Applicable

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What is Phi Sigma Phi's philanthropy


Teach for America
What is the organized purpose of Phi Sigma Pi's national philanthropy?
Organization dedicated to eliminating educational inequity in the public school system. Recruits college graduates to teach in undeserved schools across the US to provide greater educational opportunities
What is the Phi Sigma Pi foundation?
Charitable foundation created to help collect and distribute funds in support of the programs and goals of Phi Sigma Pi. Member are those who have made signigicant financial contributions to the fraternity
What is the Phi Sigma Pi Purpose Statement:


Phi Sigma Pi shall be an Honor Fraternity for students in four-year collegiate institutions and Phi Sigma Pi alumni, founded upon a basis of superior scholarshipwith the avowed purpose of advancing academic, professional, and social ideals.


            Phi Sigma Pi shall exist to meet the needs of close fellowship among students of like ideals who are interested in the same end. In carrying out the purpose of Phi Sigma Pi, the organizationshall strive to personify and encourage three ideals:


                        the acquisition and disseminationof information and knowledge through scholarship,


                        the application of professional skills and the fostering of leadership by promoting and advancing the welfare of humanity, and


                        the fostering of non-discriminatory, fraternal fellowship with Phi Sigma Pi’s ranks


            Phi Sigma Pi shall constantly endeavor to make these ideals dynamicin the lives of Phi Sigma Pi members



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