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pharm chapter 8
chapter 8
Undergraduate 1

Additional Pharmacology Flashcards




nurse is doing a holistic assessment on a client prior to the initiation of antihypertensive medication. What will the best assessment include? Select all that apply.
1.Blood pressure
3.Level of education
5.Belief in a higher power
The adolescent Hispanic male has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and is taking methylphenidate (Ritalin). Even though the drug helps with focus and grades, the adolescent will not go to the school office at noon for his medication
The adolescent is embarrassed about having to take medicine at school; it is a social stigma.
The client is from an Arab culture and is in labor and delivery. Her husband insists he must stay with her, and will not allow her to receive any analgesia during the experience. What is the best action by the nurse?
Allow this request, and be available in the event the request changes.
The client is diagnosed with cancer. The physician has recommended chemotherapy, which would likely save the client’s life. The client tells the nurse “This is punishment from God for sins I have committed; some women at my Church say so.” What will the best plan of the nurse include?
With the client’s permission, plan to contact the client’s minister to discuss the client’s perspective about cancer.
The African-American client has panic attacks, is suicidal, and is on an inpatient psychiatric unit. The psychiatrist orders sertraline (Zoloft) and clonazepam (Klonopin). The client refuses the drugs; he requests to have herbs and African objects in his room to “remove the curse.” What is the priority action by the nurse?
Allow the request as long as the herbs and objects do not pose a safety risk for the client or other clients.
The public health nurse notices that several clients in the hypertension clinic have poorly controlled hypertension, even though they have been prescribed appropriate antihypertensive drugs. Which question will best enable the nurse to assess these clients?
“Can you afford the high blood pressure medication?”
The nurse is providing group education about warfarin (Coumadin) to minority clients who have experienced strokes (brain attacks). The nurse determines that learning has occurred when the clients make which statement?
“We may need less medication than other ethnic groups.”
A client comes to the emergency department with chest pain; his blood pressure is 210/100 mm/Hg. The client’s wife says to the nurse “He has not been taking his blood pressure medication, and we can afford it.” What will the best plan of the nurse include?
1. Plan to teach the client the importance of taking his medication.
Plan to assess the client for sexual side effects such as erection difficulty.
9 The nurse is conducting a holistic assessment of a client with alcoholism. What are the important questions to ask? Select all that apply.
2.“What blood relatives of yours are addicted to alcohol?”
4.“Did you see your parents drinking alcohol when you were growing up?”
5.“How is drinking alcohol viewed by your culture?”
The client is an American Indian admitted to the hospital for chemotherapy. At any given time, five family members are in the client’s room, which is private. The nurse tells the client that according to hospital policy; only two visitors at a time are allowed. What does the best analysis by the nurse manager reveal about the nurse’s action?
The nurse should have assessed the client’s preferences about how many family members she wanted to be present.
The physician has prescribed a chemotherapeutic drug for the client with cancer. This drug commonly causes loss of hair. The client asks the nurse “Will all of my hair fall out?” What is the most therapeutic response by the nurse?
“Yes, that is one of the expected side effects of this medication.”
The client is admitted to the hospital following an abortion, and she is septic. The physician orders antibiotics that the client refuses stating, “I don’t deserve them.” The nurse providing care has anti-abortion beliefs. What is the best response by the nurse?
“You have a serious infection and really need the drug.”
The African-American client had a myocardial infarction and is receiving atorvastatin (Lipitor). The nurse caring for the client is Caucasian. The nurse assesses the client’s diet to be very high in fat. What is the best plan by the nurse to improve the client’s diet and reduce the risk for additional medications?
Plan to ask the physician for a consult by dietary services so a dietician can teach the client about low fat diets.
The client is receiving a beta-blocker medication. The nurse has done medication education and provided the client with printed information to take home. During the next appointment, the nurse notes that the client is not taking the medication properly. What is a therapeutic assessment question to ask this client?
“Are you able to read and comprehend the printed information?”
All of the clients have cancer and are receiving chemotherapy. Which client does the nurse evaluate as having the highest probability for a remission?
The client with a support group of cancer survivors.
The human integration pyramid care model consists of six categories, including:
2. Communication strategies and cultural differences.
Which of the following best describes spirituality?
4. The capacity to love
Which statement is accurate concerning an individual from a foreign land who enters a tribal area completely different from his own to share his language, beliefs, and customs?
He has acculturated himself to that culture.
Which of the following best indicates an ethnic characteristic that can affect pharmacotherapy?
Genetic differences
Which group of people would be most likely to use spices for maintaining the balance of hot and cold?
Which statement regarding human DNA sequences is accurate?
2. Even though human genetic differences are small, significant differences can be seen with drug metabolism.
Which statement is accurate regarding gender and pharmacology?
1. Women tend to seek medical care earlier than men do.
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