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Phase 2 Outstanding Learning and Teaching
What to consider when planning phase 2 lessons that engender outstanding learning and teaching
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Additional Education Flashcards







Phase 2 Outstanding

Numeracy, Literacy & ICT opportunities:


Phase 2 Outstanding Criteria:

“Uses literacy, numeracy and ICT including e-learning creatively and imaginatively both with pupils and in their wider professional role.”



Phase 2 Outstanding

NC Key Processes (from POS) to be covered:


Phase 2 Outstanding Criteria:  


"Has an excellent knowledge of the NC and National strategy, cross curricular expectations and other relevant initiatives.”


(Find and copy in from the ICT Programme of Study – do not worry if the plan is for KS4 or KS5)



Phase 2 Outstanding

NC Level(s) targeting (inc. AT/ APP statement(s) for level): GCSE grade/ standard(s) targeting:




Phase 2 Outstanding Criteria:


Has an excellent knowledge of the NC and National strategy, cross curricular expectations and other relevant initiatives.”


(Clear and appropriate levels targeting MUST be included here – suggest also you include the level statement(s) not just the numeric value – APP and/or AT perhaps?)



Phase 2 Outstanding

Resources needed, including the role of additional adults:


Phase 2 Outstanding Criteria:

“Excellent working relationships established with teaching and support staff.  Has demonstrated an active commitment to collaboration and cooperative learning. Ensures colleagues working with them are fully briefed on their role within the lesson, and are innovatively and appropriately involved in supporting learning.”

“Understands and effectively develops the contribution that support staff and other professionals make to teaching and learning.”

(You MUST manage the work of any TA in your classroom.)



Phase 2 Outstanding

Behavioural management strategies using (inc. attached seating plan):


Phase 2 Outstanding Criteria:   

“Has developed a comprehensive range of T&L and BFL strategies to establish a purposeful learning environment.” 

“Has formed positive partnerships which impact on the development, levels of attainment and well being of pupils”

(Incorporate seating plans, red/ amber/ green (or alternative) systems etc. into the lesson – and evidence you have a firm grasp of behaviour management and that pupils want to learn with you.)



Phase 2 Outstanding

Overall Lesson Objective(s) (must be clear and specific):


“Learning objectives are precise and integral to the lesson.”


(Make objectives and outcomes INTEGRAL to the lesson – refer to it/ them as the lesson progresses and of course come back to them during the PLENARY – make all this explicit with the pupils.)



Phase 2 Outstanding

Intended Learning Outcomes/Success Criteria:


All students MUST: (Knowledge and Comprehension)                        


Most students SHOULD: (Analysis and Application)


Some students COULD: (Synthesis and Evaluation)


(These must be LEARNING led – not TASK! Do think Blooms verbs as the starting point for putting these together - link to level/ grade outcomes where possible)



Phase 2 Outstanding

 Learning & Teaching Tasks & Activities

Teaching Points to Improve Learning


Phase 2 Outstanding Criteria:

"Has very high expectations and is imaginative and proactive in raising the achievement of all pupils to their full educational potential."

"Consistently models the positive values, attitudes and behaviour expected from pupils."

"Displays a breadth and depth of subject knowledge and related pedagogy."

"Adapts language to the level of the group, uses wide range of effective Q and A techniques and explanations and manages discussions confidently and plenaries very effectively."



Phase 2 Outstanding

 Learning & Teaching Tasks & Activities

Teaching Points to Improve Learning


Phase 2 Outstanding Criteria:

"Enables very effective learning to take place by planning and delivering consistently high quality individual lessons, series of lessons and out of class learning; sustaining learners' progress and demonstrating impressive subject knowledge and pedagogy. Sustained evidence of high quality teaching and learning evidenced in lesson observations. Offers innovative and well integrated opportunities for learners to develop their literacy, numeracy and ICT skills."



Phase 2 Outstanding

 Learning & Teaching Tasks & Activities

Teaching Points to Improve Learning


Phase 2 Outstanding Criteria:

"Draws appropriately from an extensive repetoire of teaching and learning strategies, including e-learning, to achieve very effective learning, as demonstrated by consistently high classroom practice."



Phase 2 Outstanding



Phase 2 Outstanding Criteria:

“Understands how to take account of needs of all learners and how to personalize learning and provide opportunities for all learners."

“Has an in depth knowledge of how pupils develop and understands that progress and well being of learners are affected by a range of developmental, social, linguistic, ethnic and cultural influences."

“Has developed an in depth understanding of the roles and responsibilities of colleagues with responsibility for learners with SEN, disability and other learning needs."

“Uses wide range of effective Q and A techniques”

(NB You differentiate whether you have SEN or not – any mixed ability class definitely needs differentiated work)



Phase 2 Outstanding

Assessment Criteria


Phase 2 Outstanding Criteria:

“Has an excellent knowledge of both formative and summative assessment.”

“Knows how to critically exploit baseline data to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching, monitor the progress of those they teach and raise levels of attainment.”

"Uses a wide range of assessment, the results of which are recorded consistently, to build a detailed and accurate picture of each pupil’s progress.  Gives timely, accurate and constructive feedback on learners’ attainment, progress and areas for development, using this information to set challenging and personalized learning objectives.”



Phase 2 Outstanding



Phase 2 Outstanding Criteria:

“Incorporates imaginative ideas into new lessons and schemes of work. Adopts a risk taking approach to their work.  Uses new ideas from reading on pedagogy and research.  Is able to innovate in a given context.”

"Uses literacy, numeracy and ICT including e-learning creatively and imaginatively both with pupils and in their wider professional role.”



Phase 2 Outstanding

Plenary & Reflection


Phase 2 Outstanding Criteria:

"Highly effective in involving pupils in reflecting on, evaluating and improving their own performance.”

“Manages discussions confidently and plenaries very effectively”



Phase 2 Outstanding

Homework Activities:


Homework extends learning.”



Phase 2 Outstanding

Initial thoughts for evaluation


Phase 2 Outstanding Criteria:

“Autonomously evaluates impact of T and L and is perceptive in modifying plans and practice, both during the lesson and after.”

“Is reflective in evaluating their own practice, seeks advice and feedback, is open to coaching and mentoring, effectively using this to improve performance.”

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